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Q4. Psalm 51
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
Q4. (Psalm 51:17) How does one achieve a "broken and contrite heart"? What are the earmarks of this condition? How does this differ from "being sorry" for a sin? How does humility relate to this condition? I believe that as our faith is increased through prayer and study the Spirit of God comes and makes His presence known to us and when we sin He touches our heart and makes us sorry and repentant for it and this lesds to the broken and contrite heart. Once we are truly devoted to God and His Mercies we are remorseful when we fail for what ever reason and the longer we are in Christ the more we should feel the pain when we sin against Him. We can be sorry and yet not contrite when it greaves us that we sin but not enough to make the required changes in our life that we don't sin any longer. Humility can enter the picture when pride is our sin and the Spirit greves us to change and become humble. With humility the pain of sin is stronger in our heart and the Spirit can help us deal with that sin faster becaus we become remosrseful sooner. -
Q3. Psalm 51
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
Q3. (Psalm 51:10-12) How is it possible to have a "pure heart" after great sin? What does a "pure heart" consist of? What is the relationship between a "pure heart" (Psalm 51:10) and a "united" or "undivided heart" (Psalm 86:11)? Who purifies the heart? What is the process? By being cleansed by the Spirit of God, giving yourself over to Him and His mercies that are new everyday. It consists of a renewal of your heart toward God living to do His will and keeping His comandments, using your life as an example to others and bringing glory to the onewho died that you might live. A pure heart is totally devoted to the will of God the divided heart is torn between live in the world and living for God, wanting to do his will but drawn to the sin that cause death to the soul and the faith that keeps us. The Spirit of God renews our spirit and cleanses our heart making us turn from worldly desire and toward the gift of life that the Father has prepared for those who love Him. The process starts as Psalms 119:11 says I will write your word on my heart that I will not sin against you putting the word of God on the inside is the start of healing, Praying in the Spirit is the inforcing power that strengthens you to do the will of God when those wordly **** try to creep back into your life. A good mentor can help keep you on the right road for scriptures says do not two walk better than one for whenone falls down the other can help him up. -
Q2. Psalm 51
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
Q2. (Psalm 51:3-6) When David says, "Against you only I have sinned" (4a) is he minimizing his sin against Bathsheba and Uriah? What does he mean by this? When he mentions his sinfulness from before birth is he excusing himself or blaming Original Sin? What does he mean by this? No,he is admitting that the greater sin is against the Lord, his Saviour and God. He know that the Lord is His one true Judge and that it is from Him that he must seek the upmost forgiveness. I think that he is admitting that as humans we are born into a sinful world and often led to do things not of God due to our weakness for things of this world. We are often tempted by **** to seek out things that we do not need and do not seek the Lord's favor in providing for our needs. We leave God out of our life by going after things instead of being contrite and waiting on the Lord. 5Surely I was sinful ( -
Q1. Psalm 32
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
Q1. (Psalm 32:2-5) How does self-deceit operate with sin to enslave us? How does confession enable us to get free from sin? Why do we sometimes resist the truth about ourselves? What does it take to get us to see truth sometimes? It leaves us open to futher and more harmful disobediance. We fail to ask God's forgiveness and also refuse to admit we are wrong making us in effect in placeof God. We need like David to always admit to God that we are sinful and seek His forgiveness and mercy like David. God is just like John said and He will forgiveour unrighteousness. Confession allows us to recieve the forgiveness that Jesus shed His blood so that we might be free from our sin and come closer to God with a renewed faith. We resits be cause of guilt and not wanting to admit that we fail. Sin is easy confession hard,sin is of the world and confession from God. We need confession tocomeinto our newness of life that Jesus promised we would have when we admit our sins. God's word will leads us there if we read and believe but if we refuse to read then we need some one to consel us and direct us. If we continue to live in sin then Jesus will pierce our hearts and have something to enter our lives toredirect our steps. We must accept that Jesus lovesus and will not leave us and be drawn to a willingness to confess first that we are a sinful people and need His mercy every day. -
Q4. Psalm 22. Comparisons
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messianic King
Q4. (Psalm 22) What similarities do you see between the words of Psalm 22 and the events of Jesus' crucifixion? Do you think Jesus understood Psalm 22 as referring to himself? Why do you think the Spirit inspired David to pen these words? I think that they are almost identical, as you broke them down in the study guide I see even more similarties thatn whenI just readd it for my self. I believed that Jesus knew that the psalm was indeed about Him and He told the desciples as they went toward Jerusalem what would happen to Him but they didn't understand what He was saying. I believe the Spirit used Him to fortell or the Misiah andwas giving those who would understand a way to discern who the Misiah would be. They were to see through the scriptures the full fillment of them and recognize Jesus as their Lord. It was also for us who come after that we could read and believe in Him and recieve the same blessing ever lasting life. -
Q3. Psalm 22
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messianic King
Q3. (Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1? What was he seeking to express? What was he feeling? How did God answer his plea? He was acknowledging to the Father that He knew that He was the perfect Lamb bearing our sin and that the true God can't look apon sin. He knew that the Father loved Him but had turned from Him in this moment of time when He took the sin of the world apon Him and suffered alone. He was expressing His sorrow again in that He ws alone bearing our sin in Himself. He was seeking the will of the Father being the scape goat and the perfect lamb at the same time. He laid down His life willingly and was letting those closest to Him know that He would rise again. God the Father answered His plea by recieving His Spirit and raising His body to new life from the dead three days later as He had planned from the beggining. He turn back to Him and answered Him by making Him Lord of Lords and King of Kings, Glory to God. -
Q2. Psalm 110
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messianic King
Q2. (Psalm 110) Why do you think that Jesus asked the Pharisees about verse 1, "If then David calls him 'Lord,' how can he be his son?" What point was Jesus making? How does Jesus combine the roles of Warrior-King and Priest in his ministry to us and to this world? How do you reconcile the violence suggested in verses 5-6 with Jesus as "Prince of Peace"? They had been testing Him and here He turned the table by asking them just what they knew of the Messiah and as usual they failed their test and could no longer question Him. I believe His point being you don't discern the scriptures correctly so why then do you question my teachings. He makes it clear that He has power over all the earth and His enemy foremost. He says the Father will put His enemies under His feet meaning that He will become King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He must conquer His enemies because God can't live in relation to sinfulness and must therefore destroy it so that He can bring true peace in the world and then His people will be able to worship Him in spirit and truth. -
Q1. Psalm 2
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messianic King
Q1. (Psalm 2) What does Psalm 2 teach us about Yahweh's "anointed" king? Why do you think the apostles saw this passage as referring to Jesus the Messiah? What does the passage teach about the importance of submission to Jesus the Christ before it is too late? That He is King and Ruler of all that all should pay Him homage. 7 .I will proclaim the decree of the LORD: He said to me, 'You are my Son; today I have become your Father.' 8Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. 9You will rule them with an iron scepter; you will dash them to pieces like pottery." (2:7-9) I think that they probably understand that in these verses that only the true God could place all the nations under His feet as it says in Psalms 110, and that the words You are my Son says the rest. that with out submission we will all be lost He is King of Kings and is due our homage and love other wise He will have no choice but destroy those who reffuse to bow down to Him. -
Q3. (Psalm 117 and Lamentations 3:22-23). Why are love and trustworthiness so important as the bedrock of the Old Testament faith? What kinds of terms does the New Testament use to talk about these characteristics? Can you think of any New Testament verses that speak of these themes? Because they are the Characteristics of the one true God, aand as such make up the laws man is to live by with Loving the Lord God as the first and Loving thy neighbor as your self the next as Jesus told us.He also gave us the parable that states So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches Luke 16:11. Luke talks about trust and John talks a lott on the subjest of love. Our whole being is to try and be trustworthy and loving our brother and sister in Christ as our selves this is what it means to be a christian and to live any other way is to come up short. Luke 10:27 He answered: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind' ; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself. John 13:34 "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another Trust is a must if you love someone, first you must trust them this is often very hard and is the failure in must relationships. If we are to be in Christ then we are called to be new creations and this incorprates trust.
Q2. (Psalm 145) Which aspects of God's character mentioned in Psalm 145 stand out to you in particular? Why is it important for "every creature," every human being, to praise him? What are you doing to help that happen? 8The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. 9The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works. 14The LORD upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all those that be bowed down I think that these three verses say it all for me, speaking of the compassion and mercy of God. How He will lift me up even when I fall and sin against Him He is there to hear my request for forgiveness and help me to continue to walk as He has ask me to do. It is important to praise God because it reminds us who our creator is and keeps us in the right frame of mind and allows us to acknowledge all the things that the Father does for us. I continue in the word daily. I pray without ceasing and try to live as I know that God the Father wants me to remembering the poor and the sick, giving as He prospers me.
Q1. (Psalm 103) Which one or two aspects of God's character mentioned in this Psalm stand out to you? Why do you think the Exodus was so foundational in Israel's understanding of God? According to Psalm 103:10-12, what are the limits to God's forgiveness? "The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation." (Exodus 34:6-7)19 "10He does not treat us as our sins22 deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.23 11For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; 12as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us." (103:10-12) God's faithfulness, and abounding Love, how could anyone continue to bless us when we continue to sin against Him and try and take credit for what He gives us. They could see for their selves that their God was the true God, they did not have to be told the story they lived the mircles that He preformed in their behalf. They were there when He devided the Red Sea and delivered them from their enemy. God has no limits when it comes to His great love for us He is ever renewing that love and forgiving our sins and short comings, He not only for gives but forgets, I sure wish I could forget some times when my sin come back to haunt me. God is good and faithful not reminding me that I sin just that He continues to love me in spite of them.
Q4. Psalm 24
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
Q4. (Psalm 24) How do verses 1-2 establish the Lord's right as King? What do verses 3-6 tell us about the requirements of the King? What do verses 7-10 tell us about the glory of the King? How does this psalm speak to you in your situation? The earth is the Lords and the fulness thereof says it all. He is the creator and maker of all things and everything belongs to Him. We must be holy to come in to the Lords presence and it is only through a pure heart that He will make us holy through His Son Jesus Christ. That He is our King and protector. He alone is mighty and powerful. He is worthy of us opening our hearts gate and allowing Him to enter in. -
Q3. Psalm 126
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
Q3. (Psalm 126). In this psalm, the nation is going through some kind of crisis. How does memory of God's deliverance in verses 1-3 prepare them for the prayer of verse 4? How do you understand the two metaphors of deliverance: (1) a wadi or dry gully and (2) sowing and reaping? How do these metaphors help you in your situation? They are rejoicing that God has delivered them from their captures and they rejoice knowing that He will continue to bless them if they call out to Him in praise and worship. I think that they are talking about the fast moving water, God has delivered them in a short time and they are greatful to Him and seeking to be further blessed with power over their enemies and problems. The sowing is a labor of love they must rebuild and as they plant seed for food they must also labor to rebuild all they lost due to their sin in praise and worship toward God. As I go through life I must learn as they did that God will bless those He choses and will punish those He see fit to punish. As I learn to live giving my best to God He is faithful and just to correct me when I stray and bless me when I am faithful. -
Q2. Psalm 96
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
Q2. (Psalm 96) What does it mean to "ascribe" to God attributes of glory and strength? What happens when we fail to ascribe such qualities to him? In what sense is praise to God "fitting" or "worthy"? It means to me that we should admit to our selves and others that God is all powerful and is our provider. That He is in charge and that we should submit to His leadership and not seek to go out on our own trying to take credit for what only Father God does at His will. When we fail to give Him credit for working through us pride may arise and we start forgetting who our Lord is and go about our lives as though we are in control, causing our faith to weaken and then we take on a worldy attitude and lose sight of the real purpose for our life. Praise to God is always fitting, as scripture says give praise and thanksgiving in all things. God is all powerfu and in Him alone we have our being, with out Him we are nothing. He is Holy and we are not making Him truly worthy of our praise. He is our maker and for this we should praise and worship Him. He is our provider and saviour we can not save ourselves and this again makes Him more than worthy of our praise. He is good and faithful He is there when we call and again is worthy. -
Q1. Psalm 57
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
Q1. (Psalm 57) Why is praise difficult in the midst of trying circumstances? How does praise affect our faith? Our attitude? Our motivation? We get caught up in self, and when self takesover we forget who are strength and powercomes from.If we keep Christ first place in our life we have noproblem with self and can remember to give God the praise He alone deserves as our provider. To be caught up in our problems makes us weak in faith and when we are weak in faith we can't praise God. As we praise God we acknowledge that He alone is Lord and then our faith grows and we have renewed strength and our attitude is made better because we realize that God alone is our provider and in Him we need nothing. Our motivation then is more toward remembering that God is worthy of all our praise and in Him we have all our needs met in faith. -
Q5. After you've studied the psalms in this chapter, what do you think it means to "rest" in God? How do you seek God's peace when you have a dozen things coming against you? It means to put all our hope, faith, dreams, ambitions, into God's hands for He alone is our provider. If we always get caught up in our wants, we can never be at peace because we will always be trying to do it our selves instead of depending on God. Our true peace come when we accept that God is our helper and provider and will give us all our needs and maybe not our wants we must realize the differance. I start with prayer daily and with my moring meditations, this gets me in step and then I continue through the day to try and remind myself to ask my self if I am getting caught up in wants instead of need. I also try and always thank God for any small blessing that come my way no matter what it might be. Keeping God first in your life and thoughts will tend to give you the peace that comes wiht understanding.
Q4. (Psalm 46) How does the imagery of the river and streams in verse 4 function in Psalm 46 to speak peace to the harassed and harried person? Verse 10 tells us: "Be still and know that I am God." How does knowledge of who He is affect our peace? How should it affect our words? Why does He command us to "be still" as a result of this knowledge? It shows us that in God, we will be provided with all our needs. We may not have all our wants but the things that God provides will keep us in communion with Him and on the right path. In God our peace will come as we are at rest in His great Glory. We will be safe and healthy not worring about the struggles of this life but giving Him the praise for the new life He alone can provide. He is our peace in Him we have the rest from trouble and pain. He is our protector and provider alone in Him we find true peace and not the kind that this world offers. It should bring out our praise for the God of heaven who has everything in His hands and controls all the heavens and earth. Our words should be of thanksgiving and praise, worship to the one who is Holy and reverant to the God of all life. Only when we are still can the Spirit workin our hearts letting us know the plan the Lord has for each of us. As we are still the Spirit speaks to our hearts and we become more alive in Christ seeking the ways that He would have us to walk. Our words should be of leading other who are not in the faith that they too can come to a plae where the Grace of God is recieved into every heart.
Q3. (Psalm 31) What does it mean to say to the Lord, "Into your hands I commit my spirit" (31:5)? How does that statement bring peace to a person? How does the statement, "My times are in your hands" (31:15), bring peace to the troubled soul? I believe that it means you are placing your inner self into the hands of God knowing that He will keep you and protect you and that you are brought back to life in Him. It gives us peace just know that our God is faithful and true and has the power to do all He says He will do. That we will be raised up on the last Day to live and reign forever with Jesus our Lord. My times are in your hands says that all of my days are planned out and writtened out in God's book before the first one comes to be and that I have faith in Him to see me through them one at a time. Day by day He will lead me and keep me safe from the plagues that the devil will hurl at me. In God I am safe aned secure and in Christ Jesus I am promised I will rise in newness of life.
Q2. According to Psalm 23, how does the Lord our Shepherd quiet his sheep and give them confidence? How many ways can you find in this psalm? He watches over them and cares and shelters them from danger. He leads them in paths of righteousness. He provides for all their needs. He comforts them from their fears. He leads the to places of safety. Even though they go through bad times He is there taking care of them giving them strenght to endure.
Q1. According to Psalm 131, just how does David quiet his inner person before the Lord? What are the elements mentioned in this psalm? By being still and quite in the presence of the Lord. the elements are stillness, quiteness and hope in the Lord. Being still to me is while in prayer we wait and allow God to talk to us. We are waiting for the power of God to lead us in what He has planned for our lives. Being quite again to me is waiting for the Lord to speak to our hearts and the only wait we can hear Him is to be quite and listen to our hearts. Having hope in the Lord is faith know that He has the power to do all that He says He will and waiting for it to happen in His time, know to wait is patience and patience builds faith in God.
Q4. God's Protection
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Psalms: Trusting in God's Protection
Q4. Since Christians don't seem immune to accident, persecution, and death, how are we to understand these psalms of protection? Why don't some believers seem to be protected? Does God really protect us? How? I don't believe that any christian is completely protected from the evils of sin that is why James said count it all joy when you have over come temptations 2b.count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 3Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. 4But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. as we move from one problem to the next if we continue to recognize that it is God helping us to over come them we grow our faith and continue to get stronger. I would never try an explain why some people seem to have more faith and blessings from God than other. I believe that it is God's sovern power and ability to elect those He will bless more than others. We must continue to allow our own faith to grow and not become jealous of the blessing of other but thankful that we to are Children of the Most High. I believe that God protect the souls of His children not necessarly the body and sdripture says that it is through the spirit of Christ that He watches over us we are sealed with the Spirit till the day of redemption. This protection is eternal and not of this life but the one we are to spend in the presence of Christ. -
Q3. (Psalm 121). What reassurance is it to you that God keeps you and watches over you? How does Psalm 121 make you feel? It reassures me in that I know that God is always there. He will never leave me or forsake me. He is there at my rising up and laying down, i need not fear for He is with me. He is my shepard in time of trouble and support in times of weakness. It make me feel small but secure in that God is there when I need Him all I have to do is cry out and He hears me. His love and mercy are forever in His Great Right Hand, the Son my Lord and Saviour. Praise and Glory to the Great I Am.
Q2. (Psalm 91) What does this psalm teach us about God's protection when in danger? What does it teach about our authority to vanquish our enemies? What promises does Psalm 91 contain? How does this psalm make you feel? He is our rest, our shelter from harm, our fortress, our refuge our shield and protector. He coversus with His wings and no harm can come to us. God will protect us 11For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; 12they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. That God will keep His promises to us if we seek Him and remain in His presence It makes us free of fear of any one or thing it lets us know that God is always there for us all we need to do is seek Him and remain in His word and keep Him first place in our lives.
Q1. (Psalm 61:1-4) What images does the psalmist evoke to communicate his trust in God's protection? How do the first four verses of this psalm make you feel? The first is that God will hear him no matter where he is, I cry from the ends of the earth, to me says that he realizes that he does not need to be in the synagogue. He only needs to call out and the Lord will hear him. The second is saviour, protector from his enemies, His rock of salvation, the third is high tower his place of refuge and safety. It lets me know that God is there for me and all I need do is like David, cry out to Him no matter where I am in my walk He will hear me and watch over me.
Q4. (Psalm 40:17) In this verse David combines both humility and faith in his prayer to God. Why are both humility and faith necessary? What happens when one of these qualities is missing? 17But I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinketh upon me: thou art my help and my deliverer; make no tarrying, O my God. They are necessary because they make your heart in the right condition to come before God. He will recieve no one that is proud and especially anyone that does not have the faith to seek Him and ask for His grace and mercy. When it come to God I don't think that any one of these came be missing. With out faith you would not believe in God and His love for you. And with a proud attitude you would not want to believe that God provides for you. When either one is missing you can not come to God and seek His blessings and forgiveness and might not have the desire to do so. With out faith why would you seek after God and if your are proud then He would not hear you. We all are to ccome to God with the right attitude and I think that is what David had when he was humble and praying for God's mercy.