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Lion of Grace

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Everything posted by Lion of Grace

  1. I am saved by the blood of Christ that He shed for me. He is the final sacrifice offered for forgiveness of my sin and I accept the covering of His blood and that He is Messiah. His righteousness is now my righteousness and I am accepted into the Kingdom of God. I am Gods child. I also bear fruit. My life is changed. The Holy Spirit is active in my life whether for encouragement or in conviction. I have come to know more and more of His grace and my heart is changed. Oh yes, I am in the Lambs book of life! Thanks you Jesus. Thank you Father. And Thank you Holy Spirit.
  2. King of Kings shows me that all authority is under Jesus. We may have symbols of authority here on Earth and we are called to obey authority here, but there is one who rules over them also and He is King of Kings and HE is head over all. The only reason they have any authority at all is because it was given to them by God and God can take it away just as easily. We are to always go to our GREAT King in times of trouble with authority figures who have turned from doing right. There you will find all true authority and One to listen to your concerns! Justice is from God and HE has all authority to meet it out. Lord of Lords is much the same, yet here "Lordship" is (to me) having complete authority. When we say "Jesus is Lord" we proclaim He is above all. Even over our very selves. We bow to His Lordship. We submit to His rulings. Sometimes we don't like to do that, but we do anyway, knowing He has us in mind and with intended good. He's the one supreme Lord of Lords we CAN fully trust. He is faithful and true. Unlike earthly "kings" and their earthly "kingdoms".
  3. As Christ's bride, I am admonished on how much I wander from my first love. I am admonished on His kindness and caring of me, when He passed by and saw me in my sins, yet covered me and gave me a solemn oath to take me as His bride. How often I forget that and turn from His love. I am encouraged though, that His promises are secure. That He never leaves me nor forsakes me. That I will be presented to Him as a pure and spotless bride, through HIS grace and covered still, by HIS blood. As for being a part of all God's people at the feast, I am admonished to be prepared at all times. To be found being watchful and ready. Day to day, that can be a struggle if we are not truly abiding. I am encouraged by the looking forward to the fulfillment of God's promises to us. That Christ confers on us a Kingdom just as His Father conferred one on Him. That we may eat and drink at the table in His Kingdom and sit on thrones, judging the 12 tribes of Israel. So MANY promises to look forward to in faith!
  4. I think Moses was overcome by fear, lack of faith and self doubt. Reading further he questions in detail some of the incidences he may encounter and he wants to know just how he is to respond to those situations. God had already told him He would go with him and there is some semblance of trust as he is thinking of going, but he wants more. Moses wants details as to what may happen and how he is to respond. He wants reassurance yet. His questions continue even after God gives specific instructions to him in many areas, so I don't think Moses had complete trust, nor was he totally submitted in humility, knowing maybe "he" couldn't but "GOD" could in all things. He had absolute doubts about himself and his natural abilities and voiced them, so I don't think he was in a place of humbleness yet. That comes with KNOWING we can't do anything in and of ourselves and trusting God anyway in HIS strength, moving forward. God still is the same today as He was yesterday and will be tomorrow. He still assures us He goes with us. He still is patient with our doubts and questions and He still leads us to strength and maturity in Him. Even today, as I consider my impossible situations, though I tend to want to despair, I can see through this study that He is speaking and kindly directing and I'm grateful! I have been greatly encouraged. Thank you Holy Spirit!
  5. At the time Moses killed the Egyptian, his character was lacking. Yes, he had a sense of justice and he was coming in to identifying with who he was and his people. He had a sense of anger for the injustice he witnessed....but his actual demeanor and character were destroyed because of his lack of self control. He was impulsive, took matters into his own hands, using not only an illegal mean to solve the problem but an immoral one. The end never justifies the means. True Godly character is everything. At this point, Moses was not under any wise counsel nor did he use the legal means or the prestige he had available in a good way to help his people. And, he had some sense that what he was doing was wrong and let his emotions rule over his character anyway. Also, at this point, he had started to identify with his people, but the people had no means of identifying with HIM. That would have been important to be recognized as "helping" them or "for them" as opposed to causing them more grief. He clearly did not have true empathy for their lives as "empathy" is something we have lived out ourselves so we truly DO have understanding in any particular plight.
  6. To be "in the world, but not of the world." is a call to go out into the world to preach and to make a difference. We hold fast to and stand strong in our beliefs in the midst of those living worldly lives. We are the salt and the light to these people as we tell about our faith and show them our faith lived out. We can't go and hole up somewhere becoming inclusive. That breeds spiritual pride/legalism and is not fruitful for advancing God's Kingdom. We are to witness to sinners in love and truth, but not be like them or allow them any influence over us. Yet, the instruction to "Come out of her so you might not share in her sins" is a specific instruction for a people that were living in an ultimate "practicing/non repentant" pagan society. They were warned to not take part in any of the rituals, idolatry and worldliness that made up the society. There is a specific distinction between God's people and those who had CHOSEN to not follow God but were willfully engaging in sinfulness. There are specific times when God sees and knows that a people are NOT going to turn and be saved. As in, Sodom and Gomorrah or the times of Noah. Then a clear separation/fleeing is required. We need to ask for discernment in these cases. We may be sent for a time to reveal truth, but sometimes truth is rejected and the fruit won't be there. We ourselves, can become endangered living among the sinfulness. All to often we absorb stinking thinking without even being aware! It kind of creeps in unaware! At that point, it is no longer for our benefit or for the benefit of the Kingdom to remain in the situation. There is great caution here though. We MUST be prayerfully seeking on our situations all the time. Sometimes fruit comes when you least expect it! I'm reminded of Matt. 10:5-15 and the instruction given to the twelve disciples as they were sent out. In it, they are instructed, "If some home or town will not welcome you or listen to you, then leave that place and shake the dust off your feet. I assure you that on the Judgment Day, God will show more mercy to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah than to the people of that town." So there are limits....and they are seriously to be discerned.
  7. This is such joy!!! The Lord is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation! All the songs in Revelation as well as the song of Moses and Miriam in Exodus 15 declare this truth. They are songs that declare the glory of God. They tell a story of who He is, what He has done, the praise He is due and the glory and power He has. They are songs that we, though humble in singing them, receive great joy in also, for the Lamb has conquered on our behalf! Glorious day! What we could never accomplish....He did! For us! He is worthy! Almighty! God! All praise and glory and honor and wisdom and power to Him. In thankfulness we raise our voices. In humbleness we are in awe and sing with great emotion for our God has saved us! I woke up last night with a song being sung over me. I thought at the time, "Oh! It's on Revelation!" but to read the lesson today caused me to bow before Him in great love and faithfulness, for He IS my strength and my song. He IS my salvation and has been good to me! The song is: One Day (Living He loved Me) Sung by Casting Crowns. (How appropriate!) One day when Heaven is filled with His praises, One day when sin was as black as could be, Jesus came forth to be born of a virgin, He dwelt among men, my example is He. Living He loved me, dying He saved me, Buried He carried my sins far away. Rising He justified. Freely forever. One day He's coming. Oh glorious day! One day they led Him, up Calvary's mountain. One day they nailed Him to die on a tree. Suffering anguish, despised and rejected, bearing our sins, my Redeemer is He. One day the grave, could conceal Him no longer. One day the stone rolled from the door. Then He arose, O'er death He had conquered. Now is ascended, my Lord forevermore! One day the trumpet will sound at His coming. One day the skies with His glories will shine. Wonderful day my beloved was bringing! Glorious Savior! This Jesus is mine! Living He loved me! Dying He saved me! Buried He carried my sin far away! Rising He justified! Freely forever! One day He's coming!,Oh glorious day! Oh glorious day! Oh glorious day! One day the trumpet will sound His coming! One day the skies with His glories will shine! Oh glorious day! Amen!!!
  8. Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for Christians to accept? I think because of a lack of understanding of the "whole" of scripture or in understanding the character of God. We see that God is "loving" and He is, but sometimes God being "just" is not taught. We preach "Come as you are" and we can, but the "fear" of God is often overlooked. We dismiss respect for Him and HIS way. I even see Christians quoting parts of verses that make God's love and mercy evident, yet skip the second part of the same verse that has our requirement of action to it. Also, today "tolerance" is more the word than THE Word. We think being peacemakers is peacekeeping. Peacemaking is confronting sin, dealing with it, repenting of it and thus attaining lasting change. We have peace in God and with each other because we become more Christ like. Peacekeeping is just tolerating everything going on. We say "turn the other cheek" but Jesus never promoted complacency when He said that. He required we confront sin in love (in ourselves as well as others) but also that we forgive. We don't excuse and wink an eye at wrong, yet we don't condemn. We reach out in truth and love to restore. We never give up and we continue to persevere but not to accept sin in ourselves and others, but to run the race in excellence or be that example of unconditional love so others have opportunity to see and change and win. God's very nature is love but He IS just. Giving His own Son up for us was to satisfy being just. It was also ultimate love shown to us. God didn't say, "Oh well! They sinned....I tolerate that because I love them!" No, someone paid a price for our sin. Jesus. He satisfied the "just" part of it all. When we practice tolerance, as though no one could ever go to hell because God isn't just....we really are enemies of the cross....because the cross was all about justice and all about the horrific price Jesus paid for the sin (some would say we can tolerate). Only saying "God is love" is totally overlooking the price paid and the whole scenario of the sinless life Christ lived! There is no need of a Savior if God the Father just tolerates sin. That is a lie from satan for complacency in wrong living. There is a wholeness to understand in it. We are to have fear of God (respect for God). That's the beginning of wisdom. God holds eternal life or death in the balance. It's a scale. Those choosing Christ tip the scale in favor of life. Those choosing to not believe, tip the scale in favor of death. Eternal punishment is just punishment because sin is death. Christ is life. If we believe on Jesus, we have eternal life. If anyone refuses to have their sins paid for and covered by His blood....there is eternal death. Everyone will ultimately hear this truth and we are urged to pay attention to this truth. Those who have eyes are to see and those with ears are to hear. Be wise in your choice.
  9. The 144,000 provide an ideal for all Christians to take in that they are: Redeemed from the world No longer of the world, they are sealed in the Holy Spirit. They are priests and servants in the Kingdom of God. They have been purchased by the blood of Christ and are made righteous. We too, are sealed in the Holy Spirit and live by the spirit of God. No longer of this world, we live for the Kingdom of God, living, moving and breathing by the spirit of God for the purposes of God. Chaste They have kept themselves pure from all sexual immorality and have not defiled themselves with the pagan "world" system. We also, are new creatures in Christ and lead lives of purity, setting aside all those things of the world that cause us to be impure. We no longer conform to the world, but conform to be more like Christ. Following the Lamb wherever He goes The Lord is their shepherd. They not only heard the word, but have taken up their cross and followed Christ. They walk with Him in obedience. Even to death. We too are instructed to remain in the vine. We are to not only be hearers of the word but doers of the word. We abide in Christ and He in us. He is our good Shepherd and we also take up our cross and follow Him into a life that has spiritual merit, not worldly merit. Producing first fruits They were fruitful in their labors. Bearing testimony and adding to the Kingdom. They were faithful witnesses producing fruit for the harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God. We too can be faithful witnesses in all we do. We are called to teach, preach and testify about salvation through Christ. We lead our lives in a way that is an example of Christ and the lifestyle He taught us to live. We are to add more to God's Kingdom and we are also called to equip the saints, helping to grow all to maturity so more disciples are made to continue the work of declaring the good news of Jesus Christ. Honest The 144,000 lived a life displaying honesty and truthfulness. A key characteristic of any Christian. We too, are to have integrity in all we do, displaying a life of excellence for the world to see we are set apart and leading lives pleasing to our God. If we don't, the world only sees we don't take our God seriously and do not respect Him. Then we are hypocrites in their eyes. Spotless They were blameless before God washed in the blood of the Lamb. This is our faith. Redemption through the blood of Christ. Bottom line. There is salvation through no other name. We are purchased by His blood and made righteous through Christ's sacrifice on the cross. Anyone believing and declaring the name of Jesus will be saved. Hold on though! You WILL be changed! Hallelujah!
  10. WOW! Much to see and learn here! The Beast of the sea described in Rev. 13 is referred to in 1 John and 2 John as the antichrist and in 2 Thessalonians as the man of lawlessness. The dragon,(satan)is identified as the one giving power to the beast. We see satan giving his power and authority to this figure. The beast is given a mouth to utter words and blasphemies for 42 months. He will blaspheme God and slander His name and His dwelling place and all those that live in Heaven. He will even say he IS God! He is given power to make war on the saints and to conquer them. He is given the right to persecute them and to kill them. He is given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. Thus, being referred to as "out of the sea" is a symbolism of being authoritative over all nations. The whole world will be astonished at the Beast and his power and wonders and will ask, "Who is like the Beast? Who can make war against him?" All the inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast...but these are the people belonging to the world. All those who names have NOT been written in the book of life. Those who do NOT belong to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world. They will perish and be deceived because they refuse to love the truth and so be saved. God himself, will send powerful delusions so they will believe the lies and they will be condemned because they did not love truth but delighted in wickedness. Those who ARE saved and who's names ARE written in the book of the Lamb, are to be patiently enduring through this time. Whatever our fate will be our fate and we are to accept that, but we are to be faithful and patient, standing firm, knowing even if we are killed we will not be defeated. Our God has overcome! We are to thank God because we were chosen to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit and through our belief in the truth. We know this through the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are to hold on to this teaching passed on to us. This man of lawlessness is doomed. Christ Jesus will overthrow him with the breath of His mouth and will destroy him by the splendor of His coming. We, who are saved, will be victorious. Those who refuse the truth of Christ will perish eternally. We though, will live eternally. The false prophet,is called "the beast out of the Earth." He had two horns like a lamb, but spoke like a dragon. Interesting symbolism. He will exercise all the authority of the first beast "on his behalf". He will make all the inhabitants of the Earth, worship the first beast, who has set himself up to be God. He will display great and miraculous signs and wonders in full view of men. Because of these signs,(that he was given the power to do on behalf of the first beast) he will deceive the inhabitants of the Earth. He will order an image be set up to honor the beast. He will be given power to give breath to the image so it can speak and cause all who refuse to worship the image to be killed. All this power is from an evil source. Satan. He will force people, rich and poor, slave and free, to take the mark of the beast on their right hand or forehead to buy or sell anything. Those who refuse to take his mark, will suffer terribly with no economic means to survive. The mark received will be the number of the beast. 666. The exact meaning of the number is unknown, but likely symbolizes ultimate wickedness or even an unholy trinity of evil. All in all, everyone today has a choice to believe on the Lord Jesus and be saved and changed through the power of the Holy Spirit or to reject Christ and follow lies, choosing condemnation over eternal life. In the end, those belonging to the Lamb, washed in His blood, will be victorious and live. Those who are not, will perish and be thrown into the fire with the one who deceived them. We MUST know the truth of the Word. We MUST walk in communion with God every day! We MUST be prepared and we MUST be watchful every day. Satan will go to great lengths to deceive. Even through false miracles that may seem "religious." The Holy Spirit will keep us....but we MUST be sealed by Him, through our salvation, because of Jesus Christ. No other way!
  11. Revelation 12:11 is the theme of Salvation through Jesus Christ and the blood sacrifice He made as the Paschal Lamb, for all people. This is the New Covenant. We who believe are saved from sin and eternal death by the blood of the Lamb. We give testimony to this truth so that others can be saved. There is no other name by which we can be saved. He who is overcome is our accuser, that old serpent, the devil and his time is short. He has been defeated and he knows it! There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus and satan is overcome by the name of Jesus. Now has come salvation and the power and the Kingdom of God, and the authority of His Christ! Even if we die for our faith, the victory is still ours! Where O death is your sting? We will be received into eternal life with our Savior. He has prepared a place for us. They may kill the body....but we will live! Through the blood of the Lamb, we have eternal life. He paid for all our sin and transgressions and we are forgiven and made righteous by the blood of the Lamb. We are washed in His blood and our garments, the covering of the blood of the Lamb, are made white. Our love for Jesus must be a love that is willing to take up our own cross. This is`sacrificial love, forsaking all others and even forsaking our own lives to do the will of God. It is forsaking the world and living by a Kingdom standard and it is a life devoted to others, so they may know the truth and be set free. It is a life of living for God, so that others may know Him. It's all about Him!
  12. The woman, clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head, symbolize the church(us)given dominion and having royalty as God's children. We are pregnant with the promise of birthing Christ in others. By our witness and testimony, we can bring others into God's Kingdom by speaking the truth of salvation through Jesus. How wonderful when we see Christ born in others hearts! We labor to give birth to God's Kingdom! But, just as in Revelation 12, where the dragon, that old serpent, satan waits to devour the child, Jesus, he waits even now, to devour any offspring of His. But God knows His own and we are protected through the blood of Jesus and we are sealed by the Holy Spirit. No longer can satan accuse us! We overcome by the blood of the Lamb too! If we testify that Christ covers our sins, we can overcome all evil, sin and darkness. Satan knows his time is short until he is destroyed. He knows he has no victory and he is looking around for people to devour. We though, have victory in Jesus and our desire should be to see many more added to the Kingdom of God and for satan to have no hold over their lives. This is a spiritual battle that we have a part in. In prayer and in witness to others and in our own Godly living as examples of changed lives for others to be won and sealed in the spirit! It's not easy. We face challenges and difficult situations, but we stand on the truth and we know we win, so with patience and perseverance, we continue. To honor our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ who gave everything so WE could be saved.
  13. The two witnesses showed strong character that we should emulate today. In the face of adversity, by the power of God, they prophesied for 1,260 days. We should also, continue to declare God's word in the face of persecution and in difficult circumstances. In testimony by mouth and in how we live our lives, not bending to worldly standards! We should like wise depend on the power of God to do so! It is by the power of the Holy Spirit that we can do all things and we should know HE is our strength and our fortress. In God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can have perseverance through everything! The two witnesses were given the power to devour their enemies by fire. We also, by the power of the Holy Spirit and by His Word, devour our enemies with truth. The witnesses were given authority over the Heavens and the Earth. We too are given authority and should use that authority against satan and his schemes here....especially through prayer. The two witnesses also prophesied in sackcloth and though I don't take that as we should literally witness in sackcloth, I do see that as symbolically representing, "in repentance and humbleness". We too, should be repentant and humble before God as we set out to be a witness for Him. The witnesses were permitted their "time of testimony" and then gave their lives up for Christ. We too, have a specific amount of time here to bring our testimony to others. We have a purpose. Do we use that time wisely? Would we be faithful even if it meant we were to die for our testimony about Christ? The reward the two witnesses were given was complete triumph over evil. Those who killed them rejoiced and gloated and partied over their seemingly defeat. But after 3 1/2 days, the breath of life from God enters them and they stand on their feet and terror strikes all who who see them. AWESOME! Death doesn't hold them! They triumph! How piddly the others look. How foolish! What a reward to be likened so much like their Savior whom they gave faithful testimony for! Then a voice from Heaven is saying to them, "Come up here." and away they go to Heaven while their enemies look on! Complete triumph! Through Christ! Oh happy day! We too will have triumph over death through Christ. He will reward us for our faithful testimony and we too are called to come up and be seated with Him! All for Christ! All through Christ! Oh let us be faithful and triumphant in Him!
  14. The bitter in 6-10 is that there will be complete destruction for those who will not accept salvation. In reading through this, it is reminding me that people really need to fear the Lord as well as know His love for them. We can't be a people that "play" religion acting like God doesn't see what we are really doing, while on the outside we "look" religious". Our devotion is to be doers of the Word and be guarded against the world and all the compromises it offers. We can not justify our actions when they are wrong! The scenes of destruction in Revelation should make us stop and really examine this. It is with deep sadness I read of the destruction of those who turned their back on God. Knowing the outcome and that they will never know Him or live with Him. It's beyond sad knowing they traded it all for such insignificant things in the world. So temporal! The sweet though, is that we who have believed and are being transformed, can read of the hope we have in Christ. The protection we will receive and even though we may be persecuted and suffer, we know the outcome for us is one of joy and life. Our God has not forgotten us now, nor will He then, and into eternity. So this is sweetness. Though for a time even in the sweet, we will experience bitter. Not in God's wrath, but at the hands of evil. Why do we reject what is hard for us to understand? Human pride I think. If we don't understand what God is doing or saying, we measure that to what we know. Only, we don't know much....even the most learned. So we need to walk closely day to day with the one Who does know....EVERYTHING....and accept in trust even when we don't understand. But, for many, there is a lack of trust in Him.....so the tendency can be to strike out on our own or justify what we do. As we walk with Him more and more, we experience peace even in troubled times because we know Him to be faithful....even beyond anything we could ask for or imagine!
  15. From this passage, we see this was a great multitude no one could count, so it is an amazing amount. They are from every Nation, every Tribe, every kind of people with every kind of language. The Spirit within them causes them to cry out in a loud voice: "Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!" Interesting they all cry out the same thing being every kind of people with every kind of language! Then we ponder on an amazing song: Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me, and we compare it to Revelation 7:14: And he said, "These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." I answer in more hymn! Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow." The saints cry " Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne and to the Lamb." We too, in singing these songs of praise to Jesus, say Salvation is His and through AMAZING grace, He saved us in our wretchedness, washed our sin away and made us white as snow! Jesus paid it all.
  16. Interesting question! What do we learn about God...... 1)He is very mighty. He is sovereign. He initiates all things and what He says....goes!!! He gave 4 angels power to stand on the four corners of the Earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land and the sea or on any tree. Then He sends another angel, wearing the seal of the LIVING God. From there, the angel announces there is to be no harm anywhere until a seal is put on the foreheads of the servants of God. Can you imagine hearing those words as you watch the unfolding of the message that the great day of the wrath of God has come? 2) He is our protector. He is merciful to His own and He knows His own. All of creation waits to do His bidding....this mighty God....and yet He stops, to put a seal on His own. God is very watchful of us and has our good in His mind. That's just very humbling and awesome. Thanks for Ezekiel 9. The seal was to identify those who were to be spared. All others were going to be completely destroyed with no mercy. They had said God didn't care about them so He refused to have pity on them. Important lesson! God ALWAYS sees! He may "seem" absent for a very short time....but He's our FATHER and He ALWAYS is watching out for us! We are His very own!
  17. What do we learn about the church as Christ opens the fifth seal? That God's people are under persecution and martyrdom because of the word of God and the testimony they maintain. (Not to be confused with others under God's wrath) We learn also, more are to be killed. The number of martyrs is not completed. The souls of those slain are under an altar. Their proximity to the altar signifies that the death of the martyrs are likened to holy sacrifices. They were killed because of the word of God and their testimony they had maintained. They ask for vengeance for the blood they shed and on those who are the inhabitants of the earth who murdered them. Is that a Christian prayer? Yes. I believe to call out for vengeance from God is OK, but it is GOD'S vengeance....not our own. We don't take it into our own hands but we can certainly cry out to our Father and let Him do what is right. It's more of a cry for JUSTICE for our cause and only God is just, so we leave it to Him. These kinds of prayers are found other places in the Bible....for one by David against his enemies. The white robes represent those who have not soiled their clothes, those that are worthy. Those who overcome. Who belong to the Lamb. Who have washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb. (Salvation) We learn from the instruction to "Wait a little longer" that the full number of fellow servants and brothers who are to be killed is not completed. I also believe it is in reference to the souls crying out for vengeance. Everything is to be done in God's timing. He will provide justice, yet the time will be of God's choosing. We need to remember that also when we suffer and ask for God to intervene.
  18. Who initiates this great storm of destruction represented by the seven seals? "I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals." The Lamb that is worthy was the one to initiate the great storm of destruction. Revelation 5:9,10. Against whom is it directed? "For the day of their wrath has come." Since children of God are spared from His wrath, this would represent those not belonging to God. Noteworthy: "Then the Kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty and every slave and every free man hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains." No one will be exempt, except those in the family of God, who have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb. Is this just? Yes, because God is just.
  19. The significance of the same quality of worship being due to the Father and the Son is that they are one. What does this tell us about their relationship? That they are one God with three (Including the Holy Spirit)separate personalities. They are in complete unity with one another. When the Father sent the Son, then He also came to be with us. God with us. It's hard for us to understand, but by faith it becomes an easier concept and an awesome one, resulting in more praise and worship because of who He is and how He works and the wisdom He holds! None like Him. Really! It's beyond our capacity, so sometimes simple faith and face down thanks is all we can do. Their relationship to us is similar. They share everything they have with us, by being in us and at one with us as they are at one with each other. We though, can't BE God, but we ARE children of God and share in His glory. Amazing!!! All generous gifts from our God. His kindnesses never seem to end!
  20. How can our destiny include reigning? I think one of the most profound passages in the Bible are in John, Chapter 17 when Jesus prays for all believers. In it, He prays for all the things He shares with us and gives us as one in Him and the Father. We will be like Him and be in Him and He gives us His glory that the Father gave Him so we may be one as He and the Father are one. He asked that we would be with Him to see His glory. That we will know Him in order that the love the Father had for Him would be known in us and that He Himself would be in us. So I see that we aren't just allowed to reign but we all become one, reigning because of Christ. In what sense do we reign? We share in Christs rule. We will have authority over the Nations, receiving the authority through Christ just as Christ received authority from the Father. I know it's mind boggling, but we are promised all that! And, I believe we have a portion of that today through faith! We serve as priests as a holy nation. This involves purity. We will be as He is. I thought it interesting to ponder on the 1 John 3:2 passage when we read "what we will be has not yet been made known, but we will know when He appears. We shall be like He is." also includes in the next verse, "Everyone who has this hope in Him, purifies himself just as He is pure." God is holy and priests were expected to be holy. They offered sacrifice and praise, so we too are called to "Be holy as He is holy." We will be holy when we reign and we purify ourselves even now with and in His Word. We are a Kingdom of living stones, rejected by men, but chosen by God, precious to Him. We are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. WOW! We are to declare the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His wonderful light! Praise God!!! Hallelujah!!! AMEN!!!
  21. What made Jesus so worthy to open the scrolls and thus bringing history to consummation? Jesus was worthy to open the scroll because of His complete obedience and blood sacrifice to overcome sin and death. He was the Paschal Lamb offered as final sacrifice bringing an end to the old covenant and beginning the new covenant. With the old, there had to be a continuous sacrifice as atonement for sin but now we are all redeemed under the blood of the Lamb once and for all for those who believe in His atoning sacrifice. We believe through our faith that it IS finished. That sin and death have no more sting. That we are seated in Heaven with Father. We know though our flesh sins, we are born of the Spirit and our righteousness in in Christ and we are covered by His blood. We are assured that He who began a good work in us will bring it to completion and there is now no condemnation in Christ. We are safe! True son's and daughters in Christ! WOW! The good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ! Why is this act so noteworthy and praiseworthy? I think we get "numb" on religion with just "knowing" the facts in all this but we lose sight that this was the plan from the beginning! That Jesus is/was "God with us." That our Maker, came down and became both God and man to redeem us! We were always on His mind. He loves us and doesn't want anyone to perish. It's amazing that someone so supreme as GOD bent so low, became one of us, suffered in life to have empathy with us and understand our plight, was rejected and hated, murdered and left alone, yet never sinned to overcome sin. HE wasn't guilty....man was guilty. He was and is the PERFECT sacrifice because God demanded the BEST for our redemption and not only that, but gave His ONLY begotten Son so we could have life. If that's not love and giving....worthy of praise and humble thanksgiving....what is?
  22. I won't break it down into specifics as that has been well done by others on the forum, but the word that comes to my mind is "absolute". These passages portray an absolute worship experience by all those in the assembly of heaven, by those from the earth, from all of creation, from greatest to the least that God is`supreme and the Lamb is worthy. There is not one claim for anyone or anything except what is laid at the Lambs feet that all is from Him, in Him, through Him and for Him. Utter humbleness and face down worship for God. He is worthy, He is sovereign, He is deserving of all praise. No question. Sometimes here on Earth, I can lose myself in the experience of singing praises to God before the throne, but here, doing this study, I ponder on what it will be like in Heaven before His throne. Are there human words to express it in all it's glory? I don't think so.
  23. Many, many great hymns all mentioned here previously, but I especially love Revelation Song and was blessed to sing it on praise team last week. I could just envision all I had been learning through this study and singing those praises was a profound experience. Praise God!
  24. Churches are criticized for: Forsaking their first love, holding on to false teachings and cult practices, being spiritually dead with deeds that that are not complete in the sight of God, being neither hot nor cold in their deeds, they are poor, blind, pitiful and naked. They are praised for: Hard work (in some churches) and perseverance, not tolerating wicked men, testing who is`true and who is not, enduring hardships and not growing weary. They are praised for having afflictions and poverty yet remaining rich in the things of GOD, having a willingness to suffer, remaining true to God's name and not renouncing faith in God. Their love, faith and service are growing more and more. They are not soiling their clothing but walking with God in purity and though having little strength, they are keeping God's Word and not denying His name and enduring patiently. All key to the 21st Century church! We face trials and temptations in all these areas. I think when Christ says: "Those whom I love, I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with me." "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." We should be listening to His Word left for us too!
  25. I really think churches become apathetic when they turn from the Bible and from Jesus. Jesus taught us our purpose and how to live. He also showed us grace and love. When our minds go to the million other things that "religion" looks like or forget to be humble in who we are and what He has done for us....then we become cold in love and with no love we become selfish, inverted and we don't joyfully live truth. Without a constant abiding in Christ, we loose the power within by THE HOLY SPIRIT. And we are pretty inept as "just people." How can we combat this? Through prayer, asking the Holy Spirit for help. Through washing in the Word. Making time with God a first priority. We come to know Him and abide in Him these ways. It's through the joy of the Lord we get our strength.
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