Lion of Grace
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Everything posted by Lion of Grace
Q1. Spiritual Kingdom
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit and the Kingdom (John 3:1-21)
Jesus teaches that the nature of the Kingdom is a spiritual one. He talks of being "born again." Born into the Spirit. When we are born into the world, we begin our physical life and learn from people around us and through circumstances that surround us. We learn worldly things and how to physically survive, act and satisfy ourselves. When we are reborn in the Spirit, it is a new birth where we start all over again, only this time, we learn Kingdom ways in the Spirit and by the Spirit. We are called and given spiritual eyes to discern and we learn a most excellent way to live and to understand the ways of God's Kingdom. It is a time of renewing the mind and focusing on spiritual things, letting the old worldly ways fall away. We die to ourselves as we do that, even putting to death anything in ourselves that has us clinging to the world. We are constantly being renewed by the Holy Spirit. Did Nicodemus understand him? At the time I think he was confused, not understanding how a person could be born again. He was still seeing through worldly eyes and physical reality said to him, once a person is born, it's done. How could one then be born again! But, he was seeking and wanted to understand. There is no doubt to my mind, that he came to understand. God has promised that he will never turn away a sincere seeker and that if anyone seeks with all their heart, soul and mind, that they will surely find. On those promises, I know he came to believe and understand and was born again, which gives light to why he had part in the burial when Christ died. He did come to understand and be in relationship with Jesus as a follower and friend. -
Jesus teaches us that the value and the worth of the Kingdom are of the most value we can ever have or find. It is worth giving up everything for and worth keeping our eye (setting our sight on Heavenly things) on all the time. It is worth seeking after continuously and is the ultimate to attain. We are tempted to value it so little because we walk by worldly sight so much. When we seek spiritually, we find spiritually and then our eyes are opened to the Spirit. When we walk by faith, then we see through spiritual eyes the Kingdom around us and in us and in others. We find truth and mystery and find that the Kingdom is SO different from the world! Some women and I were talking in another Bible study about how we learn so much from the world from birth and how hard that is to overcome. It's like ingrained in us and we need to relearn from the Holy Spirit. I liken it to truly being born again. We renew our minds. When we are living in a world with a society (even in the church) that honors and elevates worldly thinking, it's very hard to choose the right path of the Kingdom, because it's so different and the opposite of the world. If we aren't careful to stay connected to God and learn HIS truths and depend on the Holy Spirit to guide us and change our hearts, then we can stray pretty quickly. We can appreciate it's true value as we live our faith. We come to experience the truth of God's word and we learn of Him and we become His. That's an awesome experience and we come to know His love and faithfulness. We can trust Him, even in discipline or when things we thought were OK, He says no to. We know He's always for us and we can appreciate His way and His decisions for our lives. Our spiritual eyes are opened to a most excellent way and we come to trust living in that realm and the worldly becomes so shallow to us. My testimony helps others to seek the Kingdom more because I can honestly say, "HE'S ALIVE!" So many people are looking for peace and fulfillment and don't even know where to find it. I once was like that, but Jesus found me and what was once like a story, became REAL. When I can share my testimonies of God with us. God for us. God alive and seeking us today. God who loves us. God who heals. God who makes impossible, possible. God who is faithful. God who is Holy, God who saves.... and share accounts of miraculous sightings and healing and love.....then I see it make a difference. There is hope. There is renewal, there is strength to go on. There is seeking and crying out. There is turning, repentance and growing. It's just so profound to watch someone discover the truth and their Savior and see what He does in them. No one too lost. I know! What rejoicing!
Q3. Follow Me!
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Costliness of the Kingdom (Mt 13:44-46; Mk 10:17-24)
Poverty and sacrifice are in themselves inadequate religion in that one can think they "earn" salvation. It's not whether we are rich or poor, it's what we are going to do with what we have. Can we ask ourselves, "Am I content with whatever God gives as I follow Him?" Can we walk each day in whatever circumstances He places us in and can we submit to serve Him there? It's`really the heart of the matter. If you follow, serve and walk with Him, you may experience riches or poverty, greatness and fame or live in obscurity, but what will you do in each circumstance? I love Proverbs 30:7-9. In this I find a balance on riches and poverty, but more so a plea from the heart to be true to God. Jesus asked the rich young ruler to follow Him just as He asked His other disciples. What a great honor He was given....and seemingly turned away from. It was an invitation to seek after the treasure and the pearl of great price. But not ones of worldly value as he, the rich man, was surrounded with already. He had everything to lose and not just monetary things. He had position, honor in that position and power from that position. He would have lost his friends and clout. He didn't really want to give all that away and lost out on what was a better way. He lost out on a better friend, a better position as a son of God and in basking in the protection of a better power. The power of God. He chose the world and it's ways and being fulfilled in that instead of God's ways and the greater fulfillment there. He really chose to not walk with Jesus and went home to his stuff. That seems unbelievable....but we can choose that every day one way or another too if we are honest with ourselves. We have to purposely choose to "come follow Me" too.....every day. -
Jesus required this rich young ruler to divest himself of what he owned so he could go and follow Jesus. He was asking this man if he could give up everything he had to be with him. He required that of His disciples and He requires it of us. The man went away sad, because He owned many things. He had accomplished following the laws and living a good life, but He wasn't willing to be truly submitted to Jesus. To have Him as LORD. I'd like to think he DID go home and think about it and maybe He changed His mind and did go. I hope so. Just as we sometimes say with things required of us, "Oh no Lord, that's too much. That would be so hard." but with prayer and devotion we do bow to His will knowing He's so perfect and knows so much better than we do. We can trust Him. Why does this parable trouble us so much? Because we like to compromise too. We want to say what we "do" and the partial ways we "follow" are good enough. We want to hold onto or justify the things we don't necessarily want to let go of. This ruler ASKED Jesus what more he needed to do and received an honest answer. How many times do we feel a void and ask God what we need to do to fill it with HIM and then ignore what He shows us. It's out of our comfort zone, or is too risky or or seems a little too much "over the top." Yet, He asks us to do whatever it is! I'm also doing an Isaiah study and have come to mind how little we RESPECT God. We want to ask or seek, but then decide for ourselves in the face of HIS answer! There are so many spiritual dangers in wealth! The world idolizes money and if you have it, it can buy you anything. It can buy power, corruption or immorality. It can convince you, you can do anything you want! People who even just like to be associated with it will help a rich man with his own corruption. It's really sad. I've seen men and women deceived in their minds, actually justify themselves into thinking they can do anything to anyone just because they have money....and they were even very small fish in a big sea! Money can be used for good though, but a person has to be really grounded in Christ to handle it properly for HIS Kingdom....but that usually means giving it away! : )
Both parables have in common about finding a treasure of great price, recognizing the treasured item is worth attaining at any cost and putting into action the process needed to be done to make that treasure your own. The main point is to find something so special, so important, so valuable that everything else is laid aside to attain it. The parable is about God and His Kingdom and recognizing nothing else is of importance except finding it and Him. All else is as nothing and everything else pales in comparison. When we find that and seek to make it our own and treasure it, then our values can't help but change because we will be constantly in a Kingdom mindset. Our lives will be changed because we will have put all else aside to win that race and attain the goal set before us. An eternal goal with eternal treasures.
This passage teaches us that the separation and judgment will be swift, quick and final. It will be unexpected and we should be mindful of our lives every day, because we don't know the day or hour and we should be prepared. This should affect our lives in day to day living. Hour to hour, minute to minute. I have recently had the Holy Spirit reminding me of this daily. I'll be doing my every day living and He'll suddenly speak to me, "If I came right now....would you stand approved?" Sometimes I can say yes and sometimes I'm convicted, even in small ways, but I am always`reminded that I need Him every hour and how`easily I lose focus! This should also affect our testimony. When I am called to testify and am tempted to not say or witness, I'm reminded there may not be a tomorrow for any of us. What if that was the last day for who God sent to you? Was I faithful to be a witness when called? Would I regret I wasted an opportunity or didn't live every day as a testimony? The same in loving others. Could my unconditional love make a difference TODAY? There may be no tomorrow. No time left to say "I love you." No time left to win someone with love. No words to say when we are asked, "Did you love? Did you forgive? Did you live for Me and show who I Am?" This is`serious meditation! One we don't take seriously enough or respect God with!
Jesus`warned that His coming would be as in the times of Noah. People were eating and drinking and caught up in worldly living. Even watching Noah build the ark, they were scoffers and non believers. In their pride, they assumed no bad thing would happen to them. In Sodom, the same was happening and even those warned and given a way out, like Lots wife, looked back and did not escape with her life. In other places, Jesus said His coming would be like a thief in the night. There is no warning from thieves. They spring in on you unaware, most likely while you are sleeping. The attitudes of these people were for living in blindness and sleepy complacency. They were prideful, had unbelief, were mocking and living for the moment. They were non repentant, full of foolishness and not prepared. They practiced worldliness and were holding on to things not good for them. We are in danger of these very things yet today. We need to be humble believers living for eternal purposes. We need to be repentant and we need to accept instruction from God through the Bible and guidance through His Holy Spirit. We need to be fully prepared through the Word of God as to what to expect and how we should be living. We are to be giving away useless things of the world and gathering spiritual treasures. We are to not look back to sin and sinful ways of life and we are to run the race as for the prize! Eternal prize! We are not to be complacent, or sleepy. We are to see the dangers, steer clear of them, be awake to God's will and be up and doing His will so when He does come THAT'S what He finds us doing!
How glorious! Such a simple question but I am very moved by the Holy Spirit in seeing the bright shining rays of light around Jesus when He returns! I'm reflecting on when I go to walk at night and how bolts of lightening from miles away light up the sky! I don't miss it! My eye is automatically drawn to the flash of light and I stop and wait for the next one! It's always awe inspiring and majestic! Every eye will be drawn to God's light when He comes! We'll be stopped in our tracks and will watch and wait struck by awe! Oh glorious day!
Q1. Present Kingdom
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. The Present and Future Kingdom (Luke 17:20-37)
The Kingdom of God was present in the person of Jesus in that He was the exact replica of the Father. All that Jesus did on Earth was a reflection of who God is and what the Kingdom of God looks like. His ministry reflected the character of God in and through Jesus. He taught in "our language" of parables to give us understanding of the Kingdom of God. He worked miracles to show the supernatural. He showed compassion and forgiveness to show us the inner workings of our heart in relation to the Kingdom. He suffered and died for us to show God's love and how vast it is for us and how much He would give to have us as His own. He lived holiness as in the Kingdom, yet showed us grace in relation to our (and His) being fully human. He demonstrated every aspect of the Kingdom of God in His person, life and ministry. How is this present today? By His Holy Spirit. We still have opportunity to the guidance and demonstrations of God's Kingdom and to live that by the power of the Holy Spirit. To do that though, we need to accept Jesus as LORD of our lives. To commit to truly being Christ followers and not just take on the name of "Christian." -
Jesus is teaching us that the way into the Kingdom is hard. We become saved through faith and then the warfare begins! Satan doesn't want to loose anyone "formerly" on his side and he is very cunning in ways to get us back or make us fall and loose heart. The warfare begins and we need to be equipped to meet that warfare head on. The road is narrow and specific and we are warned only a few find it! Once God told me, that my worst obstacle (my being stubborn) would be the one thing that would bring Him greatest glory. I wondered about that at the time, thinking being stubborn was something I had sought to be made new in. He was faithful in that and my being stubborn in destructive ways, gave way to standing in faith immovable. People would try to convince me of a truth in some things that were in actuality, untruth and there was no swaying me! I fiercely stood my ground! That's an example of what it means to "press hard" or be "fierce" in coming into the kingdom or defending the kingdom or representing the kingdom. We are called to love, but in TRUTH and love. We can never compromise one without the other, but standing on truth and against the lies of Satan takes determination, resolve, great unwavering faith and the full armor of God! Sometimes we are called to forge ahead in truth where others stand back....but if we know truth....forge ahead we will! We are called to pray and travail in prayer. This is prayer that requires every ounce within our being. We fight the spiritual forces and take territory! We have to have passion! AMEN!
Continual asking, seeking and knocking is essential for looking forward to the Kingdom because we should have (and God desires us to have) passion about seeing God's Kingdom come. I'm brought to mind the admonishment about being lukewarm. If we have true passion about anything, the spark of enthusiasm rarely dies. There is a fire in our bones and a consuming desire to see fruit come from what we are passionate about. When we seek and pray continually, we are asking with passion for help from God to see fruit from our labors or answers to our prayers. We are confidant He hears and in His time will move for His will to be done. Sometimes this is a direct answer to our prayers and sometimes He answers in different ways, but we always see His divine wisdom in the outcome. Another passion is to know God better. When we desire to know someone better, we seek them out. We desire to have understanding and to know them more intimately. We are persistent to speak to, be around and get to know the object of our desire. God desires to be the one we want to know more than anyone else, so seeking for Him is always rewarded with finding Him! People can give up easily because they never really had the passion needed for a call to persevere or they may even totally miss what God is doing if it doesn't look like their preconceived idea of what is going to happen. Sometimes Satan throws in every kind of diversion to draw our mind elsewhere or our circumstances change and we become distressed or discouraged. Also, we can get caught up in living in this world and fall away without even seeing what we are doing. Suddenly we look around and ask what happened and how did we get so far off from where we wanted to be. Then we are called back to our first love and resume again. How do we gain persistence and boldness in prayer? Remaining in Christ. If He truly is who we seek and who we live for and is really number one in our lives, we will actively be in relationship, seeking His will and we will know His very nature and that we are welcomed with love before His throne and can expectantly look forward to His care and concern for our needs and for the needs of those we bring to Him in prayer.
In vs. 33, "Seek first His Kingdom" means to put seeking after God first on your list....every day. We seek after Him through prayer, through Bible reading, in seeking what He would have us do each and every day, repenting of sin, asking that He be with us and beside us, directing and guiding every moment. We should be aware that He is the vine and we are the branches and apart from Him we can do nothing. We should make every effort to be connected from sunrise to sunset and I dare to say He never sleeps nor slumbers, so He's right there through the night too! When we put God first, we submit to His will in our life and not because we have a set of rules to follow to look good! We take His hand in love and trust asking how we can serve Him each day. We become aware of who He is and of what He taught (and still teaches us by the power of the Holy Spirit)and we conform to be true followers by that power. Our own righteousness is as filthy rags, but His is what we need. But to attain that, we have to be connected, in relationship and willing to submit to our first love. HE is the bread of life and our living water. We can seek the Kingdom of God and support our families but only through Him. He gives the blessings. He is the provider. Even in times of life challenges and our circumstances of job loss or tragedy, I have never seen God let go of us. We have had miraculous provision, unfailing comfort or we have just plain seen we didn't really need all we thought we needed. In those cases we were "re-adjusted"! For our spiritual benefit. It wasn't always what "I" thought it should be....but I'm thankful HE always knew best. God does though, expect us to use our talents, be good stewards of all He gives us and be honest, good workers here. But in humbleness, we know He provides everything we have, from the talent, to the health to be able to work, to the wisdom He gives in directing on what to do with it all. Still, in each of those areas, we are to serve HIM the best we can according to HIS plan....not ours. Verse 33 promises all things will be added to us when we seek Him and His righteousness. And He is faithful!
Jesus said we can't SERVE God and money at the same time. I think this means that one or the other comes first and has priority. This also goes back to the lesson too of seeking first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness and all these things will be given to you. We can't as an old saying goes, put the cart before the horse. We serve God and He is first. If He so desires to increase our wealth, well then we know who increased it, who really owns it and we will still serve GOD with it! If He doesn't increase our wealth, we are content with the blessings he HAS given us and serve as we can with them. As the widow did with her mite. But either way...we serve HIM. This is where God is LORD in our lives. He's above everything and everyone and we submit to His will in all things. Money in itself isn't bad...and much good can come from it. God's kingdom can be advanced with it. But it takes a very grounded person to deal with it. If God gifts you with it....it's for His Kingdom and you are responsible for that. Yes, Jesus really meant this. This is not exaggerated and is a fact if understood correctly. Yes, the rich can serve God. In fact, they are CALLED to serve with their money. I know some very wealthy people who do so from a very sincere heart. They serve God with money and in giving of themselves. Unfortunately, I also know wealthy people who do not, and use money for power and leverage for their own satisfactions...even in the church. The one serves God....the other serves money.
Jesus intended to teach us about the message of the Kingdom through the parable of the soils for many reasons. I think He wanted us to understand what the Kingdom of God is about. That is, in sowing the Word of God, but not only that, but of receiving the Word of God. Yes, we are to sow the Word and to know that it will be received in different ways and to not become discouraged in our mission, but that these things will be. We are still to sow. I also think this parable is a warning to us in how we ourselves receive the word and has been a great help to me when circumstances have tried my soul. So often when I felt like quitting from discouragement or trials, I have remembered this parable and have been reminded of what Jesus taught. It was a renewal in my mind to persevere and let my roots go down deeper. I'm reminded that the secrets to the Kingdom are revealed to us and this is one of them. He gives us understanding and truth of Kingdom living and we are blessed to have eyes that see and ears that hear. Some never will and we are to be deeply grateful that we have been given the ability to receive and even more that we continue to seek first His Kingdom and more will be added!
What factors make especially good soil of disciples? My husband is a farmer and for him to have a good crop, he has to care for the land. He plows, plants, weeds and fertilizes the land. He checks on his crops and watches out for pests and disease. He then treats the crop accordingly for a good yield.....and he prays for blessing on weather factors and yield as only God can control those. We are much the same way, we need to take care of ourselves spiritually to produce a good crop. We plow up our hardened heart ground with repentance and plant seeds of the Word in our softened hearts. We pull up the sin in our lives and get rid of the weeds holding us back. We fertilize with Bible teachings, church and with fellowship with other Christians. We are accountable and ask for accountability when disease wants to set in or pests from the world want to infest our better way of thinking. We pray for blessing in our lives and ask for rain to water our fertile ground. I heard a song the other night on the radio and it was titled, Jesus Bring The Rain. I had an original hesitant, dreading "uh oh" moment, but then could sing along. " Bring me joy, bring me peace, bring a chance to be free, bring me anything that brings You glory." and I felt a peace in that because we always grow in those "rainy" moments and something in it will be for HIS glory! Not easy sometimes....but He is`faithful! I think this ties in with the 30, 60 or 100 fold growth. The more our hearts are softened and we are planted with God's seed and allow the weeding, the fertilizing and the sun and rain and the over all care and infinite wisdom of God to grow us, we will grow in HIS grace and knowledge and be filled with the Spirit to live lives totally for Him.
Pleasures would be my choice of most dangerous thorns in anyone's life just for the fact that it encompasses the other two. If we are seeking our own pleasure and happiness then we would seek for riches as a way to fill ourselves and we would not want any cares or worries. We would do everything possible to mask anything by any means that would seem negative. It would be a complete life of self satisfaction and seeking everything that would be a tool to feed ourselves and our own happiness. All in all, we would do well to stay away from each of them.
Q1. Falling Away
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Fertile Soil for the Kingdom (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23)
According to Jesus teaching people fall away for assorted reasons. Some when they hear the word are never really planted because satan comes along and devours anything of value right away. Others hear the word, listen closely but don't put down roots because of circumstances in their lives. They think it's too hard and don't have perseverance so they can get to know God and His faithfulness and they fall away. Others hear the Word and embrace it, but never really grow. They like the milk and their roots are shallow. They believe SOME of what they hear but never embrace a life of following Jesus and what that means. Some receive and yet the truth gets choked out by the Gospel PLUS anything and everything. Some though, embrace the truth and embrace God and have changed lives to live for Him. The problem is in embracing the truth, knowing truth and living truth. Many people know truth but don't live truth. So many have head knowledge but no relationship with the One who will walk with them through anything! It's a heart to heart relationship and nothing less! -
Repentance is so central to the Kingdom of God because salvation is for the forgiveness of sins. This was the whole purpose of Jesus as Messiah. If we can't admit we are sinners and confess that....then there is no need for a Savior. Sinners who KNOW they sin KNOW they need to confess and repent and KNOW they need Jesus. Our practice of repentance validates the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. Baptism is important because it is an outward declaration of our faith and belief in Jesus. In the Spirit, we enter the water, are cleansed and raised again to new life. We are of the Spirit, no longer of the world. This we know by faith. Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart? I think the key word is reign. Christ will never turn away a sincere seeker and as sinners, we are always deficient in one way or another. I received the Holy Spirit years ago and yet had much to learn. I was unrepentant in areas and yet was continually called and loved by God. His kindness to me brought on the repentance I needed to have. But though I was seeking and was never turned away, I can't say He "reigned" in my heart because to reign in my heart would be to give Him complete Lordship. I thank Him for His loving kindness and patience with me and for calling me and accepting me through the blood of Jesus when I fail Him so often. I think He hid me in His own heart...and I'm very grateful.
Points of comparisons would be baptism for cleansing and the forgiveness of sin. Points of difference: John came preaching to repentance of sin and an outward show of cleansing for the forgiveness of sin, but John always told of the coming of the Savior who's sandals he wasn't even fit to tie. Jesus was the passover lamb, offered FOR our sins, once and for all and by the power of the Holy Spirit (with us today)we are sanctified from within. Do I long to be overwhelmed by the Spirit? Yes and yes! Sometimes the cleansing process can be painful and saddening to really see ourselves, but the gratitude when all is`said and done that we don't REMAIN that way is wonderful! We are so limited in our knowledge and wisdom and to submit to God can be difficult but I have never had a time I didn't look back to say THANK YOU for His infinite wisdom and ways. It was always for my good and to see in a better way! What can hinder this? If I'm not in fellowship with God daily and in the Word. Or, if I don't trust in His love for me. If I don't let the Holy Spirit counsel me and guide me. I am encouraged by His promises in the Word, I am encouraged when I walk with Him to see how faithful He is. I am encouraged when I read all through the Bible of His wisdom and faithfulness to others through all of time.
Q2. Offensive Baptism
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Preparing for the Kingdom (Matthew 3:1-17; 4:17)
John the Baptist called all people to confess their sins and to be cleansed from their sins through Baptism. The Jews believed that they were God's chosen people and were set apart from others such as Gentiles. They resorted to following the law as given by Moses (and then some) and relied on animal sacrifice to atone for sin. (Ritual) There was a certain amount of confession in this practice for the people, but the Jewish leaders had gone so far as to see themselves righteous in themselves and in their knowledge of the law and in works. The general people weren't even aware of all the teachings. They relied on the priests to instruct them. The priests and the leaders though, had added to or taken away from so much of the truth, they were really only in for power, pride and prestige. They controlled the people. John the Baptist addressed ALL of the people in confession and forgiveness of sin through baptism so we can see that this would be a threat to the leadership of the day. They didn't want Gentiles thinking they could have any part in Spirituality in the same way as the Jews, but they also didn't want "regular" people thinking they didn't need them as an elite spiritual power. The ordinary uneducated person, seeking God would have welcomed His message. To be forgiven of sin and to be considered forgiven as is, would have been a joy indeed! As it is for us! No longer under the thumb of corrupt leadership and encouraged to be in relationship with God would have been a great freedom. But for those who had the threat of losing their grip on power and prestige, it would not have been embraced so readily. Others not too keen on his message were the governmental ruling powers of the day. As John foretold the coming of the Messiah, it was believed that this Messiah would come and have victory in a military coup and restore the line of David to the throne. This was a great fear among the kings enthroned already and the extermination of any threat there played a role in not only John's death, but in the deaths of the infants 2 and under when news of the birth of the Messiah came to fruition and carried over in tension through out Jesus' life and right up to His crucifixion. -
When people "adopt" the Christian faith without repenting of sins it's like pretending in a very shallow way to "be" something. It's like a casing with nothing in it! True Christianity is being in relationship with Jesus and in following His way and knowing what He did for us on the cross. If one cannot see or confess sin, then they don't need a Savior! When people say they are Christians just to be a part of an organization, the depth of relationship with Jesus is not there. The conviction of sin won't be there either. Nor the gratitude for forgiveness of sin. People avoid repentance for different reasons. Some truly don't see sin. They don't know the truth, so they are not convicted. Others justify their actions. They fool themselves into saying (what they indeed are doing) is not sin or they are not participating in sin, or it's acceptable for whatever reason. Some have so much pride they can't admit they sin! Some fear retribution for sin if they would confess and don't know the love of God or understand Spiritual principles for freedom in confessing sin. The Bible says people perish for the lack of knowledge and lack of knowledge in Christ Jesus and His atoning sacrificial love keeps people from coming to the light and confessing their sins. I don't know what percentage of Christians today are unrepentant but sadly I think many are. We have "feel good" churches all over who never mature believers and it seems churches today need "entertainment" packages to draw people. Some churches`seem to be afraid of convicting on sin or even teaching on anything more than milk. It's very important to choose a church who will give truth in love and will challenge believers to grow in maturity.
We should love the church as it is our own body because it IS our own body! We should care for the church body just as we care for ourselves. We are one in Christ, so we should treat each other as Christ treats us. He died for us and gave everything for us though we did not deserve it. We should treat other members the same way. And we all know none of us deserves anything! I have despised the church (and have also been in some pretty abusive ones) and ultimately tried to stay away, but have come back and have had a change of heart. I am the bride of Christ and I love Jesus and though things in the church may not be perfect, I have decided to live as he lived, taking His hand, watching His eyes for even a hint of concern and waiting to see what He would show me. That takes power by the Holy Spirit (there for the asking) and fruit of the Spirit. I used to try to "go it alone" and saw everything wrong that needed changed. I let disappointments turn to despair. My heart was right in wanting a more pure and holy body but I wasn't patient or kind or long suffering. Too much zeal. Now, seeing my own faults and sinfulness, I am reminded often to remember where I have been and the things I do that aren't so perfect and that makes it easier to humbly look on another. I have much more trust in God to make things right in His time and in His way and to pray more. I heard a Christian teaching on TV about everyone experiencing disappointments from other people but that despair in those disappointments was a choice. Disappointments will always come....but to give up because of them is our choice. If we truly see ourselves in Christ together and Him as our head, we can trust Him with our disappointments and forgive and go on, waiting to see what He, in His infinite wisdom is doing. If everyone does that, the disdain is gone and we begin to trust that no matter what is happening, we don't have to be striving in it and that if we love more than judge, then people are touched and changed. Through it all, we are submitted to Him, we are safe in Him and we are growing too! I do see the church as beautiful now and just my change of attitude has made a difference with others. It's more a spiritual connection now with people more accepting and forgiving and that's`really beautiful to see. There is Godly peace and a willingness to step out and try to understand another and at the very least know they can be different from ourselves and accept them as is. I still won't be a part of churches that are abusive with false beliefs and that don't teach the Gospel, but a church with a heart for God.....well.....nothing is ever going to defeat her!
Q4. Cleansed ... by the Word of God
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Holiness in the Church
The Word of God works in the cleansing process by the renewing of the mind. As we feed our mind the word everyday, we ingest or take in the truths of the word. Little by little, the truth replaces all those false things we have believed and been taught over the years. As we accept the truth and start to be aware and live the truth and put aside the old life, we are cleansed from those practices that were wrong and against God and start to live cleaner lives for Him. Our very minds are changed and retrained to think on better things and ways pleasing to God. In our congregations, the Word should be taught with truth and clarity, by the Pastor during service and by teachers in small groups or Bible studies. Our children should be taught at their level as well as our youth. And, I think the Word should be taught with a viable way to LIVE the truth. So many "know" the word, but never really live it. The Word needs to be lived alongside others in relationship through friendships and mentoring as we see first hand a life like Jesus would have had. I don't think anything destroys the "seemingly" credibility of the word faster that one who "says" it but never lives it....and the world is watching! I think we use the Word for purification without sinking into threats and hell fire by teaching first and foremost the love of God and who we are in Christ. When one sins, nothing writes on the heart like knowing you've been loved and forgiven as is. Renewing of the mind takes effort to be in the word and time to understand. Loving anyone through their troubles and struggles, sharing that they are not alone in fighting temptations and sin, sharing in the Word how God sees us through, giving hope to overcome by the Word are all ways that lead to a purified life. If we are harsh, people give up, become discouraged and never know who they are as children of God and never will try to live to that standard, just because they found a loving Father and have a desire to please Him. That's not forced, that's from the heart and true inner change. -
Q4. Divine Lamb
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. The Triumphant Lamb We Worship (Revelation 5)
5:13-14 shows us Jesus has equality with God. He is given all the attributes of praise and honor along side the Father. " To him who sits on the throne (Father) and to the Lamb (Jesus) be praise and honor and glory and power, forever and ever." So be it. -
Q3. Holiness without Legalism
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Holiness in the Church
Holiness is being set apart for God. We are not holy in and of ourselves, but we do have our righteousness in Christ Jesus. He gave His life for us to make us holy, cleansing us by the washing with water through the word. That's the done deal in the spiritual....yet in our flesh, we know we are not perfect. It is only through Jesus we are holy and set apart, but the process of growing out of imperfection into perfection is our sanctification through the word. When we take an active part to read the word, BELIEVE the word, know the word and meditate on the word, then we transform every day in renewing our minds with the truth which in turn changes our lives. This is all in Christ also, as He IS the word and bread of life. Apart from Him we can do nothing yet with Him all things are possible including the transformation of the inner workings of ourselves. Anyone who is judgmental is under an erroneous thought process that "they" have done something "better" or "more right" than another. It's a tendency to look down on another persons sin without fully realizing our own. We ALL sin and fall short and no one sin is worse than another. The sin of immorality by one person is frowned down upon and met with the sin of arrogance by another. Both sin. But when we see ourselves as sinners and the grace by which we have been forgiven, then we forgive others. We don't "condone" sin, but in humbleness it becomes more about having your heart broken to see someone restored and knowing the love of Jesus and coming into right relationship again more than looking down on sin or condemning for the sin. We(truly)love the sinner, yet hate the sin at work in the flesh. Knowing we ALL fight one kind of battle or another in our flesh, we look on in compassion and love and try to restore in truth. All the while, we are growing in ourselves too....because we are reminded of our weaknesses also. No room for arrogance there! By the Spirit, the desire is for everyone to know Christ and to be transformed and become children of God.