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  1. God as a spring of Living water shows that God is the one that blesses in abundance. He provides our needs without measure. He quenches our thirst with HIS WORD. This metaphor tells me to depend wholly on God for my blessings because my total trust in HIM will bless me abundantly. In God my future is bright and established.
  2. Sometimes we resisit calling on God to be our helper, when we feel that we want the problem to be solved immediately. We feel that the ways of God takes time. so we tend to do it our oun way by going through a shortcut. Again, we are ignorant that God can help us solve our problems. We don't recognise HIM as a present help in times of trouble. For God to be our helper and our shepherd, we should have absolute trust and confidence in HIM.
  3. I really remember when God has cared for me so much. If not for HIS mercies upon my life, i would have been a lost soul by now. God had to care for me by leading me to the right path of true salvation. Who else would have given me life and genuine salvation if not God. Right now i am relying on God as my shepherd to take me to that height that HE has ordained for me. Because i know that HE is the only one that can lead me to that height.
  4. I think Abraham had great faith in God that He can do all things. He believed so much in HIM. He actually hoped that God will provide because GOD has never failed him. God promised him that he will be a father of all nations, so even in his riped age, God still did it. Even Abraham paid a tithe to Melchizedek for God to provide and bless him without measure.Again Phill 4:19 says that God will supply all our needs according to his reaches in glory by Christ Jesus. I have received a last minute provision from God in so many ways. In a battle that almost out weighed me ,God came to my rescue at a time all hope was lost. When my strenght failed me God in HIS infinite mercy provided me with strenght to move on. God equally provided me sound health when the enemies tried to afflict me. We can expect God to provide all our needs in all circumstances provided it is according to HIS will.
  5. To say that God is our keeper means that God watches over us. He guards us and takes care of us. He is always there for us to protect us and shield us from evil. He will not allow us to be hurt in any way. In times of trouble God is our stronghold. He keeps us from all evil. He keeps our going out and our coming in and He is our shade. He shades us from the sun stricking us in the day and from the moon in the night. Oh how i love the protection of the Lord. Thank you Father for your love upon us.
  6. God is our refuge in times of trouble just as the rock is a place of refuge. Whoever that hides under God in times of evil is fully protected. In Palestine, the rock serves as a defence to his people. The rock gives them protection and shade.
  7. God is a shield in the sense that Ps 91 makes us to know that HE is a wonderful assurance of protection. He is our glorious shield in times of danger and distress. He is ever present to save and deliver us from all evils. He is our glory because HIS love envelopes us and HE becomes a shield to us in times of trouble. HE is the lifter up of my head because when we are weak, tired and tried, HE renews our strenght and lift our heads high. This teach us that God's love upon us is certain. it also teach us to trust HIM always for protection for HE is always there to defend and fight for us.
  8. In times of danger, the protected one is required to call upon the name of the Lord for safety. He is to hide in the shadow of the Almighty and put his total trust on HIM. The metaphors used as God's protection in this psalms are My Refuge and my Fortress, my dwelling place, shelter, my shield and rampart.
  9. When you acknowledge that Jesus is Lord, it means that Jesus is God himself. And as God, we all know that HE owns our life and is in total control of every areas of our lives. And this confession is neccessary because when we do that, we are telling Jesus that HE can do all things because of HIS resurrection and with this, there is a promise that we will be saved.
  10. The significance of the confession that Jesus is Lord is that God is everything to me and whatever he tells me to do, i do it. And it is neccessary for salvation because if you acknowledge that Jesus is Lord, you will be saved.
  11. The implications for governments that Yahwey is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords is to submit to HIS authority since there is no other authority except that which HE has established. They must rule with justice and righteousness because the GOD we all know is a GOD of righteousness and any who fails to do that will will face the punishment of wrondoing. The leaders of today should seek the wisdom the wisdom of Solomon in order to good leaders. The implications of removing God from a nation's currency and pledges is to attract the wrath of God upon them. God has promised to bless the nations whose God is the Lord, whereby a nation decides to do otherwise, it then meand that the blessings of the Lord will be far from them.
  12. The personal implications of Yahwey being my King and Jesus being my Messiah sent from God is that I have to seek HIS Will rather than going about things my own way. I owe HIM total obedience and trust without showing double standard. The advantages of being the subject of Yahweh as king is the protection, assurance of salvation, love and peace i enjoy from HIM as my King. To submit to the King on everyday basis is to acknowldge him as the KIng, obey him and serve HIM faithfully. By the time you prefer to rely on other gods to solve your problems rather on relying on Yahwey, it authomatically means that you are rejecting HIM. Because you no longer have confidence that HE is your Lord and personal saviour.
  13. In the old testament,tributes, tithes and offerings are due to the king. And because God is the great King, our tributes, tithes and offerings are due to HIM to support the ministers of God to make the kingdom work easy for them. The place of tithing in our lives is always to fight the devourer for our sake. When we tithe, we are blessed beyond measure.
  14. Justice means a deserved punishment given to someone as a result of the sin committed. Vengeance means inflicting punishment on someone as a result of wrong doing. It is also a fair execution of justice. Mercy simply means having compassion on someone without giving him deserved punishment for some wrong doings. God forgive sins but there must be some level of punishment for the sins we committed. The significance of the cross is that Jesus paid for our sins that we might be called the sons of God.
  15. Social justice should be one of our priorities in life just as God is the helper of the fatherless and the protector of widows. We should follow His footsteps by helping those in need and the weak. Let the light of God shine through us to reach to the poor. Le us do as Jesus has done. We should emulate our Lord Jesus in doing all that HE has done.
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