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The recognition that God loves me is the basis of my faith. My entire existence here on earth is becasue the good Lord created me ,wants me , loves me cares for me and provides for me. He loves me unconditionally. My faith in him is because He created me and He loves me. I know I am loved by him and this is the basis of my faith. I simply go my God as a child with a firm belief that He loves me and is there to understand me. God is the source of my existence and my well being till the end of my life. This realisation that God loves me simply allows me to cast all my cares upon Him. Through the ways God works in my life He proves his love to me.This make me worship Him praise Him love him more and more. I know and I know though anyone here may forsake me the Lord will never leave me. So i just firm in my faith that God is there with me He knows me I can trust Him ever more.
In psalms 42 to 43 we see David going thorugh a battle a spiritual struggle. He is out in a far away place as an exile. He is certainly drained out being alone without any fellowship. Beautifully he expresses his agony comparing it to the thirsty deer who wants water and only water. David is going through heat in his soul and outside. Now he just longs for the living waters for his soul which the good God can offer him.Yet in the midst of his spiritual dryness he refuses to give up. He continues to meditate on the past goodness of the Lord and sing praises to His God however tough it might seem. He remembers how he joined a great multitude of singers singing songs of joy. He remembers the festivity . He strehgthens his heart by remembering the good days and remembers the songs he sang in those days. So in the night of his life he says there is a song in his heart which he makes a prayer to his god. David is taunted by his friends when they see him in such a state and asking him now What about your God?? The god whom you praised sang??? Where is he now?? Listening to this he is hurt and feels very sad and depressed. But David is a fighter. In the darkest hours of his life he says I refuse to be disturbed.. I will get up and praise my God. I will not spend time in mourning but goes to the Lord with songs of praise and asks the Lord to send hin his light to guide him on his way. David combats his depression by meditating on the past goodness and asking the Lords help now to guide him in his way. I must say whatever David felt I have felt it many a times. I am also facing some of the darkest times now. Yet ... now I chose not to sit in the pit of depression. Like David i feel very low sad and tired. But I somehow rise up and meditate on all the past troubles and how the Lord has given us the victory. I spend time in worship sing powerful songs of praise. Through these periods of my life.God has sent forth his light in my life I have my two sisters who love the Lord.. I pray with them . sing with them share my thoughts with them. I pray with tow of my friends. I pray for others needs too. The fact that I am doin this study is the way I chose to rise up and learn the word of God rather than keeping my mind disturbed. Oh I feel everything that David feels. Like David i say.. why are you downcast my soul?? why are you so disturbed..I put my hope in my God,I will yet praise Him and give Him thanks for I know and know He will see me through and do mighty things for me Alleluia !!
Psalm 27 teaches us that God is our refuge and strength In great times of trouble and despair when we know not what to do, we run to God to rescue us. Dwelling in the house of the Lord means constantly abiding in the presence of the Lord. Dwelling means staying in a place or a home. David choses to dwell in the house of the Lord by remaining with Him all the time by worshipping Him ,praising Him and meditating on his Holy word. David would not have found any other house a comfortable place to stay. He would not have found the peace and joy anywhere else but in the house of the Lord. David seeks one and the most important thing and that is to dwell in the house of the Lord. By dwelling in the Lord's house he is safe and protected from all his enemies. Seeking the face of the Lord means continually looking to the Lord . It is looking at his face amidst trouble and nothing else. David seeks the face in the presence of the Lord. He chooses to seek the Lord above every other things. David will not seek the face of man or any other source for his deliverance but seeks the Lord's face in worship. David would have felt forsaken even by seeking his parents and friends so his heart now wants to seek only the face of the Lord.. Oh the face of the Lord , is beautiful gives joy and peace to the drooping souls. Now as David dwells in the house of the Lord and choses to seek his face in constant worship He is filled with great comfort ,peace and safety. The Lord has assured him his deliverance when he sought him above all things. He is now filled with great confidence and hope beyond measure. This great hope makes him say that he is confdent that the Lord will deliver him out of his trouble and answer all his prayers. He is confident that he will see the goodness in his life. After a constant relationship with God he is now strong in his heart and bold to wait for the Lords working . He assures himself that God will do the impossible in his life so he happy coinfident and surrenders his life in the hands of the Lord knowing fully welll that big things are on his way. Alleuia... I loved this psalm totally and with David i will say I am confident of this ... I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living... Glory to you Father. Son and Holy Spirit... Like David i say Lord one thing I desire I want to dwell in your house always.. You will keep me safe in times of trouble..
After studying the 3 Psalms I meditated on them each day. It has given me a new meaning of God ,His creation and Me who is his creation. I sang Psalm 126 and memorised it and sang it all the day. I made a prayer with psalms with my sister and a friend. Tried to meditate all these 3 psalms and would continue to so .Sang Psalm 91 in a different language. The psalms have conveyed a deep meaning to me
In this Psalm we learn that David is greatly surprised and filled with wonder about his creation and the presence of God. David has come to knowledge as to how great care was taken by God to create Him. He praises and thanks God for the great care he took to create Him in his mother's womb.Nothing about his life is hidden form the eyes of God. The God his Creator who took care to form him wonderfully knows everyhting about him and he has ordained his life in the Book of Life. Ohhh David loves God so much that he hates people who do hate God. He worships his Creator acknowledging his love for him. David realises the great truth that he is important for God. The majestic God who created him and knows him too welllwill always love him and take care of his life As he realises that God is the centre of His life.. he prays a prayer of surrender to his God. He asks his God to search his mind and heart and clean him of all his wrong ways. He asks God to lead him in the right ways..as He alone can show him the right paths to go on. I am greatly moved by this Psalm. It has made me realise that God has fearfully and wonderfully made me. Everything in my life is ordained by him..He knows all about me.. I dont have to worry.Such a big God who has created me has a purpose for me and He shalll love me and manage all the affairs of my life.I will pray the same prayer to my God today Father God search me, my heart my mind. Take away the offenses in me and Father lead me in the ways which are eternal and everlastin. Father thank you... How majestic is your name!!!!
Psalm 8 shows us that God is our Creator and His name is supreme and majestic over alll the earth. God is our maker therefore He is to be honored and worshipped. He deserves to be praised and glorified. He is our Father . Psalm 8 shows about our status as human beings in the eyes of God. though we such weak creatures compared to His Majesty, he has made us rulers of the earth and put everything in charge of us. Even the small infants and children are able to praise His name. He has ordained us to praise Him.Among all the creation He has given Man the most honorable place. Psalm 8 teaches about Jesus Christ the son of God who took a humble place on earth as a Man. God the Father crowned him woth glory and honor and made Him our redeemer. Our responsibility as human beings is to thank praise and worship our Creator. We have to be so humble before such a majestic God and submit to his will. we also need to use his creation in a worthy manner.
Psalm 19 verses 1 to 6 expresses the creation of God and his unspoken word . They describe the majestic glory of God. The heavens speak about the majesty of God. The sun and the skies also reflect the beauty of God. Psalm 19 verses 7 to 13 actually speak about the law of the Lord or the written word of God.By obeying God's word one is made wise and revives the soul.The word of God is a double edged sword which pierces through our hearts. It is reading it we can actually follow God because it takes away darkness of sin and brings forth light,. Both the above have the common thread of the word of God spoken and unspoken. The entire psalm speaks about the glory of the heavens and the glory of his word. Basking in Gods word means soaking our life in the Word of God,meditating on it and obeying it day and night David had greatly realised the value of this majestic word of God and found it much much precious than gold or more sweeter than honey. In psalm 14 David has come to the realisaton of the creation of God and his word. The majestic word of God must have exposed him to his sinful nature,therefore he prays a prayer of repentance asking God to make his words and the inner heart pleasing in His sight When we bask ourselves in the presence of God meditate on His word ... we come to realise our sinfulness . Nothing is hidden form his sight. Though we make good prayers.... use words... as we come before God we stand exposed. therefore we feel we have fallen short before him. David has surely exprienced the powerful word of God and therefore makes a prayer to God that all he says and meditates upon become acceptable in his sight.