Witchcraft is the essence, of promoting your will over the will of others and even God. Getting one's own way, makes one feel high and confident as " the Georgia Pines". Witchcraft is a "work of the flesh", Gal 5 & is an enmity against God Rom 8. as expressed, in living after the flesh.
Rebellion , being the opposite of submission, is therefore any effort to have one's own way over the "Way" of Jesus. Therefore "Rebellion", is the expressed intent of the heart , to have one's own way. It manifests itself as impatience and self-justification.
Arrogance is having confidence, in the "self-life", or flesh. Arrogance is the fuel that feeds rebellion, of which needs to die, in us and not have that arrogance soothed through any new age self helps, vain traditions of men, or doctrines of demons.
When we see this stuff, working in our lives, we must stop and patiently wait on the Lord, with a submissive heart, both confessing our faults to one another and working out our own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God working , in us to get this sin out.
If we don't, then chastisement follows, Hebrews 12:6. , to all who are born of the Spirit, and are children of God.