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Everything posted by masika

  1. - Paul describes satan , the devil , as the "commander of the powers in the unseen world". We believe that satan and the evil spiritual forces inhaited the region between earth and sky. Satan is thus pictured as ruling an evil spiritual kingdom- the demons and those over the devil and his power. Therefore Jesus Christ is the Permanent Ruler of the Whole World ; the devil is only temporary ruler of part of the world that chooses to follow him.
  2. - The Synoyms for save and savior are -Rescue, -Preserve, -Deliver, -Maintain. -The meaning of Savior is the one who brings salvation or one that save from danger or destruction.
  3. - The fact that all people , without exception , commit sin proves that without Christ we have a sinful nature. We are all lost in sin and cannot save ourselves.This does not mean that only Christians do good. Many people do good to others . On relative scale , many are moral , kind , and law abiding . Comparing these people to criminals, we would say that they are very good indeed . But on God's absolute scale , no one is good enough to earn salvation( " dead because of of our disobedience and our many sins") . Only through being united with Christ's perfect Life can we become good in God's sight .
  4. _ The work of the next of kin in the family was to protect and help the family incase of any danger or difficulties. - Jesus played the role of Kinsman -Redeemer for us in that - when we were in bodande of sin , He paid the price to redeem us from sin. -God;s Love is Sacrificial. -We are worthy more than anything else that God created in the world.
  5. The image of the body show the church's unity. Each memeber is involved with the other as they go about doing Christ's work on earth. We should not attempt to work , serve , or worship on our own . We need the entire body.
  6. We often take a " pass " when it comes to spiritual warfare , because we are not placing Christ in His right Position - Head. - As Christians we can be confident that God Has won the final Victory and is in control of everything , we need not fear any dictor or nation or even death or satan himself . The contract has been signed and sealed ; we are waiting just a short while for delivery.
  7. - When we are suffering , we often feel as thoughg our pains will never end. This suffering would last only " a little while ". - We are assured of eternal life with Christ , where there will be no suffering ( Rev. 21:4).
  8. - We are powerless sometimes , because of little faith we have in God . If only our eyes can be openned , we can see what God promised us , that when we accept Him His power dwells in Us .
  9. - Many peolpe think that the God of the Old Testament is a God of wrath , only to be feared . God is slow to anger , and His Love cannot be diminished. - God's Love for us was so willing to give freely to the point of self-sacrifice.God paid dearly with the life of His Son , the highest price He could pay.
  10. As a believer even if I know that in few years I would inherit $10 mililions, it will have very little effect on me . Although at fisrt time I can be happy , but this is just temporal and not permenent.
  11. Faithfulness and trustworthineee go hand in hand- When you are faithful it means , your words can be trusted and you are firm in what you are saying and nobody can doubt your words . - God is Faithful because whatever He Promised will come to accomplishment in our Lifes. - As believers we have to be faithful in our words and deeds for unbelievers to come to know God .
  12. God's willingness to forgive was essential to Israel survival in the wildrrness in that - God wanted to show them His nature . He is merciful, gracious , Loving forgiving . He should not be feared but Loved .
  13. - We are looking forward for the return of Our Lord Jesus Christ . -When we look forward for His returned , we should fix our mind on Him alone , let us not worry on whatever happen to us in this world, it is only temporal.
  14. The Holy Spirit is God's quaratee that we belong to Him and that He will do what He Has Promised. The presence of the Holy Spirit in us demonstrates the qenuiness of our faith , proves that we are God's children , and secures eternal life for us . His power works in us to transform us now, and what we experience now is a taste of the total change we will experience in eternity.
  15. God's purpose is to over salvation to the world, just as He planned to do long ago. We are to trust Him for this free gift and live for Him and our Lifes should affect others to See Jesus in Us .
  16. The main purpose for Christ to come was to unite Jews and Gentiles in one body , which Christ Head. He did this when , He resurrected and conquered all evil , including death.
  17. I was a slave to sin but , by the dead of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross has redeemed and forgiven me of all my sin. I do not know , how my life could have been without the blood of Jesus Christ. I would be living without hope in future if it were not for the blood of Jesus Christ.
  18. There is no way you can seperate the the two words , "Father and Son" in the Bible .Jesus Christ , stated very clearly that , When we see Him , we have the Father. Jesus is the Way to Heaven , there is no other way.
  19. The Israelites were to Love the God with their whole heart and mind , and they were not to have no other god a part from the Almighty God . God will bind us to Himself in His Perfect righteousness, justice , Love , Compassion, and Faithulness.
  20. Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, Lord of all creation , and Lord of all the new creation. He is the visible image of the invisible God . He is eternal , preexistent , omnipotent , equal with the Father . He is Supreme and Complete.
  21. This was a close relationship between a father and not that one of fear.We are to approach God with confidence and not fear.
  22. The role of a father is to protect and take care of his all house hold. When we think God has our Father , we should take Him with alot respect , since He is not like our earthly fathers . He Loves us the way we are and He can never change with seasons us our eartly fathers do.
  23. Under the Romans Law , an adopted child was quaranteed all legal rights to his father's property, even if he was formerly a slave. we are no longer like " fearful slaves" , instead , we are Master's children . What a privilege ! Because we are God's children , we share in great treasures as co-heis . God Has already given us His best gifts: His son, His Holy Spirit , forgiveness , and eternal life; and He encourages us to ask Him for whatever we need.
  24. Water is the source of life and every living creature depend on water . If you have God , Who is the Source of Living water , then you have everything you need in this world.
  25. Holy Means -Exalted or Worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousness . -Having adevine quality. -You stand" blameless" before God only by the Blood of Jesus Christ.
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