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  1. Our God is a sovereign God.He demands our complete obedience to Him. In His sovereignty He gave man set of rules to understand and obey.The first was "you shall have no other gods before me".The isrealites demand for a golden calf is a direct sin against God. God has done alot for the isrealites to make them believe in Him as the only living God by His mighty deliverance from Egypt.Asking Aaron to build a calf to worship was so bad. God is a Holy God who cannot behold iniquity.His sentence to destroy Isreal and raise up a new nation was justified.Besides, who can query his sovereignty?
  2. This Bible study has really helped me to establish some of my casual believe about Faith in an unseen God. I now believe with the whole of my hearth that God is and is the rewarder of them that deligently seek Him.This has greatly affected the way i interact with people all arround me and the way i love them.Because i could Love people with the Love of God. I also believe that God does not want anyone to perish but that all should come to the saving knowledge of His dear Son.I can now express God`s love to everyone both in my local church and at work. Thanks. Olayemi Olusegun.
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