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Everything posted by masika

  1. People flee from God because we of many sins we sinned against God , and also we fear not to be send by God to go and preach the Gospel to the lost people. We imagine that God doesn't know what we do - This is because we do know God more , and this make us not to fear Him. Yes, there are times I do things which do not honor God.
  2. Hezekiah based on the promises of God He led an upright life , so the Lord honored him. God also loved Hezekiah.
  3. Hezekiah was the only faithful King by that time so the Lord was ready to use him to save the nation .
  4. Here we see that , although Hezekiah came to God boldly , he did not take god for granted or approach Him flippantly.Instead , Hezekiah acknowdged God's sovereignty and Judah's total dependence on Him.Hezekiah's prayer provides a good model for us .We should not be afraid to approach God with our prayers , but we must come to Him with respect for who He is and what He can do . God is also our personl Father who can never reject our reguest if asked in good motive.
  5. The significance of Hezekiah spreading out the enemy's message before the Lord is that , him is just a servant of the Lord and an insult to him is more to the Lord than him. It also implies that he is depending on the Lord to help him in that problem.
  6. In this world everything including human beings all belong to Almighty God .When giving to the Lord , we should give the best as a sign of appriciation . Also when giving Praise we should do so to God and ourselves. In this world everything including human beings all belong to Almighty God .When giving to the Lord , we should give the best as a sign of appriciation . Also when giving Praise we should do so to God and not ourselves.
  7. Our Almighty God is Powerful and Mighty ; no one can stand against Him , in that sense I have no word in my prayers that I can describe Him . The example in the Lord's prayer is found in the book of matthew 6:9.
  8. God wants a broken spirit and a broken and repentant heart.You can never please God by outward actions- no matter how good - if your attitude is not rigth.Are we sorry for your sin? Do we genuinely intend to stop? God is pleased by this kind of repentance .
  9. Yes it is possible to pure heart and it is God who creates pure heart in people .
  10. Praise is commendation -To praise one , is to commend him .When we think of what our Lord is doing in our we need to lift Him more higher than anything else in this world . It is impossible to be in a spiritual state without praising God.Praise cultivates spiritually .While we praise , we are insensibly transformed into the image . Praises greatly opens the way for God to manifest to his people.
  11. God dwells in the praises so when we priasing Him it pleases Our Lord . Human beings where created in the image and likeness of God and before Adam sinned agaisnt God we were made to sing praises to God and bless Him
  12. Abraham demonstrated his humility before God in that by welcoming the guests whom he did not know where they come from and also by asking the reguest to safe his nephew Lot
  13. The basis of Abraham's argument that God should spare Sodom is that , God is righteous and Holy .So He can be trusted to do what is right.If only He could have found the number of at least ten righteous people He could have not destroyed the city. God keep His word and He can work out His will and purpose in many ways .
  14. When we pray according to God's will . we are changed , then God is willing to change His action to respond to our intercessions and peditions . God can not answer a prayer that is outside of the scope of His will if we do not TOTALLY repent of our sins and seek His face.
  15. Wrong understanding of determinism and predestnation keeps us from the kind 0f gutsy prayer that Moses prayed in that , one may belief that everything ultimately depends upon God. some beliaf that God has foreordained all thing especialy that God has elected certain soul to eternal salvation.
  16. We should take God's interest int our heart as our own . We should also be pleading God to have mercy upon us and others rather than condemnation . Moses was basing on God's promises- that is character, righteousness and precedents. Pray the promises of God means that , the promises God made with our forefathers , that is ,Abraham , Isaac and Israel are still there up to now if only we obey God's commands. Knowing the Bible helps us to pray according to God's will
  17. They had rebelled against God by forcing Aaron to make for them a golden image , an idol cast in the shape 0f a calf .They worshiped it , saying that it was their god who brought them out of Egypt. God hades sin and when we sin as our Loving Father , He as to be angry
  18. We are to continually ask for forgiveness because we are sinners by nature and we are living in a sinful world .We are often offended at our working places or in our daily life . If we do not forgive , our heavenly Father will not forgive us.God is Love and He want us to Love others in order to get His forgiven Love
  19. We seek to be independent of asking anyone for help because we do not want look like beggers and also in the human point of view we want to show people that we are able to handle our own matters. We also seek to be independent of God because we want to show how good we are, and we only seek God help when we are in problem. We ask God to give us our daily bread , because is an abundant provider.He want us to look to Him in faith for our needs .Many times Jesus did not even know where He was going to sleep at night when He sarted out for the day , or how He would be fed .He trusted God at every turn .He doesn't want his children to be worried and afraid , but at peace and trusting.
  20. When one repents of his/her sins and let Jesus totally reign in one live , that is when you can say that the Father's Kingdom has come in your life. when we talk of God's will to be done we mean that , we should submit our lives to God in prayer and live it out daily .We shoulg be willing to put our concerns aside for the greater good of God's Kingdom on earth. We should live a holy life on this earth
  21. Our lives and words should recognize that our Heavenly Father is Holy and we when we adress Him we should do so knowing that He is a Loving , personal father . Sinse we are human being we sometimes never honour our heavenly Father the way it should be , this is because of our sinful nature. When we begin to Pray we are to , Recognize , Praise and worship our Father .
  22. The Church need to be united and it should value each and every member in the Church , sinse we have different gifts to do God's work for His glory
  23. We are to Love the Church because it is our own body in the sense , most of us got our salvation through the Church , and it is in the Church where we get our spiritual food. We get more encouraged in the Church , because we have people with different gifts in the Church. We need to repent if we despise the Church because , one fire wood can not make fire , it as to be more than one .
  24. The Church is " glorious " or resplendent in the present era by the following reasons :-Because of what holds it together a bond of Love for God , for christ , and for one another . The Church is glorious because it makes it possible for the world to see God's wisdom . The Church is glorious because in we find en ternal life - Note , Church is not savior , Jesus Christ is and works through Church
  25. Jesus Christ is the word of God , when one repents of his/her sin , one is made clean by the blood which Jesus shade at Calvary. We do need nothing else to make us clean other than the blood of Jesus .
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