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Everything posted by masika
Q1. Rapture and Resurrection
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Christian Hope of Resurrection at the Last Day
The word used instead of rapture is gathering of God's people .This will happened during the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. All dead and those who are alive wil hear the sound and go to meet our Christ. -
Because of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ , nothing we do is useless. Sometimes we become apathetic about serving the Lord because we do not see any results. Knowing that Christ Has won the ultimate Victory should affect the way we life right now. Let us not be discouraged over an apparent lack of results keep us from doing the work of the lord enthusiastically as we have opportunity. Let be firm in our stand for Christ . We wil see Him one day.
The bodily resurrection of Christ is the center of the Christian faith. Because Christ rose from the dead, as He promised, we know that what He said is true and that He is God. The resurrection affirms the truthfulness of Jesus' life and words. The resurrection confirms Jesus' unuque authority to say, I am the resurrection and life. I do believe in Jesus and I believe His word is True.
Q3. An Analogy for Baptism
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. The Present-Day Significance of Christ's Resurrection
Baptism parallels the dead, burial and resurrection of Christ in that it portrays the dead and burial of our old way of life followed by resurrection to new life in Christ. Remembering that our old sinful life is dead and buried with Christ gives us apowerful motive to resist sin . Not wanting the desire of our past to come back again. -
Q4. Compelling Proofs
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Convincing Proofs of Christ's Bodily Resurrection
After Jesus resurrected He appeared to a number of people. Many saw Him, talked to Him and ate with Him.Also many Disciple were killed for their stand on Jesus, who could agree to die on something false. Jesus real resurrected . An empty grave is there to improve that He is Alive. Many people go there to few His empty grave. -
Q2. The Theft Theory
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Convincing Proofs of Christ's Bodily Resurrection
The Disciples had no any motive to steal Jesus body it is only the Romans who had . They were fearing Jesus because He was becoming femous day after day. -
Jesus resurrection differs from His ascension in that He rose from the dead after He died and the later He went to His Father in Heaven to be with Him at His Right Hand. The two fit together in that they are both greatest miracles which happened at that time. Jesus returned to Heaven was very important for the Disciples to see Him taken up into Heaven, this made them to believe more and they knew without doubt He was God and that His home was in Heaven.
The resurrection body was unique. It was not the same kind of flesh and blood Lazarus had when he came back to life. JEsus body was no longer subject to the same law of nature as before His death. He could appear in locked room, yet He was not a ghost or apportion because He could be touched and could eat. Jesus' resurrection was literal and physical- He was not a disembodied spirit.
The linen wrapping were left as if Jesus' body had simply vacated them. The cloth that covered Jesus' head was still rolled up in the shape of ahead, and it was at about the right distance from the wrappings that had enveloped Jesus body. A grave robber couldn't possibly have made off with jesus' body and left the linens as if they were still shaped around it. These reasons made the two disciples of Jesus to believe.
The similarities which is there is that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the central fact of Christian history. On it , the Church is built , without it, there would be no Chritian Church today. Jesus' resurrection is unique, other religion have strong enthical systems, concepts about paradise and afterlife , and various holy scriptures. Only Christianity has a God who became human, literally died for His people , and was raised again in power and glory to rule the Church forever.
It is always not easy to get different people to tell on one event they have witnessed to say in same version. There will be some differences. In this case of the resurrection of Jesus it is told in different version but the fact still remains the same that Really Jesus Christ rose from the grave and He His alive.
The enemies of Jesus took His resurrection claims more seriously than the Disciples did; The Disciples didn't remember Jesus' teaching about His resurrection ! but His enemies remembered and took steps, they thought would prevent it ( or at least a fabrication of it ). Because of His claims, they were almost as afraid of Jesus after His death as when He was alive. they tried to take every precaution that His body would remain in the tomb. Because the tomb was hewn out of rock in the side of a hill , there was only one entrance. The tomb was sealed by stringing a cord across the stone that was rolled over the entrance. The cord was sealed at each end with clay . But the enemies of Jesus took further precaution, asking that guards be placed at tomb's entrance- The enemies failed to understand that No rock , seal , guard , or army could prevent the Son of God from rising again.
Q3. I Am the Resurrection and the Life
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Promise of Resurrection from the Dead
Jesus has the Power over dead and Life, because He is the creator of Life. The Role he will play on the resurrection, is all the dead will hear His voice and rise up. -
Q1. Job's Vision of Resurrection
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Promise of Resurrection from the Dead
During Job's time there was no written rule that he could read and learnt, he only got this revelation from God that without his body he could still see God. The Jews Sheol was a place were people go after dead. -
Q66. Ambassadors of Christ
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7.2. Prevailing through Prayer (Ephesians 6:18-24)
An Ambassador is an official representative of one country to another. As Believers we are Christ's Ambassador, sent with His message of reconcilation to the world. An Ambassador of reconcilation has important responsibility. We dare not take this responsibility lightly . We are to fulfil our Commission as Christ's Ambassador properly. -
Q64. Sharing our Faith
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7.2. Prevailing through Prayer (Ephesians 6:18-24)
Paul requested the prayer for boldness so that he could speak fearlessly for Christ in spite of the chains he was in. Boldness is necessary in war because you can't fight when you are afraid. Opposite for boldness is fearful. -
Q64. Alertness and Perseverance
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7.2. Prevailing through Prayer (Ephesians 6:18-24)
The way to overcome temptation is to keep alert and pray.keeping alert means being aware of the possibilities of temptatios, sensitive to the subtleties , and spiritually equipped to fight it. Because temptation strikes where we are most vulnerable, we can't resist it alone. prayers is essential because God's Strenght can shore up our defenses and defeat satan's power. Our Lord Jesus Christ told us in His words that we have to perist in prayer, because there are times when the devil will hinder or reist our prayer being answered in time.