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reggie patrick

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  1. Q4; 1. To provide him relief, from his demon inspired schizophrenia. 2. God was teaching David, by experience the diference between having the Holy Spirit, on and in your life vs. Saul's torment from an evil spirit. Fear hath torment and perfect love casts out fear. 1Jo. 18. This fine tuned David's heart toward God and His Anointed Word. The difference between fear and love is shocking! 3. The constant pull towards the enticement of working the thing out by ourselves. It is always the timeless opposite doctrinal poles; is it by works? Or is it by faith? Any tendency towards "works" impairs our learning. But as we rest, in "faith" we recieve from the Lord. 4.By resting in God! Heb. Ch 4.
  2. Q3; 1. It signified to, Samuel and to all believers, that God's prophetic word and calling will not be destroyed and made of none affect, by the disobedience, of Saul or anyone else, for that matter. This was comforting to Samuel as it is to us today. 1Thes. 5:24 Faithful is he that calleth you,who will also do it. 2. It signified he had the authority and power, to fullfill his calling for God and Israel and even unto us. 3. He was not going to be operating, in his own ability and strength, but by the power of God. 4. In every way, no man can say Jesus is Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.
  3. 1. It is vital to hear God's voice, in a matter, as "hearing" is the prerequisite, for everything from God. Even our salvation starts, with "faith comes by hearing by the Word of God." Rom10:17 2. Our natural way of discernment is, by "seeing", through the eye gate, which can become affected by smoke and mirrors. ie the flesh. 3. The Lord is teaching us to discern, by maturity, in His Word, by recieving "strong meat", But strong meat belongs to them that are of a full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. Heb.5:14 Like whats of the flesh and what is of the Spirit. 4. We learn to listen to the Spirit, by being filled with the Holy Ghost, having His Word engrafted into our hearts, and waiting on the Lord. Isa.40:31 renews our strength, Lam.3:25 & 26 It is good for a man that he should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord. Waiting is the prerequisite, for hearing the Spirit of God. Jesus promised us we would hear His voice.
  4. Witchcraft is the essence, of promoting your will over the will of others and even God. Getting one's own way, makes one feel high and confident as " the Georgia Pines". Witchcraft is a "work of the flesh", Gal 5 & is an enmity against God Rom 8. as expressed, in living after the flesh. Rebellion , being the opposite of submission, is therefore any effort to have one's own way over the "Way" of Jesus. Therefore "Rebellion", is the expressed intent of the heart , to have one's own way. It manifests itself as impatience and self-justification. Arrogance is having confidence, in the "self-life", or flesh. Arrogance is the fuel that feeds rebellion, of which needs to die, in us and not have that arrogance soothed through any new age self helps, vain traditions of men, or doctrines of demons. When we see this stuff, working in our lives, we must stop and patiently wait on the Lord, with a submissive heart, both confessing our faults to one another and working out our own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God working , in us to get this sin out. If we don't, then chastisement follows, Hebrews 12:6. , to all who are born of the Spirit, and are children of God.
  5. My name is Reggie Patrick, and i live in Biloxi, Ms. At 64 i,ve been a believer for decades, however i love the Word and but i find it is amazing that the more light you recieve there is both a rejoicing of the beauty of the Word of God, in its perfection and at the same time a sense of sadness in my own heart for having struggled, in life in the ugliness of my flesh. I do look forward to being made into a lively stone in His Holy Temple, regardless of any pain of the hewing. --agape--- reggie---
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