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Lion of Grace

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Everything posted by Lion of Grace

  1. We are to share our faith with everyone in God's wisdom, acting as we should, making the most of every opportunity. We are to speak with graciousness and we are to speak the truth. If we speak the truth....we will know how to answer everyone because it's all about the truth! We let opportunities slip by for many reasons. We are afraid. We fear not being received. We don't feel equipped to answer any questions. We are not bold in our faith. Actually this all reflects that our own faith is weak. If we believed by the Holy Spirit (who does it all anyway) we can handle any situation, we will be confident to break the ice with anyone and we will step out of our comfort zone and move forward in the Spirit! I was once asked to take a stranger into my home and I knew God was asking me to do it! He didn't stop letting me know until I said yes! That idea was SO foreign to me at that time I might as well went bungee jumping! (NOT!)I did it though....and I saw amazing circumstances develop by the Holy Spirit opening doors of opportunity to witness to this individual. I could never have orchestrated what I saw happen! This individual was so amazed (it was amazement together!) he accepted Christ and was baptized! No one but God did all that....I just offered my home, love, truthful conversation and what little I had and God took it from there. Amazing! We need to step out in faith! WE are strengthened and blessed as well as those we talk to.
  2. Paul asks the Colossians to pray for him and to pray that God may open doors for his message, so he could proclaim the Gospel of Christ. The Gospel that he was in prison for. To pray for an open door meant to pray for opportunities for him to have a means to share the Gospel with anyone. He asks for prayer to communicate this Gospel because he knew in and of himself, he couldn't do it according to individual needs. Paul was a very humble person who knew everything he had, said or did was in Christ. It wasn't him plus God....it was Christ in him. He knew his weakness as a human and asked in humbleness for prayer to always be in submission to God and trusting in Him to do what was right in proclaiming the Gospel. He knew anything less than that was prone to error. He was an old hand at everything and instead of sprouting arrogance in all he "knew" as so many do, he grew in humbleness recognizing his weaknesses. He knew without God....he was nothing. He knew His righteousness was as dirty rags and he knew his wisdom paled in comparison to God's wisdom. He was like Christ in that he was submitted to the Father's leading. Not his own or in what others thought or did or wanted to do....but in submission to God. He asked others for prayer to stay focused in that and for leading in proclaiming the Gospel clearly as he desired to do. All is Christ. All is Christ.
  3. Paul gives the guidelines to devote ourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. If we put these in practice, we would be in constant prayer and communication with God. To devote yourself to anything is to give fully to a person and/or cause or circumstances. They aren't second on a list, but first in our heart. We desire to devote time and effort because we love doing that for someone or something. To be watchful is always being aware of what is happening. To be looking out for and protecting someone or something dear to us. To be seeking on what more can be done or watching for changes to further consider in the circumstances. Being thankful is knowing where we have come from and being thankful of being drawn away from or being seen through circumstances of our own. It is humbleness towards another that we were helped and loved ourselves at times. What problems would these correct? Divided hearts. Empty "religion." Selfish vain acts. Mediocre "duty". "Religious" activities. Falling away when met with problems. Falling "asleep" from lack of passion. Arrogance. Piety. And insincerity towards others. Dead churches with dead "works."
  4. To apply Paul's instruction as to the sincerity of our work, we will obey our employer in all that he/she asks us to do. (As long as it is not something immoral or illegal) we will do this consistently, whether under a watchful eye or not and not to win favor but to do our work in excellence knowing God sees and this is enough for us. We are to do our work as though we are doing it for the Lord and not as if we are doing it for men. Thinking in this way, we become content in our work. Content we are serving God to the best of our abilities. Even under the direction of a poor boss, this helps are hearts to be right in why we are there. It helps us to continue in excellence even under strain and helps us to trust God in the situations that aren't Godly and to pray to Him for intercession for the circumstances, for our boss and ourselves! We can remain pure in heart even in the most difficult circumstances. If everyone started to apply these attitudes, there would be less complaining among employees, there would be contentment in all we do, excellence on the job and better unity/understanding among employer and employee.
  5. Obedience trains a child to learn submission to those in authority, but should never be taught as mindless submitting to anything. When we teach a child obedience, we should always have a good, sound, biblical reasoning for asking a child to submit to our authority. It should be a serious instruction on teaching children to do what is good and right....not just because anyone "says so." Our example of who we think God is, comes from our upbringing. If we knew harshness, dictating and condemnation....we will tend to grow up thinking of God that way. If we know a parent who taught us for our safety and security in love, we will come to know God's character and to obey Him because our security is in His instruction and leading because He loves us and has for our good in His heart. Parents can always avoid discouraging their children or cause them to loose heart by speaking truth with love and loving in truth. If parents don't know the truth themselves or do not understand love, and use harsh discipline for all the wrong reasons, they will have disheartened, angry children and will see them break way and discount anything they have ever been taught whether right or wrong.
  6. Paul gave these specific directions in summation of what brings harmony in marriage. Admonition for wives to submit and husbands to love is calling each one to live unselfishly in what is hardest to do for each one. Women naturally "nurture" but tend to want to "rule the roost." Men on the other hand, are not natural nurturers, but understand the logic of the need for order and realistic measures to make things work. They are "solution" oriented. Women react emotionally and benefit from the logic of a husband. Men would do well to listen to women who can see a kinder gentler way to present an issue. It's a complimenting of gifts....not working against each other. When men really love their wives, women feel secure in trusting a husband who listens to them, who considers them and their gifts and worth as a person and will become willing to submit to any final decisions the man may make. And someone has to have the final say-so! I believe harshness in husbands come from many different areas. Some have known only harshness in their own lives and repeat those behaviors. Some are frustrated in life and become angry and harsh. Some believe lies that to be the head of the home, they have to yield a bat and "make" people submit. Some have been taught "head of the home" means undisputed power for themselves breeding extreme selfishness. Really though....I believe unless men or women know God's love and grace, they can not give love and grace to another. Unless men or women know submission and trust in God, they can never really be unselfish towards another, submitting to each other, because all our trust is in God and we submit everything to Him for consideration. He's really the head of all and our security in all things.
  7. Christian virtues are important to Christ because they reflect who He is and those virtues shown to others through us, represent Him to them. When people "see" those in us....they are drawn to Him. They are important to the church, because they are imperative to holding the church together and in having the body of Christ functioning in love and purity towards each other. Non Christians need to "see" Christ in us. If we live our Christian virtues, others are drawn to the love and acceptance and the kindness that will be evident in our lives. They will see a difference in the way we live and the way we think and what values we live by. It is important in our homes for the same reasons. We reflect to each generation what it is to live in Christ. We live in unity and love, esteeming others as more important than ourselves and we show forgiveness and kindness to each other. When we live our Christian virtues in our homes consistently, we will consistently live them outside our homes also.
  8. Sins of the tongue are so easy to slip into because they really are revealing the condition of our hearts. We can ignore this and continue on....or we can see our true intentions and pray and seek change. Often times, instead of being honest with ourselves and confessing the sin in our hearts that is coming forward in what we are "saying" we try to justify our opinions and stay in the sin or the stinking thinking that is spewing forth in words. They damage us and others by encouraging ourselves to stay in deceptions of our own personal perceptions and in our sins. We can always find another person to "just believe" anything they hear and to jump on a detrimental band wagon. We damage others by hurting them, breaking trust, or even by slandering another person and ruining their good reputation or even contributing to what can and has become the total exclusion of another by many because our words spread and become so damaging. We can break free by prayer and asking for conviction in areas we are unsure of. We can ask that the condition of our hearts be revealed to us. I know many times, simply seeing, then bringing in sorrow to God what I've discovered about myself heals me of it. We can ask God for wisdom and understanding so we can live more fully like Him and we can set our minds on good things about another or situation instead of entering into the "bad" of it all. Like, when we hear of some kind of gossip, we can say, "Oh I know so and so! I can't believe that's what they were doing or saying. We should be careful that we are not adding to gossip!" And, I've found that when I feel offended, the best thing to do is ask the other person what they actually meant in their heart and have an honest conversation with them. That's much better than going and complaining to anyone else....because 9 times out of 10 I've found my OWN perceptions were involved in the offense and there was no need for any offense or spreading anything untrue to others.
  9. I think sexual **** is difficult to people for many different reasons. First, we all have a God given sexual drive that is very strong by God's design. Men for the most part are visual beings and are tempted outside of marriage to **** after what they "see". If women do not feel loved and cared for, they act out "perceived" love in sexual misbehavior to satisfy an emotion. Many sexual addictions grow out of other areas. Sexual abuse in formative years contributes to confusion about love and sex. Unhealthy decisions to view *********** "just once" can set anyone on a journey battling **** and sexual sin for years. Going to see sexually charged movies, though rated acceptable by society or listening to sexually explicit music can all affect our willingness to give in to temptation when confronted with the real opportunity. Our society bombards us with everything sexual in magazines, on TV and anywhere advertisement is seen! So...in the midst of all these circumstances....how can we keep sexual desire from controlling us? From one who suffered from sexual molestation as a young teen from persons in authority, I took a plunge down into the darkness of immorality and all the "stuff" that came with it. I first had to learn who I was in Christ. That He loved me and never left me through those times and that He had plans for me to take me from that way of life and give me wholeness and a new life. I took His hand and began my journey, first overcoming bitterness and forgiving those who abused me. As the heaviness and darkness fell away, I began to see who God had created me to be and that I was worth more than what I had experienced and had begun to treat myself like. He loved me so much...through so much....I fell in love with Him....and I've never been the same! The journey was long and hard.....but believing in His love gave me the courage to get back up after every slip and fall. I was consumed with knowing Him more and more and the Bible became my constant companion. It became life to me. I learned ways to overcome from the Word and through Bible studies that I'm never without. One was on "Pulling the window shade of your mind" when faced with temptations or images. I literally learned to bring one down on my thoughts when anything tried to enter in. I prayed and prayed and prayed for help and cried and cried and cried when I failed. In it, God was faithful....but I had to choose....to believe....to follow....and to live.....accepting His goodness and promises to me.
  10. To set your heart and mind on things above means to live for the things that have eternal value. The treasures that we store up in Heaven....not on this Earth. This means that first in our lives should be things of the Kingdom of God. Abiding in Him. Feeding on the Word. Living out all we know to be truth. Putting aside the things of the world. Focusing on God and what He asks us to do and going where He leads us. We are "transformed" into His image. Our hearts are changed and our manner and demeanor changes with them. To become so heavenly minded as to be of no earthly good comes from legalism I think. If people hear the Word....but are not transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.....then they know all the "laws" to follow...but can become destructive....because they are not changed. It becomes about "religion" and many are turned away. If anyone is truly transformed though, then we are of every earthly good for Kingdom purposes because we then will live in the power of Christ. Representing Him to the world. When we desire to change and be transformed, then we choose to learn God's ways and our lives are changed to conform to Him. We ask for His help in the areas we struggle with and we apply His wisdom. We learn of His ways to make the changes that are necessary. Prayerfully, we seek Him and He is faithful to help us. We have free will in this though....the choice is ours to truly follow (and to know the truth of what it means to follow Christ) or to just say we are Christians and go our own way without Him or picking and choosing in compromise what we choose to believe or do. The battlefield starts in our minds and we need to bring it in submission to Christ and use it for His purposes.
  11. Legalism and asceticism are both man made. One is following rules, another is bringing self into submission. As humans....we can't and we aren't going to "earn" anything these ways nor do they make us "good." They cause strife and oppression and failure. They promote treating our bodies harshly to earn favor or bring them into submission. They promote false humility and arrogance in religious circles because there are always some people fooled into this way and who, not seeing their own sinfulness, drive others to try to be something they will fail at repeatedly and all at the same time, blinded to their own failures and sin. In many cases, even acceptance into who's who among any church people, is hinged on playing the legal game....either "looking" like a person succeeds in earning merit or worse yet, a person can be excused from perfection if they have enough other things to offer. Money, power, position, knowledge etc. They cause depression, darkness and futile living. Paul though, teaches truth and light. We have fullness in Christ who is the head over every power and authority. We have eternal victory through Him. This is our faith and we don't need to be entangled in the world systems. We abide in Christ now and every battle belongs to Him. He will bring to submission and disarm and make a public spectacle of everything evil, triumphing over them by the power of the cross. The world wants you to see reality as getting for ourselves. Power in ourselves. Promoting ourselves. Being the best....the winner. Harsh treatment of self and others. Gaining through severity and compromise. In God's Kingdom....it's the opposite....but the gain in character is SO much better! And.....to be able to lean on the everlasting arms is sublime! We may suffer in not conforming to worldly standards for a time....but the eternal rewards are priceless! To abide in Him is the real treasure! He REALLY sets us free and we will be free indeed!
  12. Forgiveness frees us from the law in that Christ died for us, and through His death, we are given victory over all evil forces in the spiritual as well as on Earth. We can't in and of ourselves meet any legal regulations....but through Christ....we are forgiven and through Him and by the power of the Holy Spirit, we overcome.....but we have to embrace Christ and be connected to Him. Nailing the law to the cross is symbolic in that Christ FULFILLED the law. When He was nailed to the cross the law was nailed with Him. We now have a new law. One of love. We can either strive to meet the "letter" of the law (which is impossible) and even worse demanding others do that too, or we can embrace the "spirit" of the law. Through love. If you really think about what Jesus said about the two greatest commandments....love God above everything and love your neighbor as yourself....we really will obey all of the 10 commandments within those two! And we do so, not because of "requirements" but from our hearts because we truly DO love God and others! That is from The Holy Spirit and the spirit of the law. That is from hearts turned towards God in love and humble gratefulness and a willingness to understand and forgive the struggles of our fellow humans. To have compassion and forgiveness. To love, because He first loved us.
  13. Philosophies have always been "invented" by man. Today, post-modern thinking has much to do with prevailing philosophies. The mind set that says, "If I think it....it makes it true." is one of the worst destructive ways of thinking we can participate in. Unfortunately, it is rampant in our churches as well as society. Even in churches, many have come up with their "philosophy" and have applied Bible verses to support them and what they want to do. They ignore the context of the verses and the fullness of the Bible and what it teaches as a whole. Instead of teaching truth and living that, they promote a lie for gain and try to justify with half truths or twisted truths. Philosophies are ever changing to suit any present need or want and are usually misleading as they satisfy "self" and do not support truth. Some only satisfy certain "groups" of people and many are invented to make money or control others. Many times in my life I have experienced being taken in by half truths and philosophies, but as I grow in my relationship with God and know His Word and truth more and more, I experience the falseness of these ever changing philosophies and ultimately learn the security of our unchanging God and His indisputable truths and am filled with them to live life very differently than the world. Philosophies always change and crumble and you'll soon see it.....but the Word of God stands forever.
  14. All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ because Christ is the treasure! When you believe on Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit then our eyes are opened to all truth in Him. Everyone has the opportunity....everyone can have spiritual wisdom and understanding because we are in Him. When I start to strive in anything...trying to figure it out....accomplish it on my own....I remember to "Seek first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness and then all things will be added to you." It's going back to find that single treasure that is worth more than anything else we can ever have....and finding the wisdom and understanding right there! Those AhHa! moments. He is our best friend....our everything..... completely faithful.... and reveals truth in all things....and He's just waiting for the smallest whisper from us to ask, to seek, to understand or find comfort in Him.
  15. The purpose of Paul's labors was to teach, proclaiming Christ to everyone, admonishing against what was false, or ungodly and teach with all wisdom, so that everyone could be presented perfect in Christ. Perfect in Christ means mature in our faith. We can't be perfect here, but we can ask God for wisdom and we can know the truth of His word. By the Holy Spirit, we can be free of those things that hold us back from Spiritual maturity and from living Godly lives. We ask for help and depend on God with trust in Him during our struggles. He will set us free and He never turns away an honest seeker. There is hope through Christ to over come anything holding us back from living Godly lives or understanding more to set us free....because the victory is ours in Christ! We don't need to be afraid anymore either. He's our defender and and our rock. He goes before us, on each side and behind us. He's the one who reveals of all things when we question. He's our wisdom to turn to when we doubt or want to know why. He's everything. He's our peace, our patience....just everything. Paul accomplishes the goal to present everyone perfect in Christ by teaching truths. He corrects falsehood. He preaches and teaches Christ.Christ. Christ. He knows Christ is their resource and rock. Their hope of salvation and purpose in life. Their way to eternal life. He labors in prayer....that they would come to know the grace and knowledge of Christ. That they would live their lives for Christ and look for coming eternity with Christ. Life in Christ was the goal from the beginning of creation and he wants them to experience this life in Christ free from human striving or rules and regulations. All for Christ. He labored by the power of Christ, with all God's energy. He showed them and told them Christ was his power and could be theirs too. He struggled for them. Put himself out on the line for them. His labor was an all out giving to see them free. He knew the truth so profoundly he would have done anything for them to have it too. Because he knew what he knew could have a profound affect on their lives.
  16. The mystery that Paul talks about here is Salvation for Gentiles, where up to that point, the Jews considered themselves the only chosen people. Now....all could come to Salvation through faith in Jesus. Now for Jews as well as Gentiles, through the saving work of Jesus, our hope of sharing in eternal glory is now possible with Jesus living in us. We are in Christ and He is in us. Christ in us, is our hope of experiencing God's glory. Through sharing with and in Him on Earth, we reflect who He is and what He is about and we are being transformed to be more like Him all the time. We are achieving "eternal" glory through our trials and suffering here on Earth. We have the hope of eternal life where His "full glory" will be revealed! Awesome! Prior to this I think this mystery is hidden by dependence on a legal system. On human abilities. In many ways, it is still hidden today that way. Our faith in Christ's atoning for our sins transforms us into heirs as children of God and co-heirs with Christ. What once separated us...is no more. We are in Christ and He is in us. I love John 17: 20-25! The most beautiful prayer from Jesus for us! Complete unity! By faith. The Holy Spirit guides us no matter where we come from, education we have, lifestyle we are in, or have been in and are giving up.....wherever we are! All have hope of attaining glory through Jesus, reflecting Him, and being transformed in ourselves with Him in us.
  17. Christ's suffering and death adequately atoned for sin, but our suffering as the Church continues so that all may know Christ's glory and come to salvation through Him. I think Paul is talking about Christs suffering on the cross and reminding us that we don't suffer for ourselves or even for all the evils out there, but we suffer for and with Christ to share the Gospel. Our focus should be on Christ and Salvation and His glory. We remain single minded on the truth that way. One way. Our suffering for Christ is of value to the church because we declare the Gospel and for the unsaved this may glean Salvation.... and for the saved, it is a help in maturing the body. It's not an easy road. Sometimes we step out in places "religious" people may shun us for and we have to rely on God alone to be there with us. Sometimes we lose family and friends when our own lives change and mature because we won't go back to ungodly things. Sometimes we are made fun of and ridiculed when we live truth by Christians as well as non Christians. We are misunderstood. We are rejected. We are used. We have to sacrifice, give away, become less. We choose to love at all cost and others don't understand and it does cost us. All that hurts! But in all of it....God is doing something! We say "Here I am send me!" and we preach the Gospel or live the Gospel, but we are not always accepted and many times rejected. We are often alone. Not many really want to live truth, but want to compromise. In it all we are growing, sharing, convicting, confessing and all to know in ourselves and to tell others....Christ is all!
  18. Our Salvation depends upon the grace of God, through Jesus, but if we fail to believe that or move away from the source of that grace and no longer believe, then we have turned away from the gift of Salvation. If someone gives you a gift and you receive it and keep it then it is yours. If you decide to turn from it and give it back, then it is no longer yours! But we have free will to receive it or not and remain in it or not. I guess I just question if there really was any real intimacy present to accept Jesus among anyone who thinks they can continue in any lifestyle contrary to who Jesus is and what He taught. Sure, it's a journey and we are in a process of learning and changing, but the love we have for Him should be first and foremost in our hearts and minds as we come to know Him better. We should DESIRE to read the Word and to pray for help and to abide every day. We should be devastated to know when we have wronged Him and turn to Him for help in those areas. No one is perfect and He is our hope....because in and of ourselves we are filthy and it would be hopeless to try and attain perfection, but if I (and was) a person who drank my life away or depended on drugs and lived in all kinds of immoral ways, but didn't want to give those ways up (and did) or depend on God to do that work in me (And He did!)then I would have missed something very important! We HAVE to remain in Him because it's too difficult for us. He does the work in us....but we must desire it....and Him. He's the lifeline. If we abide in Him....believe in Him....He WILL finish what He started in us. But....HE'S the way and the truth! We can't be separate from that or we will be deceived! Our hope is in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our Salvation through Him....and on our journey we need to hold on to that. In trial, temptation, suffering, horrible circumstances....in anything.....He is our hope. To rely on Jesus. Trust Him to see us through and to KNOW we are HIS! We will never give up if our security is in Him. Like all the seeds in the parable. We want to land on fertile ground and grow deep roots in Christ.
  19. We are presented holy and without blemish through JESUS. By our faith in Jesus and the sacrifice of His blood offering....we are saved. This is possible through our faith in Him.
  20. Our reconciliation comes through Jesus' death on the cross. It is not in anything we can do or be. It is through the blood of the Lamb that this is accomplished. None can boast that they are reconciled through any other means, because only through the blood of Jesus are we saved! This is our Faith and our hope! Hope for anyone who will believe! Oh believe in Jesus!!! Jesus blood bought us. What a price we were purchased for! Jesus is the innocent lamb, sent for the final blood sacrifice for sin. He lay down His life willingly to bring about our reconciliation with our Father. There is wonder working power in the blood of Jesus. Our redeemer. He bought us back with His blood so we can be at peace with God and to make us holy in God's sight. We are presented to Father, holy and blameless through the blood of Jesus. One way. Through Jesus.
  21. To reconcile: A finished state completely. To go from being enemies to being friends. I found it interesting that to be reconciled is to have a permanent state of things. Like being restored. When we restore anything, the old is stripped away and a new item is now there. Nothing like the old. So it is with us....when we become reconciled, we are new, permanent people, the old has gone and the new is here. What once seemed not salvageable is something made beautiful. God is pure and perfect and through Jesus' righteousness, we are reconciled and restored to be beautiful. We are no longer at odds with Him and enemies to Him, we are now family and friends, one with Him in His good and perfect will. Before reconciliation, we were at odds with Him, still going our own way and not covered by Him, but on our own, ruled by darkness and not walking in the light of His Word. He is the Word, so we were not walking in the light of Jesus Himself.
  22. The assertion that Jesus is the head of the body of the church should help us conceive the church in many ways. First, the Church is Holy and Christ loves the Church and gave His life for her. In holiness, we are the body of Christ, so if we don't conceive of the Church as being Holy and set apart Spiritually, we are not conceiving ourselves correctly. If we do not see ourselves as conceived and birthing in love, we have missed it! Our Head is holy, of the Spirit and conceived in love. If we are connected to the head who is Christ, abiding in Him, we will be a living breathing organism feeding on the bread of life and living our lives in love by the Spirit of God. This is for ALL of His church, what we have in common with any denomination anywhere in the world. He is our head, we the body. Our lives and ministry should be conducted out of real love and sacrifice without worldly influence. Sadly, so many churches today look like corporations where "survival of the fittest" is more likely found than the Gospel of Christ. We should be servants, esteeming others as better than ourselves and giving honor to the least important members of the body as well as seeking the lost to lavish with love, to show them who our Jesus is and help in their healing and walk with them on their journey. To have compassion and show forgiveness. I think we as the body of Christ, lack in really following Christ. The Gospel does not remain pure and we have really failed to set ourselves apart from the world. We have failed to be in it, but not of it. The pressures of the world are very strong and it is easy to compromise....but I do know nothing will ever overcome Christ's Church and we can continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. I pray we will abide, be strengthened by the Holy Spirit and consumed by His love that we can be faithful stewards of the truth and may Jesus be glorified. He is so deserving of all our love. Better is one day in His courts, than a thousand elsewhere!
  23. Jesus is supreme over every power. By Him everything was made in Heaven and on Earth. Every throne, power, ruler or authority are created and in place for His will to be done. At the name of Jesus they either bow or are made to bow. When we belong to His Kingdom, we have no fear of demonic powers because they have no power over Jesus or over His Kingdom. We have no fear of circumstances when it seems in this world that evil things are winning. We are told sometimes we will have trouble in this world, but Jesus has overcome the world. Wait upon the Lord! Wait upon the Lord and He will deliver you! He is for us, not against us. He is our light and our Salvation! Whom shall we fear? When we have trials, when we have temptations, when we face daunting circumstances and we ask where does our help come from....we KNOW our help is in the name of the Lord who made Heaven and Earth! The battle belongs to the Lord. Victory is in Jesus! There is none like Him! There is power in His name and there is power in His blood. We pray in the power of the name of Jesus, that His will be done in every circumstance. We pray the power and protection of His blood over our families and loved ones. We pray the power of Jesus over us and in us before we even go into circumstances we are unsure about. Putting on the full armor of God we know that He goes before us, with us and behind us! He has equipped us and trained us for battle! And, I do pray that the Angel of the Lord will ride out in the Spiritual realm and do battle with His Heavenly Army against the principalities and the demonic to do battle for whomever I am offering prayer for to protect, keep or restore them in His name. For everything is a spiritual battle. And Jesus already won!
  24. No, Jesus is not a created being. Firstborn of all creation means He was prior to all creation. He actually participated in creation and all creation was for Him and through Him for His glory and rule. He has supremacy over it all. He was the beginning of all things and was the firstborn from among the dead through His resurrection. He is before everything and in Him all things hold together. Jesus present role is the head of His body, the church. In Him and through Him we have our being. Christ is all. Christ is all.
  25. Judaism believed that God is invisible and that any image created to look like Him or claiming to be like Him, was a false god and blasphemous. When Jesus claimed to be God in the flesh, this was a very serious offense. The Bible tells us that Jesus, as God, was with God from the beginning....at the time of creation. He is the Word. The Word "was made flesh" and dwelt among us. The statement that Jesus was the image of the invisible God for the Jews meant blasphemy as they did not believe flesh and spirit could exist together. Therefore, the thought of God in human flesh was unbelievable. But Jesus did become flesh as God's only "begotten" son. He was literally God in flesh and was unique and perfect. He wasn't like a projected image. He is the real deal. God with us. And God was pleased to have ALL His fullness dwell in Him. The perfect image of our Father. And yet, became one of us. Wow. Humbling isn't it? What true, giving love.
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