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Everything posted by Stan
Q1. Culture Change
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Four Hebrew Youths in Babylon (Daniel 1)
Yes in the army when sent to Asia it was an extreme change for me. I did carry a new testament with me. -
He is our stumbling block tripping us up when we do wrong.His Spirit convicts our man spirit. People are broken when they confess thet they are sinners and God is Holy and true.People Stumble when they try to go it on their own not acknowledging God and doing His will.
He plants a garden using choice seed tills it put a.wall around it and aguard to keep out pests.He expects it to bare much choice fruit.He receive rotten fruit and Very littel harvest.He said he would destroy it and burn up the weeds. It mean that we are Gods field. He has sown good into Kurt lives and expects us to Yield good crops into other people sharing His love and mercy as we go.
Q1. Ahaz's Test of Faith
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Book of Immanuel (Isaiah 7-12)
Believe in God don't fear his enemies.Ajaz lacked faith he gave up his wealth became a servant to buy protection that he didn't need.The result wad he became A servant.king and.lost his true protector Yawyah(God).I don't think we consider Our selves smarter than God we forget He is in control and don'twait for Him We often forget to listen.It becomes very hard to do as God directs when we don't.don't listen and know what He wants us to do. -
That at the judgement seat there will be no difference in Jew or gentile. We will all be the same if covered by the blood of Christ Jesus.
ITheir think that they like us when times are good we forget to be thankful to God We get complacent and when.time are hard we think we can get through on ouw own never givingg God the credit.Never calling on the one who is our provider. Judah is the same they forget get who to call on and give thanks to. They forsake the poor the homeless and the oppressed.This is unreasonable because. Have witnessed the goodness of God.The alternative is to seek God admit they need Him.
Q4. God's Purposes
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Samuel Anoints David as King (1 Samuel 15-16)
Q4. (Galatians 2:1-10) Why do you think Paul seems to distance himself from the leaders of the Jerusalem church (2:2, 6, 9)? Why does he at the same time write of their approval of his ministry? How does this further his argument to the Galatians in this letter? He did not want to be judged as being a Jew and thus looking down on his gentile church. He wanted them to realize that He was sent by Jesus to them not from men. He want to allow the knowledge that he was given and the grace that Jesus was sent to all men not just the Jews.
Q3. Not Circumcising Titus
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Independence of Paul’s Gospel (Galatians 1:11-2:10)
Q3. (Galatians 2:1-3) Paul is arguing that the Jerusalem leaders support his position on circumcision, rather than that of the Judaizers. What is the significance of Paul’s mention that Titus was not required to be circumcised? That the circumcision would not save anyone but only the grace of God offered through His Son Jesus Christ has the power to save and it is given to the gentiles same as the Jews. -
Q2. Paul's Uniqueness
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Independence of Paul’s Gospel (Galatians 1:11-2:10)
Q2. (Galatians 1:13-16) What factors in Paul's background made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles? How did God use his being different from others? To ponder: How has your unique background fitted you for ministry? What uniqueness has God given you? What will it take to see that uniqueness as a God-given strength rather than as an embarrassment? His dedication to God and his learning under Gamiel. He used him by revealing His Son Jesus and annointing him with the power to teach the Gentiles from the Jewish scripture or Old Testment,because the New Testment had not been written. God has been through all my suffering and has given mw the ministry of helps, and the desire to continue in the study of His word. -
Q1. (Galatians 1:11-12) What is the source of Paul’s gospel? How do we know that it is a true revelation? How does it conform to our other foundational sources of Christian teaching? What is the danger of taking the teaching of contemporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking it with the Scripture? The revelation given to him in the arabian desert by Jesus Christ. It is in the Word, and the Word is true. It is part of the Word of God and is use for our instruction and training in the knowledge of Christ. Timothy tells us to study to show ourselves approved. If we continue to study the Holy Spirit will reveal what He wants us to know and understand so the we will be able to judge what we are being led to believe and not be miss led.
2. Paul called the Judaizers’ message as a “different gospel,” a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day? It was dangerious because it tried to lead them back to the law and asay from Christ as their means to God the Father. In our day false teachers use other means to lead people who are unlearned away from the word of God and Christ His Son, they speak of false gods, or other means to God other the Jesus, and other are still worshiping idols, money,work, possessions, to name a few.
Q1. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? How does Jesus rescue people today? How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways? Jesus gave Himself that we might have eternal life, a relationship with the Father where we can come into His presence without the shedding of the blood of a lamb, Christ was our sacrifice once for all. Jesus rescues people today by their reading His word or hearing it preached by others. He keeps people from falling back by giving them His Spirit that is their seal till He come again.
Q4. Greeting with a Holy Kiss
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Paul’s Vision, Thorn, and Final Words (12-13)
Q4. (2 Corinthians 13:12) What is the equivalent of a “holy kiss” in your congregation and culture? Why is a warm familial greeting so important in a healthy congregation? Why do people sometimes resist being greeted warmly? A hand shake or sometimes a hug. It show a caring heart toward each other. They sometimes resist because they don't want to become close to anyone they fear they might owe them something. They fear be a part of something bigger than them selves. -
Q3. (2 Corinthians 12:20) How do you “cure” a church of these kinds of behaviors and sins? How can a “love offensive” begin to change the spirit of a dysfunctional congregation? What is the role of church discipline in a dysfunctional congregation? By treating all members the same, with love and respect, teaching the word with clearty. The love of Christ reaches the hearts of all those who are called to be His servants even though we sometimes fall and need lifting up with brotherly love and compassion. Church discipline is for building and strengting the believers.
Q2. Weakness to Strength
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Paul’s Vision, Thorn, and Final Words (12-13)
Q2. (2 Corinthians 12:10) What was the life-changing lesson that Paul learned from God when God denied his prayer? How does our self-sufficiency limit God’s power through our lives? Can we become dependent upon God without having to experience some “thorn in the flesh” ourselves? That God used Paul's weakness to make him stronger in faith in his God and Lord. That he made him humble in himself but strong in his preaching of God's word and revelation that God gave him. Our self dependance take us away from what God wants to give us and do in our lives and leads us down a road of deceit and selfishness and pride. I believe we can become dependent on God but will eventually become prideful because we are human and have the desire to take credit for thing we do and forget that God give us all thing through His mercy and Grace and without Him we are really nothing more than dirt. -
Q1. Paul's Thorn in the Flesh
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Paul’s Vision, Thorn, and Final Words (12-13)
Q1. (2 Corinthians 12:7) Why was this “thorn in the flesh” given to Paul? What purpose did God want to achieve through this in Paul’s character? How can something be both used by God and be caused by Satan’s destructive work? How does this verse relate to Romans 8:28 and Genesis 50:20? I believe that pastor is right Paul was given the thorn to keep him from becoming prideful. think himself better than he was and letting him realize that God was in control not Paul. It built humbleness into his character and make his more a servant of the Lord. Satan always attacks God's people even Christ but God in His wisdom use that for our good making us more in the image of His Son in love and compassion for others, Romans 8:28 28And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Genesis 50:20 20But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. These verses show that God has total control and not only use good thing in our lives but also the bad to grow us in the love and strength of His Son -
Q4. Being Considerate
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. Living as Christian Husbands and Wives (1 Peter 3:1-7)
Q4. (3:7) Why should a husband relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom? In what way does this demonstrate love? In what way does this demonstrate self-interest? Why do men sometimes try to dominate their wives? Why do wives sometimes try to dominate their husbands? What harm does this do? How is domination of another person contrary to God's nature? Because it is from God's word mainly, then because he loves and want to care for her feeling and respect her thoughts and ideas. It demonstrates love in that it is sharing with her respecting her cares and needs. It demonstrates self-interest in that it takes pride and owner-ship out of the picture there can be no boss in marriage.Some men feel a need to be in charge and they tend to do this more at home wanting to be ruler instead of leading out of love.Wives sometime want to dominate when they feel repressed and need to be heard. The harm is that it cause fights and arguments that lead in some cases to broken homes and divorce which is against God's desire for family. -
Q2. Outer vs. Inner Beauty
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. Living as Christian Husbands and Wives (1 Peter 3:1-7)
Q2. (3:3) Why should women try to look their best? How can trying to look their best divert women from what is more important? What is the balance? They need to look their best for themselves,and their husbands no one else. If they spend all their time trying to be beautiful on the outside they will not be building the inner beauty that God wants for them. The balance to me is when they know they arre beautiful on the inside and it projects outward. -
Q1. Submission
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. Living as Christian Husbands and Wives (1 Peter 3:1-7)
Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian? I think is is control, we always want to be in control and submitting to anyone means giving up a little bit of control over our selves. Submission does not mean being silent but it does mean being agreeable to someone else and their desire for you. Submission would always be wrong if it meant going against God's word. -
Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean? This question tears at my heart, Jesus died for me the ungodly, He made me a new creation, why do I still sin on a daily basis? I want to live for Christ, I pray Psalms 51:10-12 daily but as fast as I enter the world I find my self failing, it must and can only be that the devil is still in control in the earth. I must continue to seek God's forgiveness through prayer,continue to study the word,believe that His grace is what saves me not my works,that He die for all my sins not just the first ones. I must continue to seek Him first even when I fail, I must continue to try and submit to God then the devil will flee.
Q3. (2:24a) This may seem like a simplistic question, but give it thought before you answer, and then answer thoughtfully. What is the significance to you personally that Jesus bore your sins in his own body on the cross? As I stated in the previous question I can't understand why Jesus would die for someone like me. He chose to take the punishment I deserve in His body and upon His body something I can only thank Him for there is no way to repay a gift like that. He save me from facing the wrath of God and instead brought me into a loving relationship with Him, He gave me His peace and an inheritance that is beyond words or discription.
Q2. Jesus' Sinlessness
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5 Appreciating Jesus' Atonement for Our Sins (1 Pet 2:24-25)
Q2. Why is Jesus' sinlessness important to understanding your salvation? In what way do you think Jesus suffered when your sins were poured into his soul? How could a sinless Man stand this kind of corruption? Because we must realize that a sinful person can come before God on our behalf.No one came take our punishment but a sinless man can intervene with the Father and that man was Jesus. Jesus suffered a pain of sorrow,guilt, seperation from the Father, He suffer a spiritual loss of the Spirit's peace and healing. He suffer a mental pain that we will never understand. I can't begin to understand why Jesus would take it on Himself to die for a person like me a sinner of the worst kind,how He stood the spiritual, and physical seperaion from the Father is beyond my understanding. -
Q4. Walking in Jesus' Steps
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4 Submitting and Suffering Like Jesus (1 Pet 2:13-23)
Q4. (2:21-23) How does Christ's example speak to your situation? How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus' character in this passage? It speaks to my weakness in that I suffer little when compared to what Christ went through. I only deal with worry and want not the beating He endured. I need to grow in my gratitude and thankfulness to Him and learn to trust more. I need to learn more self-control in time when things aren't going as I think they should.