Lion of Grace
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Everything posted by Lion of Grace
Q1. Children of God
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Sin Is Lawlessness (1 John 2:28-3:10)
We are children of God in a spiritual sense. We are born again as we receive the Holy Spirit. Everyone has a chance to hear the good news. Many are called but we choose to accept or not accept. To invite the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. Once we do that, we are no longer perishable. We now are of the spirit and spiritual children of God. What once separated us from Him can no longer be as He has promised whoever will believe in Jesus, the Son of God will not perish but have eternal life. This is our faith and our new life in Him. The new birth changes us in that we give reign to the Holy Spirit within us to change us inside. He is always speaking and directing us so we may be sanctified to become more and more of the spirit and less and less of the flesh. He changes our hearts and minds and renews and reminds us when our flesh wants to have it's way again or satan tries to deceive us. But, He who is in us is greater than He who is in the world, so though it may seem a battle hard won....win we will! He is on our side and for us, so who can be against! He's all powerful....so we never give up hope in what He can and will do.....even more than we can ask or imagine! -
We do need teachers in the church and I needed them more when I was younger in the faith. There was so much I didn't understand and was grateful for help in discerning truth and finding that in the Bible. But there was a warning there also. There were people trying to teach me untruths also! So, remaining in close communion with God was imperative, because I did have the Holy Spirit who led me through some pretty difficult times to show me I could not, nor should ever, rely on any man, woman or teacher to lead me in all truth! The role of anointing differs from the gift of teaching, in that it refers to (in this passage)an anointing by the Holy Spirit. It indicates that believers have an anointing from " The Holy One" and indicates that when we are anointed, we are rendered holy and set apart for God. This enables us by the Holy Spirit to possess a knowledge of all truths. The "gift of teaching" is given on an individual basis to help believers, find the truths for our instruction. This is possible through the Holy Spirit and "the anointing" he has given us that has enabled us to understand! Good teachers to me were not the ones who wanted to mindlessly "feed me" but were ones who understood my own annointing and taught me where to find the truth and encouraged me to "grow up" in the faith to practice what I had been annointed to do...... live by the Spirit!
Q4. Abiding in Jesus
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Antichrists, Anointing, and Abiding (1 John 2:18-27)
Abiding to me means staying connected. "I am the vine, you are the branches." We are not separate from God, we are a part of. Jesus prayed a wonderful prayer in the book of John. He gives instruction in chapter 15 on remaining in Him. He promises if we remain in Him, He will remain in us. He warns us of what is to come in sharing His life. In chapter 16, He promises the Holy Spirit will come to us after He leaves and will guide us in all truth. He will take all that was of Jesus and make it known to us. In Chapter 17, Jesus prays for His disciples and for all believers. He prays we all may be one just as He and the Father are one. He speaks of a oneness through the whole chapter! I love these chapters in John, because I remember when I first read them and was awed at all Jesus had really done and given to us through His life and death! Much "abiding" is by faith in these promises. Every day we should be seeking Him as you would any wonderful friend who you trust and seek counsel from. It's as natural as breathing. Symptoms of Christians not abiding in Him are really very difficult to say individually. I say they would fall away eventually for sure, but I don't think that "crabby" people or "frustrated" people are not abiding in Christ. There are so many difficulties out in the world that are hard to go through with a smile on your face. Jesus told us it would be difficult and we would suffer and that was for our faith and truth. But we also have our own griefs we suffer just as humans living out our daily lives. Our loved ones die, we are separated from some we love. I can be abiding in sorrow and depression. And have. I can be angry at injustice (but not sin in it) I can speak out against untruth and difficulties even in the church and still be abiding in Him and part of the body of Christ. There is speaking truth in love. There is a peace in it all though and I always am hugely comforted by Him in the difficulties. He is our comforter too! -
The Holy Spirit is our guide by living in us. We are full of the Holy Spirit, so He is our still small voice. He's promised to show us the way, to direct us on our path saying go to the right, or go to the left as needed. He convicts us of sin and encourages us when we doubt our way. He quickens us to danger and gives us wisdom and discernment so as to not be caught in a snare. He teaches us through the Word. The Word is our living bread of life. As we ingest it every day, He will guide us by what we learn. It is SO crucial to read our Bible's every day, do devotionals and meditate on what we read and ask for guidance in it. To seek Him every day even with a quiet walk or with Christian music surrounding us are all ways to be still and know He is God and receive what He has for us day by day. Just a closer walk with Thee Jesus! The Holy Spirit always testifies to who Jesus is. We can't be silent about that as the Holy Spirit lives in us. Always it's about Jesus, whether in joyful proclamation or in suffering as we die to self so He may be seen.
Q2. The Anointing
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Antichrists, Anointing, and Abiding (1 John 2:18-27)
The annointing that John is talking about is that of the Holy Spirit. This is all connected with the Bible, because through the Bible and by the annointing of the Spirit to see and know the truths in it, we do have the truth and no lie will come from the truth. The Holy Spirit is within us guiding us in all things and through His Word. Yes, I believe that all (true) Christians have received the annointing of the Holy Spirit, yet I believe not all Christians walk in His good counsel and many fall away from abiding in Christ and become confused in their walk. With me though, (and I can only relate my experiences) when I do become lax in daily communion with Him, I can't go very long like that. Something just doesn't seem right and I'm reminded somehow (by the Spirit) that what is lacking is my seeking Him. We must remain in Him, through prayer, reading the Bible and walking (putting into practice) the truths that He is teaching us. -
Q1. Antichrists
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Antichrists, Anointing, and Abiding (1 John 2:18-27)
The antichrist that John expects to come, is the man of lawlessness described in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12. He is a man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and exalt himself over everything that is called God or worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. These will perish because they refuse to love truth and so be saved. For that reason, God sends them into a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but delight in wickedness. The antichrists in the church that John is writing to, is that of the secret power of lawlessness already at work in the world. But the antichrist has not been revealed yet. Those in the church and world today who do not know the truth, delight in wickedness, are not saved, are under powerful delusions and believe lies are all under the power of lawlessness. They don't remain with true believers because they live in blindness to truth. How do we see that in churches today? Too many examples to give all, but when the church is run like a business, for numbers and greed and people move around in positions for their own self worth, I believe that is a breeding ground for everything against Christ..... who taught just the opposite! -
Q4. Examples of Worldliness
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Don't Love the World (1 John 2:7-17)
The three examples of worldly sin given are: The cravings of sinful man. The **** of the eyes. Boasting of what man has and what he does. The first is in satisfying what man craves as opposed to doing without. Sacrificing. Being least or last. Giving up harmful things in our lives. Addictions etc. The second is satisfying sinful nature at what we desire through our eyes. Coveting possesions or ******* of the flesh. The third is vain glory in man and what man accomplishes. Not serving quietly or even in Godly intentions. These are hard to discern in self, because we literally live in this arena every day. But, we are to be in it, not of it. Some of us are learning discernment because we never knew differently than what we have always lived. In the world. But now, God shows us a different way and that can take some time to sort through. Even when we try to "do good" we may end up with something self gratifying, but God has let us know, that if we seek with all our hearts He is faithful to show us Himself and the way to follow. He knows our hearts and help us understand where we are deceived if we truly desire see that in ourselves. The meek He will teach His ways. Wordliness is harmful to our future because it literally blinds us to seeking God. We become self satisfied or buy into pleasure or our own accomplishments and those are not lasting things. That's why society is always looking for the next best everything! Nothing satisfies....until you find the One who does and through a journey find how to let go of the others one by one and find everything in Him! Not that anyone has attained all that, but we keep going until our days are ended and we can hear "Well done good and faithful servant." There are promises for the ones who overcome! -
Q3. Don't Love the World
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Don't Love the World (1 John 2:7-17)
"The World" to me means those things that keep us from living in the spirit. It's anything that we put first or more important than God. It's things we "fill ourselves" up with to satisfy ourselves, because in truth, only God can satisfy. It's those things that secular society says we have to have to "be" someone. It's a selfish focus on "getting" instead of "giving." It's gratifying self in so many ways. These things keep us from loving God because they become first in our lives, especially when God has told us to seek Him first and all His righteousness and then everything would be added. It's thinking "we" can take control and "get" as opposed to receiving what is good from God who we know personally and follow in love. -
Q2. Children, Young Men, Fathers
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Don't Love the World (1 John 2:7-17)
John took time to encourage each group because he knew that Christians were in danger of being mislead by false teachers that were trying to misdirect them. He wanted to guard them with the truth that each group (age level) had come to know and he wanted to encourage them in those truths as opposed to what others were trying to convince them of. He assured the children of forgiveness of sin through Jesus. That they indeed did know their Father in Heaven. He assured the young men that they were strong in their faith and that the Word of God lived in them and they had overcome the evil one. He assured the fathers of the truth they had known from the beginning. He took the time to encourage them to strengthen them in reminding them of what they knew to be the truth so they could stand against any falsehood trying to consume them or make them doubt what they knew to be true. I'm always thankful, when I question things that are brought (even into the church) to be considered, that the Holy Spirit leads me to truth or reminds me of truth or I have others who assure me in my faith. I can go on considering carefully grounded in Christ. -
Q5. Legalism vs. Love
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Walking in the Light (1 John 1:1-2:6)
We obey Christ without becoming legalistic through humbleness and love. We can only do the best we can do and we all fall short, but taking that into our hearts and not just in knowledge leads to seeing ourselves as no better than the other person. We have compassion on others and we have understanding. Legalism follows all the laws and rules, but I think also includes a blindness to self and being a sinner. Legalists can see faults in others never realizing they do the same things or even worse! Love is born out of compassion and empathy for another and a desire to see restoration. Legalism condemns and excludes. We are serious about obedience with love at the center by being humble, knowing we are sinners and we should all be on guard lest we fall and remembering how much Jesus loved us even before we loved Him. Obedience in love is from deep gratitude for our salvation. If we never have anything else, ever, we are deeply humbled and grateful we have been saved. -
Q4. Assurance
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Walking in the Light (1 John 1:1-2:6)
Our assurance given to us if we do sin, is that we have an advocate in Heaven, Jesus Christ, who pleads for us. Through His blood we are made righteous and Jesus, who was tempted and tried just as we are as He became man, justifies us to our Father. I'm comforted to know that because Jesus knew what it was to be one of us, He has great understanding and empathy towards us and through Him, I can never be found guilty again! Why don't I "want" to sin again? It grieves me deeply to know that I would and do,(even inadvertantly) betray one I love and who has loved me so well and who even died for me so I could live. No words express the gratitude there is for Him. My best, most dearest friend and love. -
Q3. Confession
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Walking in the Light (1 John 1:1-2:6)
I often think of the term confession with reconciliation. Verse 9 of 1 John was one of the first verses given to me by a dear friend when I struggled so much in chronic sin. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." What hope that was for me, living in darkness afraid to come out for fear of condemnation!!! Little did I know at the time, there was now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus! When we learn of the love of God, our fears quiet and we can come and freely admit our wrong doings. Why? Because we know through the blood of Jesus, we are forgiven every one of them. We are justified through Christ and He is faithful to be true to any promises He has made to His own! Confessing our sins is so important for our growth as Christians. To purify us from unrighteousness. If one can't admit there is a problem with sin, no change will ever be made. Why should there? There's no problem! What happens if we stop confessing our sins? Our hearts become hard and we no longer depend on God's help that we so desperately need. We take steps farther and farther away from walking in truth. I think forgiveness of sins is different from cleansing because when we are cleansed of sin, that seems a process of dying to self, convictions of sin by the Holy Spirit and seeking change in that. I like how David said, "Create in me a clean heart O God and renew me. Restore to me the joy of my salvation." That's condensed, but I think it answers this question. He sought cleansing from his sin, he was repenting of his wrongdoing because he felt separated from God. He also asked to have his joy restored in knowing God's love and presence through salvation. That was his forgiveness and assurance of always belonging to God. His reconciliation with Him. We seek repentance for our sins and we are reconciled to God through Jesus. Assured of our salvation. I draw on this a lot when satan tries to tell me my sins are too great to be forgiven and especially when I'm in a hard fought battle to get out of gripping ones! My hope is in His word. He is faithful and just to forgive. -
Q2. Darkness and Light
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Walking in the Light (1 John 1:1-2:6)
Isn't it interesting that 1 John starts with and ends with the same message? I think there are 2 key words in verse 6. "If we "claim" to have "fellowship" with Him yet walk in darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. Then, at the end of 1 John, verse 18 says, "We know that anyone born of God, does not continue to sin; the one who was born of God keeps him safe and the evil one can not harm him." Verse 19 goes on to say we are children of God, yet the whole world is under control of the evil one. It says we also know that the Son of God has come and given us understanding so we know Him who is true. It's very important to understand, that those true Christians who are led and counseled by the Holy Spirit and are in close fellowship with God have a deep desire to not sin. They seek change and though that is not easy, they really desire to die to self. Christians who are actively walking in darkness are either new Christians who are growing into seeing who Jesus is or they are Christians who have lost a seeking fellowship with God and have allowed satan to deceive them. They are living by worldly standards and have come to think by some reasoning in their minds, that it is OK. If they don't seek God, they are no longer seeking the truth. God gives us understanding. Not people, not churches, not authors nor the million ways of earthly knowledge. Knowledge has such a premium on it today that many are led astray by all kinds of false teachings, but we are to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ and that is through the Holy Spirit who is with us now. Of course, we are all learning and there are ways we all sin. We can not say we don't, but there is a difference I think in sinning and learning about ourselves and having sincere repentance of what we discover as we come into the light about it, verses knowing what is sin and recklessly repeating it, justifing our actions one way or another. God is there to help us if we really desire His help to not sin. Even in gripping addictions. I do know that first hand! If we know we are His and He loves us.....we don't doubt His help to be free of any sin. -
Q2. Darkness and Light
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Walking in the Light (1 John 1:1-2:6)
Q1. Christian Fellowship
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Walking in the Light (1 John 1:1-2:6)
I think that how deep our fellowship with Jesus is, reflects on how deep and sincere our fellowship with others becomes. Our relationships with other Christians or lost persons can be very surface if we are not loving from a heart that is filled by the Holy Spirit. The more we come to realize the unconditional love that has been given to us through Jesus, the more we can give that love to others. When we know grace and forgiveness, we can give grace and forgiveness. When we know in our hearts we are accepted "as is" by God, we can accept others in the same way. If we live in fear of not really being loved, or accepted, or forgiven, then we end up "pretending" to be what we are not to please others. Thus, we have surface relationships because we can never really reveal who we really are. The same with our relationship with God. If we feel we have to hide out and pretend we are Ok or we don't sin, then we pretend we don't need God and His gift of grace through Jesus. It's much better to come into the light and reveal who we are to God (since He knows anyway!) and accept His love and grace and then allow others to be themselves with all their faults and flaws and sincerely love them too! Relationships deepen that way and we are more blessed than we could have ever imagined! I've seen in my life lately, even people who have been my enemies become dear friends just because each of us has chosen to love! How do we have a deeper fellowship with God? I think time with Him is imperative! Time in quiet company with Him. In reading the Bible, in singing praises to Him. I walk with Him and take in all He has created with Him by my side. I spend much time in prayer, conversing with Him on so many things. Seek Him and keep seeking Him with all your heart! He promises we'll find Him and He is faithful! -
Q1. Christian Fellowship
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Walking in the Light (1 John 1:1-2:6)
Hi to all! My name is Julie, I'm a 53 year old mother of 3 and grandmother to a precious 4 yr. old granddaughter. I've completed a few Bible Studies on-line and have not only enjoyed them, but have grown through so much with them. They have seen me through severe depression, overcoming guilt from my past and have helped me to become free of addictions and harmful ways of living. Thank God through Jesus, there is freedom and we can be free indeed! In seeking God for next steps, He has encouraged by His Holy Spirit to "Live and love." so I was excited to see the John 1,2 and 3 study emerge on my horizon and I fully look forward to studying with you and what God reveals to us. More than we can ever ask or imagine! Blessings to each and every one of you!
I don't know a lot about Joash but since he allowed the Baal altar and Asherah pole, he obviously was straying from the truth. Gideon's actions forced Joash to choose. Was he for the angry people and false gods? Or, was he going to take a stand with Gideon and the true God. I think Gideon had considered to a point the impact this would make for his father as well as his whole family, but not to the point of disobeying God. Gideon did what he was asked to do in faith and though I do believe he tried to do that safely he never faltered in being obedient. What a witness that must have been for his father!! To see the courage and obedience and trust in God. To outwardly show he KNEW who the one true God was! That was a pretty bold statement for everyone to see and especially to know how much he risked doing it! Joash in turn, became bold also and admonishes the people on what is true and what is not! He shows them also that Baal was EASILY defeated! "Let him come fight for himself." he says. Then he seals it and says they'll all die if they choose Baal. Seems he was helped to find a renewed faith and boldness for God through his son's courage and faith. We can help each other in that too.
God told Gideon to tear down his fathers altar to Baal and to cut down the Asherah idol beside it to establish physical evidence that these things were displeasing to the one true God. He alone was to be worshipped or have places of worship. He even has Gideon use the wood from the Asherah idol to start the fire for the proper sacrifice to Himself, the true God. It's very symbolic of destroying that which is not of God and even using what is not of God FOR the purpose of worshiping in truth. That's a total establishing of who's who! A positive reinforcement of the command to only worship HIM! The risk involved for Gideon were great. They were political as well as religious and once those idols had been established, to destroy them would rock the boats of many persons in power as well as the general population that were deceived by a system under the guise of religion. There were risks to not only himself, but to his loved ones and that's why I think he did it at night. I'm not sure if it had to do with a lack of faith or specific obedience to God (Did God specify during the day?) but he was "faithful" and God honored him for that. I don't know if it was a sign of weakness. He did go. He was just concerned about when to go. Many times in scripture others make wise choices in the midst of danger in telling the Gospel. They weren't called to be foolish or even die in all situations.
God saw Gideon as a man who would be obedient. He knew He would be able to work through him. Gideon though, did not have that overall view. He saw himself as little, the least and weak. Gideon saw his circumstances but God knew together they would overcome! God of course has the better perception. He sees us together in His might. We tend to see ourselves alone or with other human help which is pretty weak. When we focus on circumstances or our own strength it can look bleak but if we focus on God and who we are in Him and what He can do through us then we have hope! We can step out in obedience sure of a strong and mighty God who loves us and is ever faithful! God's answer to Gideon's self image was one of assurance and patience. He said "Just go. I'll be with you and it's going to seem like nothing!" He still does that today too.....but we have to step out in faith and wait for Him to win the battle! Prayer: Lord, you are strong and mighty! I pray that you help me and give me faith to trust in You. Show me your glory and let it fall around me that others may know You are God and no one and nothing compares to You! Help me to be submitted and obedient in all you ask of me. Go out mighty warrior, King of Kings and bring to fruition all that you desire for Your Kingdom. Help me find greater faith and I pray You find favor with me. Thank you Lord that you see me and are mindful of me and that you love me. Thank you for helping me and for your faithfulness to me. You are beautiful and kind and gracious and good. All glory and power are yours! I love you. Amen.
Gideon doubted God. He asks " Sir, IF the Lord is with us.....why are we having so much trouble?" He assumed trouble meant God had abandoned them. Interesting that He also remembered how God had taken care of them when He brought them out of Egypt. The Israelites were disobedient then too........but God always had mercy and helped them. I think Gideon was doubting in God's faithfulness and in His promise to never leave him. He doubted in God's strength and in His ability to overcome any situation even with the smallest and seemingly most insignificant person. Whether our circumstances are through our own sin or sins of others or just like what Jesus said " In this world you WILL have trouble." we can trust God's faithfulness, strength and supreme wisdom to overcome everything for His people. For all nations through Jesus. We can't blame Him as though we are victims and He forgot us somehow.....we need to believe and know He is God! Doubt is a sin that says we don't think God is above all or that He can do or did all the things we profess to know as truth! Every circumstance, every enemy and every sin. Ours or others! He will help! We are His. He has overcome the world!
The Israelites were breaking the command to not worship any gods other than the true God. I found this lesson interesting because of the root meaning of the word worship having to do with fear. The Israelites were not only holding in awe other gods and combining beliefs with other influences but they were becoming fearful because they no longer believed in the true power of the one God. The real God and only one with any power! When we as Christians fear, we are in essence like the Israelites. We forget to have faith. We get trampled and loose sight that God is all powerful and can rescue out of any situation. We don't need to be afraid. He's there......through it all. We are like Gideon. We can be small but mighty in the Lord! We have to know Him and trust Him though and try to see Him in any situation and then wait on Him. He is mighty to save!
Q2. Giving to the Poor
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Giving, Prayer, and Fasting (6:1-8, 16-18)
The whole chapter in Chapter 5 is a teaching on retaliation. It seems to me the whole tone of the chapter is on sacrificial giving. Giving beyond what we even generally think to give or even want to give in some circumstances. People tend to give on a more superficial level than that. I used to think I had to know all about what I was giving to......but after falling on some hard times in the past due to illness and lack of income for both my husband and me, I really came to appreciate those who gave. Most gave so generously and touched me so deeply I try to "pay it forward" every chance I get. I have a special place in my heart for the poor and those that are downtrodden and I don't want to judge anyone's circumstances. When we are asked by a stranger for money.....I give. We never know who we are helping and I'd rather err with a good heart than turn away someone who may really be in need. I've found it to be true as our Pastor says "You can't outgive God." It is more blessed to give than receive and I know I've found God faithful when I've given the last penny for someone else. I think a lack of faith keeps us from giving more. We want to control and investigate and to a degree it's wise to do that.....but giving in faith and to your utmost and of your most is really what Jesus talks about in this passage I think. It takes a leap of faith to give the last $10.00 in your purse to someone struggling as you yourself wonder what you are going to do about the thing that $10.00 was going to cover for your own need. God is faithful though. I can only say He has proved that over and over. -
The commands here relate to performing for the audience of one in that our hearts need to be right before God in anything we do. I don't think Jesus was saying here to never pray in public or give money if you can be seen or anything that seems as though we "may" be in a public eye. If that was the case, nothing would ever be done. No mission work or leading in the church or prayer groups or teching Bible Studies etc. All these are good things to be done in the name of God. The thought behind the sin of pride in this passage was that anything would be done for personal gain. For any reason that an unholy attitude would be its basis. I'm brought to mind of Jesus in the temple and how angry He was. Enough to overturn tables etc. His anger wasn't at the activity in the Temple itself but that extortion was taking place and the poor were being taken advantage of and even denied what they desired to do in their hearts for lack of money. God sees into our hearts and I try to examine my motives behind each activity. I'm not afraid to pray in public or teach or sing but my attitude has to be right. I'm not rich but I've had opportunity to give money publically and I'll do that also but with prayer and prompting from the Holy Spirit. If I can do so in private I try to do that. Church and ministries use the sin of pride to motivate people to give by reward. It is an epidemic in churches to give special favors or recognition or position for those who can give more or look better. Sometimes even for those who seem more knowledgeable or are better educated. God doesn't work like that though. That is wordly standard. He's famous for bringing forth HIS glory in the least likely or with the smallest giving and He tells us to pray unceasingly so I would HOPE we would be out of our rooms at some time while we are praying or giving in any manner, giving is not just with money! We have gifts to use and some are more public than others. The thought behind it is who God desires to be there though and not who man desires or who earns it. It's a matter of the heart.
We are to take **** very seriously! I like the note next to this passage in my Bible. It says "No sacrifice is too great to avoid total destruction in Gehenna." We are to make sure that within ourselves, we are examining our motives and situations doing our best to not fall prey to **** and everything it can lead to. I don't think that means everyone has to go off and live on an island somewhere in panic because of fear of temptation, but there are certain situations we need to be very aware of what God is saying to us and when to exit and when to stay. The Holy Spirit helps us with that and we can be submitted to His guidance. We need to look at our heart and motives daily and act accordingly. People who are lost and in darkness that practice sinful things readily and willingly are going to be judged on them and there is a hell. There is also salvation to be had and that is where agape love comes in. God loved me before I loved Him..so obviously He called me while I was in a depraved state. He took me and lifted me out of it and His love won my heart. He saw me in sin and wanted me anyway! That is a profound experience. It is knowing a deep gratitude and love that comes from deep within for someone so good as to see us as we were and want to help us. There were many lifestyle changes to be made....and still some I work on..... but because the sin I was in was destroying me, I needed to change. But His love was unconditional for me. I hoped once I accepted Him that I was not only saved from eternal destruction but I also became aware of knowing that I owed a debt I can not pay. So I try in every way to live better and in His way for this wonderful Savior called Jesus who is still working miracles today. It's a matter of the heart. Like David....who wasn't perfect. Far from it! But He had a heart to do it right and He was sorry when He found out He didn't. Even in **** and adultry!! I trust in God's unfailing love...... most times ....... I keep thinking sometimes His goodness to someone working through so much like I have will surely run out at the next revealing of the next area of cleansing. But...... as I journey with Him....I find Him faithful every time. So my love and my commitment to Him grows also. That to me is how agape love works in helping in everything we overcome. When we offer that to others....love really does cover over a multitude of sins and love wins hearts to Christ and we must speak truth to be sure but guarding in love and in trusting the leading of the Holy Spirit.