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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

gerlene Booker

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  1. Grace and peace all, I agree with alll of you in that we are all setting our affection on things of the earth. and not on thiings above. Jesue is suppose to be the head of our life, our role model but yet we can not follow him and do his will. He told us to make disciplles of them. We are doing the things non-christians do and yet we want to win souls for Christ This is why it is so hard for sinners to convert to christ. The bible saids if any man be in Christ he is a new creation. Its time we focus on glory and get out of our selfish bag and work for the Lord. Geri : :
  2. I have really enjoyed every message that was posted. I looked in the mirror and relized iI was looking at an adulteress. I had been slipping into idolatry for awhile. Working hard,speending money, scattered mind. Etc. But after reading the messages I realiaed I almost lost my first love. But I had to go to the cousellor of marrige Jesus and after reading from the marriage manual The Bible, I must say I am going to do better. Thanks For your bible study forum It helped me.. Gerlene
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