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Everything posted by masika

  1. Q2. (Matthew 1:19) What were Mary's options being pregnant and carrying a baby not her husband's? What kind of character did Joseph exhibit by deciding to divorce Mary quietly and leniently? As a young unmarried girl who become pregnant risked disaster. Unless the father of the child agreed to marry her, she would have probably remain unmarried for life. If her own father rejected her, she could be forced into prostitution in order to earn her living. And Mary, with her story about becoming pregnant by the Holy Spirit, risked being considered crazy as well. Joseph was a man of integrity, God gave him the third option when he was planning to divorce Mary quietly. God often shows us that there are more options available than we think. Although Joseph seemed to be doing the right thing by breaking the engagement, only God
  2. Q1. What would Jesus have learned as the son of a carpenter? What experiences would this have exposed him to? Jesus could have learnt more from Joseph, His legal and earthly father. Joseph was a man of integrity. He trained his Son Jesus in the trade of carpentry, and am sure Joseph also made sure that Jesus had good spiritual training in Nazareth. This is because he took the whole family on the yearly trip to Jerusalem for the Passover, which Jesus continued to observe during His adult years.
  3. Q5. (Luke 1:42-43) In what sense are the titles "Blessed Virgin Mary" and "Mother of God" appropriate for Mary? Why are we sometimes hesitant to exalt her as "blessed among women"? It is because Elizabeth in her old age was pregnant, and as soon as Mary greeted her the child in her womb jumped with joy. It showed that Mary was more blessed than Elizabeth. We hesitate to exalt her as
  4. Q4. (Luke 1:38) What is the essence of Mary's positive response to the angel? What can we learn from her response for our own lives? In what sense was Mary's response an "informed consent"? When we respond to God, what do we consent to? Mary knew that God was asking her to serve Him, and she willingly obeyed. What we can learn from Mary is that: Don
  5. Q4. (Psalm 34:18-22) What encouragement does David give to the brokenhearted? What does it mean that God "redeems" you? How can we avoid condemnation according to Psalm 34:22? God is close to those who are brokenhearted,, He is our source of power, courage, and wisdom, helping us through our problems. Sometimes He chooses to deliver us from the problems. So when trouble strikes, don
  6. Q3. (Psalm 34:1-3) Why should we praise God continually? What are barriers to continual praise? What does continual praise do to our spirit? How are you training yourself to praise continually? We are to Praise Him always because of His great Love upon us. Even in trouble He will give us strength to see us through in that difficult time.
  7. Q3. (Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature? How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message? Jesus was born without the sin that entered the world through Adam. He was born Holy. Jesus Christ, God
  8. Q2. (Psalm 118) What does "the stone the builders rejected" (verses 22-23) have to do with the Messiah? What do verses 25-27 have to do with the Messiah? The cornerstone unites two walls at the corner of a building and holds the building together. The Jews rejected Jesus Christ, but now Christ Had become the cornerstone of the Church. Without Him there would be no Church because it wouldn
  9. Q2. (Luke 1:34) In what way does Mary's "How?" question (1:34) to the angel's declaration differ from Zechariah's "How?" question (1:18)? Why was Mary rewarded and Zechariah disciplined? Mary was rewarded because of her obedience to God
  10. Q1. (Luke 1:31-34) What did the angel's announcement say about who Mary's Child was and who he was to become? The angel told Mary that she was favored among women, and she will have a child by the Power of Holy Spirit. She was to name Him Jesus. He was going to be great and called Son of the Most High. God will give Hi m throne of hid ancestor David. His Kingdom will not end.
  11. Q1. (Psalm 100) What is the predominant emotion in Psalm 100? How does this psalm make you feel emotionally about God? What are the reasons for praise given in verses 3 and 5? What are the commands in this psalm? This Psalm is a thanks giving and also an invitation to enter into God
  12. Q4. (Psalm 51:17) How does one achieve a "broken and contrite heart"? What are the earmarks of this condition? How does this differ from "being sorry" for a sin? How does humility relate to this condition? God wants a broken spirit and a broken and true repentant heart. You can never please God by outward actions- n matter how good- if your heart is not right. We are to turn away from sin, turn from the world, turn from yourself, turn from the devil, turn to God and turn to right-living if we are to please God.
  13. Q3. (Psalm 51:10-12) How is it possible to have a "pure heart" after great sin? What does a "pure heart" consist of? What is the relationship between a "pure heart" (Psalm 51:10) and a "united" or "undivided heart" (Psalm 86:11)? Who purifies the heart? What is the process? If you truly repent of your sin by having a broken spirit and a broken, God surely forgive and restore that joy of fellowship with Him. A pure heart is the one that seeks to please God rather than one own desire, i.e. those who do not worship idols and never tell lies. The relationship between the two is that, they are both God centered. It is only God who gives pure heart. The process starts the moment who accept Him as your personal savior.
  14. Q2. (Psalm 51:3-6) When David says, "Against you only I have sinned" (4a) is he minimizing his sin against Bathsheba and Uriah? What does he mean by this? When he mentions his sinfulness from before birth is he excusing himself or blaming Original Sin? What does he mean by this? David was feeling sorry to God because of his sin. He knew that even if he could ask forgiveness from Bathsheba and Uriah without forgiveness from God, it was useless. So true repentance is being sorry not just toward one
  15. Q1. (Psalm 32:2-5) How does self-deceit operate with sin to enslave us? How does confession enable us to get free from sin? Why do we sometimes resist the truth about ourselves? What does it take to get us to see truth sometimes? If we are not truthful about our sins we make God a liar. In admitting our sins and receiving Christ
  16. When I read these Psalms that talk of the Messiah, Am very grateful because the Messiah died for my sin. God did not spare His own Son, Jesus, from dying on the Cross. If Jesus had lived, the rest of humankind would have died. God sent His only Son to die so that we could be spared from eternal death we deserved and instead receive eternal life.
  17. Q4. (Psalm 22) What similarities do you see between the words of Psalm 22 and the events of Jesus' crucifixion? Do you think Jesus understood Psalm 22 as referring to himself? Why do you think the Spirit inspired David to pen these words? The entire Psalm talk of the suffering of the coming Messiah, It is similar to all that happened to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus understood Psalm 22, It was foretold that the Messiah will come and will face many suffering. It was the Holy Spirit that inspired David to pen these words.
  18. Q3. (Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1? What was he seeking to express? What was he feeling? How did God answer his plea? Because David went through some great trials and endured, but through his suffering, he, like the Messiah to come gained victory. Jesus carried the burden of sins on the cross and by quoting Psalm 22:1, He was showing a deep expression of the anguish He felt when He took on the sins of the world, which caused Him to be separated from His Father. This was what Jesus dreaded as He prayed to in the garden of to take cup from Him. The physical agony was horrible, but even worse was the period of spiritual separation from God. Jesus suffered, this double death so that we would never have to experience eternal separation from God.
  19. Q2. (Psalm 110) Why do you think that Jesus asked the Pharisees about verse 1, "If then David calls him 'Lord,' how can he be his son?" What point was Jesus making? How does Jesus combine the roles of Warrior-King and Priest in his ministry to us and to this world? How do you reconcile the violence suggested in verses 5-6 with Jesus as "Prince of Peace"? This was showing that the Messiah was going to be greater than David. The Pharisees knew that the Messiah would be a descendant of David, but they did not understand that he would be God Himself. The Pharisees expected only a human ruler to restore Israel
  20. Q1. (Psalm 2) What does Psalm 2 teach us about Yahweh's "anointed" king? Why do you think the apostles saw this passage as referring to Jesus the Messiah? What does the passage teach about the importance of submission to Jesus the Christ before it is too late? This Psalm teaches about Yahweh
  21. Q1. (Psalm 2) What does Psalm 2 teach us about Yahweh's "anointed" king? Why do you think the apostles saw this passage as referring to Jesus the Messiah? What does the passage teach about the importance of submission to Jesus the Christ before it is too late? This Psalm teaches about Yahweh
  22. Psalm 117. Not only is this Psalm short but it gives me great assurance that Salvation is for all people, not just for Jews. God
  23. Q3. (Psalm 117 and Lamentations 3:22-23). Why are love and trustworthiness so important as the bedrock of the Old Testament faith? What kinds of terms does the New Testament use to talk about these characteristics? Can you think of any New Testament verses that speak of these themes? Love and trustworthiness were so important as the bedrork of the Old Testament because God Loved His people with unfailing Love and His faithfulness endured forever. The people were not always faithful to God, there are a number of times that they sin, but because God had promised future restoration and blessing, He forgave the people
  24. Q2. (Psalm 145) Which aspects of God's character mentioned in Psalm 145 stand out to you in particular? Why is it important for "every creature," every human being, to praise him? What are you doing to help that happen? All the character mentioned in this Psalm 145, is of great important to me. It is my prayer that a time will come when all people will join together in recognizing and worshiping God. Because God is full of Love, He satisfies all who trust Him. God is able to lift us up because: - His greatness is beyond discovery, - He does mighty acts for each generation, - He is full of Majestic, glorious splendor, - He does awe-inspiring deeds, - He is righteous, - He is kind, merciful, patient, and compassionate, - He rules over an everlasting Kingdom, - He is our source of all our daily needs, - He is righteous and kind in all His dealings, - He remains close to those who call to Him, - He hears our cries and rescues us.
  25. Q1. (Psalm 103) Which one or two aspects of God's character mentioned in this Psalm stand out to you? Why do you think the Exodus was so foundational in Israel's understanding of God? According to Psalm 103:10-12, what are the limits to God's forgiveness? There is no word I can describe how great is Our God. God
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