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Everything posted by Stan

  1. Q5. (Ephesians 6:15-17) Why is it important to have your "shield" up each day? In what way does the "helmet of salvation" protect you? Is the "sword of the Spirit" an offensive or defensive weapon? How do you keep it sharp and ready for the battle? It is important in that we take our faith in Christ with us on our walk through our daily lives, and not let negativeness defeat us and keep us down.We must be able to stand fast in faith so that the devil will not gain a foot hold in our faimlies or our on lives. It keep your mind on the higher calling of Christ and protects you from the doubt and worry of every day life. It help bild confidence in our selves as we see the Lord working in our lives we gain assurance that God is able to do all He has said He would do in His word. The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God, I pray every da y Psalms 119:11, I will write your word on my heart that I will not sin against you, and Your word is a lamp unto my feet a light unto my path. if we retain the work in opur minds it alone will help keed out the self doubt and worry of our daily lives. We must study to shopw our selves approved, as Paul told Timothy and in all things give honor and thanksgiving to the Keep of our souls, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  2. Q4. (Ephesians 6:15) What would be the characteristic of a person who didn't have his feet ready to run with the Gospel? How does heart preparation make you more ready to share the Good News with those around you? How does this help defeat the dominion of darkness? He would be fearful, not knowing that the calling of God is not to be rejected, he would be in fear of telling other people the good news, of Christ and His love for them. He would be unfruitful, turning from the work that Christ has called him to do for the Kingdom of God. A heart that is id full of the love of Christ will want to share that joy that acomes from knowing Him and understanding just what He has done for us on the cross. A heart that is filled with the Spirit og God will run to the higher calling of Christ and not away from it. A prepared heart will be filled with love for his neighbor and want them to be saved through Christ as he know he is. Any time a heart hears the gospel and accepts it that is a thorn in the side of satan and a defeat of his army. As we take the good news of Christ foward as He commanded He will see that it grows and brings forth fruit in due season.
  3. Q3. (Ephesians 6:14) Why are such simple things as truth and personal holiness such powerful armament? Are they defensive or offensive weapons? I believe that they can be both offensive and defensive. If we allow them to grow in our lives then we begin to be stronger in our faith and they become offensive by us using them to further the spreading of the gospel and other works that God has planned in advance for us to do.
  4. Q2. (Ephesians 6:13) What is difficult about standing our ground in today's world? In what way can standing our ground be considered victory? Why are the saints in Revelation 12:11 considered victorious over the devil? How did they stand their ground? It is often hard for us because we had rather be a part of the world and not in the service of God. We feel a need to be a part of the crowd instead of using the power of the spirit to stand firm in the Lord and the power He has given us to stand agains the deamons of this world that are there wispering in our ear that we can be in the crowd and not sin. If we stand our ground then we are victorious in that we stand firm and as we do our faith grows and the Spirit of the Lord get stronger in our lives and we begin to do more of the things that God wants us to do to further the Kingdom. They are victorious because the died for their faith and the spreading of the gospel. They finished their race and await hte crown laid up for them.
  5. Q1. (Ephesians 6:11-13) Why is it difficult to believe in the devil and demons in our day? How does their existence help explain the struggle humans face on earth? With all their power, how do we stand a chance? Did "the devil make me do it"? What kinds of things can't we blame on the demonic? We have a hard time believing in things that we can not see, or touch. We are often only looking at the things that are in front of us and not recognizing that there is a spirtual force at work in our lives. It shows that the things that we struggle with most our caused by spiritual beings that constantly throws evil in our path so that we are tempted at every turn. We can only stand if we are filled with the spirit and allow God to deal with our torment and struggles. I don't think we can blame every thing on the devil, if we fail to do our part then we are easy to cause to fail. We must do our part in continueing to study and to be filled with the spirit. The things we can't blame on the devil are our on failures to do our part in standing firm in the Lord and using His armour to defend ourselves in our struggle.
  6. Q4. (Ephesians 6:9) How should Christian employers conduct themselves towards their employees? How should church boards conduct themselves towards church employees? How do you determine a just wage -- not merely the one you think you can afford? They should treat them fairly and with respect, not being prideful not showing favoritism to a few and passing over others. If a man give you a fair days work he need to get a fair days pay and be promoted likewise. A mans wages need to be reflective of the kind of job he does how he preforms that job should always come first. If he is good at his job and gets it done in a timely manner then he deserves a fair wage. The church should lead the way in treating employees fairly and providing a good wage for a job well done. Wages shoul be based on skill and the ability to preform your given duties in a reasonable time.
  7. Q3. (Ephesians 6:5-8) What are the characteristics called for in a truly Christian employee, according to Ephesians 6:5-8? How can these attitudes help us in difficult work situations? Our most important characteristic I believe would be honesty, that would cover most situations. WE need to remember frist and foremost that we are servants of God and working for Him first and that will leads us to do a good job for our earthly employers. They will give us strength when tempted to stretch our breaks or follow the crowd by taking thing from work to use at home with out permission. If we always remember Christ and what He has done for us it will be easier to do the right thing at work.
  8. Q2. (Ephesians 6:4) What kind of behavior by fathers (or mothers, for that matter) can embitter or cause a child to lose heart? What do you think the "training and instruction of the Lord" involves? A hard stuborn I'm always right attitude that causes children to rebel against the Lord and not be able to honor father and mother as God has ordained. If we press on the our atttitudes then they can only rebel and cause themto lose faith when they are not seeing it livedout by their parents. Training and instruction means instructing them in the Bible and how it applies to their daily lives and how to live for Christ. At the same time we must be learning how to grow in the ways of faith so that we can teach this to our children as well.
  9. Q1. (Ephesians 6:1-3) What kind of obedience and honor is appropriate for adult children to show towards their parents? What might be the exceptions? How do respect and forgiveness figure in this relationship? Honor and obedience that shows respect for them. Helping them to continue to grow in the Lord and to live lives worthy of His Love. If they are trying tolive for Christ then we as they children and children of God must show them the same love. The exception might be when they refuse to accept God as Father and Saviour. If they are not living lives worthy of Christ and His love for them. Respect and forgiveness inter the picture when we as sinners fall short in our respect and honor for each other wheather as children or parents. We must remember that we are all sinners and have fallen short and must show forgiveness for each other.
  10. Q4. (Ephesians 5:32) In what sense is Christ our Husband as individuals? As a church? What are the implications of this for our lives? What does this say about Christ's responsibilities towards us? Christ is husband,caretaker,provider,savekkeper for the church as we are apart of the church then is Christ our husband,keeper,provider. We are to be the wives in the relationship by loving Him with our whole heart mind and strength. We are to serve and give Him our loyalty and respect for what He does for us and be thankful at all times. Christ will do as He said He would by taking care of us,providing for our needs and being their tos uport us when we are down, I can' think of all the time I get down and call out to God and He is always their lifting me and getting me going again. We must always remember that He alone is our rock and safe keeper. He is our shelter when times are hard as our shepard he alone can give us what we need to live each day in the presence of the Father and to give Hime His Glory ,Honour, and Praise.
  11. Q3. (Ephesians 5:28) In what sense is a husband's care for his wife's needs just common sense in taking care of his own needs? What is the principle from Genesis 2:24 that underlies this? A man cares for his wife as he cares for himself. A man must work and support his family and himself.He must be a leader as he works to support them.Christ provides for the church and its needs and as a follower of Christ a man must do the same for his wife and family. The principle a man must leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and they become one flesh. A man in the pattern of Christ must take car of his family and most of all his wife.
  12. Q3. (Ephesians 5:28) In what sense is a husband's care for his wife's needs just common sense in taking care of his own needs? What is the principle from Genesis 2:24 that underlies this? A man cares for his wife as he cares for himself. A man must work and support his family and himself.He must be a leader as he works to support them.Christ provides for the church and its needs and as a follower of Christ a man must do the same for his wife and family. The principle a man must leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and they become one flesh. A man in the pattern of Christ must take car of his family and most of all his wife.
  13. Q2. (Ephesians 5:25-30) Does being head of the wife involve being "boss"? Why or why not? What does being "head" require of a husband? What is the example husbands are to follow in headship? No, our jobs as husbands does not contain the word boss,but leader in love and respect as Christ lovedHis church we also must love our wifes and allow them their right as our partner in life. As head we are to be christian leaders of our homes teaching and leadinmg in the love of Christ. We must follow the example of Christ in leading our family, being willing to give up our lives for our wives. We must always be their for them and willing to help or give them what they need that they can live a life worthy of Christ's calling.
  14. Q1. (Ephesians 5:22-24) Why should a wife submit to her husband? According to these verses, to what degree is a wife required to submit to a husband who is not a Christian or who is a carnal Christian? Does submission mean a wife doesn't verbally disagree? What if there's a conflict with the wife's conscience? Mainly because it is the right thing to do and its is what God wants her to do. She should submit only as her wifely duties and good consience tells her to if she is faithful the Holy Spirit will lead and guide her in whats is right. If her husband is not a Christian then she should continue to submit but again look to be lead by the Spirit to onvert him by her faithfulness. No, She can disagree and express her opinion and allow the Holy Spirit to lead her and help her chose when to disagree and lead her in her responses. She should always allow the consience to be her guide because it is the Holy Spirit convicting her in the way that is right.
  15. Q4. (Ephesians 5:19-20) What kind of attitude should underlie our corporate singing? How is corporate singing designed to help us singers? How is it designed to worship God? How does singing in your own daily life help you worship? It should always be in the Spirit of givimg Praise and Glory to the Father. To put us into the Spirit of worship and thanksgiving. It should first prepareus for worship and then to help us offer our selves as the children of God and and give thanks for the Son and His gift to us. It remind me that the Father is always there for me and when I give Him praise He is there to help me.
  16. Q3. (Ephesians 5:17-18) What is the primary temptation involved with drugs and alcohol? How can drug or alcohol use substitute for the "high" of the Spirit? How can being filled with the Spirit help us fend off the temptations of drugs and alcohol? The over use of them to dull our senses to the problems around us. It takes away our ability to deal with the world around us and gives us false hope that Hope that we only have through Christ and His power over our lives. Being filled with the Spirit leads us to always give praise to God in all things eeven the difficult times and allows Him to work in our life to grow us up in the Spirit so that we become stronger in the faith and in allowing Him first place in our lives. As we give Him praise even the hard things become easier to deal with. The struggles get further apart and our true Hope begins to shine through, I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me should be our crutch instead of drugs and alcohol.
  17. Q2. (Ephesians 5:15-16) Why does Paul exhort us to make the most of every opportunity? Why do we resist that? What must happen in our lives so we can be ready for the opportunity? He wants us to understand that time is short, we don't knpw how long we will be here are how many opportunities we will have to spread God's Good News, Jesus and His love for us so we need ato make the most out of every moment. We resist out of fear, not knowing how to approach some one on the matter of their salvation. We fall into the worldly frame of mind let them find out for them selves. We let go of the ideal that Jesus taught love your neighbor, go into all the world and seek and save the lost. We must repel the worldly view and remain stedfast in the knowledge that Jesus will do what He says He will do and that we need not fear, we must plant the seeds and God will make them grow.
  18. Q1. (Ephesians 5:2-3) Why does Paul warn so strongly against sexual sin? Is sexuality part of our spiritual life or can it be (should it be) partitioned from our spiritual life? Because it is the sin against one's own body the temple of God. When we give in to sexual sin we are hurting God's Spirit whom He sent to live in us.We were warned not to grieve the Holy Spirit of God and this is a form of that when we commit sexual sin. I also think that is the hardest sin for man to have control over once we give into that sexual urge then it is much harder to resist the next time and seems to get worse as we get older instead of better. God meant it to be a part of our spiritual lives but man has made it a sinful act by flaunting it in front of the world making it seem right. God meant it to be a fulfilling of His gift to fill the earth and man is using it as a fulfillment of his own lusts. We can make it a part of our spiritual lives by dedicating it to God and keeping it inside marriage the way God intended.
  19. Q4. (Ephesians 4:32) Why is it so difficult to forgive those who hurt us? According to Ephesians 4:32, who is our example of forgiveness? What heart attitudes toward people are evidence of a forgiving spirit, according to verse 32a? Because of our human nature and the idea that we are right the other person is always wrong we can't or won't forgive. "Be kind18 and compassionate19 to one another, forgiving20 each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." (4:32) We are to forgive as Christ forgave us when He said God forgive them they know not what they do. We need an attitude of love, you can't love some one and not forgive them for anything that they may do to you. We need to show the knid of love that Christ show us in giving us the unmerited favor of Grace, a forgiveness that we don't deserve but was given because He could and because He loves us so much. It is only that kind of love that can't truly forgive.
  20. Q3. (Ephesians 4:29-32) What kind of "unwholesome talk" is common among us Christians? What three guidelines does Paul give us to measure the value of what we say? What is slander? How common is it among Christians? How can we prevent it? The most that I feel hurt the church is the way that we some time are drawn to talk about other people behind their back, not know the problems they could be facing, belittleing them and not showing the christian love that Jesus said we should. Is it helpful for building others up? Does it edify? Does it enlighten? Does it encourage? Is it according to the hearer's needs? Or only our need to vent our frustrations? Does he really need this? Does she really need this? Some things need to be said, however hard. But many of the things we say could just as well be left unsaid. Is it beneficial to the hearer? If love is our mainstay, then benefiting others is our way of life. Slander is telling something hurtful about some one that is not true and knowing that it is not true when we tell it. I pray that it is not to common but I guess that it is more common than should be. We can prevent it by never being drawn into talking about others. We need to pray for those who we know are and ask for strength in never falling into the need to ourselves. We need to study and seek out other christians that don't feel the need to talk about other people and their problems.
  21. Q2. (Ephesians 4:26-27). Why did God give us the emotion of anger, do you think? How can anger be dangerous? How can we keep from sinning when we are angry? Is anger itself sin? So that we would led to fight injustice and bad behaivor. An emotion that can help us overcome our fear of doing what is right in a hurtful situation. It only becomes dangerous when we allow it to take over our other emotions and reason. When we let is sit an become a fire on our insides that builds to aboiling point and then explodes, causing us to lose our self control. By always being in control of our emotions including anger we can become stronger and by being filled with the Holy Spirit of God we have the power over our sinful nature. We are to us our reason and self control to help us over come any outward sign of anger. We must always allow God to show forth in our actions and this will also control our anger and keep in check our sinful nature. Not all anger is sinful Jesus became angry when seeing the money changer in the temple, anger become sinful when it take on a life of it's own so to speak and becomes controlling over our very lives. When we give up self control to any emotion it leads to sin.
  22. Q1. (Ephesians 4:17-19) Using Ephesians 4:17-19 as a basis, how would you describe (in your own words), the secular, non-Christian mindset of our age? Why are we tempted to conform to its values? "17So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. 18They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. 19Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual **** for more." (4:17-19) It's basically what's in it for me. I am what matters and nothing more. I need my needs met not yours. I deserve that not you. We often get trapped in the same mind set given that is is easier to join in than fight the majority. We let our values go and become like the ones we are suppose to be trying to change. Instead of fleeing tempation we run to it so we can be part of the "in" crowd not an outsider. We look to others for our comfort instead of to the one who gives to all as they need and peace to those who digently seek Him.We remain slaves to self instead of servants of the Most High. Instead of seeking and saving the lost we remain lost. That's why Paul said come out from amoung them, we like Joseph must flee all temptation because of our sinful nature it is much to easy to fall. We must continue to seek frist the Kingdom and His righteousness then and only then can we remain IN Christ Jesus.
  23. Q4. (Ephesians 4:12) What's wrong with the old model of the minister or pastor being the main worker in the Church? How does it hinder people in the congregation? How does it hurt the community? What is the purpose of pastors and teachers? It puts all the work of going forth on the pastor but Jesus said to the disciples go into all the world, no one person can accomphish that it is to great a work, there fore we must all be willing to do our part in spreading the Good News that Jesus is Lord. If we fail to do our part ther will be those in the community that never hear the word or know that we are all Gods children and they are love just as we are. We miss out on the blessing that Paul spoke of when He said blessed are the feet that come in the name of the Lord. Pastors and teachers are to prepare those who are being sent into the world to spread the Good News. They are to serve those in the church who are unable to go forth, those who are home bound but still living a faithful life to Christ.
  24. Q3. (Ephesians 4:11) How could a person have the spiritual gift of pastor or teacher without having an official position in a church? What must a church do if its "senior pastor" doesn't have the spiritual gift of pastor? Who gives these gifts? a person could have this gift by visiting the sick and shut in, or by teaching faimly and friends. Some one who choses to have a street ministry could also be considered a pastor or teacher. Someone who take the time to have a prison ministry can also be considered a pastor and teacher. They need to get him the help he need in filling those positions and lead him to continue the ministry that the Lord has blessed him with. They are given by the Spirit, from God the Father, All good things come from the Father of the Heavenly Lights according to James and I can't think of and better blessing than to be annointed to preach the Gospel of Christ and teach His flock.
  25. Q2. (Ephesians 4:11) How can we stir up the gift of evangelism among members of our congregations? What might be the earmarks of a person with this gift? How can we encourage and stimulate the Spirit-gifted evangelists in our midst? by encougaging those with the gift of evagelism, letting them know that they are truly gifted and should be using that gift to further God's Kingdom. The way they carry themselves and lead their families, they knowledge and being able to lead others to under stand the Gospel of Christ. We can encourage everyone to pray for those with the gift of evangelism and prsy our selves that the Spirit will use us and them in a mighty way for the praise and glory of the Father.
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