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Everything posted by JLH

  1. Would like to add a little different insight to this...From the perspective of a parent, and to apply the previous lessons learned in this study. We were purchased at the highest price possible...the sacrafice of the life of the Son of God. Washed clean with His Blood. God sacraficed His ONLY son so that we might live. Wow. How many of us parents could do that? Yet God, the Ultimate parent, did that for us. That's quite the price to pay for a slave. Paul knew this. He saw it. He lived it. He experienced it first hand. And he also knew that that Love was available to every future generation that would recieve it. Would God just give up on His "purchase" and therefore sacrafice His Son for NOTHING? We aren't NOTHING in the eyes of God. Each and every one of the Phillipians, and all of us since then ARE LOVED THAT MUCH by God Himself. Paul not only knew this, he UNDERSTOOD it. He could guarantee it with CONFIDENCE.
  2. Hello from the West Coast!!! My name is Jennifer, my mortgage company says I have a house in Arcadia, CA, but I travel extensively all over the US. I also run marathons and ultra marathons which draw me into a deep spiritual connection with Our Lord, Jesus Christ. I was born again in 1979, but due to my travels, I have found it very difficult to maintain church roots. I am VERY excited to find this on line Bible Study so I can get back to and stay rooted again in His Word!!! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for doing this!!! In His Love, JLH
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