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Q5. Let Tomorrow Worry for Itself
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Temptation to Worry (6:25-34)
Q5. (Matthew 6:34) Is there humor intended in verse 34? What is the point of Jesus' joke here? What is the command in this verse? I am not sure about the humor part pastor, I see Jesue as being thoughtful this just adds to His statement that we can not add an inch to our stature or make one hair dark or gray so why worry about tomorrow when with out God's help we could not even get through this day. I believe the command is like before put God first seek His righteousness and He will provide as we need. We can't change anything about today so why waste time worrying about tomorrow. -
Q4. Seeking First the Kingdom of God
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Temptation to Worry (6:25-34)
Q4. (Matthew 6:33) What is the command in this verse? How must our seeking God differ from our seeking of food and clothing, according to this verse? What is the promise found in this verse? That we seek God and His righteousness. We must put seeking God first before seeking after the necessities life, food and clotheing. The promise is that if we are faithful and continue to put God first then He will provide all the things necessary for our lives. -
Q3. Your Father Knows You Need Material Things
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Temptation to Worry (6:25-34)
Q3. (Matthew 6:31-32) Why does Jesus mention the "pagans" or "Gentiles" in verse 32? What point is he making? How should a Christian differ from a Gentile, according to Jesus' teaching in this passage? What emotional and faith effect does the phrase, "your heavenly Father knows that you need them," have in your life? The Isrealites of that day though that they were the only one that were blessed by God or knew and worshiped the true God. Jesus was pointing out that God takes care of everyone so why would He not take care of them. A Christian should be willing to trust in God for their need where the Gentile was out for themselves and only looking to take care of their on need and not those of their fellow man as Jesus was teaching. The effect is that to know what you need God has to care about you enough to look into you life and see what is going on and love you enough to want to do something about it. -
Q2. Do Not Be Anxious about Material Things
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Temptation to Worry (6:25-34)
Q2. (Matthew 6:25-34) How many times in this passage does the phrase "do not worry," "do not be anxious," or "take no thought" occur? In what way does excessive worry border on sin? Are worry and trust exact opposites? 5,If I counted right, for do not worry. Worry is our failure at having complete trust in God, we always want to be in control instead of giving it up to God and allowing Him to be in control. I think that they are opposites if you have complete trust in God then you would not worry. -
Q1. Parable of the Birds and of the Flowers
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Temptation to Worry (6:25-34)
Q1. (Matthew 6:26-30) What point does Jesus make with his twin Parables of the Birds of the Air and of the Flowers of the Field? Is the point trivial or is it valid? His point is that we are now to worry, and I think that its valid. We are a worring people, we seem to some time dwell on our problems to long and not be willing to hand them over to God as we should. We seem to be caught up in the belief that we are more capable then God in solving our problems. We fail to seek Him first and thank Him for the blessings that He does give us we wait till it seem all hope is gone then the last thing we do is call out to God. We need to seek God first and be thankful for the blessing that God gives us daily just as He feed the birds of the air. -
Q5. If the Light within You Is Darkness
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Temptation to Idolatry (6:19-24)
Q5. (Matthew 6:21, 24) The love of money can be a pretty subtle thing. Both the rich and the poor can love money. Can you describe a time in your life when you were deceived about this, and when the light in you was really darkness? According to Jesus, could desire for money **** a person (Luke 12:15-21)? I was raise up very poor on a farm in southern Tennessee so having money took an early priorty with me. As I became an adult I became even worse giving up church to work two jobs and weekends when I could. I have only reciently descided to give it all up I now work one job tithe my pay and struggle to be a christian in all respects. Money can lead a person to believe only in himself so in that way it could **** a person but they would have to want it to. -
Q4. Serving God or Money
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Temptation to Idolatry (6:19-24)
Q4. (Matthew 6:24) Jesus seems to make it sound like you can't seek wealth and God simultaneously. Does he really mean this? Is this hyperbole? Figurative? Literal? Can wealthy people serve God in actual fact? Idon't think that we are to seek wealth, scripture says seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness then all these things will be added unto you. If weseek God first then we will be better able to, with wealth and the temptations it can bring. I think that wealth is not a deterant from God, He loves us all the same it is as Jesus said easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven, I think that the temptations with wealth are greater for the rich thanfor us who struggle to make ends meet. -
Q3. (Matthew 6:19-21) According to the Bible, how does one "store up treasures in heaven"? What advantage does this have over accumulating earthly possessions? Why are we uncomfortable with the concept of rewards in heaven? We store up treasures in heaven when we follow Jesus and His instructions of helping the less forunate than we are. He said 35For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: 36Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. when you do it unto the least of these you have done it to me. When we do good for those around us and are not greedy toward God we are storing up treasures in heaven. The advantage of this according to scripture is that we can never lose the treasures in heave no thief can rob us or rust destroy them as they can here on earth. We are uncomfortable because we think that by saving up treasures in heaven we are some way earning our salvation instead of it being a free gift of God, but it is only through Grace that we are saved. These rewards are the blessing that we recieve for the good work that God prepared in advance for us to do.
Q2. Storing Up Treasures on Heaven or Earth
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Temptation to Idolatry (6:19-24)
Q2. (Matthew 6:19) Jesus says, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth...." Is he speaking figuratively? Hyperbolically? Generally? Specifically? Is this a new teaching, or an old one? I think it is specifically, not looking at the think that we pocess as our own they all belong to God and we must be willing to share what we have with those in need. We must always give God thanks and always feel the need to help those who can't help themselves. God is our provider and we need to remember that and lwt those around us know that we believe and show it in our actions. I think it is an old one just taught a differant way like in pastors lesson Malachi tells us to bring thinks into the store house. We are to be a blessing to other as God blesses us not allowing thing to become between us and the God who is our provider. -
Q1. Greed and the Rich Fool
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Temptation to Idolatry (6:19-24)
Q1. (Luke 12:15-21) Read the Parable of the Rich Fool. What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest? What is the key verse in this passage? What is the context of this parable? How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount? He condemn him because He gave God no credit for what he had he felt that eveything he had he had produced and that he had nothing to worry about or work for. God wants us to thank Him for the blessings He gives us and always remember that all good things come down from the Father of heavenly lights and not get prideful and think that we are the providers of our needs. I think the key is where the rich man had said to himself 'You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.'" He had became prideful in himself thinking that he had provided for himself not giving thanks to the Lord for what he had and not having the love of God in his heart toward his fellow man. The context is that we give thanks to God for what we have and not let our pride to lead us away from God and always being willing to share the blessing that God give us with those in need. It relates to the sermon on the Mount in it teachs us that we are to give thank and to show love toward those who are not as well off as we are. To always give and seek no repayment. Serve God, and love our neighbor as our selves. -
Q4. (Matthew 6:12, 14-15) Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? We are human and are subject to sin, for all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God, and as such we must always seek forgiveness. When we sin against someone we must not only seek their forgiveness but the forgiveness of God for scripture says it is against God that we sin and it is His forgiveness that we must seek. If we fail to forgive those who sin against us then we are sinning by with holding the love that God says we must show everyone and how can you say you love someone when you are holding a grudge and unforgiveness against them. Unforgiveness is sin and when we sin God will not forgive us unless we confess it as sin and seek His forgiveness.
Q3. Prayer for Daily Bread vs. Independence
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Lord's Prayer (6:9-15)
Q3. (Matthew 6:11) Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help? Why do we seek to be independent of God? Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves? I believe that most of the time it comes from pride, we don't want to let anyone know that we need help. We fail to ask God because we think that we can do every thing for ourselves. We fail to give it a thought that all good things come from God. We fail to realize that God is our provider and our Father who wants to help and take care of His children. We need to ask God for our daily bread to remind us that He is our provider and remind ourselves that we need to give God credit for all things and give Him thanks for all that He does for us. -
Q2. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living? In the physical sense I believe we desire that Jesus return and remove the sin that keep causing us and our families pain. When the Kingdom of God is brought to the earth all sin will have been removed because God and sin can't exist togeather. We are asking the will of the Father be done on earth because itis His will that we become His children and live sinless lives bring Him the Glory and Honor that He alone deserves. This praying should change our hearts and the way we live so that we become more the people Jesus called us to be serving God as we love Him and our neighbor as ourselves.
Q1. (Matthew 6:9) What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? When we live lives that give the Lord Glory and Honor and bring others to Him, when we use His name in a respectful way and always give Him the soverance that He alone deserves we hallow His name. We descreate it when we us it in disrespect and fail to show Him Honor. We should hallow His name in prayer using it in the most holy way giving Him Glory and Honor talking in awe of who He really is in our lives and how He is in total control. We need to remind our selves that He is the Father and we are His children made by Him in His very image and that only through His mercy and grace can we live to the eternal life that He has promised and has planned for those who give Him that horor.
Q4. (Matthew 6:8) If God knows what you need before you ask him, why should you ask him at all? What sense does prayer really make? Are we mainly to talk for our own edification and encouragement? Why or why not? It allows you to speak the feelings on your heart and by speaking we know that God hears and will answer. It is a means for us to build our confidence that God is real and is always there for us. It makes great sense when you consider that Jesus prayed while He was here, if He needed time in prayer to the Father then we should know that we toneed to take the time to speak to the Father of our souls.
Q3. Secret and Public Prayer
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Giving, Prayer, and Fasting (6:1-8, 16-18)
Q3. (Matthew 6:5-7) Why does Jesus tell us to pray in secret? Though public prayer in church gatherings is commanded in scripture (Acts 1:14; 2:42; 1 Timothy 2:1), in which circumstances might public prayer in a church service be contrary to the spirit of Jesus' instructions in these verses? How do flowery prayers hinder the development of disciples? Because He wants our prayers to come from the heart not done to impress those around us. When we pray in a look at me spirit long and trying to be proper then our prayers will be contrary to the thoughts of Jesus. Flowery prayers might hinder disciples by teaching them the wrong means of seeking God and His mercy. Jesus taught the disciples to pray seeking the Father first and then asking for the help that they needed. -
Q2. Giving to the Poor
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Giving, Prayer, and Fasting (6:1-8, 16-18)
Q2. (Matthew 5:42 and 6:1-4) How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? What will you do differently as a result? What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Is that a good enough reason? matt 5:42Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away. matt 6:1Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. It make me more aware that Jesus wants us to help those who can't help themselves. We should not judge anyone on their needs but on their heart, and we should always be willing to help them when we can. prov. 14:31He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker: but he that honoureth him hath mercy on the poor. prov.19:17He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again. It is all through scripture that we are to help the poor and God will reward us when we do. When we allow the wants of this life to overcome our desire to help others we fail to keep God first place in our life. Having things often keepus from giving to those in need and often being afraid of what tomorrow will bring instead of depending on God keeps us from giving to those in need. There is no good reason for not doing the will of God and helping those who can't help theselves. We must desire the things of God and not the things of the world. -
Q1. (Matthew 6:1-18) How do the commands in this section relate to "performing for the audience of One"? What is the antidote for the chief sin that is addressed here? In what ways do churches and non-profit organizations use this sin to motivate people to give? They tell us that we should do allwe do to be seen of God, and no one else in our giving and helping others we should always first to it to the Lord and not to the praise of men. Loving our neighbor as ourself and Loving God formost and above all things. They preach giving for the glory you get from men, being like the man next door allowing everyone to know what you give so that you can recieve their praise and not doing it totally for the glory of God.
Q6. Perfection and the Christian
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit of Truthfulness and Love (5:33-48)
Q6. (Matthew 5:48) In the context, what do you think verse 48 means for the Christian? Is perfection taught here? Does maturity express the idea best? How about the doctrine of "sinless perfection"? How does verse 48 relate to verse 45? 45That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. 48.Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. It means that we are to live our lives in Christ trying to be purfect in our love for other as Jesus taught us to do. I think that perfection is the main theme through out all scripture. Living a life of perfection is a life time struggle to acheive so it does require maturity. We are all sinners as Paul stated so sinless perfection is or should be our calling and we should all want to be perfect regardless of wheather we can acheive it or not. We are all children of the Most High and it is His desire and should be ours that we be perfect. -
Q5. Defense against Evil?
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit of Truthfulness and Love (5:33-48)
Q5. (Matthew 5:39-44) If the principle that underlies verses 39-42 is found in verse 44 and 22:39, are there times we must defend ourselves physically against evil men in order to fulfill the principle? What might be some examples? Yes, I think that we are to always to be able to defend our selfs from evil. We are not to go out of our way to seek revenge but to protect ourselves and families. Jesus told the disciples at the last supper that while He was with them that they had no need for purse or sword but when He was gone they were to take their staffs and swords. He also is coming back to revenge those who have died for His name. His tongue is described as a double edged sword. I believe examples are any that envolve protecting those we love. We also should being to help those who are being threatened due to their religious beliefs. -
Q4. Don't Retaliate
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit of Truthfulness and Love (5:33-48)
Q4. (Matthew 5:38-42) If we were to assume that Jesus is teaching on retaliation and revenge rather than pacifism in verses 38-42, how would you sum up his teaching in a single sentence? Don't retaliate against anyone but forgive them in love and show the love of Christ in all you do. -
Q3. Examples, Case Law, Hyperbole?
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit of Truthfulness and Love (5:33-48)
Q3. (Matthew 5:39-42) What do Jesus' examples or tiny cameos in verses 39-42 have in common? Someone has said that if we were to carry out verses 39-42 literally, we would aid and abet evil. Do you agree? How should we take these examples: As case law? As hyperbole? As a series of aphorisms or adages? In another way? They are to teach us that we are to be more than kind to those who aren't necessarily kind to us. We are to treat even our enemies as though they are our brothers. We are to show love to all people not just those close to us. No, abetting would be allowing someone to harm another and does not apply when talking about your self. You can forgive some one who harms you can't forgive someone who harms another they alone can do that. We should take them just as the are at face value to help teach us to love our neighbor as our self. -
Q2. An Eye for an Eye
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit of Truthfulness and Love (5:33-48)
Q2. (Exodus 21:24; Leviticus 24:20; Deuteronomy 19:15-21) What was the purpose of the "Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth" regulation? Is this law designed to be administered by a court or judge, or by an individual? Is it designed to govern judicial action or personal action? It was to make the people stop and think before doing wrong to others. It was designed to be administered by the judges in front of the people to insure it was the fair and just sentance of God. It was to control personal action. -
Q1. Let Your 'Yes' Be 'Yes'
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit of Truthfulness and Love (5:33-48)
Q1. (Matthew 5:33-37) What does it mean: Let your "yes" be yes and your "no" be no? If we obeyed this command, what would be the result in our speaking? In our credibility? It means that we should be very careful with our words not giving in to desire to have everyone believe us through swearing but in our careful choice of words lettting our yes be yes and no be no. We should always be truthful even when it hurts us for it is much worse to hurt the Great God who made us. If we always obey this command we may not be like by many worldly friends but the ones who live for Christ will know that we too are living for Him and are seeking to do His will and not that of the world. Our credibility to some will increase but there will always be those who try to trap us in false hoods even to the extent of making something up, they did the same to Christ. -
Q6. The Church has always been supportive of those who are hurting or scarred. In Christ, we help people make the best of what is sometimes a difficult situation. What can you do to extend Christ's healing love to someone who is struggling in his or her marriage? What can you do to bring healing to someone who is or was divorced? All you can do is to listen when they want to talk, share the things that you have gone through and offer your prayers and support. God is the true healer and only He can save a marriage. I have many friend that have divorced, and have shared with them that I also have been divorced I never critize them and only offer advice when they ask. I pray that soon Jesus will come back and heal the world by removing sin forever but till then our burden will be to pray and seek Him and His righteousness and that can only be done when we love our neighbor as our selves. If you love your neighbor as you are commanded you can not judge them only share the love of Christ as He has shown us.