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Everything posted by masika

  1. If we refuse to forgive others , God will also refuse to forgive us . Why ? Because when we don't forgive others we are denying our common ground as sinners in need of God's forgiveness . God's forgiveness of sin is not the direct result of our forgiving others , but nis based on our realizing what forgiveness means . It is easy to ask God for forgiveness but difficult to grant it to others .
  2. The words which are reapeted in this pssage are :- Have you not heard and weak. Even the strongest people get tired at times , but God's Power and Strength never diminish . He is never too tired or too busy to help and listen . His strength is our source of strength . When we feel all of our life crushing us and we cannot go another step , remember that we can call God to renew our strength. Trusting in the Lord is the patient expectation that God will fulfil His promises in His word and strengthen us to rise above all difficulties.
  3. The significant to us of drinking Jesus' blood and eating His flesh it means to accept Christ into our lives and become united with Him. We are united with Christ in two ways : (1) by believing in His death ( The sacrifice of His flesh) and resurrection and (2) by devoting ourselves to living as He reguires , depending on His teaching for guidance and trusting in the Holy Spirit for Power .
  4. These are tha Names , titles and Metaphors of God in Psalms 95:1-7 - Great God, -Great King, -Hold the depths of earth and mightiest mountains, -He made Sea and formed dry land. This Psalm is an Invitation to Worship God. Songs , shouts , gratitute , and praise erupt from those gathered to Worship the Lord . While there are certainly many examples of stillness and silence in God's presence taugth and illustrated in Scripture , there are equally as many examples of raucous Worship. Both peaceful silence and enthusiastic praise are appropriate expressions of worship to Our God.
  5. As the Jews prepared for their exodus from slavery in Egypt , they were commanded to prepare bread without yeast because they didn't have time to wait for it to rise. And because yeast was also a symbol of sin , they were commanded to sweep all of it out of the house .Christ is our Passover lamb , the Perfect Sacrifice for our sin. Because He us delivered us from slavery of sin , we should have nothing to do the sins of the past .
  6. As a potter has the right to do on what he/she is making, that is what we are in the hand of our Creator God. God is our creator , we did not create ourselves . Many people live as though they are the creator and center of their own little world . This mind -set leads to pride , greed , idolatry , and if everything should be taken away , a loss of hope itself. But when we realize that God created us and gives us all we have , we will give to others as God gave us.
  7. For the Israelites to be spared from the plague of the death, a lamb with no defect had to be killed and its blood placed on the doorframe of each home . The lamb had a significant . In killing the lamb , the Israelites shed innocent blood. The lamb was a sacrafice , a substitute for the person who would have died in the plague . Our savior Jesus was given as the Last Sacrifice for our sins .He had no defect .
  8. As the potter molded or shaped a clay pot on the potter's wheels , defects often appeared. The potter had power over the clay , to permit the defects to remain or to reshape the pot . Likewise God had Power to reshape His people to conform to His purposes. Our stratey should not be to become mindless and passive - one aspect of clay - but to be willing and receptive to God's impact on us . As we yield to God , he begins reshaping us into valuable vessels.
  9. As a Christian , we have been given the Holy Spirit . He gives us insight into what God is like and What He wants us to do.This helps us us to follow and Obey God. The Holy Spirit also enables us to live the Christian Life.
  10. What a difference perspective can make . Most of the onlookers saw only a giant . David , however , saw a mortal man defying almighty God . Goliath was a target too big for him to miss . He knew he would not be alone when he faced Goliath ; God would fight with him . He looked at his situation from God's point of view . Who or what are the " giants" we are facing ? Viewing impossible situations from God's point of view helps us put giant problems in perspective . Once we see clearly , we can fight more effectively. God's power is awesome He is sovereing ; His Power is unlimited .
  11. People were in bondage to the law .Thinking they could be saved by it , they became inslaved to trying - and falling - to keep it . Christ came at the rigth time and died for our sins .
  12. Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabets . The Lord God is the beginning and the end . God the Father is eternal Lord and Ruler of the past , present , and future . Without Him we have nothing that is eternal , nothing that can change our life , nothing that can save us from sin . The Lord is the reason for my living " the Alpha and Omega " of my life . I honor the One Who is The beginning and The End of all existence , wisdom , and power.
  13. Many people say they have the rigth to do whatever they want with their own bodies. Although they think that this is freedom , they are enslaved to their own desires . When we become Christians , the Holy Spirit comes to live in us .Therefore we no longer own our bodies . That God bought us . Christ's death freed us from sin but also obligates us to His service . If you live in a building owned by someone else , you try not to violate the building's rules . Because your body belongs to God , you must not violate His standard for living .
  14. I have no words to express myself how I will feel when I inhabit eternity . It is a day I am longing to see that is why I am putting all of Faith and trust in the hand of God who will finish my salvation.
  15. A slave was "ransomed" when someone paid money to buy his or her freedom God ransomed us from the tyranny of sin , not with money , but with the precious blood of His Own Son . We can not escape from sin on our own ; only the life of God's Son can free us.
  16. The Egyptians had many gods by different names , Moses wantent to know God's name so the Hebrew people would know exactly who had sent him to them, God called Himself I AM, a name describing His Eternal Power and Unchangeable Character . In a world where values , morals , and laws change constantly , we can find stability and security in Our Unchanging God . The God who appeared to Moses is the same God who can live in us today.
  17. Romans 10:16-21 , for me sums up the lessons of Isaiah 53. This was a letter of Apostle Paul to the Romans gentiles Brethren , he was encouraging them to go on with their faith in Christ , since Salvation was for everyone who accepted and believed in the Lord Jesus Christ.
  18. If we know that the battle is the Lord's , we will face the world with more faith in the Lord and not focus on our problems . There are times that we underestimate God's power to handle crises in our lives.We should leave everything in God's hand and we will not fear any danger that may come our ways .
  19. In the Old Testament , people offered animals as sacrifices for their sins . Here , the sinless Servant of the Lord offers Himself for our sins . He is the Lamb offered for the sins of all people . The Messiah suffered for our sake , bearing our sins to make us acceptable to God.
  20. Isrealites defeated the Amalekites only when Moses held his rod high , on top of the mountain. For us , we can only defeat the devil with the help of Holy Spirit . We also need to " hold up hands" of our spiritual leaders as well . Shouldering some responsibility , lending a word of encouragement , or offering a prayer are ways of refreshing spiritual leaders in their work.
  21. There was nothing beautiful or majestic in the physical appearance of this servant . Israel would miscalculate the servant's importance - they would consider him an ordinary man . But even though Jesus would not attract a large following based on his physical appearance , He would bring salvation and healing .Many people miscalculate the importance of Jesus' life and work , and they need faithful Christians to point out his extraordinary nature. How could an Old Testament person understand the idea of Christ dying for our sins - actually bearing the punishment that we deserved ? The sacrifices suggested this idea , but it is one thing to kill a lamb , and something quite different to think of God's chosen servant as that Lamb . But God was pulling aside the curtain of time to let the people of Isaiah's day look ahead to the suffering of the future Messiah and the resulting forgiveness made available to all people.
  22. Jesus demonstrated perfect commitment to His Father's will . His Kingdom would not be advanced with swords but with Faith and obedience. Jesus is above all Names , No Name can do Him justice. He is greater than any description or expression the human mind can device. Jesus came at first as a Lamb to be a sacrifice for sin , but He will return as a congueror and King to execute judgment . Jesus' first coming brought forgiveness ; His second coming will bring judgment . The battle lines have been drawn between God and evil, and the world is waiting for the King to ride onto the field.
  23. Isaiah 53:3 , is parallel to Luke 18 : 31-33 and also John 1:10-11, They say "He was despised and rejected - a man of sorrows , acquainted with deepst grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other away . He was despised , and we did not care , " This is true , beacuse up to now not all people believe in Jesus Christ , even just the mention of this Name , many people do not want to hear it . We should not give up to proclaim Jesus Name to the world , the time of harvest will come and God will chose his people.
  24. Our false perception is the biggest cause of fear and frustration ; in fact , I might boldly say it's the only cause ! If we live without faith , our perception is restricted to what we see with our eyes and hear with our ears . With this limited input , it's no wonder so many live in Fear - it's no wonder so many become frustrated and discouraged with their day to day life . But as our faith and understanding of God increase , we are able to trust in what we cannot physically see and hear . We can live in peace , knowing that " The one Who is in You is greater than the one who is in the world " ( 1 John 4:4 ). Battles occur in and around us every day - battles which cause us to become heavily burdened . We desire to walk down to God's path , but the pulls and attacks of the world seem relentless . We need to remember that His plan and provision is always perfect- always working toward the good . Somehow we must understand that the battle we see with our physical eyes and analyse with our mind is never the real battle ; " For our struggle is not against flesh and blood" ( Ephesians 6:12 )." Our spouse , parents , children , or co-workers are not the enemy - neither is our church , the government , the economy or our health . These temporal things are not the true cause of our pain nor should they ever become the source of our joy . The real battles are always spiritual....... and we're NEVER alone. Let 's draw ever nearer to God until we gain a true understanting of how much He Loves us - and how much He is fighting for us ; " Those who are with us are more than those who are with them. " Jesus Christ has already Won the ultimate battle ! We must now trust Him and give Him more of our heart. Heavenly Father , we desire to see you clearly and joyfully walk without fear . We Pray that you draw us into your presence .... and open our eyes .
  25. The "Servant " , The Messiah , Our Lord Jesus Christ , was "disfigured "; but through His suffering , He Cleansed the sins of all people in the World. The Messiah suffered for our sake , bearing our sins to make us acceptable to God . Whoever believes in Jesus , he/she is never forsaken , but is made right with God , not by their own works , but by the Messiah's great work on the Cross. They are justified because they have claimed Christ , the righteous Servant , as their savior and Lord . THE NAME OF GOD BE PRAISED .AMEN .
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