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Q2. The Lord Is My Shepherd
satyaevangeline replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Lord Our Provider
Yes. There has been times in which I have realized that God has cared for me like a Shepherd cares for his herd. As a matter of fact, like the sheep that strays away from the herd I also have strayed. And like a Shepherd that looks for his lost sheep so God has led me back home. Praise be to God! -
Q4. Spring of Living Water
satyaevangeline replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Lord Our Provider
That He is always there to meet my needs. He is Eternal. God is only a breath away and I only have to call out His name and He will answer. No matter what goes on in our lives all we have to do is go to the BOOK with the answers and have the comfort of knowing that it holds the answer. Everything is there and I only need to search for the nuggets that are placed at my disposal and meditate on what God's will is for my life. My hope is in the Lord, I will never be thirsty, if I am obedient and I will spend eternity with Him. PRAISE THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES!!!! He will make a way when there is no way.. To the Hebrews living water, such as a river, represented a place of purification. This became a chance to be cleansed, refreshed, renewed. To have the Living Water dwelling within through the person of the Holy Spirit means daily purification, a constant change through purging, cleansing and renewal. This tells me that our God is continually present and working within the believer to bring us to the point of holiness, as only He can make us holy. I thirst for the Living Water, knowing that when I receive this blessed gift, I will thirst no more. My worldy desires will be quenched, my search for carnal satisfaction passing day by day. With certainty I can say that as long as I continue to drink of His Living Water my future will be assured. My future in the presence of His glory. -
Q4. The God of All Grace
satyaevangeline replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. The God of All Grace
God has blessed my family even though we like all people are truly undeserving. There are not enough words to describe His Grace-He Saved us,sustained us and made us what we are now. Peter, knew the forgiveness of God and he also knew that he was undeserving of that forgiveness. He sinned against the Son when he denied Him three times but Jesus took Him back and told him to feed my sheep. Giving him another chance to show his obedience and to follow Jesus. He made another choice to live for Christ when He realized the Blessing he had just recieved and the Grace and Mercy of the Father. -
Q5. The Metaphor of Father and Son
satyaevangeline replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. God our Father
Human intelligence is quite up to understanding that the original word "man" covered both the male and the female of the species, (in the likeness of God) and the female was then taken out of the male to stand alongside him as companion. Adam (means mankind) named her (he had naming rights!)woman (= issue of man). This is God's correct order of things, and to change it is to create disorder and is unthinkable. God is all about relationships and intimacy. God the authority--head over all (male); man (male) the authority--head over his family--answerable to God; woman (female) to accept the authority before her. There is protection under this umbrella for women. Yes, God does expect gentleness, kindness, sensitivity and love between man & woman. His authority is not just something to hold over a wife's head. This gentleness & kindness can be seen with Jesus as he interacted with so many different men & women. It just comes easier for the woman because of her mothering instincts. The Father Son relationship of God and His Christ is crucial to our understanding of them and of us. Feminist jealousy has no place here, and also nothing actually to be afraid of! The picture of God that the Bible gives is like that of (Adam = mankind including woman). The feminine is deeply protected in the Biblical picture. Proverbs 31 suggests that woman is a whole and wonderful creature with all the abilities of the male in business or anywhere else. She is not limited in role. She can choose whatever role she wants. Just let her not neglect her family and children in the process and be like the woman who forgets her children. The Father/Son metaphor for Yahweh and Yeshua enriches our understanding. It does not impoverish it. I have always loved the idea that God would gather us under His wings like a mother hen. Yes, I want to be there! I love it that He cannot forget his baby. I know that creation and God are not the same thing, but certainly God identifies a generative, feminine perspective here. It's interesting that Jesus came to die for His bride (that's us!) It's like God is one, complete, like the first Adam (mankind) while Jesus the begotten J(not created) Son is looking for His bride - female counterpart. It is better that the brown bride tends her vineyard than tries to make her Lord female! How ridiculous is that! -
Israel is the wife. It is an adulterous wife. Israel is disobedient and unfaithful to her husband God. But her husband remains faithful. The husband is the protector and supporter of the family. The one who is responsible for the families well being. The one who nurtures, teaches, protects, and love every family member. The husband has the authority. The husband in this instance is faithful to his wife and his family. The New Testament says that the husband and wife shall be united again. Rev 19:7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. Rev 19:8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. Rev 19:9 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God. God is a jealous God he tells us this in Exodus 20:3-5, The Ten Commandments. We shall have no other Gods before him. We shall not bow down or worship other idols or false Gods. We owe our love and loyalties, trust, faith, and belief to God and God alone. There should be nothing put before him. Our love should belong to him first. For he is a jealous and avenging God and he will take vengeance and wrath on your faithlessness. We are His bride loved by Him to the extent that He gave His son For me. God is jealous for His love and over His love. He is jealous for her devotion and affection; jealous for her undivided love and commitment to Him alone; jealous for her faithful respect of His leadership and provision. And He is jealous over anything that threatens to harm or deceive His love; jealous over anything that would turn her eyes from Him to another; jealous over anything that would damage His relationship with her.
Jesus and Father are one in the sense that they are two of the three persons of triune Yahweh - the one true and living God. They have different roles and personalities, yet they are the very same essence of divinity, perfect holiness, and love. Jesus clearly identified that He obeys the Father's will, reflects the Father's glory, came to earth clothed in flesh to restore fallen man to the Father. 1 Cor.8:6 says there is only one Supreme Divinity, the Father, and that there is only one Supreme Master Owner, Jesus Christ. Yet it says that through each of them came all things and through each of them we live. They have to be the same God. Jesus said they are one. Father designed the plan of creation and redemption according to His will, Jesus Christ the Son obediently executed that plan and revealed the Father to humanity, and the Spirit implements the plan of His will throughout creation and within the hearts and lives of humanity. Jesus is identified by that name in prophecy (fulfilled and future) and by His own testimony. He is Yahweh, equally as much as Father and the Spirit. Jesus is the physical incarnation of the power of God through His Spirit. They are not distinct entities from one another, and yet they have their distinction! So Jesus was distinct from the Father in the way we are able to receive or perceive Him, rather than in any real sense.Jesus is the Word or voice of God. He issues from God and has no distinction from God. He was the voice of God before He took carnal form through Mary, and is ever the voice of God. The Holy Spirit is the Presence of God, always was (moved over the face of the earth from creation's beginnings and still does) .Jesus in the physical had limitations and did only what He saw His Father doing. This is a description of their oneness. Only the Father knew certain things - the time of the second coming, who would sit at Jesus right and left hand in the Kingdom. He was separate from God sufficiently to be abandoned at the Cross when He became sin for us. He is, therefore His own person. Jesus presented Himself as the only earthly means by which we could commune with the Father. He proclaimed that God had "given" His children to Him and, He told Philip that "anyone who has seen Him has seen the Father." Conclusively, Jesus plainly illustrates that His words and His presence indicate that He and the Father are one. Add to this the Holy Spirit and we have God in three persons, blessed Trinity! The Lord always separated Himself from the Father in heaven. He told us that He came not to seek His own glory but, to glorify our Father in heaven. He distinguished Himself from the Father as the Son of man(kind). Thus He allowed Himself to be a conduit to the Father above, distinct from He, Himself, here on earth.Jesus is God the Son to whom God the Father has given all power in heaven and in earth. Two distinct and separate parts of the Godhead. And so it will remain until He has put all of His enemies under His feet... "And when all things shall be subdued unto Him, then shall the Son also Himself be subject unto Him that put all things under Him, that God may be all in all." 1 Cor 15:28 esus is God as much as the Father is God; their characteristics are the same, except that Jesus is God in flesh. Jesus was in no doubt about this and neither was John and Paul. " The Word became flesh and made his dwelling amongst us.' [John 1:2] "You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life.These are the Scriptures that testify about me." [John 5:35] "For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity was in bodily form." [Colossians 2:9].We know Jesus through His earthy ministry. He was both fully God and fully man. His incarnation distinquishes Him as one of the three persons of God. The power of Jesus is that we can relate to His humanity. Through this, we have a more direct relationship with God. During His life on earth He related to it as well and throughout there is a filial obedience to His Father's will. "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will." [Matthew 26:39] In the person of the Son, Jesus is the mediator between us and the Father. This was God's marvellous gift. Through Jesus' humanity we can know God better. We have a living example on which to model our lives; the example of one who was tempted and suffered like any other human being but was also God and so could atone for our sins and give us eternal life.Yes, Jesus tells us that this is so. "'I tell you the truth.' Jesus answered, 'before Abraham was born, I am'." [John 6:58]. His life, teaching and actions are a reflection of who He is: God in flesh.
The O.T. and Jewish understanding of Yahweh saw Him as more of a stern, formal figure. Israel was called His child nationally, but we now have an intimate, personal father-child relationship that I don't think they could have understood. They had the promise of adoption, but that promise was fulfilled, delivered, and realized through Jesus Christ. He is the one who demonstrated and taught us who Father is and how we can/should now relate to Him. He showed us what that should look like and how important it is. And that is now our inheritance. On the grace side of the cross, we have the benefit of literally being adopted into the Father's family as sons and daughters. We shouldn't lose any of the proper respect and submission due to Yahweh. But Christ gives us the marvellous and incredible privilege of each having a personal intimate relationship of love and tenderness that couldn't be imagined before restoration to the Father was accomplished through the Savior. This revelation of God as Abba makes that love-relationship even more precious.Jesus taught me that God was also a tender hearted God of love and devotion, one who could be endeared in the heart and chearished like one does an earthly Father no one had heard of this concept. I think of my Father in the same way, a Father figure is a stern person to be looked up to and obeyed. Respected more than loved, but daddy is one who loves me and wants to show me that love and expect it back in return.Daddy is respected out of that love not of fear. I want to have that relationship with God that He came come to be my daddy ,one who is there for me helping me in time of trial and pain. One who I can turn to when I need help just getting through the day. One I can talk to about any problem or guild without reservation or fear. God is always waiting for us to come to terms with the knowledge that this is truly what He wants from us the Love due our DADDY. If we read the Bible daily, we can see that Jesus Christ teaches us about, "God Our Father" who is Powerful, Loving, Caring, Protects, Listens, Leads, Guides one who is Humble,Gentle. When we seek God, he is there for us forever. Even when we don't seek Him, He is still there waiting.GOD OUR FATHER never turn his back on us whenever we fail. The relation is a gentle, loving and embracing relationship that a child has with his father. It is a relationship of devoted love. It is a relationship where a child can crawl up on their father
Q3. Lord of Lords and Governments
satyaevangeline replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. God Our Lord and King
A nation which is governed by God is a blessed nation says the Bible. Blessings increase as a nation adheres to Him as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. However,as He makes a nation rich, carnality rears it's ugly head and secularism becomes king. The very wealth that Yahweh blessed a nation with becomes that nation's God, and the Lord of Lords becomes a diminished reality, soon forgotten by the majority. A government that recognizes that Yahweh is King of Kings and Lord of Lords will be blessed. A government that excludes God from all of it's rulings risks condemnation and withdrawal of God's blessings. As God said in 2 Chronicles 7:14: "If my people, who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land." I pray that we as a nation, my country India will know One True God and owe its allegiance to Him alone . When the Government obeys the laws of the Lord, the subjects are blessed by default. Then the people of India will be free of all problems. -
Q3. The LORD Is Peace
satyaevangeline replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. God Our Savior and Redeemer
I can imagine that Gideon was somewhat beside himself with fear at the appearance of the angel of God like most of us feel in times of problems. Here was poor old Gideon, already quite shaken by the oncoming Midianites and now, he encounters the heavenly presence of Yahweh's messenger. This, the same Yahweh that told his forefathers that they would be struck dead, if only to look upon Him. This the same Yahweh that punished Gideon's people time and time again for their disobedience to His laws. Oh what a relief it must have been when he was told; "Shalom! Do not be affraid. You are not going to die." He had just experienced Yahweh in a way he had never before heard or felt. A God of peace. The altar, Gideon's memorial was appropriately named; "the Lord is Peace". I think Gideon named the altar "Shalom" or "peace" because it solidified for him the moment when God announced shalom to him (and to all Israel through him), and he felt this shalom in the very core of his being. That rock altar would always remind him of this precious and wonderful moment when God again brought certainty into his life and the life of Israel. At this altar he would always be back there with Yahweh, remembering how his offering was received (consumed) and his life changed -
Q4. Prince of Peace
satyaevangeline replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. God Our Savior and Redeemer
The Peace that passes all understanding, the Peace that only He can give is the Peace that the Prince of Peace will bring to the world There will be no more problems, no more pain, no more suffering, no need for worry, no need for struggle, no more sickness, no more famine, there will be war no more, no more hatred, no more sorrow, a place where children can play without fear, no need for jealousy, we shall be free from sin for evil will be abolished.The world will be a better place to live in. Only Joy and Peace will reign over the Earth. Lord of Love will be it's ruler. Everything on this earth will praise him, will worship him, will adore him. For he is the One True God and everyone and everything will acknowledge this. Everyone and everything will praise him and serve him. Everything will work in harmony for the Good of His Will. Oh What A Happy Day! God's Great and Wonderful Peace!! Living and Reigning with Our Great God --Jehovah Shalom.. How marvelous that is going to be! -
Everything about God's forgiveness is amazing. That it exists at all is amazing. That it is so expansive and wholesome and healing is amazing. That His love abounds to us in spite of ourselves is amazing. And magnificent. Thank you Father. The people of Israel had experienced the miracle of the Passover, the miracle at the Red Sea; they had seen God providing manna and water in the dessert yet they were quick to forget all that God had done for them
Q4. Prince of Peace
satyaevangeline replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. God Our Savior and Redeemer
I can't imagine how wonderful that's going to be! Everything will be of righteousness. There will be no sin at all. Everything will be tranquil and peace and harmony will be prevelant. There will be nothing of this world left. Everything will be "new" and made "together" with God's Love. All people will be of one accord. God's Great and Wonderful Peace!! Living and Reigning with Our Great God --Jehovah Shalom.. How marvelous that is going to be! No sin, no pain, no death, just eternal fellowship with God. -
Q3. The LORD Is Peace
satyaevangeline replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. God Our Savior and Redeemer
Gideon named the altar "the Lord is Peace" because His angel brought peace to Gideon at a time of war. He was encouraged by the angel of God that he would not die in this battle, that he was in God's will by doing battle and it brought him a great peace & joy. Gideon had been totally terrified when he realised that he had been talking to the angel of the Lord. But no harm had come to him, and God then took over the conversation with the word "PEACE". So when God spoke that word to Gideon, his soul, his bones and his whole being were flooded with immutable peace. Gone was the terror and fear of the Lord, and in its place there was every wonderful thing that that word "Shalom" represents, - wholeness, health and physical strength, well-being, joy of the spirit, prosperity, ability to prosper, safety, confidence, ability to form wonderful relationships all round, ability to lead and instil confidence. So he named the altar "Shalom" or "peace" because it solidified for him the moment when God announced shalom to him (and to all Israel through him), and he felt this shalom in the very core of his being. That rock altar would always remind him of this precious and wonderful moment when God again brought certainty into his life and the life of Israel. -
Q1. God our Kinsman-Redeemer
satyaevangeline replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. God Our Savior and Redeemer
As per the Old Testament, for a kinsman it was the obligation of the next of kin, the male figure, to step in and assist as needed when his family member was in trouble. This extended even to the surviving brother to know the widow of his deceased brother if he (the deceased) die without an heir. Jesus took on human flesh in order to become our kinsman. As we had sold our inheritance to satan, it could only be bought back again by a man, because God had already given dominion to man and could not just take it back again. So Jesus came to do that very job, to redeem our position with regard our inheritance of dominion. This reveals God -
Q2. God our Savior
satyaevangeline replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. God Our Savior and Redeemer
I think a saviour is one who gets you out of an impossible situation. He removes the problem, freeing up the victim. Synonyms for "Saviour" are Jesus, Redeemer, Deliverer, Protector, rescuer. A deliverer would be one taking someone out of an impossible, problem. This deliverer would pull that someone from death to life, bondage to freedom and/or hopelessness to hopefulness. My Jesus fits every name. He did all of the aforementioned synonyms by His birth, sinless life, death and resurrection. By His birth He was the Deliverer. By His sinless life He was the perfect sacrifice thereby an acceptable price for my redemption. With His death, He rescued me from certain death by eternal separation from God the Father. With all, by His name I have been saved . He is My Lord , my Savior.