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Lion of Grace

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Everything posted by Lion of Grace

  1. The Lamb triumphed over sin and death for the salvation of all. "You are worthy to take the scroll and to open it's`seals, because you were`slain and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation."
  2. Christ gave Himself up as an atoning sacrifice for us. He gave everything including His very life. His commitment to us was 100% and still is. He would have done anything to redeem us and He did. This was a perfect selfless act of love....for us. All power, glory and honor to Him....now and forever. Let's pray in gratitude, thanking Him for all He has done..... It's very humbling to remember how much He loves us.
  3. The church's submission to Christ is one of love. We love because He first loved us. When we know His love, we are willingly and voluntarily doing as He asks us to do. We can do things asked of us that are sacrificial for ourselves, because we love Him. We can esteem another first over ourselves or give of ourselves, being the wind beneath the wings of another, so the other person can be built up and encouraged, for the good of the church body. We go from "me" to "we" and that is our focus. We desire to see others become what God has designed them to be. We give up self, because He has shown us it is a better way to give and live. Our love for Him is the determining factor for how we treat others. If every one submitted to Christ and lived submitted to what He taught us, the church would grow together in the grace and knowledge of Christ and being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, would be overflowing with the fruit of the Spirit and that would be wonderful! Most though think being submitted is being "made" to do things we don't like to do. I used to think like that. I didn't think in terms of Him being on my side and for my good. Many don't know God intimately and have not experienced His love and His great caring and compassion for us. He is our GOOD Shepherd who wants only good for us and is seeking always for our utmost care. We don't submit because we "have" to.....we submit because we know and trust and love our great caregiver and the delights He has for us under His infinite wisdom. Like little lambs, we should be pressed against His leg, safely by His side as He leads us to everything we need for our good. He loves us. His ways are higher than ours and for our good. He's faithful, never changes and is perfectly trustworthy. His "no" is for our good, His "yes" is for our good, all His teachings, directions, disciplines and turnings are for our good....because He loves us! We can trust Him as our head and submit to His leading.
  4. Lamb: Jesus, the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Slain: Was sacrificed with visible wounds. Shedding of blood. Physical death. The lamb that was slain. Lamb is standing: Though slain, is no longer dead. Victorious and risen. No more death. The lamb; seven horns: Completeness in power and strength. All authority in Heaven and on Earth given to the lamb. 7 eyes: The Lamb sees fully and completely. All powerful, all knowing. Summarizing that the Lamb has the qualities of God and Savior as well as Spirit and counselor. It is finished: He was the perfect Lamb, was crucified, died and was buried, He rose again, victorious over death and Hades and has been established at the right hand of God, given the name above all other names. All things in Heaven and on Earth are set under His feet and He sees fully, knows all and establishes all things. His Kingdom will have no end.
  5. The lamb, referring to the sacrificial lamb, was called the lion from the tribe of Judah in reference to Jacob's prophecy over his sons. The tribe of Judah was called like a lion's cub and a crouching lion. It was also prophesied that one from the tribe of Judah would come and this one would receive full glory. This would be the Messiah. This lion, would be victorious and strong and one to watch for....from the tribe of Judah. He is also referred to as the root of David, son of Jesse from the tribe of Judah. This also refers to tribal and family lineage. These titles not only signify that Jesus was the sacrificial lamb, that would be as a lion, strong and victorious, but that Jesus would fulfill each prophecy as foretold about the coming of the Messiah. It proved He WAS the Messiah and his lineage was as it was foretold to be.
  6. According to Ephesians 4:13-16, the purpose of constructing a healthy congregation is to prepare God's people for works of service so the body can be built up. We should be reaching a unity in the faith and in the knowledge of Jesus and should be becoming mature, attaining the full measure of Christ. We will not be like children tossed about influenced by every teaching that we hear (for we will know the truth) or be deceived by the cunning and craftiness of mere men in their deceitful scheming. Every Christian is called to build up the body of Christ. Every one has been given the responsibility to grow in the truth of the word and in knowledge of Jesus themselves, helping other Christians to grow to maturity also and to go out into the world with the fullness of Christ and be a witness to the lost. Maturity is the key here. If we don't come to maturity, then everything that is used to build, or function in the church can cause chaos, because we can't have a firm foundation unless it is in the truth. Whims of teachings or teachings to promote "people" projects or desires only lead to confusion and eventual break downs. Only in maturity of the word and knowing Christ can we grow individually and together in the truth for a firm foundation and a joining together in truth and in living the truth. We become credible that way to outsiders who are seeking to know more too. They will see something different in us and want that also.
  7. The strategy for "equipping the saints" is to multiply. We should always be about making more disciples and growing others in their faith so they can become viable servants and ministers for God's purposes. We really never get "perfect" here as we all continue to grow....but growth should be our main purpose. If we only serve as paid (or even unpaid) chaplains of the flock, we are in danger of promoting complacency and stagnation. We also promote one dimensional church bodies where only a small group of people are leading and directing, while the others are caught in always being "babies" on milk. The danger in that is the elitism and arrogance that can come out of leadership and the "failure to thrive and grow" that can be the result for others. Either way, God's Kingdom is not rightly represented and does not multiply so more can come as they are and more can disciple! If people are just in a position for selfish reason's...power, perks, recognition, money.....then they will not be fruitful for the Kingdom. And are even harmful and enemies of Christ. Actions for equipping are about relationship with others. Truly loving others to see them increase in strength and overcome weaknesses. This should include, right interpretations and teachings of God's word and helping others to understand that and encouragement with ways to live it. We should be living those things ourselves to the best of our ability so as not to be a stumbling block to anyone watching and learning. We should be recognizing other people's gifts and helping them find a place to serve, in and out of the church building. Accountability to teach in love and truth and not compromise are crucial.... but also being gentle in times of difficulty because of sin. Always encouraging to go out step by step, seeing them established in what God leads them to. It's all a process in love and relationship and the sad thing is, I see so many "thinking" they disciple, when it really is all about themselves. They teach and preach and prod and poke, judge and admonish in damaging ways but never really love and accept or include as they would with those they "prefer" and finally after "time is up" they cut off the person causing more damage and hurt. Justifying their actions, they walk away saying they did a work "for" God. They never loved and without love it just becomes a lot of noise and confusion. Jesus was in relationship with His disciples. He lived with them, traveled with them, sorrowed with them, laughed with them, cried over them, prayed for them, forgave them, admonished them, taught them, showed them, was patient with them, encouraged them, shared with them, was gentle with them, understood them. He loved them, died for them, lived again for them, came back to them and even when He had to go away from this earth forever, sent a helper to them and promised them He would be with them always and would come back for them. He was devoted to them forever. His love gave them strength and courage in their faith and sustained them until the end of their lives. Even so that most would in turn die for Him and His name. That's love....full circle.
  8. Jesus told us to celebrate communion in remembrance of Him, until He comes again and until we can come to the banquet table in the Kingdom. We take communion not only to sorrow for the pain and suffering our Jesus endured FOR us, but to proclaim His death and our belief in His atoning blood. We also come with joy and anticipation of His promise. He is coming again and He has a table set for us and we will be at the wedding feast! AND....WE are the bride! How awesome to be given such favor and know He chose us and we will be with Him face to face....all our longings here fulfilled to finally be with our Beloved! I can't think of anything more joyous!
  9. Pastors and teachers work to help build up the body in that they oversee a group of people, know them, their strengths, weaknesses and areas of concern. They teach the word and guide their "flock" into applying the word to grow them into maturity. They see them through trials, tribulations, temptations and love them continuously. True Pastors and teachers have great love and connection with those given to them. A shepherd will lay down his life for his sheep and I have seen some give so wonderfully and unselfishly, but I have also seen some called Pastors or teachers that are so administrative or just seeking a "position" that they have no heart for the sheep. Like the hired worker, they will neglect and do as little as possible to maintain the health of the sheep. They are not really theirs, so the real love for them is not present. Yes, I have seen these gifts in lay people. Often God will put a few people together and a Shepard will see the connection that God has intended for that group. There is a common bond and there are always some who need help and guidance out of some bondage or hurt and there are always others who can share their testimony also in that area. The word of God is taught in these settings so true forgiveness and freedom are won and new lives in Christ are planted and grown. Small groups of Bible Study are excellent for this and relationships are established comfortably. I'm always amazed when I'm in these groups to see how people become connected through the Holy Spirit. Our Good Shepherd is always shepherding us!!!
  10. It's important to forgive those who have offended us before partaking in communion because as we remember Christ and the sacrificial offering He made for us for the forgiveness of OUR sins, we need to likewise forgive others as we have been forgiven. This reminds me also of the parable of the man who was pardoned of a great debt only to go and demand payment for a small one owed to Him. We are not to be ungrateful for what was done for us and to be sure to extend that to another. The least we can do is forgive as we were forgiven. To not forgive is totally contrary to everything we proclaim in our faith. Communion is about a "oneness" in the body of Christ with Jesus, so as He did for us, we should do for others. Even if the sin against us is on going, very wrong and with seemingly no hope of resolution, we can still choose to forgive and live free in ourselves knowing we are called to forgive and in our own hearts, desire to not hold offenses and bitterness that are`really only harmful to us individually and as a body.
  11. I see an Evangelist as people with the gift to proclaim the "Good" news. There is a fire in their hearts for people to know the truth and experience FREEDOM in the truth. It's like a fire locked up in their bones for everyone to know Jesus, Jesus, Jesus and the forgiveness of sin and the new life they can have in Him. They don't overlook sin in their message, but the JOY of the Lord is poured out of them when they say, "You can come, no matter what! You can beat all that! You can be new!" Evangelists have a contagious passion and joy. They make people say, "What do you have that I don't have and how do I get it?" They know the love of God and want others to have that too! So...they proclaim, proclaim, proclaim!
  12. I am filled with sorrow when I hear those words because I think of the innocence of Jesus, the undeserved pain and suffering. I think even today how good He is to me and all the times in one week that I forget Him and go my own way only to see Him and what He did at the cross when I finally run back to Him. All those things I chased after even for a moment seem so ridiculous in light of Him. I'm filled with sorrow that the person whom I love and who loved me most, was so tortured, and because there was no other way, went willingly to die for the sins I was responsible for. I sorrow because I'm reminded how briefly and lightly I and so many others ponder on all He did. I'm filled with joy though, because I know the rest of the story! I know He rose again and I know He lives! I know I am saved through His death and I'm never going to die either! I'm joyful and amazed at Father and the whole plan from the beginning and I can say, "You were thinking of me! You saw me! You didn't ever forget me! You wanted me so much!!!" I'm joyful at the connectedness I have through Jesus' blood! I'm joyful I was loved that much! More than I can ever ask or imagine! I'm joyful and marvel that through Jesus I've found my family, my history, my belonging! From ancient times to today, through Jesus I find who I am and what my purpose is. I'm joyful I've known love...... real love.
  13. Apostles "go out" and establish foundations to grow on. I have seen people with this gift go from place to place using whatever expertise they have to offer to help churches or individuals who are struggling, to get a foundation under them so they can eventually begin to blossom on their own. They have a true love for each congregation or individual with the sole purpose to see them rise up and grow to be stronger in faith an practices that are not only good for themselves in spiritual health, but good for the firm establishing of God's Kingdom and purposes in many areas. Paul not only established churches, but nurtured them like children through letters of encouragement, instruction or admonishments. His desire was to see them grow and become active disciples themselves. Prophets know God's will and they know the truth and the Word. They can see when individuals or churches are getting off the mark. They remind of foundational truths and the truth of the Word not to condemn or for the love of correction but because they have a love of the people and a burning desire for God's truths to be known and practiced. They aren't popular and it's a hard gift to have because people for the most part can justify whatever they do. But....a prophet can hide only for so long or avoid speaking truth (in love hopefully) because they just CAN'T keep it inside because it's just the truth! They are held accountable by God if they don't speak out for truth. After that though....it's left to the others whether to receive the truth or not.
  14. All Christians have received "grace as God has apportioned it." To me this means that God has given each believer gifts, in grace, as He has decided to give to each one. These gifts are to be used for His glory. They are to be used to reach the lost as well as for building up the body of Christ and for equipping the saints to reach maturity in their faith. Wow! Well rounded! Everyone has been given a portion to do for in the church as well as out of the church. Unfortunately sometimes we forget the "grace" part and our gifts are put to use without love. We forget the grace given us and don't extend that grace to others. Their is no effectiveness if our gifts are used to push, beat down, promote fear or abuse position. It is given to each one of us grace as Christ apportioned it, to use in proportion to our faith, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to faithfully serve others, administering(to others) God's grace in it's various forms.
  15. In the annual passover meal, the Jews were reminded each step of the meal in what God had done for them to bring them from slavery in Egypt to the freedom of the promised land. Each aspect of the meal is symbolic of a specific blessing and show of favor God had bestowed on them. It was a reminder of how He spared their firstborn from death, by the blood of the lamb who's blood was placed on the doorpost of their homes. The act of spreading it with Hyssop branches symbolized a purification by the blood also. At the last supper and in remembrance of the last supper as we celebrate communion, we are reminded of the favor and blessing bestowed on us by God through Jesus. The bread reminds us He is our bread of life and the wine is symbolic of His blood shed for us. We remember Jesus himself was our passover lamb and offered himself and his blood as a substitute for our sins and what we deserved by them. His blood is our cleansing and our faith in His Word is our deliverance. We no longer are under the sentence of death....but will live. Today and eternally! Praise God! Thank you Jesus! What a wonderful miracle and gift of grace!
  16. The lambs of the first Passover, were offered as a substitute for the first born of the households that were obedient to do as God instructed. He told them to sacrifice the lamb and as an outward sign, to put the blood of the lamb on the door posts of their dwellings. When the angel of death came to take the lives of the firstborn in the households, their dwellings would be "passed over" because of the obedience to offer the "substitute" offering of the lamb. Primary points of comparison for us with Christ would be that Jesus was offered as the passover lamb, His blood shed as a substitute for our lives. We are obedient to believe in faith, that Jesus blood is our protective covering. When our faith is intact, we know we will not die, but be given life. Also, when I, or others sin, I know the power of the blood and plead the blood of Jesus over me and for my family or church. By faith we are saved. Another point of fact is that Jesus met every criteria to be the spotless lamb. Just as specific instructions were given to have a particular animal brought for the sacrifice, Jesus fulfilled every aspect to be the perfect sacrifice for the new covenant. This is so wonderful to understand the old to see what came to pass to fulfill the new!
  17. I'm so thankful for this study! This week I have become very discouraged over the way people treat each other in our churches. I started grumbling to myself, went into retreat and hid out. I told myself it was to "seek God" in what I should do and in part I did, but the truth was, I was hurt, inpatient, intolerant of others and it was easier to leave than to forgive, try to understand and love. Today I resolve to go again and try to be more accepting of all our short comings and failures and to REALLY make every effort to maintain our unity. I can go again in more humbleness and love and I'm looking forward to all God's gonna do with us! THANKS!
  18. "One baptism" unites us into faith in Christ. This should be our main focus and our statement of faith. "How" it's done or "when" can be varied, but we are all one in Christ through baptism. This is OUR faith! We can disagree on "modes" of baptism and still maintain our unity of Spirit, because we ARE of one Spirit. That Spirit in us, guides us into all truths and just like the disciples had to grow`and learn in truth, so shall we. How often did we believe "for sure" one thing, but as we grew and prayed for truth, even more excellent ways were shown to us? We pray and ask for wisdom and continue to grow. We should not however, "strive" for unity so much we can start allowing anything. If we are in the Word, we will recognize blatant untruths that can not be accepted as truths of our own. I don't know as there is a "balance" of the two, as in having unity of the Spirit and acceptance of untruths, but I think it is important to always remember truth in love and love in truth. What is untrue is untrue, but there is a way in love to deal with untruth so as to not alienate others who may not have come to the complete realization of the truth. That is making every effort to maintain unity....but not compromising what we know to be true.
  19. One Body One Spirit One Hope One Lord One Faith One Baptism One God and Father of us all. Wow! Hard choice! I guess I'd say One Father of us all and One Lord. We are all Father's children, saved from death and given eternal life through one Lord Jesus Christ. All else comes from them.
  20. The Holy Spirit brings about unity. We, as Christians are to maintain or keep unity. I think the bond of peace is the peace that God gives us. Not like the peace of this world, but the peace that passes all understanding. This is the peace that is given to us by the Holy Spirit. When we are changed and living by the power of the Holy Spirit, those things that were once difficult for us to do, like forgiving or not taking offenses or giving up positions or recognitions for the good of someone else, become easier for us. We are at peace with more "giving away" than "getting". Our lives are lived for something different and for more eternal value, so those things become secondary and it's easier to maintain peace with others because so much "here" is less important. We truly live in love for others and not for ourselves. Vs.3 says make "every" effort to maintain this unity, so I would say that would be a primary goal.
  21. "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." Most important is love. Love IS all the others. What is most difficult? Love. With God's grace and help....and with prayer....we can grow!
  22. Our "worthiness" comes from God and not in ourselves, so to live a life "worthy" of our calling is to live a life in Christ. Our call to live in Christ is a very high calling and an honor. When we are given any high position or honor, we are expected to live up to the standard set for that privilege. So as we live a life worthy of our calling, we live up to the standards of Christ in us. We will as a congregation live in unity, because we will live to the high standard of maintaining unity. We ARE unified in the Spirit and we need to remember we are one in Christ. Paul always talked about a "more excellent way" and that way was through love and humility and esteeming others as more important than self. Devotion to Jesus is always manifested in love and that behavior shows we are living a life worthy of our calling. I don't think there is anything worthy about separation from fellow Christians. It goes against everything there is about a body growing and moving together. It's against everything that speaks of giving to and getting along with others. Our calling is to live as Christ taught us to live and to be His hands and feet so others can be drawn to the truth of who He is and can come to believe and be saved, redeemed by His blood and become children of God.
  23. All of mankind are the slaves as there is not one who doesn't sin. We are slaves to sin. The ransom was offered by God, through Jesus who paid with His blood. Satan can't be paid our ransom because we aren't slaves to him, but to sin. That's different. He sure tries to get us to sin, but he isn't sin. The slave ransom analogy isn't completely spelled out in the New Testament because it's just that.....an analogy. It's something like a parable to help us understand a spiritual truth, but it doesn't really exactly fit the reality of what is.
  24. We are not our own because we were bought with the price of Christ's blood. We are to profoundly think what this means. The price paid for us was very great, so in everything, we should remember that and live as best we can. It was a very great price and we should not dishonor that by our actions. I also think as disciples, as we go out to draw others in, we are to remember where we have come from and that we ourselves were in sin when He found us. That makes us much less judgmental of others and much more inclined to give unmerited grace to everyone. Whether our brothers and sisters in Christ who hurt us or towards the lost who don't know the truth yet. If we received God's grace, then we should give God's grace.
  25. A Kinsman Redeemer was a family member who came in and took another family member in great need or destitute and put them under his wing to care for them and restore them to a better way of life. They paid debts, sometimes married and were providers for family members who had come under hard times or were destitute for whatever reasons. Jesus is our Kinsman Redeemer in that He does this for us. When lost in sin, He came to find us. We were destitute and not living as He knew we could live. Desiring an an abundant life for us, He paid our debts, took us under His wing, made us His bride and restored us to what we are. Family. Children of God.
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