Lion of Grace
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Everything posted by Lion of Grace
Q3. Religious Compromise
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
Being required to compromise and participate in heathen practices for any business or lively hood is spiritually destructive because we "become" what we practice and believe. I'm not saying a Christian can not be in the world....but we sure are instructed to not be "of it". Compromising and going along with anything wrong is really being in agreement with it. We should have an absolute truth to what we believe. Everywhere in life someone will try to get us to compromise and we need to stand strong. Even more important, just as we don't want to compromise with worldly standards with concern of polluting our minds....we should all the more be in the Word and have fellowship with other firmly standing Christians to bolster our beliefs and saturate our minds with Biblical truth. I've known Christians who "dabbled" in questionable areas only to fall. They were sure they could handle it, yet were compromised in the end. I'm not saying we shouldn't be in places to witness for the Kingdom....I'm just saying we need to be very discerning and cautious, guarding our hearts and minds and be ever aware of danger lest we fall. We need to be SURE of what we believe and not step to the right or the left in that. We need to be in constant communion with God for direction. It's very hard in a work place to be a Christian in the midst of worldly ideology and belief systems. It's hard to be in a church when that seeps in and truth slowly dies out. When good Christians with truth are replaced in favor of go- getting people with success packages. It's very discouraging when anyone is denied fairness and justice for not "going with the flow" and that can begin to seem hopeless. But our God`says He has overcome the World....so we have to keep our eyes on the author and perfecter of our faith and know in the end....He reigns.... and we will have every tear wiped away....so this is our encouragement! I think the biggest compromise 21st century Christians struggle with are power and social status and money and a lack of integrity and truth in handling all of them. There isn't anything wrong with having clout and a big say so....but what are we using it for? Do we know what it's even given to us for and by Whom? Same with money. It's all God's...we are to be good stewards of it....for His Kingdom. Even social status. Do we use it help the poor? To champion someone who is left out? Those children of God not quite what the "world" thinks is acceptable? How do we define our purpose in any walk of life? Those I think are our major challenges and failures. -
Why would a loosening of sexual standards to conform to the prevailing morals of our culture be destructive to our witness of our Christian faith? Because we have direct instructions in the Bible as to how to conduct ourselves morally. We MUST live out what we know to be truth. If we don't....then what do we believe? What do we stand on? What do we portray as a Christian life? I just recently had someone tell me (A Christian) that what some people do, that is morally wrong, is acceptable behavior because the "behavior" is between "them and God" even if they admittedly know of and chose not to believe the Bible in what it says about immoral lifestyles. I shared that if that was a standard for every Christian, then there is no belief in the truth of the Bible and anyone can pick and choose as how to live. Adding or omitting anything! Then we have chaos! We will then have the same standard as the world! I was really concerned. We either believe the Bible and try to live the truth or we don't really believe.... or follow! I hope I never condemn anyone in their walk and journey as they seek truth, but once we know truth....we need to live truth. As Christians, we need to find the truth. We need to teach and speak up in love about the truth. How has our culture tended to take the edge off my own moral convictions? Everything in the world is compromised it seems. Sometimes I still have some stinking thinking in me. Sometimes, as I learn more and study more I see compromises I never really even thought about before. I WAS of the flesh, but now the Holy Spirit helps me and I become stronger in truth and in speaking truth. He gives me a passion for His Word and a conviction to really learn to live it out!
Q1. First Love
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
How can a church loose it's first love for Jesus? By becoming worldly and serving self. When it becomes about "worldly" things like knowledge and professionalism, quotas, money making, who's who among Christians, numbers, loss of truth for people pleasing, favoritism.....all these things cause a church to forget Jesus and what He taught. Unfortunately, I see more and more churches run as a cold business venture or become so "seeker friendly" they compromise truth. Only with our eyes on Jesus and following HIS way will we return to our fist love. Trusting in HIM with who HE sends and how HE provides and what HE wants us to do. Following the TRUTH of His Word and accepting everyone into our fellowship, all one together at the foot of the cross. We are ALL sinners, relying on God's grace. Genuine love shows up in the fruit of the Spirit and we love because He first loved us. Lack of love shows up in rejection of some, mean spirited behavior and loving only those who love us or are easy to love. Or we only give to those who can give back to us. We are warned even the worst of sinners do that! We are to love beyond that. How can a congregation regain love? Through lots of prayer and experiencing the truth about God. When people know God's love and faithfulness and that HIS way is for their healing and benefit then they can love others and know the truth to follow when dealing with others. When people experience God's grace, they give grace to others. Most will come to know truth by OUR love and OUR example of WHO we follow and what TRUTHS we apply in our lives. -
Q5. Christ and His Churches
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Christ in the Midst of the Lampstands (Rev 1)
The significance of Jesus being exalted among the lamp stands is to me a symbolism of Him being not only among us in the Church, but as our magnificent, glorious, exalted head of the Church. I see it too as a symbolism of the union of the Groom with His Bride and that she will shine as a light because of HIS light. The Church itself is considered the lamp stand, but she can only have light through His presence. Without Christ, there is no light. He is instructing each of the Churches here. His Word is a light to their path and gives which direction to go. Things to continue in, things to change. Warnings to take and encouragement in those things that are good. Truth about Himself and promises of things to come. -
Q4. The Exalted Christ
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Christ in the Midst of the Lampstands (Rev 1)
Jesus, carpenter/teacher is different than the vision of Christ we see in Revelation 1:12-20 because Jesus, as carpenter/teacher was God as man. He was on Earth, living among men in human form. He didn't even esteem Himself as equal to God, though He was, but came as a lowly servant. He came to show us how to live, act and be at one with Him and His Kingdom. In Revelation we see Christ in His glory! Mission accomplished on Earth and triumphant over the grave and sin, He is esteemed as Holy and Righteous and above all. Every knee will bend and every Tongue confess He is God and Savior! In this vision, Christ is seen among the lamp stands which are the churches. How glorious! He is dressed in a robe reaching His feet with a golden sash around His chest. His hair is white as wool and His eyes are blazing fire! His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace and His voice is huge, like rushing waters! Symbolically He is exalted on high, glowing and with purity and honor. He is aware with penetrating insight and wisdom. His voice is deafening and with Words of truth that will not be ignored. He will strike down some and divide soul and spirit in others judging thoughts and motives in hearts! And yet, we still see His gentleness... "Do not be afraid!" He's always been and always will be! He's overcome death! He's among His churches and showing us exactly what is to come. He's still teaching us! Still showing us the way! He is the way! Awesome! This should instill awe and an understanding of His glory and Greatness! We should have a healthy fear of Him as this is the beginning of wisdom and yet love Him for He has been good to us! He is Holy. Above all. None like Him. Overwhelming! Beautiful! Inspiring! We need this understanding of Christ to really take a hold of all He accomplished and WHO He is. He was God with us here....but He is Sovereign God reigning highly exalted and one to be worshiped now....and this GOD, supreme being and warrior is coming again! We should be ready! -
Q3. Comfort
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Christ in the Midst of the Lampstands (Rev 1)
Persecutions this Christmas were as follows: In Nigeria a variety of bomb sites at Christian gatherings killed over 30 Christians with that count rising. Dec. 26 was declared a day of mourning. A Muslim Extremist group claims the attacks. In the Philippines a bomb exploded during a Christmas Mass wounding a priest and 10 church goers. International Governments in India, Afghanistan, Iraq, Indonesia, Kenya, Uganda and the Dominic Republic all boosted security over Christmas season as Christians in all these areas have been under brutal attack in past years. In other areas, brutal killing of Iraq's Christians have led thousands to flee the country. Thirty Six Christians who survived a terrorist attack in a Baghdad Church that killed 44 worshipers are seeking asylum in France. In China, Pastors of house churches are arrested and many not heard from again. On Dec. 12 the government forcibly closed home churches in China and members were dispersed. In Egypt, Christians are under severe pressure. Church bombings leave Christians in fear. In Indonesia, Churches are being forcibly closed by Muslim Extremist and in 2005, a group of teenage girls were attacked and beheaded as they walked to a Christian school. The killings were claimed by an Islamic terrorist group. Even Church leaders in the United Kingdom are alarmed at discriminatory laws in the UK concerning Christians. We should be too! Those reports are a tiny drop compared to all that Christians are suffering all over the world. Some countries are completely closed by authorities to even receive the Gospel. Pray for those doors to be opened....pray for the persecuted church...there is much suffering! The book of Revelation is a comfort for those persecuted because they are given hope for remaining in their faith. They see those persecuted before them and through the message of Revelation see that God has seen and has not forgotten and will reward their labors. It is a book of hope and promise and instruction to remain strong and persevere. -
Q2. Father and the Son
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Christ in the Midst of the Lampstands (Rev 1)
I too have the words of Jesus printed in red and all but 21:6 are in red, yet my footnote even on that one is about God our Savior offering salvation for those who are thirsty for the water of eternal life. The significance of it all to me is God the Father and Jesus and The Holy Spirit are one. All of the Trinity were from the first and will be the there at the last. Most important is this.....Blessed are those who wash their robes and have the right to the tree of life. Outside will be those who are immoral, murderers and idolaters and those who practice falsehoods. And the Spirit and the Bride say "Come" and let the hearers say "Come" and whoever is thirsty let him come and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life." This tells me our Father offers to all, every tribe, tongue and nation, the free gift of salvation through His Son, Jesus, Emmanuel(God with us)and by His Spirit we can come. -
Q1. Faithful Witnesses
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Christ in the Midst of the Lampstands (Rev 1)
Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to the encouragement and strengthening of the church in times of persecution? Because Testimony and witness mean confirming something based on personal knowledge or belief in our hope in Christ Jesus and what He is accomplishing in this world. Without personal testimony, we will fall into despair when times are hard and not easy to see through to the end result that God has planned. I just experienced this yesterday in a time of discouragement under trial. I had hoped for a time of encouragement from fellow believers and wanted to share what the Holy Spirit was guiding me through. I was also at the same time in need of fellowship to keep going on in it. I gave testimony, but most were too busy to listen and I came away not so filled. I was discouraged and felt alone, but I know I'm never alone with God by my side and was content with my testimony and God's encouragement, yet it was disappointing to not have the encouragement from others by their adding to and sharing in my testimony. All was well as I later shared my feelings in it and as iron sharpens iron much was learned all around....but our testimony and witness even to each other is a great help in encouraging each other on in our hours of trials and tribulations in this world. John gave testimony to those suffering doubt and fear to strengthen them in faith and as to their future. We should do the same for each other. At the same time, Jesus as my "faithful" witness was even more important to me because He is my example to follow in any form of trial. I knew He was with me and not only in the worldly trials I was experiencing but in our growth as Christians. He could be trusted as an example as to how to handle each of the situations. I knew He was there guiding me in truth and growth and I could remain in some semblance of peace and wait on Him for guidance and instruction. Why are we afraid in a culture where we don't really have any persecution? I think fear. We do get mild rejections and jeers from our testimony and way of life. We DO receive trials even from loved ones when we stand on truth. We are a culture so ensconced in "fitting in" even in the church, that we aren't strong enough in our own faith to know God is faithful and can be trusted to see us through even our worst rejections and trials. We grow when we are tested in our faith....and our love for Him is really pretty shallow compared to those who have had extreme tests of their faith and what they really are firm in believing and living.....even enough to die for. -
What does the call to the great banquet sound like? Good news! We once had an exchange student and he was saved and baptized while staying with us. When the Holy Spirit set the stage (Even the circumstances provided before to bring about his questions were amazing!) to tell Him the truth of Jesus, he responded, "No one has ever told me this good news!" I was even overwhelmed at that response! It was profound! I'm glad he knew without a doubt it was good news! Peace on Earth....Good will towards men. Unto you is born a Savior!" I'll never forget that response and moment! We are told to compel them to come in the sense that we are to be urgent. Not in a way to panic people, but to make the most of every opportunity and reach out in various ways. It may be some will see God through your loving actions, acts of compassion or through our testimony. Some will come when they experience forgiveness and others as they grow in the Word. Some will come as they experience care when they have grown tired or have fallen. Every opportunity is one we can say, "He did it for me too! Let me tell you about the one who loved me and rescued me." We already have been called and our seat is reserved! We should just want to fill the empty one next to us.
Q3. Trivial Excuses
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. The Call to the Kingdom (Luke 14:12-24; 9:57-62)
Why was Jesus so harsh when people made excuses to follow Him? Same reason we are convicted by the Holy Spirit today. We need it! Sometimes, I'm appalled at myself for all the excuses I can have for not being a true follower of His. I can have every justification in the world and yet, when I'm convicted I truly do see how compromised I can become. How my heart aches when I reflect on what He has done for us and how frivolous I can be in return. This very study has brought to mind an incident in my life that just recently showed my lack of devotion. Why is this so urgent? Because we need to be prepared for His coming! We need to be reaching out to others for them to be prepared. Our devotion should be to our LORD and our KING. Our hearts should grieve at seeing all He's done and suffered for our sake and how faithful He is to us....and how little we can give to Him sometimes or to others so they can really know Him. To some it is a matter of certain death! To others it may mean to not grow in His`grace and love! We loose sight of purpose so easily. We loose sight of WHO it's about. Jesus. Even our greatest "sacrifices" pale in comparison to what He has done for us. What a beautiful friend we have. A faithful husband to us. We should reflect on our lives and how submitted to follow Him we really are and then rest in the grace He so freely gives us as we are renewed in spirit to be more faithful. -
This parable is about grace in that everyone has a choice to come in and feast. Any who accept are welcome to come. Even when we do not live perfect lives.....to accept by GOD'S grace is the way we can come. It is about judgment because those who do not accept will be judged! If anyone thinks they "do" enough or are "perfect" enough to enter in, they will be judged. It is by grace we are saved. The leaders in the parable thought their place was secure because of who they thought THEY were. The outcast came because they were grateful to the host that they were miraculously chosen! When judgment day comes, God will know His own. That's why many will say "But Lord, Lord....didn't we do this or that...." and He will say, "I never knew you." Anyone trying to enter Heaven on a worldly social status needs prayer! This parable is about evangelism because we are compelled to go out and invite others to the banquet. Another lesson too is in WHO we invite. I see so many invited to come to church that are already saved, that are invited for social status or for what they can financially give to the church or what they have to offer through education etc. We are to go and invite those who are lost, those who can't pay us back. We are to invite the outcast, those limping along and in need of CHRIST! The end time event talked about here is the wedding feast of the Lamb! And He says, "Come."
This parable was a comparison on law and grace. The first guests invited were the socially elite, who were the religious leaders of the day. They carefully "tried" to followed the law and expected others to look at them with respect because they did. But, they could not follow the law perfectly and even worse put burdens on the people to follow them, even in what they themselves did not, nor could not do. After being invited, they were so busy "doing" they neglected the invitation to enjoy a banquet in relationship with the host. These people represented the Jews, who had the law, but not salvation through relationship with Christ. The later guests invited were the common people. People off the street who had no hope of ever attaining a seat at such a banquet. These represented those who would accept and come by grace. They were the poor, the blind, the lame. The social outcast and the Gentile. "Compel" them to come is indicative of an urgency to have them come. It is a note on evangelism and a going out and urgently seeking to have one come for the sake of their lives! This is a heart felt urgency in us as we go to invite those we are sent to, to come to Jesus. We don't just suggest it, we know they HAVE to come or their very lives are at risk. We are very urgent today because it is to save a life. We don't know when Jesus is coming. God desires that none be lost and that should be our desire also for every person we know who has not accepted the invitation to come to the wedding feast of the Lamb.
Q4. Accountability and Judgment
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Serving in the Kingdom (Matthew 25:14-30)
Hard one for me to answer! Considering I'm one of those who "wasted" half my life! I can only say, I will be accountable for the use of my talents, but I also know I'm forgiven and every sin is erased....including my lack of using any gifts or talents before now. Praise be to Jesus who has saved me and who is my righteousness! I AM one of those workers who arrived late but get the same pay! I never fully grasped my purpose back then and didn't really take into account my rebelliousness. I can't take that all back. I just need to trust in HIM who saved me. I only know....that my God knows me. Every hurt and every issue that affected me in my life and every wrong turn and every fall I've had, He saw with compassion. He truly does have amazing grace and He loved me WAY before I loved Him. I know He's mighty to save and I know I needed saved. I know He is mine and I am His and I may have had a late start....but I know I'll hear "Well done good and faithful servant" because I trusted Him, accepted Him, I loved Him and I turned and I became a worker in His Kingdom and it was all because of love. HIS love. I can never explain this love nor fully grasp it....but I stand on His mercy and salvation through Him. It's not EVER what I've done or how good I ever was. It's because of Him I'll receive mercy for those`wasted years. -
I wouldn't even say "I'M" successful! There are SO many times when I tried to do things, plunging ahead in what "I" thought was next only to be met with a brick wall or things just slowing up and becoming a trickle. I was quickly brought to mind I wasn't in charge nor was my way going to succeed. When I let go and let God... things went forward again and I was reminded WHO was doing what! All the fruit is His and for His glory! I don't think I'm independent. I have free will.....but if I'm really HIS and serving HIM.....I'm abiding in Him every day in everything. I can choose to use my talents in areas He's given me to work in....and He's given me creativity to use and gifts to apply but I'm never independent from Him. HE gave everything I have and everything I use right down to my very being and who He made me to be! He's all knowing with divine wisdom! Why would I WANT to do anything without Him? We are to be good stewards of everything He gives us. I am to care for my family, be a good steward of my money, use my gifts and talents for His glory. Anything He gives us is His and we are to be good care givers of those things and people and we are to do everything in excellence as for the Lord! We are taking care of everything that's His for Him. They are all gifts from Him and we aren't to throw them back in His face damaged and not cared for. A self-made person differs in attitude from a steward in that he views things as "his and of his own making". He sees his own strength as accomplishing things and is usually puffed up with pride and arrogance because he sees himself as "creator" of his own little world. A steward sees himself as a servant, given much, yet humbling caring for what is given to Him. There is`respect for what is given Him and careful tending for those things and people. He knows a greater one is over him and is respectful of that and careful to follow what the owners directions are.
Q2. Ability to Carry Out
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Serving in the Kingdom (Matthew 25:14-30)
What are factors that give us the ability to carry anything out? First, trust in God and obedience. We also have to be willing to give our lives to Him. When we are reborn, we start a journey with Him and we walk with Him in faith. We come to believe we can do anything through Christ Jesus. HE does it in us and through us! What percentage is raw talent? Almost none, though I don't discount it. Some are really gifted with singing or public speaking for example and their impact is just blessed, but then again, I have been called to do things (And I literally turned around, looked behind me for the person God SURELY was speaking to) when asked to do things I thought were beyond me. It WAS me He was speaking to though and I had to step out in faith and just go with Him and His instruction. He told me once "Feed my sheep" and I thought "Not me Lord! (How like Peter!)I can't get up in front of people, I'm not learned, I don't have a "presence" and the thought of it just scares me!" But, when I received a phone call minutes later (after marveling that, that would be my instruction), from a woman at our church asking if I would lead a Bible study, I took a VERY shaky tiny little step of faith, said yes and teaching is one of my greatest joys today! Same with singing in the church. I was terrified in front of people....but He has given me healing. But I had to step out in faith and try it! I grew up with a LOT of insecurities and had some abuses in my life that profoundly crippled me, but He said "Get up and walk" and I did! In faith! Those least likely to succeed do sometimes just because they love God and really want to serve Him and they trust Him to help them. He does! Every time! What keeps me from carrying out what God has entrusted me with? I'd say doubt....but I am learning more and more to say "Lord help me with my unbelief!" He is faithful who has called me! -
Q1. Talents
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Serving in the Kingdom (Matthew 25:14-30)
I think the talents represent anything that God has given us or gifted us with to serve in His Kingdom. My talents would be, organizational skills, leadership qualities with a special emphasis on reawakening the truth in the world and in the church, that we are called to be servant leaders, esteeming others better than ourselves. We are not in positions to have power or prestige but to serve the very least of these whom God has called and sent to us or sends us out to. I am a disciple, example and mentor especially to those very troubled in life, who are down and out, overlooked and labeled as hopeless. No one is hopeless, Jesus is our great healer and lover of our souls, worker of miracles and our Savior. We belong to Him and no greater love will anyone ever find! I know.....I'm living proof! I have been given the gift of discernment, charity, prophecy and am a Bible Study leader. I have a passion to see others light up when they read the Word of God and understand who He is and see their lives blossom and change. I especially love to encourage others to dig in deeper to the Word and I love to do that myself! I want others to know God intimately and know He's with them everyday and completely trustworthy! I love to sing and be a witness in my praises of my love for Him who loved me first! I have been given vision for the church and press forward to see foundational truths re-established. I pray everyone grows in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ and will become His disciples, multiplying the church as living stones, becoming witnesses to a hurting and lost world. I am an intercessor, especially for Pastors and Missionaries as well as for my church. I've been given a special love for Israel and support the building of Christian schools there as well as covering in prayer. In society, I am a homemaker and have raised a family as well as helping with grandchildren. I have a special love for the elderly and served in nursing facilities as an Aide over the years. I still participate in helping with BINGO in local nursing homes and go in to read to residents. I am called to serve the poor. I am a Salvation Army bell ringer and volunteered in a thrift shop over the years. I am in the process of organizing a Christmas dinner at our church for the needy in our community. God just puts a special love in my heart for those others overlook or don't accept well into society. I am more than blessed by those special people God connects me with. I was just reminded with gratitude the other day, how little we do, other than be a vessel for everything GOD accomplishes! He's amazing and wonderful! I am grateful. -
Who will be a guest at the wedding feast? Everyone from any tongue, tribe or nation who accepts Jesus as their Bridegroom. Who trust in Him for salvation and enter into relationship with Him. Who is left out? Those who reject Him and reject His Kingdom. They will be excluded because they are not of the family of God through faith in Jesus, nor will they have turned from worldly ways and accepted Kingdom living.
I think the narrow door is through Jesus and Jesus alone. It is about relationship....that's why we are warned He will say "I never knew you." But...I'm always hesitant to not expound on that because so many think that saying they know Jesus is merit to get in, yet live their old sinful life still. I don't think one can truly accept and know Jesus without being changed, nor once we know Him and His love will be able to resist being moved to want to change desperately! It's not that we are saved by works or repentance, but knowing Him we are changed and thankfully and cheerfully do good works and are very sorrowful when confronted with our sins! I think that those who try to enter but won't be able to, will not have a love relationship with God. This is an intimacy He wants with us. They would have had "religion" or they may have done great works and even miracles....but if they aren't in love "with" Him....they didn't know Him nor did He know them. Why do people delay entering before it's too late? Like other parables teach us, they aren't watchful or prepared. They think they have time and don't take seriously that Jesus may come at any time for them or their days here may end. They perish really, from lack of knowledge and that sad....our reason to answer the call and say "Send me!"
The point of the parable in the case of the mustard seed, is that it is one of the smallest seeds known. I've seen them! Out of this smallest of seeds comes a tree and that tree became big enough to house birds. When we begin in faith, we really start out new. We are very small in our beginnings, like newborns, and not grown. As we grow in the Kingdom, we become more substantial, we mature and eventually branch out to support others too. In the parable of the leaven, there was an ingredient that was needed to expand and grow the bread dough. I always am reminded we also, need certain ingredients to grow and expand, such as the Word of God. In both these parables though, what started small, was grown and multiplied and made into a support for another (in the case of the Mustard seed) and into bread for food (in the case of the leaven). This would have been encouraging to the disciples who were expecting the Messiah to come and usher in the Kingdom by force. They thought it would be by military coup that this would happen. Once they walked with Jesus for a length of time, and had by that time, an inkling that what He was about, was NOT going to happen the way they expected, these teachings would have been encouraging to understand what the Kingdom was and how it would grow and expand. I have very often been encouraged by these parables. Most of us will quietly go about our work for the Kingdom. We may feel insignificant in the face of what the world deems "worthy" of anything. I know I can be small in the Kingdom and continue to grow and I may house and support two or three others at a time at first, and then grow and house and support more from there, but I can be encouraged to continue on. The Kingdom is advancing one at a time. I also am encouraged as I grow and learn. I don't know everything and I'm always learning, but I can continue to grow in grace and knowledge, knowing God will complete in me the good work He began and that everyone around me deserves the same grace and patience I am shown by God. We advance and expand the Kingdom in these ways....small and insignificant as it may seem.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. I don't think Jesus was trying to "frighten" us, as in scare us, for He doesn't give us a spirit of fear, but He does want us to "respect" God and take seriously what He is`saying and the principles that the Kingdom of God lives by. He is warning us for our own good....teaching us about God our Father. Yes....He's very serious. We can't consider anything in God's Word as not serious! I know people pick and choose what they "prefer" to hear and compromise on....but the Word is truth and there to instruct us. We would do well to take it seriously. Forgiveness is a foundational principle of the Kingdom...and by the power of the Holy Spirit we can forgive, but sometimes we do have to learn a principle by experience....sometimes by application over and over in circumstances if we are weak in faith. Sigh.
The contrast of the huge debt with the small one was to point out that in forgiving another, it doesn't really have to do with the amount of debt, but the compassion and forgiveness shown in forgiving any debt. I think it also pointed out, the ingratitude people can have. The one man was forgiven a HUGE debt. He was grateful to BE forgiven, but he didn't apply the gratitude or compassion TOWARDS another, even though the circumstances were similar. Give or take a few dollars! Which debt do I owe? The huge debt. I weep to think of what has been canceled and blotted out from my past. When I think of every day now and the times I fail, I know I have a huge debt to bring to the cross and lovingly look to Jesus and His atoning sacrifice there. Any debt owed me is pale in comparison and I'm very grateful to be reminded by the Holy Spirit, to forgive when my own sinfulness wants to hold back on that. He always reminds me of the grace He pours down on me and succeeds in changing my heart towards others. Why was the King insulted? Here he had given a great measure of mercy and compassion towards the noble man, forgiving all his debt and then the man didn't even pass on that goodness to another. He was insulted by the noble mans selfishness, lack of compassion, mercy and his ingratitude I think.
We should take these numbers figuratively. They represent continuance of forgiveness. Peter tried to put a number or a limit on how many times he was to forgive, but Jesus took it further to say to him....keep going....you need to keep forgiving! I found it interesting that the meaning of the number seven meant "as in rest". I also believe it is a number related to "completion". Figuratively, when we forgive another, it is for our benefit as well as the person we choose to forgive. Sometimes, the relationship is not changed or the offense will be a repeated one and we have to live with that. Choosing to forgive will not have anything to do with changing the circumstances, but it will have to do with changing our hearts and demeanor and we need to forgive regularly. If we cling to choosing to not forgive, we grow into bitterness and turmoil or "unrest". When we choose TO forgive, we are at rest in our hearts and minds and souls because we are right with God. We have, within ourselves, completed our portion of what we need to do and we can let it go. The circumstances may repeat....there may be reconciliation or there may not be, but we are at rest. What does this tell us about God's willingness to forgive us? Gods love is agape love. Perfect love. It doesn't have anything to do with our behavior. He loved us while we were still sinners. Christ died for sinners, came for sinners, interacted with sinners and forgave sinners. He has unselfish love and is always willing to forgive. We are repeat offenders! He still forgives by the blood of His Son, Jesus. To be like Him, To walk with Him, we may have to pay a price in forgiving others. And, it may not have anything to do with "their" changed behavior....but will have everything to do with our measure of love and willingness to keep loving and forgiving.
Q4. John 3:16
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit and the Kingdom (John 3:1-21)
John 3:16 is so famous because it not only shows the extreme loving character of God, but of His purpose for mankind. When Christ was born, the angels sang, "Peace on Earth, Good will towards men." What a wonderful message from an Almighty God! Absorb it! God's purpose from the beginning of time was in Jesus. This verse teaches us not only of God's love and purpose, but that salvation is for everyone. For anyone who believes in Jesus will be saved and not perish but have eternal life. Entering Eternal life being synonymous with entering the Kingdom of God signifies that all who come to faith in Spirit, through belief in Jesus and His atoning sacrifice, will enter into the realm of the Kingdom of God and are no longer of the perishable but are imperishable. We no longer need to fear death. Though our bodies will wear out and die here, we will rise again and live on in eternity by our faith in Jesus. -
Q3. Born of Water and Spirit
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit and the Kingdom (John 3:1-21)
I think the water refers to being washed clean of our sins as in repentance. We are also washed in the Word which to me means we read the word, and as we do, we are washed of all those misconceptions we hold, and as we see truth, we repent of worldly ways and turn to new life. This also calls for repentance. Repentance is confessing and turning. By this we are born into the Kingdom of the Spirit and start to live by Kingdom concepts. We walk in the truth. The Holy Spirit is who we have with us and in us. He is there to illuminate truth to us. To walk with us, remind us as we live day to day and to help us understand. He is our strength and power to live our new lives. He is our comforter in bad times or sad times....He sees us through or defends us in circumstances. That's why we need to abide every day. He was sent to be with us and to help us. He refines us and convicts us and we know we can trust Him above all others because He is truth and the truth is in His Word. We could get into the Trinity here, but the point is, the Holy Spirit is the helper Jesus promised to send and did. -
Q2. Entering the Kingdom
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit and the Kingdom (John 3:1-21)
What does entering the Kingdom have to do with being born anew? When we are called and hear of salvation through Jesus Christ, we choose to either accept or reject our calling. Once we accept and receive our`salvation, it shouldn't stop there (though some live that way). We are not only born of water but of the spirit. He is our refiner. We are washed by the water of the Word. Refined and perfected by the Holy Spirit. Without the living bread of the Word every day, we can't be refined by the Spirit. The Bible is our instruction manual. It's our spiritual food! Without conviction of the Holy Spirit though, we won't grow. We don't have to live by the letter of the law, but the law does show us right from wrong. By the power of the Holy Spirit we can be renewed and turn from sin, changed and freed! Anything born of the world....is perishable. Those who die not of the Spirit will truly die. Those though, born of the Spirit and the imperishable will die a bodily death, but rise to live eternally. A joyous note here! Before I was saved, the Holy Spirit called me with this verse from 1 Peter! It was a random verse found before I was an avid Bible reader! I had NO idea what it meant and puzzled over it for months! I sought on it and sought on it and somehow knew it was the key to something I was seeking for a new life...and I was in a really stinking old one! I asked for understanding from "whoever may be out there." and I really cry when I think He was so faithful to open my eyes to see and understand and give me a changed life! Not easy by the refiners fire....but oh what a treasure! To anyone out there in doubt....keep seeking...keep going! He's faithful! Best translation? Born again, born anew or born from above? I think that's one of those areas not worth mincing over words. The meaning is all the same. We are born again when we are born from above and are born anew into spiritual life.