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Everything posted by masika
Q63. Praying in the Spirit
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7.2. Prevailing through Prayer (Ephesians 6:18-24)
We see the life of Jesus Christ was full of Prayer although He was God. That is why the Desciples asked Him to show them how to Pray. He is our good example to follow in our Prayer life if we are to defeat the devil in this world. We are also to ask for The Holy Spirit to help us in our Prayer. He will quide us on how to Pray better. -
Q61. Good News
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7.1. Wrestling with the Enemy of Our Souls (Ephesians 6:10-18)
We are saved to Serve , so we must be ready to take the gospel to those people who have not heard it. When we have the word of God we should tell it to others, by all means . -
In John 8:32- Jesus said that you will know the truth and the truth will set you free ! Jesus Himself is the truth that sets us free- he is the source of truth . The perfect standard of what is rigth. He frees us from continued slavery to sin, from self-deeception, and from deception by satan. He shows clearly the way to eternal life with God. Thus , Jesus does not give us freedom to do what we want , but freedom to follow God- As we seek to serve God Jesus' perfect truth frees us to be all that God meant us to be.
Q59. Stand
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7.1. Wrestling with the Enemy of Our Souls (Ephesians 6:10-18)
It is difficult about standing our ground in today's world because we have little faith in God . We doubt if God can rescue us in whatever we are undergoing. - The Critical blow to satan came when The lamb , Jesus Christ , shed His blood for our sins . The Victiry is won by sacrifice - Christ's death in our place to pay the penalty for our sin, and the sacrifice we make because of our faith in Him. As we face the battle with satan , we should not fear it or try to escape from it , but we should loyalty serve Christ , who alone rins victory -
Q58. The Demonic
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7.1. Wrestling with the Enemy of Our Souls (Ephesians 6:10-18)
It is difficult not to believe in the devil and demons in our day- because we assume that once we are believers we are free from attacks. When we believe in Christ these beings , the poweful evil forces of fallen angels headed by the devil become our enemies , and they try every device to turn us away from God and back to sin. Although we are assured of Victory , we must engage in the struggle until Christ returns ; because satan is constantly battling agaist all who are on the Lord's side . We need Supernatural power t defeat satan and God has provided this by giving us His Holy Spirit within us and His armor surrounding us -
Q57. Employers
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6.2. Children and Parents, Employers and Employees (Ephesians 6:1-9)
They should treat them fairly and with respect. We are all equal in God's side and He has no favorities. The Churches should have good examples for others to follow. Employers should pay their employee according to how much they are working and total income brought. -
Q56. Employees
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6.2. Children and Parents, Employers and Employees (Ephesians 6:1-9)
The characteristics called for in a truly Christian employee according to Ephesians 6:5-8 Is that Paul's instructions encourage responsibility and integrity on the job. We should do our jobs as if Jesus Christ were our Supervisor. The Question we should ask ourselves is , Can we be trusted to do our best , even when the boss is not around? Do we work hard and with enthusiasm? This attitude can help us in difficult situations in that we should remember that no matter whom we work for , the one we ultimately should want to Please is Our father in Heaven. -
Q55. Fathers
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6.2. Children and Parents, Employers and Employees (Ephesians 6:1-9)
The purpose of parental dicipline is to help children grow , not to excasperate and provoke them to anger or discouragement- Parenting is not easy - It takes lots of patient to raise children in a loving , Christ-honoring manner. But frustration and anger should not be causes for discipline . Instead parents should act in love , treating their childrern as Jesus treats the people He Loves . This is vital to children's development and their understanding of what Christ is Like. -
There is a difference between obeuing and honoring . To honor means to do as one told. To honor means to respect and Love. Adult chldren are not asked to be subservient to domineering parents . Children should honor their parents even if th parents are demanding and unfair. The responsibility for children to honor parents is for life. Both parents and children should put the other's interest above their own - that if they submit to another in God's Love.
Q53. Christ Our Husband
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6.1. Christian Husbands and Christian Wives (5:21-33)
Christ is our Husband in that- We are united to Christ in two ways - 1. By believing in His death ( the sacrifice of His flesh) and resurrection, 2. By devoting ourselves to living as He require , depending of His teaching for quidance and trusting in the Holy Spirit for Power. The impliation is that we are to submit to Christ and be willing to follow His leadership. Christ responsility towards us is that - He loved us so much to the point of dying for us and He can not leave us no matter what comes our ways. -
Q51. Husbands
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6.1. Christian Husbands and Christian Wives (5:21-33)
Being head of wife does not mean to be boss. Real Spiritual leadership involves loving service ( A form of dying). Just as Christ served the Disciples , even to the point of washing their feet, so the husband is to serve his wife. A wise and Christ-honoring husband will not take advantages of his leadrship. -
Q50. Wives
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6.1. Christian Husbands and Christian Wives (5:21-33)
Awife should submit to her husband because according to the Bible the man is the Spiritual head of the family , and his wife should acknowledge his leadership . A wife should willingly follow her husband's leadership in Christ , if it is outside God's law or rules then she should not obey him. Submission is voluntary cooperation with someone , first out of love and respect for God and then out of Love and respect for that person. Submitting to unbelievers is difficult , but it is vital part of leading them to Jesus Christ . We are not called to submit to nonbelievers to the point that we compromise our relationship with God but we must look for every opportunity to humbly serve in power of God's Spirit. -
Q52. One Flesh
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6.1. Christian Husbands and Christian Wives (5:21-33)
A husband should put aside his own interests in order to care for his wife. Marriage was not just for convenience , nor was it brought about by culture . It was instituted by God , so the husband as to take total care of his wife and they are not two but one . -
Q49. Singing
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.2 Children, Imitate Your Father (Ephesians 5:1-20)
We should have attitude of Joy, thankfulness to God and encouragen\ment of others. Instead of whinning and complaining - while our culture has raised to an art form - we are to focus on the goodness of God and His mercies toward . Thank God , not for your problems but fot the strength He is building in you through the difficult experiences of your life.You can be sure that God's Perfect Love will see you through. -
Q48. Intoxication
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.2 Children, Imitate Your Father (Ephesians 5:1-20)
Alcohol clouds the mind and lead to injustice and poor decesion -Wine produces temporrary " high" -Holy Spirit produces lasting joy. -Holy Spirit will lead us in good decision if we submit to it. -
Q47. Opportunity
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.2 Children, Imitate Your Father (Ephesians 5:1-20)
Paul was communicating the sense of urgency because of evil pervesiveness. Our days are difficult and we also need the same sense of urgence - We must keep our standard high , act wisely and do good whenever we can. We must allow the Holy Spirit to take control of our inner being because we can not make with our own strength. -
Q47. Sexuality
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.2 Children, Imitate Your Father (Ephesians 5:1-20)
Sexual sin bad in that it drains our energies and turns our heart away from God. God's way for sexual was made for men and women to have intimancy- within commitment to lifelong fideeliy - outside God's will is dangerous and futile. -
Q45. Forgiveness
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.1. Putting on Clean Clothes (Ephesians 4:17-32)
It is easy to ask for forgiveness but difficult to grant it others , whenever we ask God to forgive us for sin , we should ask , Have I forgiven the people who wronged me ? God forgives us not because we forgive others , but solely because of His great mercy , As we come to understand His Mercy , howeve , we will want to be like Him. having received forgiveness we will pass it on to others. Those who are unwilling to forgive have not become one with Christ , who was willing to forgive those who crucified Him. ( Luke 23:34) -
Q44. Unwholesome Talk
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.1. Putting on Clean Clothes (Ephesians 4:17-32)
Most of the wholesome talk that come out of Christians are foul or abusive languages. We tend to look down upon non-believers , we are forgettng that we are saved by the grace of God and not according to our good deed. There is nothing good we can do to earn our salvation it is only by God's Grace. Three guidelines Paul gives are - Everything we say should be - Good, -Helpful, and -Encouraging those who hear them. Slander- Is the utterance of false charges or misrepresentation which defame and damage another reputation OR -False and defamatory oral statement about a person. Slander is most common among Christians and the only thing to get rid of it is by the help of the Holy Spirit to dwell in us and guide us in our talk. -
Q43. Anger
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.1. Putting on Clean Clothes (Ephesians 4:17-32)
I Think God gave us anger to see how honest we can serve Him. And also the Bible does not tell us that we shouldn't feel angry , but it points out that it is important to handle our anger properly. if vented thoughtlessly , anger can hurt others and destroy relationships. If bottled up inside , it can cause us to become bitter and destroy us from within. Paul tells us to deal with our anger immediately in a way that builds relationship rather than destroys them . If we nurse our anger we will give the devil an opportunity to divide us. Anger is not sin -
Q42. Darkened Culture
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.1. Putting on Clean Clothes (Ephesians 4:17-32)
We as Christians are called to be Light of the world. We are to show the people who have not received Christ as their Savior and Lord. We are to be good example to the world so that they may know Christ. -
Q41. Equipping for Ministry
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4.2. Preparation, Ministry, and Maturity (4:11-16)
All believers are the same in the eye of the Lord. We are all given Special function to do in the house of God . A pastor can not manage alone since he/she can not have all the spirirtuasl Gifts to function in the Church When Jesus was on the Cross at Calvary , the Curtain in the Temple which was seperating the people from the Holy of Holies was torn into two. Believers are now free to talk to God , so long us they repent of their sins . The purpose of pastors and Teachers is to make people Disciples of God , and when they are mature , they are to train also others. -
Q40. Pastors and Teachers
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4.2. Preparation, Ministry, and Maturity (4:11-16)
It is possible to have the Gift of a Pastor and not lead the Church , because , all believers in Christ belong to one Body , all are united under one Head , Christ Himself. The Holy Spirit has given each Christian special gifts for building up the Church. We are to do our part with the Gift that God gave us. If it for Pastoring or teaching and you do not have a Church , just start a Bible Study in your area and go head with that gift. -
Q39. Gift of Evangelism
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4.2. Preparation, Ministry, and Maturity (4:11-16)
When we read in The Book of Mt. 28:18-20 :- Jesus gave the great Commisssion - we are to go -whether it is next door or to another Country and make Disciples . It is not an option but a Command to all who call Jesus " Lord ". We are not all evangelists in the formal sense but we have received gifts that we can use to help fulfil the great commssion. Also in Mt. 9:37-38- Jesus urged his Disciples to pray for workers. We are to pray so that Te Lord will raise more workers in Our Churches , for the Harvest is great but workers are few.