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Everything posted by haar

  1. Q4. (1 John 4:4) Q. Why does John need to remind us that we have "overcome" the world? A. Because many of us are not aware that we have such power in us as a result of the Spirit of the Trinity living in us consequently, we go about in fear of the power of darkness. Help us Lord ever to remember that He [You] that is in us is greater that he that is in the world. Q. Is the potential power of the Holy Spirit within you less than the power in the Apostle Paul. What might be the factors that seem to limit our sense of power? A. No. It is ignorance that leads to living in fear and doubt and thus not being able to exercise the power that is available to us through the Holy Spirit of God.
  2. Q3. (2 Corinthians 1:21-22) Q. What does the Holy Spirit as a "seal of ownership" teach us? A. His presence in us is like a seal on a legal document that indicates the authenticity or genuiness of the document. The Holy Spirit in us shows that we are truly children of God. Q. What does the Spirit as a "down payment" teach us? When is the full payment made in this analogy? A. The presence of the Holy Spirit in us is just like an initial payment made to us as He makes us accessible to the Holy Trinity. But more is expected for us when the Lord returns to take us to heaven where all will be well with us because all the pains here on earth will be no more. Q. What does the Spirit as an "anointing" teach us? It is like the pouring of oil/ water in the New Testament for kings and servants of God to be equipped for service. The coming of the Holy Spirit in us anoints/ empowers to serve and communicate with God and people.
  3. Q2. (1 Corinthians 2:10-16) Q. What are the implications of having access through the Spirit to the "mind of Christ"? A. The Spirit knows the mind of Christ and can search and know what Christ wants us to know and then reveals it to our own spirits. Q. How does this Holy Spirit connection explain spiritual gifts such as prophecy, teaching, healing, etc.? A. God gives spiritual gifts to His children through the Holy Spirit in them. Consequently, we are then able to use the gifts for edification of the church (members)
  4. Please refer to the above earlier post.
  5. Q1. (Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23) Q. Do people who aren't Christians have Christ living within them? A. No Q. In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us? A. Those that have received the Lord Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit Q. What should you do to make them feel "at home" in you? A. Love and obey them Q. How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy. A. Just as the presence of the Lord God was present in the Temple so is the presence of the Holy Trinity present in our bodies (heart) Q. How might it differ? A. The difference is that our bodies and living temples (homes) for God Q. How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life? A. He empowers me to know and do the right thing Q. Your witness to others? A. Makes me effective Q. Your spiritual power? A. Great
  6. Q4. (John 3:8) Q. What does Jesus' reference to "the wind" teach us about people who have been born of the Spirit? A. By "wind" he means breath of God or the Spirit of God. Thus as wind can not be controlled by man but God, the person born of the Spirit cannot be controlled or be manipulated by man but by God alone because he is filled with the Spirit of God.
  7. Q3. (John 3:5-7) Q. What does it mean to be "born of water and the Spirit"? A. It means the second birth through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ that leads to repentance of sin and the regeneration that follows Q. What do you think "water" refers to? A. It could mean the water baptism that follows conversion of a sinner. One is immersed into water signifying dying with Christ and rising out of water to represent the new birth to new life. Q. Why have you come to this conclusion? A. That is what I have been taught Q. How, then, would you paraphrase "born of water and the Spirit" to best bring out the full meaning? A. It means the second birth or changed that comes about by repentance and the consequent infilling of the Holy Spirit resulting in a transformed person in thinking and deeds
  8. Q2. (John 3:1-8) Q. When Nicodemus came to Jesus, do you think he was already born of the Spirit? A. I am not very sure. he might have not been born again that is why he had to sneak to see Jesus in the Night Q. What is the difference between people who have experienced the second birth, and those who have only experienced the first birth? A. People who have experienced the second birth are those who will enter the kingdom of God.
  9. Q1. (John 7:37-39) Q. In Jesus' teaching on streams of living water from within, whom does he invite to drink? A. The invitation is to whoever is thirsty; Whoever belies in the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and SAVIOUR Q. What does he promise to believers? A. Streams of living water will flow out of the thirty believer to quench his thirst and others Q. To what degree has a spring of living water been fulfilled in your life? A. I think so far only a spring and yet to flowing as a stream into others. So help me Lord Jesus Christ for stream of your living water to gush out of my soul to nourish others.
  10. Q5. (John 16:12-15) Q. In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? A. He empowers us to understand the Word of God as against the false interpretation of it by false prophets Q. Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? In what sense does it apply to us today? A. It applies to our own generation and the generation to come
  11. . (John 16:5-7; 14:12) Q. What benefit is there to the disciples that Jesus goes away? A. His going to cross to die and to resurrect will bring salvation to world, furthermore, onnly after He has gone will the Holy Spirit be sent by the Father as requested by the returned Jesus Christ Q. What promise do we have in John 14:12 concerning the Spirit's power in believers? A. see text “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. (Joh 14:12)
  12. Q3. (John 14:26; 15:26; 16:13a) Q. Why do we believe that the Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force or power, but a Person? A. Because he does functions that are beyond the ability of ''things'' and He is not just a force or power but has power. Furthermore, He is one of the Persons that make up the Trinity. Q. What kinds of functions that we attribute to persons does the Holy Spirit do? A. He appointed missionaries, spoke/ speaks, teaches, guides etc Q. Why is it so easy to refer to the Spirit as "it" rather than "Him"? A. When one thinks of Him as a force or power
  13. Q2. (John 15:26-27) Q. What does it mean to "testify"? A. To remind. Also to testify Q. In what way does the Spirit testify about Jesus? A. By telling of or reminding people what Jesus said/ did Q. Can you testify from personal knowledge about Jesus? Or were the apostles the only first-hand witnesses? A. Yes. The believers after the disciples are also disciples of Jesus Christ and are expected to testify to the world what the Lord Jesus has done for them /us through our knowledge and experience of him
  14. Q1. (John 14:15-17) Q. In what sense is the Holy Spirit "another" Paraclete? Who was the initial Paraclete? A. Because Jesus is the Paraclete that has been with the disciples helping them. Q. In what way can the Holy Spirit replace him? A. Jesus on leaving the earth will ask the Father to send the Holy Spirit to come upon them to indwell them. Q. How was he "with" the disciples? A. Jesus was by their side and with them- helping, teaching, guiding them Q. When will he be "in" them? A. When Jesus has left and has asked the Father to send the Holy Spirit who will dwell inside them/ us
  15. Q4. Q. Who sends the Holy Spirit? A. The Lord Jesus Christ and the Father even though the passages seem to suggest that Jesus is the one Who sends the Holy Spirit Q. The Father or Jesus? A. Both the Father and Jesus Q. Does it matter? A. No
  16. Q3. (Luke 3:22; 4:1, 14a; 4:18-19; 5:17b; 10:21; Acts 10:38a) Q. Did Jesus do miracles by reason of being the unique Son of God, or by means of the power of the Holy Spirit upon him? A. Jesus did His miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit upon/ in Him because He had relinquished His divine authority and came as a man here on earth Q. Why is this important for us as his disciples? A. We need the Holy Spirit to be able to minster here on earth as His disciples . Q. In what ways does Jesus serve as our example in ministry? A. He relied on the power of the Holy Spirit to minister here on earth and so we also need to rely on the Holy Spirit and His power in our ministration here on earth.
  17. Q2. (John 5:19; Philippians 2:6-7) Q. What does Jesus' statement, "the Son can do nothing by himself," indicate about his relationship with the Father? A. This statement means that Jesus depends on the Father and the power of the Holy Spirit to perform his miracles. Q. Why did Jesus have to "empty himself" from his heavenly glory when he became a man? A. He relinquished some of his power to become human so that he would live with us and die for our sin
  18. Please see my previous post on question 1 Lesson 2
  19. Q1. (Luke 1:35; Matthew 1:20; Luke 3:21-22) Q.In what ways is the Holy Spirit active in establishing Jesus' core identity as Son of God as Jesus came to earth? A. The Holy Spit from God came upon Mary and the child Jesus that resulted in that awesome incident became the Son of God Q. How does the Holy Spirit establish your core identity as a disciple of Jesus? A. The Holy Spirit comes from God and is also Spirit O Jesus Christ. As He comes upon us He empowers us to think and act like Jesus and to do the work of Jesus- discipleship.
  20. Q4. (Joel 2:28-32; Ezekiel 36:26-27; 37:14; 39:29) Q. What promises do we find in Joel and Ezekiel concerning the Holy Spirit? A. God promised to pour His Spirit upon His people, the children of Israel and by extension all believers in Him and in the Lord Jesus Christ. Q. Who are the recipients of these promises? A. See b part of the first question please.
  21. Q3. (Isaiah 11:1-2; 42:1; 61:1-2) Q. What promises does God make through Isaiah the prophet concerning the Holy Spirit and the Messiah? A. That the Spirit will come upon him to give him Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Power, Knowledge, and he will bring justice and Good news to the people. Q. How were these fulfilled? A. They were fulfilled in Jesus and manifested at his baptism and thereafter, he manifested all the attributes prophesied.
  22. Q2. (Numbers 11:16-29) Q. What enables the 70 Elders to lead the people? What happens when the Holy Spirit comes upon them A. God remove the Spirit from Moses and placed on them and they were empowered to help Moses to lead the people.
  23. Q1. (1 Samuel 16:13; Psalm 51:11) Q. What is the primary purpose of God putting his Spirit upon selected individuals in the Old Testament? A. To give them a special assignment Q. What effect does the Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God? A. The Spirit empowers/ enable them to relate/ communicate with God and do powerful/ miraculous tasks
  24. Q3. (3 John 5-8) Q. What are the reasons given in these verses for supporting Christian workers in their ministry? A. Christian co-workers are supported because they are carrying out the work of Christ of reaching out to harvest souls the kingdom of light; furthermore, they do not seek help from non Christians and thus should be supported by the Christians. Q. What reward comes with becoming a "co-worker," by assisting Christian workers? A. Reward for service to the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Q. How effective can Christian workers be without those who support them? A. They will not be effective without such needed support.
  25. Q2. (2 John 10-11) Q. Why does the Apostle John tell his readers to refuse hospitality to the false teachers? A. To guard against allowing the false teachers to lead good followers of Christ astray with their false deceitful teaching. Q. What would refusing hospitality mean for a congregation (as opposed to an individual)? What is the border between tolerance and stupidity, when it comes to false teachers? Do the divisions of denominationalism find justification in this verse? Why or why not? A. In offering hospitality wisdom must be applied to avoid provision of hospitality that will be injurious. This whether hospitality is by/ to an individual or a body
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