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Everything posted by masika

  1. Broken relationship can hinder our our relationship with God . If we have a problem with a friend , we should resolve the problem as soon as possible . We are hypocrites if we claim to love God while we hate others . Our attitudes toward others reflect our relationship with God. In this sence we can not partake in the Lords table when we have a grudge with other believers . it is easy to say we Love God when that Love doesn't cost us anything more than weekly attendance at a religious service . But the real test of our Love for God is how we treat the people right in front of us - our family members and fellow believers . We can not truly Love God while neglecting to love those who are created in His image . MAY GOD HELP US TO LOVE EVERYONE. AMEN.
  2. The "Cup of blessing " should teach us to remember what Our Lord Jesus Christ did for us at Calvary .We should be thankful because our sins were forgiven . We focus on the lord and give Him great honor.
  3. When I think of what the Lord Jesus Christ did for on the Cross, because of my sin , I have no option other than thanking Him by having a close relationship whit Him. So when partaking His Table it shows my rolay to Him since it is a command I have to follow , it also shows the unity for believers when they meet together . There are a time as family we invite our brothers , sisters and close friends and relative to come for a meal , but this is nothing compared to what Christ did for us. The Lord's Supper should remind us our past sin and not turn back , but to focus more on Jesus.
  4. It shows that they were in union or communion with God and other Apostles. This is the same with us today , it shows that we are in union with God and other believers .
  5. The Old covenant was the covenant of law between God and Israel.The new and better way is the covenant of grace - Christ offers to forgive our sins and bring us to God through His Sacrificial death .This covenant is new in extent - it gives beyond Israel and Judah to include all the gentile nations .it is new in application because it is written on our heart and in our mind .It offers a new way of forgiveness , not through animals sacrifice but through faith . The promises in the new covenant are limitless and we have free access to God through Jesus Christ. Our responsibility under the new covenant is to trust and have Faith in Christ Jesus.
  6. God confirmed His covenant to the Israelites at Mt. Sinai by His appearnce to them , then Moses give a sacrifice to the Lord to confirm the Covenant by sprinkling blood to the people . The people agreed to keep the Covenant twice but they failed to keep their promise . There are also many times in our life when we fail to keep our promises to God . We should check where we have failed and repent to God , He is faithful He will forgive us our Sins .
  7. If we want God to recieve more glory in our local congregation , we must first and the most praise Him with our whole heart and mind repenting from our Sins. This can only happen when we seek His face by studying His word every day .
  8. I should have to pray prayers of praise to God . I also should not limit God , because when I know Him more I will have His fullness and I will do more in His Name.
  9. When we drink of the cup , we are affirming that Christ's blood was shed for our forgiveness and our pardon so there is need to fear we should repent of all known and unknown sins to have this complete forgiveness of our Lord Jesus Christ
  10. Yes my prayer has been and will always be that in union with Christ and through His empowering Spirit , we are complete . We have all the fullness of God avaliable to us . But we must appropriate that fullness through faith and through prayer as we daily live for him. I also Love and care for other and always ready to share Christ message to other who are ready to listen by warning them , that without God people are doomed to eternal seperation from God , and I also teach them in Love that salvation is avaliable through faith in Christ .
  11. Jesus purposely pointed the phrase found in Isaiah 53 because it spoke of the Messiah , Jesus , who would suffer for the sins of all people. Such a prophency is astounding ! Who would have believed that God would choose to save the world through a humble, suffering servant rather than a glorious King? The idea is contrary to human pride and worldly thinking . God often works in ways we don't expect . The Messiah's strenght is shown by humility , suffering and mercy.
  12. In Christ Jesus we are super-conquerors, and his Love wil protect us from any demonic forces.God's Love is also Total .It reaches every corner of our experience.
  13. Christ was meaning that His death was for all for could believe in Him. His disciples did not understant at first , because they were hoping for a leader who will drive away the Romans who were ruling them by then. They came to know this later when Jesus had risen from the dead .
  14. All problems start within our heart , so when Paul prayed for God to strengthened our inner man was rigth. Our Prayer should be God to make us strong so that we can resist the devil and not sin against our Lord. If Christ dwells in our heart ,He will take control of our life and we will fear no evil.
  15. Animals Sacrifices of blood were not realy taking away people's sin , it was God Himself who was cleansing people from their sins .This showed that God had great mercy on His people and He Loved them SO much but He hade sin.
  16. The world fears the power of atom, yet we belong to the God of the universe, who not only created that atomic power but also raised Jesus Christ from the dead .God's incomiparable great power is available to help you . There is nothing too difficult for Him. My PAYER for others to see thi truth and have their faith more in God
  17. When I think of Jesus voluntarily laying down, His life for a sinner like me, it realy a very big honor for me and I should not dream of going back in my sinful , but to live for Him alone.
  18. It is satan and unbelieve that makes us doubt what God has in Plan for Us . If spend good time in studying God's word and come to know Christ better this will charge our life in This world. My prayer is that all Peolpe of all Nations should open their eyes and mind for word of God to sing in us.
  19. In Old Testament times , God agreed to forgive peole's sins if they would bring animals for the priests to sacrifice .When this sacrificial system was inaugurated , the covenant between God and His people was sealed with the blood of animals .But animals blood did not itself remove sin ( only God can forgive sin), and animals sacrifices had to be repeated day after day and year after year .Jesus instituted a "new covenant "(agreement) between God and His people . Under this new covenant , Jesus died (Gave up His body) for sinners .Unlike the blood of animals , His blood ( Because He is God) Removes the sins of all who put their Faith in Him. Jesus sacrifice would never have to be repeated , it would be good for all ertenity.
  20. Satan seemed to be victorious in the Garden of Eden and at the cross of Jesus .But God turned Satan's apparent victory into defeat when Jesus Christ rose from the dead . Thus , death is no longer a source of dread or fear.Christ overcame it, and one day we will also . The law will no longer make sinners out of us just because we cannot keep it .Death has been defeated , and we have hope beyond the grave . My prayer is that , others should see far the good things our Lord Jesus Christ has in store for us , if only we endure until that day He comes and meet us blameless.
  21. The Bible states very clearly that Jesus was 100% God and 100% human being , so whoever teaches that Jesus' Christ birth , suffering and resurrection was not physical that preacher is antchrist and we should not listen to such teachings. Our Lord Jesus Christ put on realy human body to show us that we can still resist tempation with our human nature with the help of the Holy Spirit. If Christ hadn't fully entered the human condition the Gospel could have been half truth and many could have not believed it.
  22. Paul prayed for the believers to know God better and this is done only by having God's wisdom. True wisdom or discernment requires the believers to be guided by the Holy Spirit .If the chosen one to not pray , new beilever may not get the Holy Spirit and that satan may deceive them very easly. Yes God would work in them but they are still young spiritually who need to breastfed . This kind of prayer is important to strenght the weak or young believers
  23. This is because Christ died for our sins we who had sinned , so we should not have to suffer the punishment we derseve .This is called "substitutionary atonement.
  24. God works in" everything " --not just isolated incidents for our good . This does not mean that all that happens to us is good . With this in mind it is clear that Jesus did not get special treatment " because He was the son of God"
  25. The Lord's Supper is my Passover remembrance of my new life and fredom from my sin . It was my sin that let Our Dear Lord Jesus Christ to be nailed on the cross .
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