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Everything posted by joanharmelink
Abrahaam did not want to feel obligated to the king. He was willing to take goods for his fellow men, but had an unselfish attitude in taking anything that would make him more wealthy. There are thos that you give an in ch and they will take the entire hand. Abraham did not want anything that would be giving gain to him personally.
Abraham's wealth abecame a blessing to him because of his obedience and he was totally dependent on t he Lord regaradless of his many posssesions. Many obtain wealth in selfish rreasons or corrrupt practices a nd many inherit musch money. Sripture tells us the poor w e have with us always, Putting money a s your idol can bring poverty as poor disobedience and not being a good steard of what has given you.
God spared Sarah from commiting adultry for He had promisedd them a son and they w ould be the father of many nations. Abraham. tho had a holy fear of God ,he had the faith to believe God that the promise would be fulfilled. Sarah w as kept from sinning for the soul purpose of beaaring Abrahams' son which he became the father of all naations.
God warned His people in the Ole Testament and He does today. He hates aany sin against the body as the Holy Spirit dweells within. But on the caross Jessus said "It is finished' and that means ALL SIN, Present . past. and present.a If we confess with our mouth and a cknowledge our sin to the Father He is faithful to forive of all sin.
Abraham's sin was exposed as soon as Pharoah found out Sarah was Abraham's wife. the truth must be told and Pharoah taking Sarah into his household was a sin on his part and the consequences was disseases of all kinds. It affected all those who wwere involved, but God blessed Abraham in spite of his lying and he left a very wwealthy man. Your sins will find you ouut,but God offers forgiveness.
Life is made up of choices and every choice has a consequence. Abraham disobedience to God put sarah and Pharoah in a bad position. God brought illness to Pharoah by taking Sarah into his harem and thinking she was Abraham's sister. But your sins will find you out as did Abraham's.Abraham was blesssed with cattle and sent on his way. God had further plans for him.
Hw faced the unknown as to strangers along the way. He also was a stranger and an alien to all those he would encounter along the wayThr vsrious cultures that he would pass through and how they would be treaated with all their cattle and servants would be a daily problem for them. I live in quit e a cloed community and people never express spiritual thoughts let alone about their personal faith in Jesus Christ, My Church has many outreaches and in a couple of weeks a team is giong to Africa to help with an Aids project.
It was a land they had never been before. They did not know what to e xpect from those they w ould encounter along the way. They were t raveling with all theeir posseesssions and cattle plus kaeeping them content with all oof his servants. .the rulers in ////eggypt were strangers to him. but he had greaat hope and expectaations that God w ould provide. I live in quit e cloce community. Everyone is closedd to speaking aabout the Gospel and no one feells free to express their faith. Our church has many outreaches. A t eam from our church is ging to Africa tnd helping with a Aidds project.
Abraham's faith had brought him to re ccognize his compllete dependance upon God. But he as most thankful to God and to praise Him for all the past guidance. He aalso recognized that god is a sovereign God and in compete control. The fear of the Lord brought him that he had already experienced the Grace and love for the Almighty.
I do not always understand God's ways a nd often say I believe, help thou my unbelief. God reqrequires taatal submission an d to have His will and way in my life, which is not always easy for me to do. God is faithful a nd keeps His promises every time. God came t hrough beautifull for me today. Praise God for His faithfulness.
Abraham was blessed iin cattle health till a good agea d many to oversee his holdings. Yes the entire earth has been blessed because oif his faithfulness to God. Because of hos oabedience to whatever God had instructed him, we h ave an example to follow. When we see and read of hiis obedience without questioning God, but staying in his will reminds me again and again how blessed O desire God's plan f or me. God comes through every time I just received such a blessing today by being obediient to Christ who strengthes me.
Disoabedience brings on consequences Pharoh was deceeived by Abram by not tellings that Sarai was his wife, but god used the sickness on Pharoah because of his aaction in taking Saria as his wifew hich allowed Abram to face the lie in giving Sarai to Him. The sickness inflicted on Pharoah not only on him bit his entire householdallowing Sarai to be freed to go back to Abram. God,span was carried out tto His purposes and to His timing.
Abraham was blesses because of his oabedience to God. Even tho he lived with idol worshippers He remained obedient. Because of his faith we are blesses. Abrahem had much riches and lots of catttle He did not put his faith in mat erialism. He always was reaady to hear the voice of God an d obeyed at any c osst. The willingness to offer his son his oly son was complete obedience to God. No hesitation.
Q1. Done with Sinning
joanharmelink replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. Serving God in Everything (4:1-11)
Christ Christ suffered willingly for dying for our sins. As a followwer of Christ we should expect us to be unjustly suffer as well. We are to have the mind of Christ. We are to Prioitize all things, to leave the old lilie and willingly to follow Christ at al costs. -
Q1. Done with Sinning
joanharmelink replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. Serving God in Everything (4:1-11)
CHRIST Suffered unjustly and physsically for us. He naecer opened His mouth. All sin from the beginning of time were on Him.but was willing to suffer for us and doing good, There will be times as Christiand to suffer unjustly and scorned and we should expect that knowing what Christ wwwent through, our attitude should be one od to ive in accordance to His will. W e should live as unto the Lord and daily in the forgiveness of sins. -
Q1. Harmony in the Church
joanharmelink replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Suffering with a Clear Conscience (3:8-22)
There is much love and concern for each member. There is a caring and sympathetic ex presssion for all members. A prayer chain is available night and day. Many of the needs of less fortunate are being met. People who need jobe homesm childdren caare and jobs are being kept for weeks at a time.