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Everything posted by masika

  1. Everyone who Believes that Jesus is the Christ has become a child of God and all the promises that God promised are his/her. God's promises and oath are unchangeable. God embodies all truth; therefore, He can not lie. Because God is truth, you can be secure in His promises; you don't need to wonder if He will change His plans. Our hope is secure and immovable, anchored in God, just like a ship's anchor holds firmly to the seatbed.
  2. When we take seriously what the writer is saying in this Verses, we will be very strong Christians, we will not become lazy or feel bored because we will have hope. Like an athlete, we are to train hard and run well, remembering the reward that lies ahead. We should fix our eyes on Jesus, and we should not let anything take our eyes off our goals. Because Christ lives in us, we can have endurance, Jesus predicted that His followers would be severely persecuted by those who hated Him (Matthew 10:22). In the midst of terrible persecution they could have hope, however, knowing that salvation was theirs. Times of trial serve to sift true Christians from false or fait-weather Christians. When you are pressured to give up and turn your back on Christ, remember the benefit of standing firm and continue to live for Christ. Patient endurance is not a way to be saved but the evidence that you are really committed to Jesus.
  3. Apostasy is an abandoment of what one has professed; a total desertion, or departure from one's faith or religion. It is very hard to restore some one who has deserted his faith, because you may not know want made him/her to desert. It is only the Holy Spirit that can turn that heart back to the first faith. In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus is encouraging Spiritual "Farmers"- those who teach, preach, and seek to lead others to the Lord. Do not be discouraged if you do not always see results as you faithfuly teach the word. People respond differently on the word of God because they are in different states of readiness. Jesus' point on the Parable of the Tares and Weeds, is that weeds (Unbelievers) and Wheat (Believers) must live side by side in this world. God allows anbelievers to remain for a while, just as a farmer allows weeds to ramain in his field so that the surrounding wheat is not uprooted with them. At the harvest, however, the weeds will be uprooted and thrown away. God's harvest (Judgement) of all people is coming. We are to make ourselves ready by making sure that our faith is sincere.
  4. Those people who did not believe in Christ at that time were called unbelievers, no matter how well they behave. They were getting themselvles off from God's forgiveness. It is very hard in today world to tell who are true believers, because many people are hiding in the religion, but when they are away from other brethren they do the opposite. The Writer is telling us to hold on on God, since He Good. Those who have tested the goodness of God, should keep on to know more of Him
  5. We become mature Christians when we learn discernment. We must train our conscience, our senses, our mind, and our body to distinqiush good from evil. One should ask this question, Can I recognize temptation before it trap me? Can you tell the difference between a correct use of scripture and a mistaken one.
  6. Made Perfect here is meaning compeleteness or maturity. Christ was always moral perfect. By obeying, He demonstrated His Perfection to us, not to God or Himself. By sharing our experience of suffering, Christ shared our human experience completely. He is now able to offer eternal Salvation to those who obey Him.
  7. Made Perfect is reffering to Completeness or maturity. Christ was always morally perfect. By obeying, He demonstrated His perfection to us, not to God or to Himself. By sharing our experience of suffring, Christ shared our human experience completely.
  8. Christ learned obedience from what He suffered in that, He voluntarilly laid aside His divine rights and privileges out of Love for His Father's will to be done. Jesus learnig process differ from ours in that, His human life was not a script that He passively followed. It was a life that He chose freely. It was a continuous process of making the will of God the Father His own. Jesus chose to obey, even though obedience led to suffering and death. We, we normal rush into things and any small trial we blame God.
  9. We are to apprpoach the Throne of Grace with Boldiness because Jesus Christ is our friend and consollar. We need not fear when we pray to God, we are to ask for anything so long as it is in God's will. The Promises contained in this verse are endless. God's promises to us really have no end.
  10. Jesus shared our weaknesses in that, when He came to the world He was like us, He experienced a full range of temptations throughout His life as a human being. When we write the temptation Jesus faced, Am sure the list is endless. Just from the time He was Baptized, the devil tempted Him and there is no where in the Bible we read that Jesus gave in to Sin. He was Victorous throughout all temptations. We can be comforted knowing that Jesus faced temptation- He can sympathize with us. We can be encouraged knowing that Jesus faced temptation without giving in to sin. He shows us that we do not have to sin when facing the seductive lure of temptation.
  11. We have to hold fast to our confession because Jesus is our High Priest. He is always at God's right Hand, interceding for us. He is always available to hear us when we pray. We believe that Jesus was the Son of God Who came to the world as human being and died for our sins. He came as truly God and truly man. He was given all Authority. He is the Only one who can assure us of God's forgiveness. If we can not maintained our confession, then we will not see God.
  12. The two serves tell very clearly what is a head of us since we will not hide from God. The word has been preached to us and it is very powerful to expose our sins. It describes the word of God as living, life changing and dynamic as it work in us. God's word reveals who we are and what we are not. It penetrates the core of our moral and Spiritual life.. It descerns what is within us, both good and evil. The demand of God's word require decision. We must not only listen to the word, we must also let it shape our lives.
  13. God wants us to enter His rest. For us believers, it is peace with God now and eternal life on a new eart later. We do not need to wait for the next life to enjoy rest and peace; we may have it daily now! Our daily rest in the Lord will not end with death but will become an eternal rest in the place that Christ is preparing for us. The writer is telling us to make every effort to enter that rest, He is not meaning that, we struggle by doing good in order to obtain salvation, nor is it a mystical struggle to overcome selfishines. He is refering that we make every effort to appreciate and benefit from what God Has already provided. Salvation is not to be taken for grante; to appropriate the gift God offers requires decision and commitment.
  14. The impotance of having faith in Christ is that, God will give us new heart, new desires, and new Spirits. Sins make our hearts to turn away from the Living God, and if we persist in our unbelief, God will eventually leave us alone in our sin. The value of Christian Fellowship to keep us strong, is we must stay in felloship with other believeres, talk daily about our mutual faith, and we must be aware of the deceitfulness of sin, it attracts and also destroys. We must also encourage each other with love and concern.
  15. We are to hold on to Christ because He lives in us and He is our hope, we can remain courageous and hopeful to the end. We are to remain in our faith because without faith we can not please God. Without this enduring faithfulness, we could easily be blown away by the winds of temptation, false teaching, or persecution.
  16. He became man in order to fulfil God's plan of salavation for all people. Christ did not just have the appearance of being a man - He actually became man to identify with our sins, therefore, He understands our weakness and show mercy to us. Jesus undrestands our struggle because He faced them as a human being. We can trust Christ to help us servive suffering and overcome temptation. When we face trials let us go to Jesus for strength and patience. He understands our needs and is able to help.
  17. The purpose of Christ dead was to destroy the power of the devil , who had the power of dead. Since we are in Christ we need not fear dead because when Christ died , our evil desires and bondage to sin died with Him. The power of sin over us died with Christ on the cross. We are all looking forward for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ when we will have new glorified bodies to meet Him again , so we should not fear dead.
  18. It means Salvation to all People.Jesus' suffering made Him aperfect leader , or Pioner, of our salvation. Christ was always moral perfect. By obeying , He demonstrated His perfection to us, not to God or Himself. In the Bible , perfection usually means completeness or maturity. By sharing our experience of suffering , Christ shared our human experience completely . He is now able to offer eternal salvation to those who obey Him. Jesus did not need to suffer for His own salvation, because He was God in human form. His perfect obedience demonstrates that He was the complete sacrifice for us. Through His suffering , Jesus completed the work necessary for our own Salvation. Our suffering can make us more sensitive servants of God.
  19. In the Old Testament , people offered animals as sacriices for their sins. Christ the sinnles servant of the Lord offered Himself for our sins. He is the Lamb who offered for the sins of all people. The Messiah suffered for our sake , bearing our sins to make us acceptable to God. That was Very Great Love . The only adequate respond we can make to serch Great Love is that , we confess our sins and gratefully accept the fact that Jesus paid for them so we wouldn't have to.
  20. Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins so we wouldn't have to face eternal dead. Dead on the cross ( crucifixion) was the form of capital punishment that Romans used for notorious crimals. Our Lord Christ was mocked. Jesus did not come into the world to gain status or political power, but to suffer and die so that we could have eternal life , that is to bring many into glory. We should be ready also to suffer like Christ. We have to stand for Him so that we inherit eternal life. If we avoid suffering we will not be walking to His will, and we will disobeying His word.
  21. I believe in Jesus and His word because it is sure. I base my belief in Jesus on the eye witness accounts in the Bible. Jesus encouraged in John 20:29 , that it is better for those who believe without ever having seen Him.
  22. If we do not pay attention to the truth we heard from the Gospel it is easy for us to drift away into false teachings. Paying careful attention is hard work . It involves focusing our mind, body, and senses. Listening to Christ means not merely hearing but also obeying . We must listen carefully and be ready to carry out His instructions.
  23. The author say that the Son not only represents God , but He is God Himself. The very God who spoke in Old Testament times. He is internal, He worked with the Father in creating the world. He is the full revelation of God. You can have no clearer view of God than by looking at Christ. Jesus Christ is the Complete expression of God in human body.
  24. A son is always the heir of all that belongs to the father. Sons are always honored whether they are still small, it can go to the extend that relatives can use all means to kill the son so that they inherit the properties of the man who has died incase he was very rich. The words of a son has weight in that Prophets only do what they are told to say. The son has all authority to say .
  25. The Center of the Christian faith is all surrounded on the Resurection of Christ. Because Christ rose from the dead , as He promised, we know that what He said is true and that He is God. Christ' resurrection quaranteed both His promises to us and His Aouthority to make that promise. We must take Him at His word and Believe.
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