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Everything posted by joanharmelink
Until you trust God aas your Savior and make Him Lord of your life and make complete surrender you will wxpeerience tge true lofee of God a nd there will be the I kow thaat I know God. It is a moment by moment journey.. In everything seek God's will and for His guidance aand leading, I have given my life to Jesus and each day I draaw cloer and closer. He has taken me through many trials and temptations. I can only praise Him for all the comfort and the promise of I will never leaave you or forsake you
Q1. Sarah's Legacy
joanharmelink replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. Death of Sarah and Abraham (23:1-20; 25:1-11)
At times she lacked faith, doubts, but also had a sense of humor.She was also submisive to Abraham, but jeasousy crept in and she harbored ill will to Hagar. -
Q1. Sarah's Legacy
joanharmelink replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. Death of Sarah and Abraham (23:1-20; 25:1-11)
She was submissive to her husband, but lacked patience and took c ontrol over situations she had no control over. She showed jealousy when Ishmael was born and hate when Hagar and her son was sent away. -
Abraham was willing to sacrifice His onlu son as the Father was willing to give His son. They gave their ALL. There was no hesitation on Aabrahams part. aThey were put put to the test, both were obedient aand obeyed without doubt or fear. Christ carried the cross like Isaac carried the wood on his back.
Q1. Testing Our Faith
joanharmelink replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #10. Abraham Offers Isaac on Mt. Moriah (chapter 22)
He puts feelings of depression,doubr and fear in our lives. We must keep our focus on Christ and throw our complete dependance on Christ. Spening muuch time in His word and quality time in praayer will keeep us in the will of God. Yes, I have had many trials that left me to be a stronger persoon in Christ but also I need to spend time in Prayer and the scriptures daily. Thaat has inspired family and many friends and Passtors. -
Putting your trust in Jesus Christis the only way to become a child of God. We have to come as a child like faith to know Hin in all of His fullness. The more wwe trust Him we mature in our faith. It is an ever going process.. I trust God because whatever I need Him, He gives me the hope and peaace that I need for that moment. Romans 28: 28
Q1. Testing Our Faith
joanharmelink replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #10. Abraham Offers Isaac on Mt. Moriah (chapter 22)
Sataan is very clever. Any time we are left to our own thoughts he is there to destroy us mentally, physicallu and spiritually. We et caught up with our own thoughts we leae room for him to come in With God it can be a time of pruning and through it all we have His promise that we aare being morein His Image. It produces endurance and become more dependant upon Christ. Yes I have been through many trials but God has been faithful and caarried me through each of them. -
Q2. Where Is God?
joanharmelink replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #9. Isaac Born, Ishmael Banished (chapter 21)
fear on Sarahs came to be a part of her as sshe saw Abraham enjoyed his sson. There must have been quite a difference in age and possibly she thought her son would aat times be dominant over her son. Possibly she harabored some guilt all along the way. Fear of what could happen abecomes a worry and it can get out of hand aand destruction takes place. I am single and have no problems forcing anyone in my immediaatae family. -
The devil steps in verysubtle when o ne hesitates. Lot was thinking"if what" instead of braeath ing aprayer of yhe Lords will. A cry for help to t he Lord and co m plete focus on Him, will brin g answers that will bring deliveran ces. Yes I hesitated in en ding my life but an old h y mn came to me "oh Loove that will not let me go" brought me out of my wan ting to take my life.
Abraham hesiitaaated beccause ins tead of asking God or help, he passibly was lookong to himself. //////////////Poor focusing. should be on God Hesitation can bring one to make wrong decisions. zihzvehesitated in trying to end it all and end my life, but an old hymn came back to me, Oh Love that will not let me go saved my life.. The lesson I learned ws keep ypur eyes and your heart and mind on Christ. He kn ows, we do not ofte n/
The temptations of t he world aare so subtle that one could be so easily persuaded to be part of. If it feels good then it must be alright. Television plays such an in sidious influence in our thought process and actions that we become enslaved be for me know it. But if we are led by theSpirit and walk not in the flesh and keep our eyes focused on the Lord continually we will not fall into the trap of what the world offers.
Scripture has put an order to famili God, Husaband ,wife, children. If the husband is to be the head of the home, he must love Jesus and be following the steps of the savior. there must be mutual aagreement in dealing with children. If the wife is submissive and the Husband loves her as Christ loves the church, there will be understanding and love in that home. The husband must lead his familyin all phases a bd be man of integrity and willing to follow God's will in his leading.
god never changes He is the samd today and yesterday and the days ahead. I think of the seasons they follow each other the unfolding of a flower, and to think I have the capacity to breathe and have my being takes my breath away. I have a God who is faithfulwho dailu brings miracles in my daily life. He broght me to a brutla divorce and today I hold no anger and all has been forgiven. I live because and enjoy life living for Christ is my goal.
In the Old Testament one was under the old covenant ( circumscision and in the New Testament baptism was commanded. Circumscision w s an outward sign of dying to self and set apaart to do what the law required and in the N.T. we die to self (the water signifies be buried with Christ and risen with Him also. Circumscion is also called circumscion of the heart.
this was an aaagreement betwweem God and Abraham It shoed His complete obedience ot God a nd recogni zed the seriousness of it. Aaabraham waas reequired to do his part to fulfill the promise. Circumsscision was the outward partwhic meant obedience ot God to comlete it. Abraham was alert to the voice of God and took immediate action. knowing from past experiencethat God would be faiithful on His part.
In order for Abraham to receivethepromise that God had given hi. he knewthat God would require of him complete faithfulness and obedience. God said Be holy as I am hly.a God has given us man promises in Hiw Word w h ich re relevant to us so He requireess of us as w well to be faithful to Him and to obey Him If the Holy Sprit is operativein my life I wil be sensitive to His leading in my daily living and rmins myself that He is a holy God and requires of us no less.
Q4. Disciple Lessons from Hagar
joanharmelink replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. God Speaks to Hagar (Genesis 16)
od sees us at all times and knows what path we will takeand also recogniing that God is always ther for us. I will never leave you or forsake you. He is there to rovide for us guidance to continue in our tasks day by day. Be willing to ubmit to authority. -
Q2. The Angel Tells Hagar to Return
joanharmelink replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. God Speaks to Hagar (Genesis 16)
Hagar was out of reality and needed to be brought to it at the moment.Sarah had to make the iniative to go back to Sarai with a humble spirit, but knowing that her son would be provided to her and also his future. -
Q3. El Roi, the God Who Sees
joanharmelink replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. God Speaks to Hagar (Genesis 16)
She recognized God was there for her at this time. she found hope and encouragement amd she as not alone4 and recogni zed that the Lord would take caare of her at all times and her son as well. -
Q1. Hagar's Pride, Sarah's Jealousy
joanharmelink replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. God Speaks to Hagar (Genesis 16)
When in anger you aalways hur the person that is closest to you. So Abraham became the focus of her anger. that she could not baare children at this time jealoust crept in.a Aabraham could have prayed if this what God wanted him to do. Saria is her own worst enemy. -
Q1. Your Shield and Suzerain
joanharmelink replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God's Covenant with Abraham (Genesis 15)
As a child of God He promised me to protect me where ever I go. He is with me at all times. God is in comlete control at all times. God has aplan for all. and if I follow His commands and listen for His voice I will reap all the benefits of all He has promised. -
Q1. Your Shield and Suzerain
joanharmelink replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God's Covenant with Abraham (Genesis 15)
When I pray for pprotection I vieew Godd as my shield and goes before me as I walk through life. All that the Lord has promised is there for my choosing and to enoy while giving glory to Him. God is almighty and over all, He has made us and is the supreme ruler.