Lion of Grace
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Hezekiah asks for healing by asking God to remember how he (Hezekiah) had always walked before God faithfully and with wholehearted devotion. He reminds God he has always tried to do what is good in God's eyes. His appeal is to God's promises of long life and heirs to those who live righteous lives. Personal righteousness and holiness are important to getting prayers answered because, "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." God is more inclined to honor the prayers of the upright over the backslidden, though none of us is without sin. The thought here is that though we all sin, those who are honestly seeking to abide in Him and with good hearts towards God are more inclined to receive a favorable response in blessing from God. Those who are walking away from God, not living righteously have separated themselves from Him and so His desire would be to call them back to Himself. He does this in discipline and he may temporarily withhold everything except necessities until we return to Him. He always does this out of love for us and to call us back into fellowship with Him and to return us to a righteous life in Him that is better for us.
Q3. Hezekiah's Healing
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Hezekiah’s Reign (Isaiah 36-39; 2 Kings 18)
Hezekiah's healing was so important for the nation because they would have been left leaderless at his death. He had no sons at this time to carry on succession to the throne and there had not been anyone appointed to the throne in the event of Hezekiah's death. God had promised to David that His love would never be taken from him as it had been taken from Saul, and that his house and kingdom would endure forever before the Lord and that his throne would be established forever. Hezekiah was also appealing to God's promise for offspring and for a long life to those who walk uprightly before God. -
Q2. Seeing God's Greatness
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Hezekiah’s Reign (Isaiah 36-39; 2 Kings 18)
The first two sentences of Hezekiah's prayer correspond to the first sentence of the Lord's prayer in that both of these prayers start with recognizing and declaring that God is sovereign. He is King over all persons, places and things and His name is Holy and is to highly respected. These are important to faith because we acknowledge we know that God is above all things and reigning over all things. There is nothing higher or in more command than He is and therefore we can be assured of victory if we would trust in Him. Every time we see this as truth we grow more and more in trust and faith. -
Q1. The Battle Is the Lord's
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Hezekiah’s Reign (Isaiah 36-39; 2 Kings 18)
The significance of Hezekiah spreading out the enemies threats before the Lord is that he took the words of the enemy to God and observed to Him that the insults were not so much towards himself but that they were directed at God. His pleas is that God Himself has been insulted and so He should respond. The underlying principle here is that we can turn similar situations over to God. The battle isn't our own but it belongs to the Lord. When we don't apply these principles, the insults we receive become about "us" and our own pride. When we recognize that those insulting us are really insulting God and His holy principles, then we can humble ourselves and ask for help in a Godly way, calling on God's justice, not our own and so sparing us from entering into our own sin. -
These versus brought hope to their first readers because they were promises to the captives for hope, peace, gladness and restoration. They had almost lost hope. They were oppressed and like a crippled ship. "Your rigging hangs loose, the mast not held secure, the sail is not spread." They were likened to as dwelling in a parched land. But hope was coming! The promise to them is that the now parched land would become glad; the wilderness would rejoice and bloom. They would rejoice greatly and shout for joy. They would see the glory of the Lord and the splendor of their God. The eyes of the blind would be opened and the ears of the deaf would be unstopped! Salvation would come and the barren wilderness would be transformed by life! Isaiah relies heavily on figurative language to communicate this message because it was a way the people could relate to and see enough to have hope while they are still blinded to spiritual truth. It is similar to the way Jesus taught with parables. He conveyed a spiritual truth by using figurative language. The Highway of Holiness is described as the way of holiness. It will be for those who walk in the way and only the redeemed will walk there. Those who will not walk there are those not redeemed. The unclean will not walk there. Wicked fools will not be on it. No lions or ferocious beasts will be found there. There will be no dangers, no sin. Only those redeemed by Jesus will walk on the Highway of Holiness because they are made righteous and perfect by His blood. To be redeemed and ransomed means to be bought by the blood of Christ. We, who believe, are ransomed, rescued and delivered. Through Christ we have salvation and redemption and there is no other way but to be bought by the blood of the Lamb. He alone pays our debt so we can live! Thank you Lord Jesus!
Ethical behavior displays love for God because God's word is full of ethical instruction. When we live as the Word instructs us we show we have come into agreement that this is good and shows we have embraced God and His truth in love. This in turn, displays love for men because we see honesty and integrity in the light of truth. We see a whole different way to live that honors others and we see how to treat others fairly. Justice. We turn from the worlds system of gain and learn a better way. Love. Love is selfless and giving looking to the needs of others. Especially the poor and defenseless. Our hearts become pure in loving others and so others learn to love too. Corruption and taking bribes always destroys a righteous government. The government and governing authorities have turned from God. They are soon despised and lose God's favor. The evil in their hearts show through and with evil comes their downfall. God will eventually take their authority from them.
We tend to seek help from every other source except the Lord because we tend to walk more by sight than by faith. We want to grab onto what we "see" as opposed to having faith in an unseen God who is there to help us. Oh happy day when we learn to walk by faith and not by sight!!! This is similar to idolatry because we are putting other people or things over God. In essence we are saying " I don't trust you God to help me. I need this person or these things to help me or to fill me." The remedy Jesus gave His disciples (and us) was to learn to trust God. He points out that it is people who DON'T know God that do these things. For us who profess to know Him, we are to trust that God sees and knows our situations and everything we need. We are to see things in a spiritual way and we are to desire spiritual things and trust in the Spirit to provide for us. We are not to worry because we know He is faithful!
Q3. God's Grace
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. God’s Help vs. Man’s – the Assyrian Crisis (Isaiah 28-35)
God longs to show us grace because He wants us!!! He longs to be gracious to us and to show us compassion. He loves us!!! This tells me that God'd character is loving, long suffering, beautiful, good, patient and faithful. The only thing preventing this grace is ourselves and if we refuse to accept it. Yes, I have experienced the guidance Isaiah mentions in verse 21. Especially when I first came to the Lord and I didn't know the way. I was fearful to even take a step! I saw Him though, come like a shepherd and He walked with me, guiding me step by step, encouraging me. I have lost the fear I experienced then as I grew in trusting Him and I grew in His grace, but I do pray even now to hear His voice directing me in the way I should go. It is necessary for us to hear His voice because He truly knows the way better than we do and we need Him not only every day but every minute to help us. -
Yes, I have seen and experienced religious people go through religious motions that had hearts far from God. I can detect this in myself (and guard against it) by asking God to show me the true intentions of my heart. I, in and of myself, cannot see these things without God's help. The heart is deceitful. I need to be submitted to His "all knowing" to truly see "religion" in me. I have found He is faithful to show me daily areas of weakness in myself. It may be in a devotional, a Bible passage or a word from another that I will see these things. The important thing is though, to be in relationship with God everyday and to be open to the Holy Spirit. He really is gentle with us as we seek truth in these areas. I will also ask for wisdom to understand better and for the help of the Holy Spirit to change me from the inside out. I can tell when practicing "religion" is following the rules of men because there will be a lack of the fruit of the Spirit. Rules of men control, cause fear, condemn and are often hypocritical. Legalism. The fruit of the Spirit is Christ like and practices truly following Christ's example from a willing heart. There truly is freedom when Christ sets you free! Christ in you will not strive, grumble, hate, be jealous or own anything because all things are truly done because we love to and the Holy Spirit gives peace to us in any situation. We recognize God is doing a work through us, so any "wrenches" thrown in are merely re-directions that we seek on. Dangers of rule based faith is falling into coldness, fear and condemnation. Rule based faith never treats all God's people equally nor does it recognize unity among us or the gifts God has placed in every individual. The church becomes all about perfection and sinners are denied access. (Though the "rule makers" are saturated in their own sin and can't even see it in themselves). The ones who make the rules, trod on those who are to follow the rules (and find it impossible) and all the while the makers of the rules grow in their own arrogance and sin banding together to encourage each other in their own sin. There ends up being a lack of grace or no grace and Jesus and salvation soon disappear and thus the church succumbs to FALSE religion and has strayed from the truth of the Gospel altogether! Love based faith, is centered on Christ and grace and believers respond positively to truth because we are freed from condemnation by the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! We will follow the truth because we truly embraced the goodness of the truth and the love of God who cares for us. We DESIRE to follow the One who has loved us and saved us. We grieve if we sin against Him because we truly respect Him and we recognize our own sinful state. Our hearts are seriously changed not just modified from one rule to another out of fear and guilt.
We as humans are able to justify and deceive ourselves so easily because of the inherit sin we have. We are naturally independent and have much pride that tells us to "do it our own way." If we walk through our lives ignoring our very desperate need for God we will fall to our own deceptions and to those that society feeds us continually. If we have neglected to know God and His word, we remain in ignorance and are easy prey to many lies. These lies "feed" us somehow and we readily turn to their deceptions to be fulfilled but these lies and practices never satisfy. Until we turn to God to fill us and satisfy us, to lead us into truth and guide us we will continue to grasp at the lies and false promises and we get in a vicious cycle of always leaping into the next thing for satisfaction only to be disappointed every time and/or being drawn into even deeper sin while we flounder. People stumble over Christ because His way is so foreign to the world's way. Lost people are living selfishly to gratify self. They don't want to embrace the opposite of that. I think too, that people stumble over Christ because they just cannot believe that they don't have to "earn" salvation. Our society teaches the opposite of true freedom and encourages "self" in all things. We work, we earn, we rush, we are self made. To follow Christ is to lay down self and allow Him control of our lives. We can help people to come to the truth in many ways. Invest time in them and mentor them. Introduce them to the truths in the Bible and encourage them as they embrace these truths one by one. We can reach out in genuine love to them in everyday life and really lead by example of what a Christ like life is. We should pray for them and battle for them in the Spirit against the evil that wants to keep them bound in lies and deceptions and false needs. We can keep feeding truth and light to every darkness and lie that tries to reclaim them. If they will not come to the truth, God will thresh them often times bringing them to suffering (I know He did that to me) always giving opportunity for them to either return or to turn and be saved. It is with love He will discipline and always to draw a person to Himself. If though, they refuse to turn and deny salvation through Christ they will face damnation and eternal punishment.
When Isaiah prophesies the gathering of all God's people at the great trumpet call, he is describing Christ's return and how He will gather His people to Him at that time. Jesus also describes this in Matt. 24:31. "And He will send His angels with a loud trumpet call and will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the Heavens to another."
Q5. Resurrection
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. God’s Final Victory: Isaiah’s Apocalypse (Isaiah 24-27)
Isaiah 26:19 teaches: "But your dead will live Lord; their bodies will rise." It teaches us that "those who are dead and dwell in the dust will "wake up" and shout for joy. The Earth will give birth (life) to her dead." According to the New Testament book of Revelation, prior to this resurrection, there will be a terrible judgement on the Earth. Everyone will be given a chance to repent, but those who refuse will go to everlasting punishment. I'm listening to the song I Will Rise on the radio as I type this! God is AMAZING!!! There's a peace I've come to know Though my heart and flesh may fail There's an anchor for my soul I can say "It is well" Jesus has overcome And the grave is overwhelmed The victory is won He is risen from the dead And I will rise when He calls my name No more sorrow, no more pain I will rise on eagles' wings Before my God fall on my knees And rise I will rise There's a day that's drawing near When this darkness breaks to light And the shadows disappear And my faith shall be my eyes Jesus has overcome And the grave is overwhelmed The victory is won He is risen from the dead And I will rise when He calls my name No more sorrow, no more pain I will rise on eagles' wings Before my God fall on my knees And rise I will rise And I hear the voice of many angels sing, "Worthy is the Lamb" And I hear the cry of every longing heart, "Worthy is the Lamb" And I will rise when He calls my name No more sorrow, no more pain I will rise on eagles' wings Before my God fall on my knees And rise I will rise AMEN! -
Q4. Perfect Peace
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. God’s Final Victory: Isaiah’s Apocalypse (Isaiah 24-27)
The key to perfect peace is leaning on Jesus. Keeping our eyes on Jesus and letting Him carry our burdens. We trust in Him in all things and in every circumstance. When we get distracted from trusting in the Lord, we tend to dwell on what is wrong, or what we fear, or what is seemingly out of control. When we do that, we can easily fall into despair or we can start to trust in our own solutions and devices and that's never good. The Lord being called the "Rock Eternal" means He is the Rock of Ages. He is our refuge now and throughout all eternity. He is the rock on which the church and every believer is built. On Christ the solid rock I'll stand! He that trusts in the Lord has a refuge in the world and in the world to come! -
The promise that "He will swallow up death forever" provides us comfort when we grieve the death of a loved one because we know that those loved ones who die before us have died in Christ and they share in Christ's victory over death. He died so we may live! When we contemplate our own death, the same promise holds true. We will die in our flesh, but we will be resurrected into new life. "We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep with Him. When Christ comes, we who are still alive will be gathered up to meet the Lord in the air and we will be with the Lord forever." 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 "And He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, or mourning, or crying, or pain for the old order of things has passed away." Revelation 21:4.
The " feast of rich food for all people" is symbolic of the wedding Feast of The Lamb. On the mountain of Jerusalem, the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of "rich food" for all people. "Rich food" implies lavishly good food.The best there is to offer. A banquet of aged wine, the best meat and finest wine. There is no good thing the Lord will withhold from His covenant people. (Both Jews and Gentiles) We will sup with the Lamb for we will be His Bride. He is the bread of life and we shall have our fill. He is the living water and all thirst will be quenched for He has given Himself to us! Oh glorious day! He confers on us His Kingdom and His servants will have their share! He will supply all the needs of His people during the Messianic Kingdom. We will be full for it will be a feast of fat things. (In Jewish tradition the fat was considered the choicest parts) We will be at a feast where God is the host and all of His guests will receive from Him the choicest of food and gifts. It will be a feast of much joy for we will at last rest in our Beloved!
Q1. Devastation
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. God’s Final Victory: Isaiah’s Apocalypse (Isaiah 24-27)
The reason Yahweh will devastate the Earth will be because the people (both Jew and Gentile) will have practiced sin and rebellion against God. They will have turned their backs on the covenant relationship they could have had and so they could have been saved. I don't think we, as true Christians in covenant relationship, should feel "threatened" by this kind of prophecy, but I do think it extremely important to heed them as warnings to not abandon our true faith where life is abundant and full of the promises for our future with our truly Sovereign God whom we respect and love. We need to remain strong in knowing that "to love the evil of this world and all that it offers shows we do not have the love of the Father in us. **** for physical pleasure, everything we see and pride in our possessions are not from OUR Father. They are from this evil world. The world is fading away along with everything it craves. But if we do the will of God, we will live forever." New Living Translation 1 John:15-17 We are to constantly guard our hearts against the ways of this world and remain in love and loyalty to God. -
Q3. An Unfaithful Leader
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Judgment upon the Nations (Isaiah 13-23)
Judah is faulted with a "do it yourself" security. They trusted in their own works for security as opposed to trusting in God "who made the city and loved it." What they "should" have done, is trusted in God's protection and provision. Even after failing, they could have repented and turned, but they chose to live in unbelief. Shebna is referred to as a "lackey" which means, " a weak servant or one who is spineless." He is replaced by Eliakim who is described as "responsible" for the security of the palace and who "acts in honor and with care". Apparently, Shebna was "wishy washy" and lazy, not attending to his duties, putting everyone at risk. Perhaps he was more interested in protecting his image and leadership position than in dealing honestly, with integrity and with excellence for the good of all. Yes, I've been guilty of selfishness and I've been distracted from my duties, forgetting a vision and sinking into making even something good all about me. Hopefully, (and I think yes) I've learned to stay humble and more focused on what God is doing and in staying in communion with Him every day, I can stay "on fire" for HIM and with the Holy Spirit's help and guidance, my work can be done in excellence and humbleness. Great things to ponder on! Thanks! -
Q2. Isaiah's Sign of Nakedness
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Judgment upon the Nations (Isaiah 13-23)
God was using Isaiah as a "visual aid" so Judah could see what would happen if they relied on Egypt for strength as opposed to God's strength. Isaiah's nakedness was to be a constant reminder to Judah to not rely on Egypt. If they did, the outcome would not be good and they would see captives carried off, stripped naked just as Isaiah was. In the end, Judah's King Hezekiah did not join in the rebellion and suffered no reprisals. Yikes! If I were Isaiah would I have obeyed God? Yes....if I was "Isaiah" I obviously would have....but I'm just Julie and though I've been obedient to God to do things I really questioned in my small little mind, I've always been struck with wonder at the outcome....but that said...He has never asked me to walk around naked, so I'm leaving it at that. I'll cross that bridge if I ever get to it (praying not to) and I'll trust in His strength to see me through if it happens! What a question! -
Q1. Self-Exaltation
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Judgment upon the Nations (Isaiah 13-23)
14:12-17 tells us that this ruler had an attitude of being like God Almighty and that he was "a god." " You told yourself, I will go up to the heavens. I will put my throne above God's stars. I will sit on the mountain of gods. I will be like the most high God." Scriptural evidence that this refers to satan is scant. The KJV translates "morning star" as satan and can be compared to Luke 10:18, "I saw satan fall like lightening from heaven," but this passage in Isaiah is a poetic expression describing someone falling from great political heights. This king was boasting that he would not only sit on the mountains of the (pagan) gods, but that he would be like the (true) most High God! Many kings in that era declared themselves "god" and the people revered them as such. Either way, describing satan or a king, the lesson is that those who exalt themselves as "god" or like God are the personification of evil. Satan fell from heaven because of this awful sin and this king had a great fall because there is NO ONE like God and never will be! Yes, in my early walk particularly, I put my own will over God's will and tapered my understanding of God's Word to what I wanted to hear. I've been rebellious and acted in ignorance lots of times. I distrusted what God's Word said and I've been corrected and disciplined by God. What I did not do is exalt myself as being like God. What I did do was seek Him more and more so I could have understanding. I learned the hard way many times, but I always knew God was WAY above and over me! I learned His character as sovereign and I learned to trust His Word as truth and good for me. The best way to humble oneself before God is in humility,face down, submit ourselves to Him, admitting He is King, all Majesty, He knows all, He is true and good and in all things He is trustworthy and then live our lives reflecting we really do know that about Him! -
Q7. Gathering of the Nations
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Book of Immanuel (Isaiah 7-12)
What does it mean that "The Nations" will rally to the Messiah when He appears? All people will gather to Him. Who are the nations? The Gentiles Who else will be gathered? The exiles of Israel and the scattered people of Judah. Jesus and Paul both taught: " He will gather His elect from the four winds." Mark 13:27 "Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to Him." 2 Thessalonians 2:1 These prophecies will be fulfilled on the last day. -
Q6. the Peace of the Messiah
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Book of Immanuel (Isaiah 7-12)
Isaiah 11:6-9 speaks figuratively. The kind of peace it describes is the peace we will see in the Messianic Age. Natural enemies will live in absolute peace with each other. Everything will be brought under one head, Christ and all will have the knowledge of Him. This peace will extend "On all my holy mountain" which is the whole earth. This peace will be because "the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the sea is full of water." We ask today, to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus because we desire to know Him and be like Him. At the time of this peace, this will be accomplished and we will all know Him personally and live at peace with Him and each other because of our changed hearts through Him. We see this somewhat now as we are sanctified, but then it will be complete. This knowledge will be so widespread as to encompass the whole earth, as well as in Heaven and under the Earth. At this time, "At the name of Jesus every knee will bow in Heaven and on Earth and under the Earth, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of the Father." You are deserving of all praise, glory and honor our great and marvelous King!!! Grow us in the grace and knowledge of You! AMEN!!! -
Q5. The Root of Jesse
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Book of Immanuel (Isaiah 7-12)
Jesse was the father of David. " A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse, from his root a branch will bear fruit." We know his name speaks of the Messiah because in verses 11:10 the Messiah, "the new King from the family of Jesse will stand as a banner for all people." We can also cross reference to the book of Revelation: 5:5 The Lion from the tribe of Judah, the root of David has triumphed. (David son of Jesse) 22:16 I am the root and offspring of David and the bright and morning star. (David son of Jesse) The attributes this Messiah will have are: The Spirit of wisdom and understanding The Spirit of counsel and power The Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord. He will delight in the fear of the Lord. He will be anointed by the Spirit, walk in the Spirit and minister in the Spirit. Verses 4-5 tell us that the Messiah will, "Strike the earth with the rod of His mouth; with the breath of His lips He will slay the wicked. Righteousness will be His belt and faithfulness the sash around His waist." The victims of injustice mentioned in these verses are the poor and needy. When Messiah comes, those who involve themselves in injustice will be judged, "Evil people will be punished and by His word, the wicked will be put to death. He won't judge by the way things look (as the world does) He will judge the poor honestly and He will be fair in His decisions for the poor of the land." (New Century Version) -
Q4. Protecting the Poor and Weak
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Book of Immanuel (Isaiah 7-12)
Why do humans tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and the poor? Because our society lives by a different moral compass than Christians do. Bluntly put, ungodly people oppress the poor and weak just because they can and they can gain from doing so. It is a complete lack of morality. In our society, the weak are despised and taken advantage of. At the very least, they are ignored and left to fend for themselves. Our society says "Survival of the Fittest". Christians say, "When we are weak, we are strong." Our moral law is to be humble, esteeming others over ourselves. We care for the needy, the weak, the outcast and the despised. In contrast, the world will use them for unjust purposes and for personal gain. Secular society says they are of no value, no purpose and costly. Christians say everyone has value in the eyes of God, they have an identity in Christ and are born with purpose. We choose to see and cultivate and teach them who they really are! We know we are to care for those less fortunate with genuine love and caring. If we do it for the least of these, we have done it for Christ. What can we as Christians do? Stand for what we believe. Be the voice that cries for justice. The hands that care on a personal level. Be the one who practices our faith and what we profess to believe. Raise the ones you know that the world labels as having no value. Come alongside them. Help them find their identity in Christ and their God given purpose. Teach the Word. Tell the truth. Stand against injustice. You may be just one...but just one with God on your side is mighty!!! -
Q3. Unto Us a Son Is Born
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Book of Immanuel (Isaiah 7-12)
In the text, I find that this child is the one who will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom. He is described as Mighty God, Everlasting Father. He is "the" divine child our Messiah. I have learned that Jesus is the child to be born. "For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given. And the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Wonderful Counselor: marvelous designs and decrees, wonder that awakens and astonishes men. Mighty God: To prevail, be mighty, have strength, Warrior God. Identified with God Himself. Everlasting Father: Eternally a Father to His people. Awards His people, supplies their needs, Shepherds. " I am the good Shepherd." Prince of Peace: Ruler, governor, chief bringer of reconciliation, fulfillment and wholeness.The Master of this realm. Which of these attributes do I most need now? Prince of Peace. Peace, prosperity, wellness, health, completeness and safety. On this road of sanctification, I desire to trust Him more, submit to His care,rest in Him, become more complete in Him and find absolute safety and peace in Him. -
Q2. A Stumbling Stone
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Book of Immanuel (Isaiah 7-12)
Yahweh can be a stumbling stone, a trap and a snare because we must either trust in or surrender to God or we will stumble over Him. Either we find our strength in Him or He will break us until we do. Either we find our salvation and righteousness in Him or He will show us our attempts at self righteousness and works are nothing but stumbling blocks to true faith. People are broke in this stumbling by failing continually, falling and coming to an end of ourselves. Then we are more willing to look up, cry out and accept the truths He is teaching us. People stumble over God because they either, don't know Him well and haven't learned to trust Him or they become impatient waiting on Him and move forward trusting in their own devices. This shows itself in our own pride and rebellion. Also, I think today, even Christians have removed "fear of the Lord" and respect of Who God is from their view of God. Isaiah fell down before Him and cried "Woe is me!" We fail to approach God in reverence today. This is sadly lacking and a result of "feel good" religion, false teaching and disrespect.