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Day 23 Meditation (Revelation 22:1-2). Q. What is the significance of the source of this healing stream? A. The source of the healing stream is from the throne of God, from God directly with healing power. Q. In what ways can "living waters" flow through you to bring healing to others? A. As I am connected to the source of leaving water my self, I can be able to let it flow out to others by my acts/ feeds, loving, giving, serving etc to impack on others.
Day 22 Meditation (Revelation 21:23-25). Why are we sometimes afraid of being fully exposed by God's searching light? A. Because we do not want our dark life style, sin, bad and evil activities/ thoughts/ plans to be exposed and be known by others. Q. In what sense do you think John is telling us that the New Jerusalem's light is the Lamb? A. Jesus is Light. He and the Father are in the new city. Their presence brings light everywhere. Thus the Lamb that is Light shines and thus is the Lamp that gives light in the city. Q. In what ways do you need the Lamb to bring his light to some of your dark places? A. In every way, the way I think, my relationship, attitude and everything about me so that I will walk and work in His light and impack others with His light in me.
Day 21 Meditation (Revelation 21:22). Q. How did the Tabernacle in the Wilderness and the Temple in Jerusalem create barriers between the people and a holy God? A. They did not allow direct access to the Lord God Almighty as only the priests had a sort of access Him. Q. How can our traditional forms of Christian worship keep us from full intimacy with God? A. They merely help us to imagine Who we worship but we cannot see Him directly. Q. In w hat sense do we understand that the "temple is the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb"? A. The presence of the Divine One, the Holy Trinity is physically manifested in the New Jerusalem where we meet Him directly.
Day 20 Meditation (Revelation 21:14). Q. The 12 Apostles of the Lamb became the foundation of the New Jerusalem. How has your life, your example, and your testimony been built into the foundations of the lives of your family and community? A. I try as best I can, to think and act by the leadership of the Holy Spirit in terms of integrity, sincerity, helping the needy. I also make the Word of God available to many by circulating a daily devotional to over 100 readers through their Whatsapp every morning. Q. In what sense do you see yourself as an Ambassador of the Lamb? A. Now that I have been reminded that I am an ambassador for Christ, I will make effort to remind myself to see my self always as such and thus make efforts to be Christ's messenger that spread His word and do the acts of service a messenger to the society.
Day 19 Meditation (Revelation 21:9-10). Q. Why do you think the New Jerusalem eeis compared to a Bride adorned for her wedding. What is the significance of the Bride descending down to earth? A. I think it is the beauty of the city that is depicted to enable us visualise the magnitude of the beauty given our knowledge of bride's beauty. The significant of the bride descending down to earth is an indication that we will dwell in the new earth down here with the Bridegroom. Q. What might be God's plan for this New Earth that has been cleansed by fire and recreated? A. We the redeemed of the Lord, the bride, will dwell in the new earth with the Bridegroom.
Day 18 Meditation (Revelation 20:12). Q. What do the records contain that are opened before the throne of God on Judgment Day? A. Record of list of the people of God, their deeds and the reward for each person. Q. How do they differ from the Lamb's Book of Life? How is it "fair" that we and Saaccescape judgment by having our names written there, even though we have committed many sins? Who paid the price to make it "fair" and just? A. The difference: the Lamb's Book of Life on the other hand contains names of the redeemed ones by grace alone and not by any merit or works. And the price was paid by the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross for me and every one that believes and accepts Him as Lord and Saviour.
Day 17 Meditation (Revelation 19:6-9). Q. If now we are "betrothed" to the Lamb (to use this analogy), why is the "marriage" delayed until the End of Time? A. I am not very sure but I think we have to wait till the return of the Lord when He gathered His faithful ones to the great supper. Q. What does the state of being married imply that betrothal does not? A. Being married means all requirements are met, the time is ripe and all protocol and processes completed to consumate the marriage union. On the other hand, for betrothal - the set time and processes have not been completed and the marriage supper has not taken place . Q. In what sense will that be realized in the New Jerusalem? A. New Jerusalem is the city of the Lord God and the Bridegroom, the venue of the marriage supper where the marriage will take place.
Day 16 Meditation (Revelation 17:14). Q. What has to change in our thinking in order for us to see the Lamb as a victorious Warrior? A. We need to know that we are faced with spiritual warfare with satanic forces spearhead by beast and war is real and serious. We however need to realise that we have the Lamb, our victorious Commander Who will lead us to victory but we have submit to Him, follow and obey Him. Q. In what ways are you called upon to serve the Lamb in skirmishes with evil in your life and community? A. We are frequently attacked by satanic forces through temptations to commit sin, sicknesses, persecution and other types of attacks. In all these we need to put on the full armour of God and join the Lamb to fight the battles as soldiers of the Lord that must fight to win with along with the Lamb. Q. Are you aggressive like the Conquering Lamb, or do you shy away from conflict with the enemy? A. I am not as agressive as the Lamb but want and desire to be with Him helping me. So help Lord.
Day 15 Meditation (Revelation 15:2-4). Q. In what way is the Song of the Lamb like the Song of Moses that was sung after crossing the Red Sea? A. The similarity is that both songs are songs of praise, worship, thanksgiving and adoration to God/ Lamb for victory/ deliverance, for Divine deeds etc. In the song of Moses, for God's deliverance of His children from Egypt and of the Lamb, for His victory over Satan that led to salvation of the redeemed. Q. Why do you think the sound of voices accompanied by instruments is pleasing to God? A. I believe it is pleasing to God because it is from the redeemed faithfuls and the sound is from string instruments with melodious sound accompanying songs of praise and worship to their Lord and Saviour. Q. What will it take for all nations to come to the Lamb in our own day? A. Faithful and committed evangelism to all peoples of all nation's.
Day 14 Meditation (Revelation 14:4-5). Q. If you take this verse symbolically, in what sense are the 144,000 described as virgins? Truth-tellers? Blameless? A. They have not defiled themselves sexually and are people of integrity whose yes is yes and no is no and cannot be faulted. Q. Redeemed? A. Redeemed, purchased/ bought back by the previous blood of the Lord Jesus Christ from the power/ kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light for the Lord. Q. In your life, what would it mean if you were to "follow the Lamb wherever he goes"? A. To be His disciple, following and learning from Him and doing His biddings always and anywhere no matter the cost. Q. What might have to change if you made this pledge? A. I have to die to self and the world and be fully surendered to obeying Him throughout my life time. So help me Lord.
Day 13 Meditation (Revelation 14:1). Q. What is the significance of the Lamb standing on Mount Zion? A. It is significant because the crucified lamb is the risen Lamb, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah Who has conquered the devil and stands victoriously with the Father in the Kingdom Q. Who are these 144,000 people with him? A. It is a figurative number representing all believers who have been sealed with the names of the Son and the Father Q. What is the significance of the Lamb's and the Father's names written on their foreheads? A. It is cast iron guaranty that they have been bought and paid for and thus belong to the Lamb and the Father
Day 12 Meditation (Revelation 13:7-8). Q. What is the significance that a person's name is recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life? A. This guarantees one that he will be in heaven with the Lord and not in hell fire at end of life here on earth . Q. When is that name written, according to Revelation 13:7-8? A. From creation. Wonderful!!! Q. John wrote these words to encourage the persecuted church. How do these words reassure you? A. Inspite of challenges, persecution or even death that we may face here on earth, we have life eternal awaiting us in heaven with our Lord. Hallelujah. This is exciting and amazing indeed.
Day 11 Meditation (Revelation 12:11). Q. How does the blood of the Lamb enable us to conquer Satan? A. The Lord Jesus conquered Satan by the blood shed on the cross and by His resurrection thereby setting us free from the penalty of sin. We thus have victory in our battles by faith in His victory for us. He is also available to fight and win our battles for us. Q. How does the word of our testimony show victory over Satan? A. By standing firm in our faith in Christ no matter the trials is victory for us as we refuse to betray our Lord as desired by the evil one. Q. Why is it necessary to "take up our cross daily" in order to conquer? A. To take up our cross daily is to make up our minds daily to stand firm in our faith in Christ no matter the quensiquences even if it means death
Day 10 Meditation (Revelation 7:15-17). Q. In what way does the Lamb seek to guide you as a Shepherd? A. He leads and provides my needs physical (nourishment) and spiritually (feeding me with His word); He also protects me by being with me and leading me away from trouble/ being with me even in the valley of the shadow of death where I will fear no evil. Q. What will this require of you? A. It will require that I obey Him completely less I stray away into danger Q. What do the "springs of living water" represent in your life? A. Life with Him through His Sprit providing teaching, counseling, opening our hearts to His word that nourishes unto eternal life etc Q. Have you exhausted these springs yet -- or even really found them? A. One cannot exhaust His nourishment and quenching of our thirst for His living water while still here on earth. We have to avail ourselves to continue to drink from His streams of Living water to be fully nourished. Q. What tears do you need wiped away from your eyes? A. Perhaps tears due to unmet needs, failure, losses of material things or loved ones, injustice etc
Day 9 Meditation (Revelation 7:13-14). Q. Why do you think this image is so jarring -- being made white by washing in blood? What are we supposed to see in this? A. Washed in the blood and made white? Spiritual matters can only be understood through the Spirit of God. The blood of slain Christ spiritually pays for/ takes away our dirty sin and makes us acceptable to God. He paid for our sin by dying in our place. We are thus seen by God as clean and as white as snow. Q. Why do you think this imagery is embarrassing to some? A. Some people are embarrassed by this imagery of blood sacrifices because they equate the blood here to the babaric human blood sacrifices associated with some cultures in times past.
Day 8 Meditation (Revelation 7:9-12). Q.Why do you think worship before the throne is such a theme of Revelation? A. Worship is primary purpose God created man for. It is an important engagement of creation in heaven and is thus highlighted or emphasized in Revelation for our attention and action while still here on earth. Q. What are the implications of this band of white-robed saints before the throne for our relationships with minority peoples in our own cities and countries? .How are we no longer act? How must we act towards these who are different, but very much the same as we? A. It is imperative that oneness in worship be our focus and engagement here on earth without segregation on basis of race, tribe or any divisive criteria.
Day 7 Meditation (Revelation 6:15-17; 14:9-11). Q. What is the purpose of the punishment meted out by the Lamb? Retribution, rehabilitation, deterrence? A. As a just God, He loves and even died for us. However, He will not tolerate sin and thus punishes sinners so that people will fear Him and shun sin, otherwise, each will receive appropriately what is deserved. Q. Why is having a Lamb (Jesus) exacting justice more troubling to us than the idea of Almighty God acting justly? A. Some can not reconcile Jesus exacting justice because He is a loving Jesus that loved to the extend of dying for me and others. Q. How important to a rounded understanding of Christ is the Messiah of judgment? A. It is important to know that Jesus Christ, the Messiah loves us so much but we need to know that He is a just God and will not tolerate but punish sin.
Day 6 Meditation (Revelation 5:11-14). Q. Why don't you allow God to stretch you today by offering loud shouts of praise, praise that enumerates the Lamb's attributes and worthiness. And as you speak these things, meditate on what you are saying. Have you done this yet today? A. My Lord and my God, I hereby join the host of angels and all creatures to shout Praises and worship unto You, the Most High God Who is seated and highly exalted the throne and to Lamb Who is worthy to be praise and worshiped for your glory, power, majesty, honour.. I bow in humble adoration and submission unto You with a loud shout ... let every living soul praise You the Lord...Hallejah, amen. Yes, I just did. Praise, praise, praise the L-O-R=D
Day 5 Meditation (Revelation 5:7-10). Q. You have been redeemed, purchased by payment of a price. In your own case, what kind of slavery have you been rescued from? A. Living in sin doing the biddings of Satan but now I redeemed and live for my Lord Q. Does this inspire you to sing to the eirdLord, even while darkness still swirls around you? A. Oh yes it does and I will ever worship and give Him praise for my redemption. Q. Why do you think Jesus wants you to reign with him in the New Heavens and the New Earth? A. Because He purchased me and I belong to Him and a joint heir with Him.
Day 4 Meditation (Revelation 5:1-8; 6:1). Q. What does it say about you that Jesus, the Most Worthy One, died for you. A. Amazing Grace indeed! Q. How does he value your worth? A. So valuable that the Lord God Almighty had to die for me to live. Praise God. Q. How casual should you be before the Lamb who is Most Worthy? A. Casual? Yes, the Lord so great and lofty decesded so low that He can reach me at my low level and call me friend. Amazing. Q. What is the appropriate relationship with him? A. Though He had descended to my level, He remains the Most high God worthy of praise and worship. Q. In what ways has he humbled himself to reveal himself to you? A. See my answer to the second questiion
Day 3 Meditation (Revelation 5:6). Q. How is the Lamb described in verse 6? A. The lamb looks as it has been slain, standing at the center of the throne (not lying down), has seven horns and seven eyes representing the seven Spirit of God. Q. What does that tell you about his ability to help whateveryou now, in your present circumstances? A. He, is abundantly able to heal and deliver me from any situation I may find myself because though slain, but now risen, He is all knowing, powerful and available for me in my times if need. Q. Considering the standing Lamb that was slain, how do the wounds you have experienced become your strengths? A. Just as the Lamb was slain, died, buried but rose and is now alive and powerful, so will I be delivered and healed by Him from whatever wounds I have now.
Day 2 Meditation (Revelation 5:5). Q How do humility and victory go together? How do the Lion and the Lamb fit together? How did Jesus humble himself? A. Jesus is a typical example of humility and victory going together. Being God and powerful being the Lion of the tribe of Judah, He humbled Himself in obedience to His Father and came to the world as man to be the lamb (weak) to be slain on the cross for me and any one that will believe in Him and accept Him as Lord and Saviour. He is powerful (as a lion) but as gentle in obedience and submission (as a lamb) Q. Why is it necessary to humble ourselves before God will exalt us? A. Without humility, there will be no obedience.
Day 1 Meditation (Revelation 4; 5:6). Q. Why is everyone around the throne worshipping? Why are they chanting and singing? A. Because the ONE Who sits on the throne is worthy to be worshipped; He created every thing. Q. Why do you think that we get bored with worship after a few minutes? A. We may not be empowered by the Spirit. We may just be depending on our strength alone. Q. What does that indicate about our hearts? A.. May be not totally surrendered to the Lord. Q. What can we do to change this? A. Be fully surrendered to the Lord so as to be empowered by the Spirit, His Spirit
Q3. (Haggai 2:1-5) Q. Discouragement is a common experience. What command does God give Joshua the high priest? A. Do not be afraid ( fear not) He commanded the leadership and the people. We will do well today if we take heed of the same command to us to fear not. Q. What assurance does he give? A. He encourages them that His presence is with them through His Spirit. We have the same encouragement to hold on to toady. Q. To deal with your own times of discouragement, what would God's command and assurance be for you? A. Se above. Q. How would you implement them? A. Obey Him. But the fact is that when trouble comes, we (I in particular) at that moment forget that He has commanded us not to fear the bad situation we find ourselves in. We also at that moment forget that He has promised to be with us to deliver us from the cause of fear.
Q2. (Haggai 1:6, 9-11) Q. God sometimes disciplines us through hardships and circumstances (Hebrews 12:7-11). Sometimes through us not having all that we need. What is such discipline intended to do in our lives? A. Such discipline is intended to make us repent for disobeying him and to cause us to see the need to do as He expects us to do. Q. Are you experiencing hardship? A. Yes. I have been financially broke in the past six months in particular and wonder why. Though things are generally touph for many people my country Nigeria for now. Q. What is God trying to say to you in the midst of it? A. Problem is, I have been doing well in paying my tithes and offering- I think so. I thus wonder why He has allowed me to be broke. Maybe there are other areas He wants me to see my deficiency.