linda biloni
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Q4. Refining Faith
linda biloni replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
Q4. (1:6-7) Can you remember any instances in which God used difficult circumstances to refine and purify your faith? What did God accomplish in your life? How, exactly, does genuine, tested faith bring glory to Jesus? I remember one in particular on tithing. I wasn't too familiar with it and a friend told me about tithing 10% (being of little faith at the time, I saw my lights being shut off). This friend told me that if I wasn't blessed, he would pay my electric bill(talk about faith, he made $6 per hour). At the time, it seemed like I just kept getting into a financial rut, medical bills, legal bills, moving expenses, auto repairs etc. I had a good income and just couldn't make it. I started tithing, was blessed...and then lost my job. I took a job for a lot less income, but kept tithing. i will say, everything financially gets taken care of...and only by the grace of God. I know(that I know, that I know) that no matter how the bills add up, compared to the balance in my check book, as long as I am obediant, God will provide a way. Hallelujah and Amen! Glory is brought to Jesus, I think, because we will be followers of Jesus and be with Him in the days of revelation, instead of bearing the mark. It will be this tested faith that will sustain us. -
Q3. Secure by Faith
linda biloni replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
God's part is to guard us and provide us with salvation....our part is to be faithful. To think God is guarding me due to my faithfullness is an awesome thought, it does bring me great joy and peace. -
Q2. Forgiveness and Obedience
linda biloni replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
By faith, we know that we are forgiven by God because of the blood Jesus shed for us. It is our responsibility to see that this faith grows and becomes stronger. By being obediant to God, we are putting our faith in his promises. Tithing is a good example of this. The more we are obediant, the more we are faithful, and the stronger it becomes.I really saw the answer when I thught of it as a marriage proposal...it doesn't end when the proposal is accepted, along with the acceptance comes the responsibility. It would be really hard, if not impossible for a marriage to work, if no one accepted responsibility for the finances, maintenance of the home, or caring for the family. I'm not sure why it would be deceptive to think you could have one without the other, but I'm convinced after reading the book of Judges, that it wouldn't be a good idea and would cause God to let us suffer the consequences of our disobediance. I know I'd hate to read "once again Linda did evil in the eyes of God" chapter after chapter. Thank God for His mercy!!! We are saved by grace because God chose us...our part is to make the decision to be obediant. -
Q1. Homeland
linda biloni replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
I would identify that christian as not only in the world, but of the world. I catch myself being of the world when listening, and sharing gossip about others in order to feel like I am a part of the conversation at hand. Then I am so disappointed in myself, for I know that this is being of the world and wanting to be part of something, or accepted by people that shouldn't matter to me. What can they offer, what rewards can they give in comparison to what God has offered me? I pray for the strength to overcome this. To get my spiritual priorities right, I have to develop a closer relationship with God. I will obtain this by studying the bible (which doing these lessons has kept me doing). This way I will become more knowledgeable of what awaits me. I will know that there will be no more sorrow, tears and disappointments. Praise God!!! -
Q4. Antichrist and False Prophet
linda biloni replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
The antichrist -- will be resurrected and indwelt by satan. He represents control of governments and nations. He will have the power to make war against the saints and conquer them. The false prophet-- represents religious control. He receives his power from the antichrist and performs miracles which deceives men and causes them to worship the antichrist. -
Q3. Overcoming
linda biloni replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
It means that the blood of the Lamb takes away the sin of the world and insures victory for the believers in Christ. Satan is overcome. We have victory in death because we have remained faithful to God. Satan loses that battle! The blood of the Lamb takes away sin. By loving our life, we are holding on to something temporary instead of eternal. We are finding joy in what life has to offer instead of the joy and peace that God offers, which will also cause us to suffer the disappountments that come about when life doesn't live up to our expectations of joy. With the love of God, we won't be disappointed. -
Q2. Woman and Dragon
linda biloni replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
I think satan waged war in heaven out of rebellion when jesus was on earth and today he is still waging war against the followers of Christ and Israel. We should be comforted by the fact that God will protect His own. Also, by the blood of the Lamb, satan will be overtaken. -
Q1. Two Witnesses
linda biloni replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
Though the 2 witnesses are in an environment hostile to christians, they do the will of God. They speak of God's faithfullness, they prophesize and they preach the gospel. As Christians this is what we are to do because we are disciples of Christ. Their reward is that they are resurrected and taken to heaven. -
The bitterness is that with all of God's mercy, patience, and chastising, man still doesn't repent. The sweet part is that God's people will be protected from the tribulation that has to take place. We will be with Jesus in heaven, just as He said. We reject what we don't understand because we are uncomfortable with the unfamiliar. We rely on our understanding instead of the promises of God, and it would be hard to understand how God could go to such extremes to save us when we are so unworthy.
The great multitude are from every nation, they are people that were saved and remained faithful during the tribulation. Their origin is every nation on earth. Their spirit causes them to praise God. It was Amazing Grace that saved those that were saved during the tribulation. What wrethes we truly are that we have to go through so much before we turn our lives over to God. I, myself, was blind, and through His grace, and love, I now can see that without Him, I am nothing. Praise God.
Q3. Seal of the Living God
linda biloni replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. The 144,000 (Rev 6-10)
We learn that God is patient and merciful, right to the end. The seal protects them from the wrath of God. -
The best i can see from the scripture is that the church will be persecuted. The souls of those that were "slain" for their testimony are under the alter.. Their proximity to the altar, being under it, to me would signify they are protected. They were killed because of the word of God and the testimony they maintained. They did not hide their testimony. These souls ask for vengence because of the wickedness of the world. They want the Lord to take control of the earth. I believe, because of their desire to have the Lord take control of the world, it is a christian prayer. The white robes signify that they are righteous believers. We learn that the tribulation will have to take place and that other christians will be slain.
The Lamb initiates the destruction of the seven seals. It is directed against the inhabitants of earth. It is just because God has been merciful, shown patience and chastised the inhabitants of earth and they still haven't repented.
First thing I saw was constant worship. It should be our priority, to always worship Him. Give Him honor, glory and praise. Worship with song. To be humble in our worship, remembering the awe of God.
Q3. Worthy Is the Lamb
linda biloni replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Lion That Is the Lamb (Rev 4-5)
The scrolls represent the future of the earth, of mankind. I have read a good description of the scroll as the deed to earth, which was lost to Satan when Adam sinned. As long as the scroll remains sealed, Satan remains with the deed to the earth. The opening of the scroll starts the chain of events in which Jesus and his believers regain control of the deed. Only an heir or someone quite esteemed could break the seals of ssuch an important document. Jesus redeemed mankind when He was crucified. This would certainly give Him the right to open the scroll that holds our future. Jesus's death is noteworthy and praiseworthy because mankind was redeemed by it.