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Everything posted by masika

  1. God was the Commander of the Army not Joshua , He could neither be on either side because they where them to choose on which side they were . Feeling hopeless reminds us that we are helpless without God . We should be on God's side , so that in case of any trouble He will rescue us.
  2. Sin was soo bad to God that is why , life of an animal was to to given out to cleanse the sinner out of his/her sin . And only only animals without difects were to be offered , this symblises Holiness to God.
  3. Since animal Sacrifices were offered day by day , and year by year , and still people continued to life in sin. Jesus christ saved all the animals in the world , since he was the perfect Sacrifice to Cleanse us from sin. We are to Obey and have Faith in God by Loving The Lord Our God with all our heart , soul , mind and strength. We Should also to trust in the Lord with our heart and lean not on our understanding.
  4. The basic element was the people to be aware of their sins , known or unknown sins and repent from them . This act were meaningless unless done for the right reasons .Today we often make rituals of going to Church , taking Communion , or paying tithes . This activities are empty if our reasons for doing them are selfish. God does not want these sacrifices and offering without an attitude of devotion to Him . The Dead of Jesus Christ was the final sin offering in the Bible , we do not need any more .
  5. " The King of Glory ' and Father of Glory ' , They reveal that Our God is the Lord of Heavens Armies , and this is none other the Messiah Himself . He is eternal , Holy and Mighty . The Glory that the Spirit imparts to the believers is more excellent and lasts longer than the glory that Moses experienced . by gazing at the nature of God with unveiled minds , we can be more like Him . In the Good News , we see the truth about Christ , and it transforms us morally as we understand and apply it.
  6. God wants us to offer ourselves , not animals , as living sacrifices- daily laying aside our own desires to follow Him , putting all our energy and resources at His disposal and trusting Him to guide us . We do this out of gratitude that our sins have been forgiven.
  7. God is the Most High and there is nothing in the whole world that you can compare Him with. When I think of this I should Honor My God , with the greatest respect , more than we normal give to our rulers in this earth.
  8. We should have the character of God when angry. God is merciful , gracious , loving , forgiving . He is " slow to anger ' and His Love cannot be diminished.
  9. Every morning and evening , a lamb was sacrificed in the Temple for the sins of the people (Exodus 29:38-42). Isaiah 53:7 Prophesied that the Messiah , God's servant , would be led to the slaughter like a lamb. To pay the penalty for sin, a life had to be given-- and God chose to provide the sacrifice Himself . The sins of the World were removed when Jesus died as the perfect sacrifice . This the way our sins are forgiven.
  10. When I think of God as The Most High , this should give me more courage to give Him ,The Best of myself in everything I do to honor His Name . When worshiping Him I should adore Him with the whole of my heart, mind and migthy.
  11. Abraham and Melchizedek regnized God as The Most High God who created Heaven and Earth . They also especial Abraham worshipped Him alone.
  12. When we repent , God Promises not only to cleanse us our sins but to bring Spiritual refreshment .Turning away from sin may at first seem painful because it is hard to break old habits and give up certain sins. Many people want the benefit of being identified with Christ without admitting their own disobedience and repenting . The Key to Forgiveness is Confessing our sinand turning from it .This is done as an individual since everyone know how he/she is infront of our God . GOD BLESS HIS WORD . AMEN
  13. The Corinthians were called tyo examine and test themselves to see if they were Christians .Just as we get physical checkups , Paul urges us to to give ourselves Spiritual checkups . We should look for a growing awareness of Christ presence and power in our life. Then we will know if we are true Christians or merely impostors . If we are not actively seeking to grow closer to God , we are drawing farther away from Him.. After self examination and seen if there is any sin in us , we have to confess to God , and our confession should be a true one that invloves commitment, not to continue in sin . we would'nt be qenuinely confessing our sins to God if we planned to commit them again and just wanted temporary forgiveness - We should also Pray for strength to defeat temptation the next time we fac it.,
  14. That some of the people had died may have been a special supernatural judgment on the Corinthian Church . This type of disciplinary judgment highlights the seriousness of the Communion service . The Lord's Supper is not to be taken lightly ; this new Covenant Cost Jesus His Life .It is not a meaningless ritual , but a sacrament given by Christ to help strengthen our Faith.
  15. When Paul said that no one should take the Lord's Supper unworthly , he was speaking to the Church members who were participating in it without thinking of its meaning . To not honor the " body of Christ " means not understanting what the Lord's Supper means and not distinquishing it from a normal meal . Those who did so were quilty os sinning against the Body and Blood of the Lord ." Instead of honoring His sacricifice , they were sharing in the quilt of those who cricified Christ . In reality , no one is worthy to take the Lord's Supper . We are all sinners saved by grace .This is why we should prepare ourselves for communion through healthy introspection , confession of sin and resolution of differences with others . These actions remove the barriers that affect our relationship with Christ and with other believers . Awareness of your sin should not keep you away from communion but drive you to participate in it.
  16. I have no words to express myself how I feel when I will see Him face to face . It is a day I am longing in my life , that is why I have to keep myself clean from all evil things by studying His word and with the help of the Holy Spirit I believe I will make it. The lord's supper stimulate me to remain Holy not sin against my Lord Jesus Christ, When I long for that day .
  17. The Lord's supper points to the :- past in the sense that , when I remember of the death of Christ for my sins I should not go back to my sin again. - For the Present , It shows that Christ is Living in me now , I should have a Holy communion with my Lord. -For the Future , It point me to promise of eternal life in the presence of God
  18. On the night of our Lord's Supper , He said that He will not drink of that Cup again untill He return to the Father. He was saying this when His dicsiples had gathered with Him and it will be the same with us since we will also gather on that last day to meet Him
  19. This is because we are all looking forward for that future , the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ . It will be a very great day fot those who are waiting upon Him. It will be only for those who have believed and trusted Him. There will be a great feast or banquet on that day when the Lord will be selecting His chosen one.
  20. Eating Bread of Live to me means to Believe Jesus' words and trust in Him as the source of our Life.
  21. To eat Living Bread means to accept Christ into our lives and become united with Him. We are united with Christ into two ways - 1. by believing in His death (The sacrifice of His Blood) and resurrection and , 2. by devoting ourselves to living as He requires , depending on His teaching for quidance and trusting in the Holy Spirit for power.
  22. Here Jesus is reffering to the Gift of His Body as Life to the World. Bread of Life is similar in both passages.
  23. Without believing in Jesus Christ our faith is nothing . The Holy Spirit gives spiritual life ; without the work of the Spirit ' we can not even see the need for new life. all spiritual renewal begins and end s with God .He reveals truth to us , lives within us , and then enables us to respond to that truth. The difference between the twelve and the crowd " disciples" that turn away from Jesus is that :- 1.They may have realized that He (Jesus) was not going to be the conquering -King they expected. 2. He refused to give in to their self-centered request. 3. he emphasized faith not deed. 4. His teaching were difficult to understand and some of His word were offensive. As we grow in our faith , we may be tempted to turn away because Jesus ' lessons are difficult - will your response be to give up , ignore certain teachings , or reject Christ. Instead , ask God to show you what the teaching mean and how they apply to your life. Then have the courage to act on God's truth. -If we remain faithful to Jesus' teaching we are His truly disciples - Jesus does not give us freedomto do what we want , but freedom to follow God
  24. If we Christians are to go on well to spread the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ , we should avoid comparing ourselves with other believers or other denominations. Non-believers should see our unity if we are to win them to Christ . Action speaks more than words .
  25. There is no much difference with the division in the Church today compared to the Corinth Church. In my Local congregation , I always see people who are well off ( Rich ) , take little interest with the low class people (Poor). There are at times when people move to a new place , they will go checking for a church which will suite their class , that is , which kind of cars poeple in that Church have and how big is Church , etc. Few people will invite poor to have a meal in their homes . May God help us to have that Unity which Jesus Christ Prayed for His disciples and for all believers , the night He was arrested .
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