I beleive that my many trials have been experiences necessary for learning patience and developing my faith. It seems that with each trial, my relationship with my lord grows stronger and I trust him even more although I continually seem to strive for a more "perfect faith". Within the past couple of years, I joined a church that I thought would be the "perfect place" to belong and bring my family. However, I quickly learned that the "established echelon" of this particular congregation welcomed new members, but did not welcome new member involvement in activities and meetings. One needed to be part of a "Clique" to be accepted. I was discouraged and did not understand why the lord would lead me to this church. I began searching my heart and tried to decide whether my discouragment with this church was "me"or was there indeed a problem with this church. I realized that "Christ" is the foundation and that I needed to study his word more deeply for the first time in 40 years! I found this bible study and I have a renewed energy to deepen my faith in our lord.