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Everything posted by johnd
Hi, My name is John and I live in the North of England. I am a new Christian and was baptised on Easter Sunday at the church I've been going to. I've been using this study tool for the last couple of months and have just completed the study of Revelation. I look forward to starting this new study. Best regards, your brother in Christ, John.
I guess the correct answer should be that if I was convinced Christ would return in my lifetime that it wouldn't affect my life as I was already properly prepared. In reality and more honestly the urgency would really strike home. I think my thoughts of an imminent revival on a massive scale would really happen. My part in this would be to be much bolder in evangilising the gospel. God bless and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Pator Ralph in helping me to take this opportunity in studying Revelation. I truly believe that this study has really helped me to continue maturing as a Christian. Best regards, your Brother in Christ, John.
Salvation can only come through our committment to Christ. By letting the Holy Spirit control our lives we will bear good fruits. We are all sinners but in Christ we are forgiven and He will guide as to keep a straight path and carry out God's plan.
Q3. Holy City, Bride, Church
johnd replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. We Shall See His Face (Rev 21-22)
The church is pure and good. It is strong and of great beauty. The church is perfect having being cleansed with Christ's blood. -
The "water of life" is the promise of eternal life and it is a "free gift" because it can only be received through faith. The Spirit and the Bride offer salvation. This invitation is to all and it is our duty to evangilise within our communities and to let people know of the availability of this great free gift.
Q1. Promises Fulfilled
johnd replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. We Shall See His Face (Rev 21-22)
As with Adam in the garden of Eden God will truly be with us. In heaven we are now perfect with no sin and we can be with God. I look forward to walking and talking with God. -
The only assurance or as I understand scripture the only requirement to be included in the Lambs Book of Life is a belief in Jesus. As a sinner I have committed my life to Christ and believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins (I'm writing this on Good Friday which makes this all the more meaningful) and then Christ rose again and is alive in heaven now. My walk with Christ will produce good fruits as the Holy Spirit guides me. I look forward to the glorious day when I meet Jesus. Your brother in Christ, John.
I guess there is fear of the unknown and it will be scary to see all the sin we have committed during our lives mapped out in front of us. The idea of final judgment appears to be resisted by people because it is final and there will be no more chances.
Christ's title King of Kings and Lord of Lords means that for my life Christ is Lord and by committing my life to Him I am His servant. With the Holy Spirit, Christ will grow in my heart. For the world around us Christ is Lord and we are either for or against Him and will be dealt with accordingly. CHRIST IS LORD! God bless, John.
Q1. Marriage Supper of the Lamb
johnd replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. The Millennium (Rev 19-20)
I am admonished by knowing that I'm a sinner who is unable to face God. I am admonished that I continue to sin no matter hard I try. I am admonished that I try to live my life without Jesus and try and rely on self rather than trust the Lord. I am admonished at how weak and temperamental my faith is. I'm admonished at my greed for worldly possessions. I'm encouraged by knowing that Jesus paid for my sins by his death on the cross. I'm encouraged that death has no hold over Christ and that through Him we have salvation and eternal life. I'm encouraged that my name is in the Lamb's book of life and that one day I will be His bride in heaven with all God's people. I feel encouraged that Christ is in my heart and as I become more mature as a Christian the Holy Spirit can continue to guide me and I will be of use to God in carrying out His plan. God bless and in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, John. -
There's no easy answer - my thoughts are to let the Holy Spirit guide me to strike a healthy balance. I think the command "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins" can be taken literally. We are close to Armageddon and Christ is telling us to leave the harlot's city for our own safety. He also wants us to leave so that we are not tempted to sin and be involved in all the extremeties of evil that are occuring at this time. Obviously here I've made some assumptions and I think with Revelation it is not always easy for me to reach a clear conclusion. Also as a new Christian a lot of this is difficult to understand but I know God is guiding me and I must be patient.
I believe appropriate worship should come from my heart when I praise and thank the Lord. Christian music in many forms helps me to praise and worship the Lord. O Come all ye Faithfull, Onward Christian Soldiers, Amazing Grace all come to mind. I like many of the present day Christian artists such as Darlene Zcshech, Kirk Franklin, Nichole Nordeman, Sara Groves and many more.
I find everlasting punishment difficult to accept. My friends and family (including my wife) are good caring people but they are not believers and hence they will suffer everlasting punishment. How can a God of love do such a thing? Our Lord will be a God of Justice. We must trust in our Lord and through Jesus we have salvation. We must be strong and faithfull witnesses. I'm finding this question very difficult and therefore not providing a good answer.
They are like Jesus our true example.
Q4. Antichrist and False Prophet
johnd replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
The Antichrist is the beast out of the sea. He is a puppet of Satan and he will be a political leader. The False Prophet is the beast out of the land. He is a religious leader who works for the Antichrist and is therefore another of Satan's helpers. 'He who has an ear, let him hear.' Rev 13:9. We must be on our guard at all times. God will help us and we must let the Holy Spirit guide us if we are involved during these end times. Jesus come soon - we love you! -
This verse continues the theme of explaining how Satan was overcome and thrown down from heaven. In death we have victory. We will have eternal life. The blood of the lamb, the death and suffering of our Lord Jesus on the cross gave the brethren the ability to conquer Satan. Christ is Lord. Rather than love our lives we must love the Lord and through Jesus let the Holy Spirit live within us. We will then have victory against Satan who's time is rapidly running out.
Q2. Woman and Dragon
johnd replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
This vision of the woman (The Church - Christians) and the dragon (Satan) tells us that the cosmic battle between good and evil is an ongoing spiritual war happening right here and right now on earth. As Christians it is our responsibility to continue this fight and with the authority of Jesus we can safely trample on any snakes or scorpians which get in our way. We can take great comfort from this passage because we know Satan is a looser (he does as well!) and he is living on borrowed time and a glorious eternal victory will soon be ours. -
Positive characteristics that I see in the witnesses actions that I believe we should emulate in our day include:- Tenacity - they prophesy for 1260 days. Obedience - they serve God. Faith - unquestionable belief in our Lord. Their witness and testimony - Eph 6:19 Pray also for me, so that, when I open my mouth, the right words will be given to me. Then I will boldly make known the secret of the gospel, This is a verse I think of when I pray for the strength that the two witnesses have. Their reward is a place in heaven.
The bitterness is the harshness of the judgement to come and how all the lost souls who don't come to Jesus will be lost forever. The sweetness is the majesty of the eternal life we have to look forward to. We reject what is hard for us to understand because it is the easiest thing to do. We are frightened and don't want to venture too far out of our comfort zone. Sometimes we don't listen and only hear what we want to hear. We don't see what is directly in front of our eyes. It is maybe our hearts which are hard and not our ability to understand.
The people who make up the great multitude could not be counted, and "were from every nation, tribe, people and language". Their origin is that they "have come out of the great tribulation". Their spirit causes them to cry out in a loud voice to praise thanks to God and to Jesus for their completed salvation. "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me.... I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now, I see." "they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." The first verse of Amazing Grace is directly related to 7:14. The grace we have received from our Lord is truly amazing! The life of Jesus was taken and His blood was the price paid for salvation.
We learn that God will protect His children by putting a seal on our foreheads which will differentiate us from the non believers.
From what is revealed in the fifth seal we learn that the church has people who have been murdered for their belief in God. In this scene these "souls" were under the altar. Their proximity to the altar signifies their closeness to God. They were killed because of their belief in the truth and their witness to our Lord Jesus. They ask for vengeance because they had died violent deaths which requires justice. This is a Christian prayer. The white robe represents moral purity and is the correct attire to be worn in the presence of God. From the instruction "wait a little longer" we learn that the time will not be indefinate and therefore the people who were still to be killed is limited.
Jesus initiates the great storm of destruction when he opens the first of the seven seals. It is directed against the people on Earth. God is just.
God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son are one. We are God's children and we reach our Father through Jesus.
Q4. Reigning with Christ
johnd replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Lion That Is the Lamb (Rev 4-5)
Our destiny as believers will include reigning as we will help our Lord and Jesus to maintain authority over His kingdom. This is a very thought provoking question and not one I'm finding easy to answer. We serve as priests by committing our lives to Christ. We serve God and obey His commands. Part of our duty as priests is to teach the gospel with the help of the Holy Spirit. This witnessing of Christ is a command from our Lord. An online dictionary gave me this definition for kingdom - 'The eternal spiritual sovereignty of God or Christ. The realm of this sovereignty'. We are a kingdom in the sense of God's kingdom which is everything He created and which we of course are part of.