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Everything posted by masika
Holiness of a Church is constituted by by the following characters : It is dedicated to God , sacred , this means that it pure , perfect and worthy of God . The Church is holy because of Christ's sacrifice . He loved it so much that is why He give up His life to her by dying on the cross .
Q2. Christ "gave himself up" for the Church
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Holiness in the Church
God commitment to Church is so great that He give up His and only Son Jesus Christ to die on thecross because of the sin of the world , this shows that the sacrifice was altruistic on self-serving. -
Submission in regard to Church's relationship to Christ means that we are to obey and follow the guide .line or rules laid down by our lord Jesus Christ . As a believer I have to live a holy life pleasing to God , I have yo obey all what the Bible tell me . Christ loved me the way I was in my sinful nature. When all congragation will submit to Christ , they will listen and seek to find what Christ wants, -They will be faithful to believe and transmit the gospel to all nations even their enemy, -They will be committed to carry out Christ work to the world, -They will not be selfish about members getting their own need. Christ is Head of the Church we mean that He is - -Origin , source of everything, -Ruler, -Sustainer , -Source of supply , unity , growth
Q6. The Purpose of Body-Building
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Ministry in the Church
The purpose of constructing a healthy local congregation is that it will be strong and mature in knowing Jesus and it will not be easily swayed by false teaching . It will also work in unity in helping one another. -
Q5. Equipping the Saints for Ministry
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Ministry in the Church
From a strategic point of view , it is very important that pastors focus on " equipping the saints for the work of ministry rather than serving as paid chaplains to the flock in that when you read the book of Luke 9:57-62 , You will see Jesus was putting more emphancy for us not to focus on material things . Many Churches are coming up but when you look their teachings is more on giving of money rather than salvation for the lost souls . We should teach the saints with true gospel so that they may be swept by false teachings. Jesus taught His followers to look into the cost of following him. -
Pastors and teachers do alot to build up the Body in that most of the time they the one who make sure that believers in the congregation are feed well with spiritual food. We believers do little in visiting other believers to see their well being , this work is left to pastors and teachers, even when they are sick we never visit them in hospital . In my Church there are many brethren who have the these gifts and they do alot in building the Body , they are very good in encouraging others in spiritual matters
Evangelist in our local congregation are people who preach in Open Air meetings ( market places and shoping centres) They build the Church in away that they look for those people who have never heard of Christ and lead them to the Lord.
The early apostles were their with Jesus and what they saw is what they taught early Christians so it through these apostles that most of us have to know Christ . I believe if it were not them the world could have known the truth on Christ
Q1. Spiritual Gifts for Each One
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Ministry in the Church
Each Christian has been given gifts by God's grace in order to build up the body of Christ and carry out Christ's work in the world -
I should respect and value everybody whether Christians or not , this may attract the non Christians to follow our Lord Jesus Christ . For fellow Christians I should not look down upon anybody due to their status because they apart to play in the Church
We all believe that through baptism we are united to Christ so the point of been divided should not arrise among Christians
Q4. Seven Commonalities that Unite Us
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. Unity in the Church
These elements are , one body, one Spirit , one hope , one Lord , one faith, one baptism , one God and Father of all , who is over all and through all in all -
It is the Holy Spirit that brings the unity and the Apostle Pual says that it is not easy that is he says should make every effort to keep this unity
We are called as Christians to be humble or humility and have gentleness, to be patience, to endure, to put up with one another and above all to have Love , it is Love that binds all these
We are all invited or called to follow our Lord Jesus Christ we are to respect each and every body since we have different gifts or ability in doing things if we are to work in unity
Q5. A Dwelling Place for God
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. God's Presence in the Church
Our congregations should be a dwelling place for God in Spirit in that the God who called us His Holly and if we are to follow Him we must fully commit our life to Him and worship Him in true Spirit , that is meeting together , encouraging one another . This is because we have one thing in common , we are sons and daughters of one Father -
Q5. A Dwelling Place for God
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. God's Presence in the Church
Our congregations should be a dwelling place for God in Spirit in that the God who called us His Holly and if we are to follow Him we must fully commit our life to Him and worship Him in true Spirit , that is meeting together , encouraging one another . This is because we have one thing in common , we are sons and daughters of one Father -
Q4. Foundation of the Church (2:20-21)
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. God's Presence in the Church
The apostles and prophets contribute to my life today in that without them it could have been impossible for me to know the Lord Jesus Christ . It is through reading the scripture that contributes to the development of our faith. Reading the Bible helps us to worship God aright. One thing that comes from exploring the scripture is the nurturing of hope.Christian hope is a confident expectation regarding the future . This why Bible- reading Christians are neither despairing pessimists nor silly optimists. Despite all that is happening in the world which fills the human heart with gloom , we know God has everything in His hands and will one day come again to this earth to right all wrongs and take full control over human affairs. Another benefit that comes from meditating on scriptures is that we are able to obey God. The congregation that does not base their faith on the Lord Jesus Christ I do not know which Bible they are reading. There is no other Name which we were give on earth and heaven other than the Name Jesus .He His Chief Cornerstone.AMEN. -
Q3. Members of God's Household
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. God's Presence in the Church
The phrase " members of God's household" , It tells us about the nature of the church and nature of God - in that the Church is a family , and in a family you do not choose to have them , whether they are good or not you must Love them. You remain a member of that family. For us Christians we have one thing in common , we all trust in Jesus and have been choosen , elected , by the father (God) to be His Family. We are joined to each other by very strong bonds. So us a church we must love one another and encourage each other all the time. -
Q2. Citizens and Saints (2:19a)
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. God's Presence in the Church
We are citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven that means that we have full rights to be called saints. We are holy or saints in the sense that we are God's chosen people , we are set apart for special purpose in the Kingdom of Heaven -
Q1. Access to the Father (2:16-18)
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. God's Presence in the Church
Access to the Father is important because you will not need permision from anybody to go to Him .You can visit Him at anytime. If a country is not having Diplomatic relationship with another Country it is not easy for the head of either country or his/her people to visit freely to another country without special clearance, but if the relationship is there they can visit each other at anytime without much restriction. We obtained access to the Father through the shade of the blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross. If you do not Love someone with the whole of your heart it is not easy to have good relationship with that person -
God's power is within us who believe in the Name of Jesus Christ. God's full power that is at work in us has no limit. Because of the unbelieve and doubts in our prayer life this power is not evident. It brings glory to God in that , we have some people who will never believe in God unless they see miracle done in their life.
Q4. Head Over All Things for the Church
masika replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Power in the Church
It means that their is unity of God's creation and to fulfill God's plan on the earth. Christ is the Head of the Church and we represent Christ here it means the church is used to exercise God;s power and authority here on earth. Yes , the church has the power so long has it is in tune with Christ. -
It means that we also have full authority over demons and evil spirits, they are under our feet. This is by the grace of God and nobody should boast.
They believed in spiritual realms - where God ,angels ,demons - and human beings exist and we are strongly influenced by the spiritual realm wether we know or not . Christ is at aplace of full authority and power over every other spiritual being in the universe. Under His feet gives Him full authority.