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Loving Father - forgive us, have mercy on us. your mercy is new every morning and you are a faithful God. Remind God of his goodness - his love and compassion and ask the Lord to forgive to restore and to revive - bring back to life. first one must acknowledge the sin or wrong doing - one cannot cover their sin or mistake or error or guilt by some outward ritual or penance, because God desires a broken and contrite heart. The heart must acknowledge and accept the mistake and make a strong decision not to sin or make that mistake again this is true repentance. one cannot take God for granted and ignore / forget his mercy and goodness. God knows the heart when he sees a truly repentant and forgiving heart completely surrendered to do his will and more over when he sees his Holy spirit - then he answers from heaven and he will restore and revive his people.
When one is humble he regards other better than himself. when we ask something from someone we must ask with humility and not in pride. we must not command and ask from God and to ask from God we must have the faith and confidence in God that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us and we must have the faith that if God hears us then whatever we ask we know that we have what we asked of him and so when we ask and pray to God we must humble ourselves. one cannot ask in pride.
My God is a mighty mighty God - full of love and compassion. He is a perfect God - his ways are perfect. He is marvelous and does things in perfection. He knows and thinks the trivial things in my life as important. He is interested in me and my well being he wants to see me grow he wants to see the good in me and He is working on me. He remembers things in my life that i may forget. My God is so concerned about my past present and my future. he wants to see me progress and prosper in everything. He is an encouraging and loving Father and I feel so loved and special and secured in his presence in his arms.
When one is in pain, feeling depressed, rejected and hurt it is a natural thing to lament and the psalmist laments to his God only. If one is feeling uneasy, and then that person vomits - the person then feels good, in the same way the psalmist vomits out all his hurt feelings and emotions and once done then David now understands that faith expressed by praise and thanksgiving is more pleasing to God, restoration of a person relationship with God is not an outward exercise but an inward assurance by the Holy Spirit. It teaches us that if one wants to lament let him/her not complain to person but go before the Lord and pray in their struggle times be honest with their emotions before the lord and then praise because when we praise it is pleasing to Go. God inhabits dwells in our praises and when we praise the Lord takes his place in our heart. then all lament gone and replace with the joy and peace of God.
David knew his God because he had a very close walk with His God. He loved his God and his God loved him too. He was secured in God's love. He could rest on the unchanging character of God. He knew that God's mercy is new every morning. though he was unfaithful, his God is faithful at all times so he appeals to God not on his own worthiness but on the grace of God. He knew that God's grace was sufficient for him. To receive God's grace and mercy we must have the faith that not on our own but we have to believe and trust God.
Just as in Ps 150 God desires us to praise Him. He also delights when we worship him. Praise and worship go together. its only when we praise our God after we praise our God we can worship our Lord. Revere Him, Adore Him Exalt him in worship. our souls find rest in His presence as we worship him. we must worship and bow down to our Lord - who is our maker our creator for he created all things and by his will thery were created and have their being. He is worthy of all worship and honor for he is Most Holy - highly exalted. After knowing and seeing the works of the Lord - yet they hardened their hearts and this made the Lord sad so they did not enter the promise land.
God desires that we praise HIm. He is teaching and telling us where to praise how to praise why to praise .... this shows that God is pleased when when we praise him, he delights in our praises. God inhabits in the praise of His people. He desires that we praise Him in all things at all times. Praise should be in our hearts, everything within us praise God at all places and in all situations. the psalms tells us that Praise occurs in His holy sanctuary in his mighty heavens. With all kinds of instruments we must praise - i.e with music and singing. at all places, everywhere everytime in everything. everything that has breath must praise the Lord The psalm makes me joyful
Q3. Psalm 133
Angel_dsouza replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Psalms: Choosing the Path of Righteousness
The Blessings the Lord bestows on those who stay in unity dwelling in unity is difficult because of different understandings unity requires us to Love unconditionally Jesus always taught us to reconcile with man and God to love and to stay united - becasue this is what will help us to attain eternal life -
Q1. Psalm 1
Angel_dsouza replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Psalms: Choosing the Path of Righteousness
Yahweh God knows his righteous live among the unrighteous i.e the wicked and the mockers and sinners and as every earthly Father encourages his children so does our Heavenly Faher encourages us, motivates and support us to persevere. Just like an earthly father watches over their children - how much more our Heavenly Father who has created us in his own image and carved us on the palm of his hand - loves us and protects us and guides us and guards us. Ps1:3 - He is lilke a tree planted ...whatever he does prospers. - this verse encourages me because no matter how the situation or circumstance is - we will stand firm with our Heavenly Father at our right hand and not only will we stand firm - we will prosper we will not be moved - but we will flourish. -
During his spiritual struggle the psalmist is thirsting for God's presence. He is really very thirsty like one who is completely drained out thirsting for a drop of water. Just as one who is so very thirsty in search of water - i.e. where can he find water to quench his thirst and drink. the psalmist is saying where will he meet his God and be filled with his presence. he is longing and thirsting for His God. He combats his depression by making a delibrate effort - actually speaking aloud to himself to his soul - telling himself to praise His God. He reminds himself by recalling the good times he has enjoyed praising the Lord. In ps 43 he takes out his harp and worships the Lord with joy and delight. Praise God we have our loving Jesus who has paid the price for us - He was despised and rejected for us. Is 53:3-7 is like a medicine in times of hurt and rejection. During such times - i have learnt to simply praise the Lord loudly, shout praises to our Lord - offer him a sacrifice of praise & worship HIM.
David desires to dwell in the house of the Lord - to be very close to the Lord - to have an intimate relationship with the Lord. and David knew to dwell in the house of the Lord i.e in the presence - he first needs to enter this presence and he knew fully well that he could only do it by praising and worshiping his Lord. David also knew that his God's dwelling place was the safest place for him. it was his hiding place, just like a child feels secured in the presence of his or her parents - the same way David desired to dwell in His father's presence. For David to seek His Face - was to seek His Father's holy and awesome presence - and to be like His father. David is confident in the Lord that waiting on the Lord, worshiping in His presence He will experience the goodness of the Lord, the good things of the Lord - His presence
Q3. Psalm 139
Angel_dsouza replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Psalms: Marveling at God's Creation
Our God is such a mighty and great God. He has created the whole universe and yet He is so concerned about each one of us. David realised and felt so important and special that His creator - our Heavenly Father had carefully knitted and formed him in his mother's womb. David understood that God valued him so much and he loved him so much. He also knew that God knew him in and out hid thoughts his ways his attitude because He was his, very own creation. more than a mother child relationship. and this is what David experienced - the intimate love of the Heavenly Father and he reciprocated the same in return. Thus David makes a very honest prayer to the Father - asking Yahewh to search his heart and check if there was anything that was displeasing Him and then simply surrenders himself into the hands of Yahweh asking him to remove it all and to add unto him His own likeness. -
The common thread that relates the first part to the second, is the first part speaks about God's awesome creation, His greatness - though unspoken it speaks of God's awesome presence & the second part is God speaking through His Word. Oh David is simply enjoying the awesome presence of God's glory and greatness - He is basking in God's presence, worshiping him, listening to His word which is reviving his soul and enlightening him. and we too when we worship our Lord in spirit in truth experience his awesome joyful presence, - His word becomes flesh brings us hope and security, blesses us with wisdom and revives us. God's word, His presence is like a mirror which helped the psalmist to understand his hidden faults to see his sin as a sin instead of an excuse. helped him to discern his thoughts and intentions of his heart. and this enabled David to pray to God that the words of his mouth will be pure, encouraging, edifying and his inner thoughts, the meditations of his heart to be pure and acceptable and pleasing to the Father. David knew that from the abundance of his heart only his mouth could speak and praise God - thus pleasing His God.
God is majestic, He is our and creator. Human beings are God's creation and God has given the privilege by giving us to rule and take care of his creation and enjoy it. Christ is God's own son, and Christ willingly gave himself to His father's will and also God loved His son so much that he crowned Him with Honor and glory. Our responsibility is to praise and worship Him & serve Him.