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Everything posted by Stan
Q3. (1 John 1:9) How would you define "confession"? Why is confessing our sins so important? What happens to us if we stop confessing our sins? What are the promises given to us if we do confess our sins? How is forgiveness of sins different from cleansing? I think that confession is to the Father more than to man. I believe that when we acknowledge that we are sinners and ask for giveness like the verse says He is faithful and just to forgive us. When we stop or fail to confess we are burdened with those sins, the Holy Spirit is grieved, He allows us to feel guilt and if we still fail to confess His hold or leading of us is lessened and we become more worldly and less men of God. If we give them tothe Father He heals us and cast our sins into the deepest part of the sea, moves them as far as the east is from the west. He remembers them no more. Forgiveness is just that not acknowledge that we ever sinned, forgetting them and giving us freedem from guilt. Cleansing is to wash us make us pure and Holy in His sight a new person without sin and a heart that trust Him and no longer wants to sin.
Q2. Darkness and Light
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Walking in the Light (1 John 1:1-2:6)
Q2. (1 John 1:5-7) What is the result when a Christian walks in darkness, that is, continues willfully to do what he or she knows to be wrong? How does this involve self-deception? What is the result, according to verse 7, when we walk in the light? How do we get back into the light if we sin? I don't think you can be a christian and live in sin, I claimed to be a christian in my early years yet lived as a sinner doing anything that felt good. Like John said I was only decieving myself. Till we become honest with ourself and the Holy Spirit then we can't overcomeour struggle we must admit our faults and ask the Holy Spirit to help by giving us strenght to over come them. Then we must be willing to be honest with other so that they can help by being our support system keeping us in prayer and seeking to keep us honest with our selves. -
Q1. Christian Fellowship
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Walking in the Light (1 John 1:1-2:6)
Q1. (1 John 1:3-4, 6-7) Why is our fellowship with fellow Christians so often just on a surface level? How can we have fellowship at a deeper level in Christ? What ould it take in your Christian group or your relationships with other believers to deepen your level of fellowship so it is authentically Christian? We often pretend on Sunday and go back to the world on Monday. We need to be Christian all the time not just when around believers. We have to live out christianity as Christ did, it is so hard to be faithful all the time but is an important part of our walk that is why we need strong Christian friends to help us in our weak times and we them. We need to be seeking the lost for Christ as He instructed not joining them in living as the world does. -
Q5. I Thirst (John 19:28)
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross
Q5. (John 19:28) What do you learn from Jesus -
Q3. Woman, Behold Your Son (John 19:26-27)
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross
Q3. (John 19:26-27) Why does Jesus make St. John responsible for his mother Mary? What does this tell us about Jesus? How should we apply this in our own lives? It could be that he was the only male there and Jesus saw the need to have someone look after her. It may be that since John was a cousin that Jesus felt the right to appoint him as her overseer. If John was truly the desciple that Jesus loved then Jesus may well have trusted him most and felt he would do better by her. I believe that even in His death Jesus never stopped being God and foreknew that John would carry on the ministry and would be a devoted severant to His Mother(Mary). -
Q4. Come Before Winter
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. I Have Fought the Good Fight (2 Timothy 4:6-22)
Q4. (2 Timothy 4:21a) Why is it important to Paul for Timothy to come before winter? What happens if Timothy delays? Do you think Timothy dropped everything and came to Paul's side? Would you, if you were Timothy? I don't know that we can find this in scripture but I would agree with pastor that it might have to do with the time of year,weather, or the timing of paul's death. I would again have to guess but he would possibly not get to Paul before he is excuted. I can only say that I hope Timothy got their in time I often wonder why there is no letter from Timothy is scripture but that is the only way we would know for sure. I would again hope that Iwould do my best toget there but we can never know for sure. -
Q3. Deserted
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. I Have Fought the Good Fight (2 Timothy 4:6-22)
Q3. (2 Timothy 4:9-12) Why is it so difficult when trusted friends desert us? Why is it so difficult when they move away or die? Is it better to trust no one? Who remains with Paul besides Luke? (Hint: see verse 17a). We hate to lose things but especially friend that have been there ,that we haveshare our deepest thoughts and cares with. We feel more alone than we have ever felt when devoted friends suddenly up a leave. When they move away or worse die we feel lost forever we see our selves as never being able to see them or share with them again so we feel like we have lost a large part of ourselves. I sometimes think that it would be better to trust noone but that is the devil we need someone to trust that is why God said it is not good that man should be alone we need a helper during our struggles. Psalms says two are better than one if one falls the other is there to help him up. Paul need that helper to help him keep his focus on God during his time of lonelyness. THe one who is always there, He said He would never leave us nor forsake us. He is our reefuge in times of need,and suffering, Our shelter from the storm. Jesus sent our Comforter to be with us the Holy Spirit of God, comes and ministers to our spirit during the hard times when all seems lost. -
Q2. Crown of Righteousness
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. I Have Fought the Good Fight (2 Timothy 4:6-22)
Q2. (2 Timothy 4:8) What does the "crown of righteousness" represent? To whom is it given? On what basis is it awarded? It represents the award that Christ will bestow on those who are faithful and whose deeds while in the body are not consumed by the test fire which all our works will be tested in. If it come through the fire we will be rewarded according to scripture. It will be given to all who are faithful and seek to do the will of God and to lead lives that bring Him Glory as Christ did while He was walking the earth. It is awarded on the basis of our lives and how our deeds bring Glory to God and others to a knowledge of what He has done for us and them. -
Q1. The Good Fight
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. I Have Fought the Good Fight (2 Timothy 4:6-22)
Q1. (2 Timothy 4:6-7) What does it mean to have "fought the good fight" or "run the good race"? What does it take to "finish the race(course)" God has designed for you? What does it mean to "keep the faith"? It means that at the end of our life we have kept faith in Christ and done what He ask in spreading His Gospel. To finish the race is to continue in faith always trusting in God for all our needs giving Him our efforts to live and so His will through the act of loving our neighbor as Christ loved us. To keep the faith is always trusting in God and giving Him the praise and Glory for all the blessing of live along with the struggles that we go through. -
Q4. (2 Timothy 4:5) Why does Paul command Timothy to "discharge all the duties of your ministry"? What is the work of an evangelist that Timothy is to do? What does the command in verse 5 mean to you personally? He wants Timothy to continue his work, Paul knows that his time is getting short and that He needs Timothy to care the word to those who don't know Christ and He wants him not to give in to the false teacher that are getting in the way of truth. He is to carry on the teaching and strengthing of the church. He is to seek out and correct those who are not following the truth of God's Word and to exort those who are sharing the love of God with the one around them. "But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry." (4:5) In keeping my head I will not be drawn into needless arguements but be able to teach and correct as a person that understand the word and shares it in love of Christ.It means to be willing to endure hardship that might come from serving other in the name of Christ. Work hard as an evangelist to spread the word of God and bring in the lost to Christ.
Q3. Preach the Word!
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Preachers, Teachers, and Holy Scripture (2 Timothy 3:14-4:5)
Q3. (2 Timothy 4:1-2) Why do you think Paul has to resort to the command in verses 1-2? Why does he have to talk about being ready when it's inconvenient and when it is convenient? What problem is Paul trying to overcome here? How do these verses speak to you in particular? 4:1 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: 2 Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage -- with great patience and careful instruction. I think that there might have been a little fear showing in Timothy due to the false teachers following Paul and distorting the word. Hewas trying to keep Timothy focused on the goal of spreading the Good News and not letting people interfer with that mission. He wanted Timothy ready at all times because he could never be sure when someone would need to hear the truth and his heart had to be ready when ever that time came. He is trying to over come the false teaching that was following him and since Timothy stayed behind to start the church it was in his hand to refute the false teacher. We must always be ready to teach, instruct, correct, and rebuke when necessary we are to carry the Word of God into all corners of the earth and you must know how before you can lead. -
Q2. Equipping
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Preachers, Teachers, and Holy Scripture (2 Timothy 3:14-4:5)
Q2. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) In what ways does Scripture equip a Christian for ministry? In what different ways can the Scriptures function, according to verse 16? It give us the base that our faith is built and the foundation that we need when we minister to other to bring them to a knowledge of Christ. "16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." (3:16-17) It functions by being our teaching platform,it where we start no only in learning ourselves but sharing with others.It is a means of correction, allowing us to help those who turn from God and need to be reunited with Him, It allows for training, when we share what we learn then those we share with canus it to become closer to Christ and to follow the path He has for their life this leads to righteousness. All scripture when use to know God is His Holy Word reaching out and touching our lives. -
Q1. Inspiration
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Preachers, Teachers, and Holy Scripture (2 Timothy 3:14-4:5)
Q1. (2 Timothy 3:16) What does inspiration of Scripture mean? What does the term "God-breathed" tell us about the source and authority of Scripture? Why is the doctrine of inspiration of Scripture important? It means that men were in the Holy Spirit and spoke the words that they were given by the Holy Spirit not their own. It tells us that the scripture were first spoken by God and then retold by the prophets. All Scripture comes from God and His Spirit gives us understanding and we grow in His will. It is Important because it had to come from God to be the truth and Holy to lead us to our faith in Jesus. We weren't there to see Jesus so God gave us the Scripture,word spoken by Him that we could come to know Him and His love for us not the word of a man but the very word God. -
Q4. Inevitable Persecution
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Fit for the Master's Use (2 Timothy 2:20-3:14a)
Q4. (2 Timothy 3:10-12) How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness? Just what does it mean to "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27)? Is Jesus talking about persecution -- or something else? It make us weak in our faith, as we speak out in our faith, God's word it becomes stronger in us making our lives closer to what God intended for them to be if we deny that and coalong with the status que we become like the world losing site on God and His plan for our life. Taking up one's cross is facing the battle daily of spreading the Good News with those around us. The Good News is not to be hidden away but shared so as we share we become strong in faith towarde God and want to fulfill His calling on our life. Jesus is talking about the hard ship faced when we come in contact with those around us that refuse to believe and are taken over by the **** of the world. -
Q3. Form without Power
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Fit for the Master's Use (2 Timothy 2:20-3:14a)
Q3. (2 Timothy 3:5) Why is it so easy to become a hypocrite? How can we prevent our faith from degenerating into "a form of religion" without the power? We sometimes forget who we are and start following after the world,looking to satisfy our own needs without looking to God our provider. We take on worldly views and become the hypocrite that we donot want to be. By study,prayer and having christian friends to turn to and to hold us accountable we can stand strong in the faith and be a workman who needs not be ashamed. -
Q2. Correcting
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Fit for the Master's Use (2 Timothy 2:20-3:14a)
Q2. (2 Timothy 2:24-25) In your own words, explain the various characteristics that enable a Christian teacher to correct opponents. How does the lack of any of these hinder the task? Kindness,Skill,Lacking resentfulness , Kindness would be an act of showing caring not a strong force but gentle nudging. Skill would be having a convincing knowledge of the word and being able to show by the worda reason for your belief. Lacking resentfulness, again would be a caring attitude willing to listen to their side with out cutting them short and then adding wisdom to correct and teach. I believe without these we cause the arguing Paulwas talking to Timothy about avoiding which can lead to pushing them away instead of leading other to a knowledge of the truth, which we are all called to do. -
Q1. Fit and Useful
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Fit for the Master's Use (2 Timothy 2:20-3:14a)
Q1. (2 Timothy 2:20-22). When do you put your good plates and silverware on the table? When do you use your everyday tableware ? What point is Paul making with this example? In practical terms, how do we "cleanse ourselves" so that we might be useful and ready for the Lord's use? We as family put the good plates and silver out only on special occasions and some holidays. Most of the everyday tableware is just that for daily and non-holiday use. I believe that Paul is stating that their are two kind of people, the elect and the unsaved, the Holy and the unholy. We must pray and seek God and His righteousness. We must turn from our sinfulness and seek to live Godly lives to serve and teach those who are unholy that they might turn and recieve Christ. -
Q4. Skilled Craftsmen
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Endure Hardship for Christ (2 Timothy 2:1-19)
Q4. (2 Timothy 2:15) Exactly what is the analogy with a skilled workman that forms the basis for Paul's instruction to Timothy? How does this apply to our teaching of scripture today? A skilled craftsman takes his time making sure every step he take is exact and procise and that nothing is out of place. He wants everything to be the best with no mistakes or faults. Paul is telling Timothy and us that we should be the samekind of workman not willing to make errors in speaking the word but that everthing be done well and in order. We are to know that we are teaching the true word of God and use it respectfully so that other can learn of God's power and love for us. -
Q3. Enduring Hardship
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Endure Hardship for Christ (2 Timothy 2:1-19)
Q3. (2 Timothy 2:3-7) Paul calls Timothy to endure hardship for the sake of the goal. What in the experience of a soldier, an athlete, and a farmer illustrate this well? Which of these examples speaks most strongly to you? For the soldier I would say that the hardship that comes to mind first is being away from home for so long and the physical hardship of training and fighting the enemy. For the athlete I think itwould be the long hours of training and study. For the farmer the toil of planting and the toil of tending, weeding, watering, etc would be along with the waiting for harvest and the labor involved with that. For me the farmer is closest tomy life I started life on a farm and have spent my life working long hours to support my family and it's not getting any easier during these hard times. -
Q2. Endurance and Suffering
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Endure Hardship for Christ (2 Timothy 2:1-19)
Q2. Why do you think our churches tend not to declare the call to endurance and suffering? Why did Timothy tend to shy away from it? What is the result of a willingness to suffer for the gospel? I think that the church does not teach about suffering for the gospel because they are afraid of losing members. We are not prone to want or be willing to suffer for anything even the gospel. We think of suffering as pain and that by its self tend to make us shy away. I don't know about Timothy by I would guess that he had the fear of becoming harmed if he went against the majority or those who were preaching against his ideas that Paul had taught him. He was young and may have though he was being disrespctful to his elders when arguing against them. The result of being willing to suffer is a growing of your faith and a stronger leading of the Holy Spirit. As we seek to do God's will it sometimes leads to suffering and that will lead to a strengthening of the Holy Spirit over our lives if we do not give up. -
Q1. Mentoring
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Endure Hardship for Christ (2 Timothy 2:1-19)
Q1. (2 Timothy 2:2) Why is it important for pastors and church leaders to execute a strategy of mentoring teachers and elders in a congregation? How much time should be devoted to this teaching of future leaders vs. the time spent in administration and programs? Because they are to be the helpers,teachers for the people they come in contact with and help the church grow. The teaching and growing of the church is of first importance so most of their time need to be spent teaching but the elders and pastors should have teachers taught to aid them so that they have the time for administration and programs. -
Q4. Boldness vs. Fear
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Be Neither Intimidated nor Ashamed (2 Timothy 1:1-17)
Q4. (2 Timothy 1:12) According to verse 12, what is the source of Paul's fearlessness? What does he trust God to guard for him? The Lord, Jesus Christ, is his shelter,protector and provider. He alone is who, Paul is placing his trust and Paul know that this trust will not be in vain because he has seen the risen saviour. He trusts God to guard his spirit and to bring itinto his glorious presence on that day of His promise and give him,Paul, the gift of a new life. -
Q3. Focus on Christ
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Be Neither Intimidated nor Ashamed (2 Timothy 1:1-17)
Q3. (2 Timothy 1:8-10) Paul is writing to encourage timid Timothy. How is Paul's focus on Christ and the gospel designed to encourage Timothy? How is this an antidote for shame? He is telling Timothy that He is to take courage that He should have a sense of Pride in his suffering and proclaiming of the Gospel. Jesus and His promise of new life are worthy of a prideful heart and joy in suffering. He should look at all Jesus has done for him,Timothy,and feel pride in Jesus and be able to suffer the way Paul is suffering know that Christ is able to finish all He has started and tofulfill His promises. -
Q2. Cowardice and Shame
Stan replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Be Neither Intimidated nor Ashamed (2 Timothy 1:1-17)
Q2. (2 Timothy 1:7-8, 12) Can you give examples of how cowardice and shame may have kept you from identifying yourself as a Christian on occasion? From testifying clearly about your faith? According to verse 12, what is the antidote for cowardice and shame? How then do we combat the cowardice and shame we might recognize in ourselves? I am not ashamed,but often at work I am probably cowardly because I don't speak out about Christ and what He means to me. When people us His name in vain I fail to speak out and just let it go to avoid confrontation. The Spirit of Christ guards what we intrust to Him. By praying to the Father for strength and allowing the Holy Spirit to work in our hearts.