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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by masika

  1. Q2. (Matthew 5:21-22) Why does Jesus treat calling someone a fool in the same classification as murder? Does this mean that murder is no worse than an angry insult in God's eyes? How would we act differently if we actually believed that angry attitudes towards others are viewed by God as murder? -Killing is terrible sin, but anger is great sin, too, because it also violates God
  2. Q1. (Matthew 5:17-20) Can you see any tendencies in the church today to effectively "abolish" the Old Testament from our Christian faith? What does a "Christian" legalism look like in a church? What does it look like in a church where there are no moral standards and no obedience expected of Christians? -We are not very far from what was happening in Jesus
  3. Q4. (Matthew 5:13-15) How do verses 13-16 relate to verses 10-12? How does hiding our light affect the glory of God? Why must glory and suffering go hand in hand? Was Jesus' suffering necessary? Is ours? What does this have to do with Romans 12:2? Verses 13-16 relate to verses 10-12, in that they all talk of weak commitment one may encounter in following Christ. We are to true followers of Christ, and we have to commit our live fully to God. We are to do anything possible to help others especially those who are doing wrong, we should not except that they will reform on their own. Left alone, they will go from bad to worse. If we the opportunity, we should correct them so as to bring them back to faith In Christ. Christ Jesus is our roll model in our Christian walk, we are to follow His steps and fight for the truth, especially to protect younger Christians Wise Christians decide that much worldly behavior is off-limits for them. Our refusal to conform to this world
  4. Q3. (Matthew 5:14-15) In the parable of "the light of the world," Jesus notes the stupidity of lights being hidden under bowls. Concerning what danger in the life of a Christian disciple does Jesus warn us in this parable? What Jesus is telling us in this parable is that, when the light of truth about Jesus illuminates us, we have the duty to share that truth to help others. Our witness for Christ should be public, not hidden. We should not keep the benefits for ourselves alone but pass them on to others. In order to be helpful, we need to be well placed. Seek opportunities to shine your light when unbelievers need help to see. If we live for Christ, we will glow like light, showing others what Christ is like.
  5. Q2. (Matthew 5:13) What might be the symptoms of a Christian who has lost his "saltiness"? Is it possible for a believer to detect such symptoms in himself or herself? What do secular people notice about a "de-saltified" Christian? What do other Christians notice about you? Is it possible to "resaltify" your life? The symptoms of a Christians who has lost his saltiness is obvious like the salt that has lost its flavor. He/she will blend into the world to avoid the cost of standing up for Christ. But Christ Jesus says if Christians lose their distinctive saltiness, they become worthless. Just as salt flavor food, we are to preserve the good in the world and bring new flavor to life. This requires careful planning, willing sacrifice, and unswerving commitment to Christ
  6. Q1. (Matthew 5:13) In what sense are Christians the "salt of the earth" using the preservation analogy? In what sense are Christians the "salt of the earth" using the seasoning analogy? Jesus used salt to illustrate three qualities that should be found in His people: 1. We should remember God
  7. Q6. (Matthew 5:10-12) Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted? What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain? Why is the blessing "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted? We should rejoice when we are persecuted because: 1. It takes our eyes off earthly rewards, 2. It strips away superficial belief, 3. It strengths the faith of those who endure, and 4. Our attitude through it serves as an example to those who follow. We can be comforted knowing that God
  8. Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God? Why can't "chronic" sinners see God? How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes? God wants us to be pure and clean up our behavior when we begin a new life with Him. If we want to see God, then we are to follow and obey what the Word Of God tells. Sinners can see God only if they leave their sinful life and turn to God in repentance. We obtain clean heart once we repent and turn to God in truth. .
  9. Q4. (Matthew 5:6) How can an intense desire for righteousness put you at odds with the world? What sort of righteousness is Jesus talking about, do you think? What promise are we given in this Beatitude? The world nowadays is full of injustice, every you go people do what is opposite to the truth word of God. Justice is part of God
  10. Q3. (Matthew 5:5) How does this sort of gentleness contrast with the world's ideal? How is humility important to Christlikeness? Being lowly hardly seems the proper demeanor to deal with world
  11. Q2. (Matthew 5:3-4) Why is it necessary to be aware of your spiritual poverty before you can become a Christian? What kind of mourning is necessary for a person to become a Christian? What kind of mourning is a common experience of Christians? (See Isaiah 61:2-3; Ezekiel 9:4.) It is because the person who feels that he is sick, is the one who will look for the doctor, and only when one realize that he is poor is when he will realize the need of God. The kind of mourning is been sorry for the sin and turning to God in repentance.
  12. Q1. (Matthew 5:3-11) Each Beatitude consists of two parts. What are these parts? Why do you think Jesus made each Beatitude a paradox? What is the relationship of the Beatitudes to the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)? Each Beatitude consists of two parts, Heavenly Kingdom values and worldly values. They describe what it means to be a follower of Christ and showing what Christ
  13. Q4. Read Matthew 8:5-13; 21:33-44; 22:2-13; 24:14; and 28:19. What do they have in common? What relation does the visit of the wise men have to Matthew's theme of bringing the Gospel to the Gentiles? How should we be applying this mandate in our own lives? These verses all have one common message, Jesus message of Good News is for everyone. Each individual has to choose to accept or reject the Good News, and no one become part of God
  14. IQ3. (Matthew 2:11b) Why was it appropriate for the Magi bring gifts to the Christ-child? How does the extravagance of their gifts reflect their heart attitude? What kinds of gifts are appropriate for us to bring? The wise men gave expensive gifts as worthy acknowledgement for the future King. The gift symbols of Christ
  15. Q2. (Matthew 2:11a) What do we learn from seeing the Magi prostrating themselves before the child Jesus? What was the significance of this for them? How can we emulate this kind of worship? The lesson I can learn from the wise men prostrating themselves before the child Jesus, is that, they brought gifts and worshiped Jesus for who He was. This is the essence of true worship- honoring Christ for who He is and being willing to give Him what is valuable to you . Worship God because He is the perfect, just, and almighty Creator of the universe, worthy of the best you have to give.
  16. Q1. (Matthew 2:1-2; Numbers 24:17) What is the significance of the Star of Bethlehem that the Magi saw? Why do you think the Magi came to find the Christ-child when they saw the star? In what way was does prophecy prefigure this event? In the book of Numbers 24:17,the star that will rise from Jacob is often thought to refer to the coming Messiah. It is this Prophecy that convinced the astrologers to travel to Israel to search for the baby Jesus. God can use anything or anyone to accomplish His plans. God is the creator of everything, He created that special star to signal the arrival of His Son. Whatever the nature of the star, these wise men traveled thousands of miles searching for the King, and they found Him.
  17. Q5. (Luke 2:17-20) Great joy, praise, curiosity, amazement, telling others, thoughtful meditation. Which of these responses to the Good News are present in your life? In what manner do they show themselves? If some are missing, why? What can you do to recover these responses? Since I was born again Christian I have never stopped telling others about the greatness of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and what He Has done to me in my walk with Him. It has never been easy but I always try as much as possible to tell them about His goodness.
  18. Q4. (Luke 2:11) What are the three titles of Jesus given by the angels? What does each mean? What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity? The titles that the angels gave are, Savior, Lord, and Messiah. Jesus is savior meaning that He is the one that saves or savior of the world. Jesus died on the cross to redeem all people, He opened the way to everlasting salvation by His obedience and death. Jesus is Lord because He is possessing supreme power and authority over everything in this world. Jesus is Messiah because He was to deliver His people from the bondage of sin. Jesus came as truly human and God, so He had power to do anything to His people.
  19. Q3. (Luke 2:7-8) Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed? This has to be intentional. What point is God making? I believe these were shepherds who supplied lambs for the Temple sacrifices that were performed for the forgiveness of sin. Here the angels invited these shepherds to greet the Lamb of God, who would take away the sins of the world forever. Jesus was born in a stable with a manger for a bed, because the surrounding was dark and dirty, signifying that we should not limit God by our expectation. He is at work wherever He is needed in our darkened and dirty world.
  20. Q2. Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary? Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not? Any examples from your life? Extra Credit: Argue for or against this proposition: "Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow." This is because someone who is late in her pregnant is not easy thing to walk that distance. If it where today, one could say it can be better, but not during that time, when means of transport was mostly animal and rough roads. Pleasure can be an indication that we are in God
  21. Q1. (Luke 2:1-2) Why does Luke name the rulers in 2:1-2? What point is he making? It is because by then Romans were the ones ruling the Jews, and the Romans rulers, considered to be like gods, stood in contrast to the tiny baby in a manger who was truly God in the flesh. This was have been interested to the Romans who were familiar with political situation.
  22. When I thing of giving thanks to my God because of His Faithfulness, it is great to me. God alone is worthy of being worshiped. I do not know what others attitudes are toward worship? Do they willingly and joyfully come into presence, or just are going the motions, reluctantly going to Church? To me Psalm 100 tells me to remember God
  23. Q5. (1:24-25) What does Joseph accepting Mary as his wife say about his character? What is the significance for prophetic fulfillment of Jesus as a Son of David that Joseph "named" the child "Jesus"? Joseph is a person who was sensitive to God
  24. Q4. (Matthew 1:23) How did the prophetic concept of the virgin conception and the name "Immanuel" find their fullness in the birth of Jesus to Mary? It revealed an important truth about Jesus, that He is both God and human. Jesus was God in the flesh, God was literally among us,
  25. Q3. (Matthew 1:21) What is the significance of the name Jesus? Why do you think the angel gave the name to both Mary (Luke 1:31) and Joseph independently? Jesus a Greek form of the Hebrew name Joshua, was a common meaning
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