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Everything posted by masika

  1. Q1. (Matthew 6:9) What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? In to days world we Christians have taken the Name of the Lord just slightly. In our lives and words we really do not show that seriousness in keeping God
  2. Q4. (Matthew 6:8) If God knows what you need before you ask him, why should you ask him at all? What sense does prayer really make? Are we mainly to talk for our own edification and encouragement? Why or why not? It is because God, what to know if we are honest and sincere in our prayer. Prayer to God means that we trust and have faith to God to provide for our needs. When praying to God, It means a lot, God is our Father, and Creator, there are many things we can thanks God in our Prayer, just leave alone asking Him anything. We do not just pray to edify ourselves but also for God
  3. Q3. (Matthew 6:5-7) Why does Jesus tell us to pray in secret? Though public prayer in church gatherings is commanded in scripture (Acts 1:14; 2:42; 1 Timothy 2:1), in which circumstances might public prayer in a church service be contrary to the spirit of Jesus' instructions in these verses? How do flowery prayers hinder the development of disciples? It is because essence of prayer is not public style but private communication with God. There is a place for public prayer, but to pray only where others will notice us indicates that our real audience is not God. When we pray in public, let us focus on addressing God, not on how we are coming across to others. Flowery prayers hinder the development of disciples in that it shows that one is not honest and sincere in his/her prayer. We should make sure that we mean what we say in our prayers.
  4. Q2. (Matthew 5:42 and 6:1-4) How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? What will you do differently as a result? What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Is that a good enough reason? I should give in response to God
  5. Q1. (Matthew 6:1-18) How do the commands in this section relate to "performing for the audience of One"? What is the antidote for the chief sin that is addressed here? In what ways do churches and non-profit organizations use this sin to motivate people to give? God commands us to please Him in everything we do. God evaluates both our motives and the quality of what we offer Him. God Has made it very clear in His word, that He desires Obedience and Love more than religious ritual. God does not want our sacrifices of time, energy, and money alone, He wants our heart, our complete Love and devotion. The antidote chief sin addressed here, is hypocrites, people who do good acts for appearance only, not out of compassion or other good motives. Their actions may be good, but their motives are hollow. These empty acts are their only reward, but God will reward those are sincere in their heart. Churches and non-profit organization Praise and give big titles to such people in order to gain from them. We are to give out our heart and please God, but not men.
  6. Q6. (Matthew 5:48) In the context, what do you think verse 48 means for the Christian? Is perfection taught here? Does maturity express the idea best? How about the doctrine of "sinless perfection"? How does verse 48 relate to verse 45? The Christian life is a process of becoming more and more like Christ. This process will not be complete until we see Christ face to face, but knowing that it is our ultimate destiny should motive us to purify ourselves. We can be perfect if our behavior is appropriate for our maturity level- perfect, yet with much room to grow. Our tendency to sin must never deter us from striving to be more like Christ. Christ calls all of His disciples to excel, to rise above mediocrity, and to mature in every area, becoming like Him. Those who strive to become perfect will one day be perfect, even as Christ is perfect.
  7. Q5. (Matthew 5:39-44) If the principle that underlies verses 39-42 is found in verse 44 and 22:39, are there times we must defend ourselves physically against evil men in order to fulfill the principle? What might be some examples? How you treat others is exactly how they will treat you, even if the person who hate you, you treat him/her in a friendly way, he/she will end up loving you, When Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
  8. Q4. (Matthew 5:38-42) If we were to assume that Jesus is teaching on retaliation and revenge rather than pacifism in verses 38-42, how would you sum up his teaching in a single sentence? THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS OF LOVE, AND REVENGE IS UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR.
  9. Q3. (Matthew 5:39-42) What do Jesus' examples or tiny cameos in verses 39-42 have in common? Someone has said that if we were to carry out verses 39-42 literally, we would aid and abet evil. Do you agree? How should we take these examples: As case law? As hyperbole? As a series of aphorisms or adages? In another way? These words encourages us to pay back wrongs with a blessing, such us praying for the offenders. In God
  10. Q2. (Exodus 21:24; Leviticus 24:20; Deuteronomy 19:15-21) What was the purpose of the "Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth" regulation? Is this law designed to be administered by a court or judge, or by an individual? Is it designed to govern judicial action or personal action? The purpose of the
  11. Q1. (Matthew 5:33-37) What does it mean: Let your "yes" be yes and your "no" be no? If we obeyed this command, what would be the result in our speaking? In our credibility? Jesus was emphasizing the importance of telling the truth. A person with a reputation for exaggeration or lying often can
  12. Q6. The Church has always been supportive of those who are hurting or scarred. In Christ, we help people make the best of what is sometimes a difficult situation. What can you do to extend Christ's healing love to someone who is struggling in his or her marriage? What can you do to bring healing to someone who is or was divorced? As a Church we are to encourage the couple the importance of marriage and what The Bible say about marriage. God
  13. Q5. (Matthew 19:9) Does a person who has remarried after a divorce that wasn't caused by marital unfaithfulness, live in a perpetual state of adultery? Should that person divorce or separate in order to get back into God's will? How can he or she get back into God's will, or is that no longer possible? Our God is a Loving and caring Father, if we go to Him in repent with a sincere heart He will forgive. Here it depends with the situation, if the victim did that out of ignorance and asks God for forgives, he will be forgiven and once you are forgiven and walking in obedience in God
  14. Q4. (Matthew 19:10) Why do you think Jesus' disciples reacted so negatively to his teaching on marriage and divorce? Did they misunderstand it? It is because when Jesus told them about the truth on marriage and divorce as God intended, they saw it was not easy to marry and then just divorce like that. God intends marriage to be a lifetime commitment. When entering into marriage, people should never consider divorce an option for solving problems or a way out of a relationship that seems dead.
  15. Q3. (Matthew 19:7-8) According to Jesus, does the Mosaic law command divorce? Does it allow or regulate it? Why does it allow divorce at all? What was God's original intention ("from the beginning") for marriage and divorce, according to Jesus? No Mosaic law did not command divorce. Divorce law was given by Moses because of hard hearts of people. When you read Deuteronomy 24:1-4, the passage does not support divorce at all. When people divorced they were not allowed to remarry again, so in away it made people to think twice before divorce. God
  16. Q2. (Matthew 19:4-6 quoting Genesis 2:24) Do people need to be Christians to be joined as one flesh? Is this making into "one flesh" accomplished by a religious ceremony or by natural law? Of those who have entered into a first marriage, what percentage do you think have been "joined together" by God, according to Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:6? The bible states very clearly when a man and a woman meet in sex the two become one, so I this case even if you meet with a prostitute, you become one body with her. I have no idea of the percentage of those who have entered first marriage. With this sinful world the percentage can be very small.
  17. Q1. (Matthew 5:27-32; 19:1-12) With whom did Jesus side: Rabbi Hillel or Rabbi Shammai? What exception does Jesus give to his prohibition of divorce? How does this exception relate to Deuteronomy 24:1-4? Jesus did not side with any of the two groups. Jesus focused on marriage rather than divorce. He pointed out that God intended marriage to be permanent and gave four reasons for the importance of marriage
  18. Q5. (Matthew 5:27-30) The spirit of our age is very accepting and approving of ****. According to Jesus' words, how seriously are we to take ****? How does agape love help us combat ****? We are to take very seriously because it is sin. Although Sinful actions are more dangerous than sinful desires, and that is why desire should not acted out. Nevertheless, sinful desires are just as damaging to obedience. Left unchecked, wrong desires are just in wrong action and turn people away from God. Agape love help us combat **** in that -Love is patient, **** requires immediate satisfaction. -Love is kind, **** is harsh. -Love does not demand its own way, **** does. **** may feel like love at first, but when physically expressed, it results in self-disgust and hatred of the other person. If you can not wait, what you feel is not Love.
  19. - Q4. (Matthew 5:28) Sex is very closely tied to our core sense of person. This means that as we are healed in our view towards sex, it goes a long way toward making us whole inside. How would you counsel a brother who shared with you that he had trouble with ***********? How can you protect yourself against temptation over the Internet? At the beach or poolside? With your TV? I will tell him that temptation can happen to anyone, so he should not feel that he has been single out with that problem of ***********. I will keep telling him that other people have resisted this kind of problem and so he can. I will tell him to read 1 Corinthians 10:13, any temptation can be resisted because God will show us a away out, God will aid him in resisting temptation by helping him. How I can protect myself from temptation over the Internate, is by -recognizing those sides like *********** to avoid watching those sides. - I should also run from anything I know is wrong. - I should choose to do what is right. - I should pray for God
  20. Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with ***********? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity? *********** is wrong because it corrupt mind and it will lead into sin. Prostitution is wrong because it makes a mockery of God
  21. Q2. God purposely created us with a good and natural sexual desire. How do we distinguish between that God-given sexual desire and forbidden ****? God made man to have sex after marriage not outside marriage. Sex outside marriage always hurts someone. It hurts God because it shows that we prefer to satisfy our desires our own way instead of waiting to God
  22. Q1. (Matthew 5:27-30; Exodus 20:17) What is the point of similarity between adultery and ****? What is the difference? How does **** break the Tenth Commandment? The point of similarity between adultery and **** is that both are sin against God
  23. Q5. (Matthew 5:21-26) Verses 21-22 are about murder, anger, and insult. Verses 23-24 discuss some fault against one's brother. Verses 25-26 discuss settling a civil suit before going to court. What is the overarching theme of Jesus' teaching in our entire passage, verses 21-26? The entire passage is telling us to build good relationship with God and others. We should avoid anger and hatred. Our attitudes towards others reflects our relationship with God.
  24. Q4. (Matthew 5:25-26) What is the point of Jesus' parable of settling out of court? Who are we supposed to settle with, according to this parable? What does "settling" entail? What are the reasons that we should settle? The point here is that we are to get things right with our brothers and sisters before we have to stand before God
  25. Q3. (Matthew 5:23-24) What's wrong with worshipping while a brother has something against us (or us against a brother, Mark 11:25)? What is the appropriate action for us to take? How far should we go to bring about reconciliation with someone whom we have offended? Are there any situations that we shouldn't try to resolve? Or that we can't resolve? When we worship we must worship Him with pure heart, this can never be done when you are in wrong with someone else. Broken relationship can hinder our relationship with God. If we have a problem or grievance with a friend or brother, we should resolve the problem as soon as possible. We are hypocrites if we claim to love God while we hate others. Our attitudes toward others reflect our relationship with God. To pray while bearing a grudge, is like a tree sprouting leaves and bearing no fruits
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