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Everything posted by haar

  1. Q3. (Ephesians 1:20-22; 2:6) Q. Jesus' apostles were given spiritual authority from Jesus to carry out their ministries. What is the basis of your spiritual authority? A. The power of the Lord Jesus Christ in whom I am and seated in/ with Him on the throne at the right hand of God Q. Why do you think we believers neglect to exercise our God-given Kingdom authority? A. Ignorance: not knowing our status and position in the Kingdom of the most high God
  2. Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:5-12) Q. Why does a believer's suffering make his or her witness more credible to the world? A. Because the power of God in him/ her makes him/ her stands firm graciously coping and remaining in peace and exhibiting joy beyond comprehension by the world around. Q. Why do you think Paul contrasts "jars of clay" with "all-surpassing power"? A. To illustrate the surpassing great power of God that is in us through the Holy Spirit of God, mere mortals, like earthen vessels Q. What is the "treasure" that is contained within us? A. The awesome and mighty power of God A. How does this differ from the New Age truism of "believe in yourself"? A. On our own, we are nothing and have nothing on own but with Christ in us, we are wonderful and have awesome power of God working in us that we can declare that " I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me: Phil 4:13
  3. Q1. (Matthew 5:14-16) Q. In what sense are we the "light of the world"? A. We are the light of the world when we (Christians) do good deeds to others especially the needy/ poor. This provokes praise and thanksgiving to God by the beneficiaries. Thus the 'light' generated by the good works point the recipient to God. Q. What does it mean to let your light shine? A. See answer above (last sentence) Q. What kinds of character and actions in a believer's life bring glory to the Father? A. Goodly character, Christ-like character and action Q. Why were we created to do good works? (Ephesians 2:10) A. So that we will transmit God's glory to the world thus bringing glory to God.
  4. Q4. (Psalm 63; Philippians 3:7-19) Q. What increases one's hunger for God? A. Fasting. I think the Holy Spirit also also prompt us to thirst and hunger for the Lord Q. What tends to deplete this hunger? A. I an inclination to sin. Q. What would it take for your hunger for God to be renewed to great intensity? A. By a sustained desire and determination to know and have communion with Him. Q. How might fasting help in this process? A. It humbles and create an appropriate atmosphere/ condition to learn at the feet of the Lord.
  5. Q3. (2 Corinthians 4:16-18) Q. In what way do our "light, momentary afflictions" achieve for us an "eternal weight of glory"? A. The magnitude of our future glory in heaven is permanent and far outweighs the the present suffering now which is temporary. Q. Suffering can make a person bitter or better. How can suffering work God's character in your life? A. In suffering if people turn more and more to God and thus beholding His glory, the outcome will spiritual growth
  6. Q2. (2 Corinthians 3:18) Q. What is the effect on a believer from continued exposure to God's presence? A. He/ she will be transformed into the likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ bearing the fruit of the Spirit of Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self control. Q. Why do many believers remain spiritual infants? A. They do not expose themselves or make time to be at the feet of the Lord for fellowship to commune with Him through listening, looking praying, singing and adoring Him. Q. Why does deep exposure to God transform a person? A. As we expose ourselves to Him, His glory transforms us gradually into Him own glory and His Spirit begins to change us into His likeness.
  7. Q1. Q. (2 Corinthians 3:18) In your own words, how do you describe what it means to "behold his glory"? A. Beholding His glory is to absorb and to reflect God's glory as one communicate with Him Q. Have you ever experienced this? A. I am not sure given that it is some who would notice it as the Israelites noticed Moses face shining. Q. What do you think would be necessary for you to experience this on a regular basis? A. By and through intimate communion with the Lord Q. What keeps you from experiencing this? A. Failure to commit seriously to having intimate fellowship with the Lord God
  8. Q4. Q. According to Daniel 7:14, what is the extent of the Son of Man's authority? Of his glory? A. Forever Q. How is the use of Jesus' name in prayer and command a form of delegating his power? A. God gave Jesus authority and Jesus also empowered us to work signs and miracles. Q. How much power do we have in Jesus' name? A. As much as Jesus has because he told the disciples that they would do the work he did. Q. What limits the exercise of this power? A. Sin and lack of faith in Him
  9. Q3. Q. How is Jesus' glory displayed in his trial and crucifixion? In his resurrection? A. Through the declarations and action by His accusers and judges who inevitably declare Him King mockingly. Q. How do you think the thief on the cross and the centurion supervising the crucifixion could see his glory? A. He heard Jesus forgiving those who maltreated Him, saw the earthquake and darkness that covered everywhere and believed that Jesus must be the Son of God Q. Why is God's glory often seen in the midst of suffering? A. Through His interventions in the sufferings to bring an expected end.
  10. Q2. How is Jesus' glory displayed through his transfiguration and miracles? A. Through these events, God's glory and power are seen in Jesus Christ. The disciples saw the miracles and transfiguration and put their faith in Christ Jesus as they saw His glory.
  11. Q1. (John 1:1-5, 14) Q. When did Jesus glory and kingly authority have their origins? A. In the beginning [as scripture say " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God..." John 1:1] But God has no beginning!!! Q. In what sense were they hidden while he was on earth? A. I think His glory and authority were not fully revealed because the Word became flesh, thus His human nature might have been the reason why these attributes of Jesus were not fully expressed. Q. In what sense were they still present? A. Being also God, Jesus had glory and power which were seen by the disciples as he performed miracles and at the transfiguration.
  12. Q4. Q. Is the Kingdom of God present now? A. Yes. Q. In what sense? A. Through the miracles of Jesus and that of His disciples including the miracles of our generation as glory is given to God each time a miracle is done in his Name. Q. What are the present limitations of this Kingdom's power, if any? A. It is believed that total reign is not yet achieved and that is why there are still blood she and evil. Q. When will the Kingdom of God be fully manifest to all? A. When Jesus returns, at His second coming.
  13. Q3. Q. (Luke 17:20-21) How do you understand Jesus' saying, "The Kingdom is within you" or "in your midst"? A. His reign is among us as He takes preeminence and authority over us. I think it also means his rule over us as individual through his Holy Spirit Q. What does this teach us about Jesus? A. Jesus Christ is King and Lord of the Nations
  14. Q2. Q. What did the term "Messiah" mean to the Jews? A. It meant to them the one who would come to rule over them and deliver them from the Roman rule. Q. How does Daniel's Son of Man exceed this understanding? A. Daniel's Son of Man meant a lot more, It meant the Messiah Who would deliver His people from satanic bondage of sin and rule in His Kingdom forever. Q. Why does Jesus primarily use the title Son of Man rather than Messiah or Son of God? A. He wanted to be ambiguous at first so as not cause the Jews to accuse him of blasphemy and thus distract Him from His main purpose of coming to the world to deliver His people from the bondage of sin.
  15. Q1. Q. (Daniel 7:13-14) What are the elements of Daniel's prophecy of "one like a son of man"? A. He is Divine and comes in the clouds and is the Ancient of days Q. What is he given by the Ancient of Days? A. Given Authority, Glory, and Sovereign power Q. What clues do you have to the divinity of "one like a son of man" in Daniel's prophecy? A. He is the Son of the Mighty Sovereign God with Power, Authority, Honour, dominion and His Kingdom is for eternity.
  16. Q4. Q. What is the relationship between the tabernacle in the wilderness and the Kingdom of God? A. The Tabernacle in the desert represents God's dwelling place among His people Q. How do God's Kingdom and glory come together in the wilderness tabernacle? A. His glory comes upon the Tabernacle whenever He appeared to Moses and or the people
  17. Q3. Q. Why does Moses hunger to see God's glory? A. He was not satisfied with the status quo. Thus 'Oliver twist wanted more' Q. Why does Paul press on? A. To enable him reach the peak, the goal, the full knowledge of God. Q. What spiritual hunger do you see in yourself? A. Rather I see the need to know the Lord more and more, more importantly, to have an encounter with Him hearing Him speak audibly to me or even to see Him face to face. Q. How might you increase this hunger? A. By creating more intimate time in meditation, prayers and worship with Him. Q. How might you satisfy this hunger? A. As in above.
  18. Q2. Q. Why do you think God's glory is associated with judgment and consuming fire? A. The presence of the God of love and compassion can also be the presence of the God of judgment. He appears as fire to lead, give instruction and guide but also as fire that destroys in judgment Q.What happens when people willfully disobey God and his laws? A. He descends in His glory as a judge but to punish the guilty. Q. Why can't God's holiness coexist with sin? A. Because He is holy by nature and can not coexist with sin just as light can not coexist with darkness.
  19. Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you? Reputation glory: Is the glory accredited to God by His might exploits/ works. Derived glory: This is the glory attracted from a source by way of contact with the source of the glory such as that of Moses when he communed with God. Inherent glory: Is the type of glory God has within Him. Nothing we do can add any anything to this glory The glory that is involved when we praise God is derived glory while inherent reputation is in us due to the presence of the Lord god in us.
  20. Q4. (Joshua 23:7) What was Jesus' example of "associating" with sinners? He interacted with them and influenced them but did not allow them to influence him. Who were the "buddies" with whom he spent most of his time? His disciples. How can we balance our lives so we can enjoy friendship with non-Christians while not becoming like them? By showing them love and allow the relationship to transform them while refusing to be be conformed with their way of life What is the strategic effect of having no friendship with non-Christians? We will loose the opportunity to minister to them.
  21. Q3. (Joshua 24:23) Why did the Israelites have to throw out their foreign gods? Because they could not serve two masters. What was the effect of keeping these images in their houses? They would become like the nations that they were to dis-posses their land, -rebellious and disobedient. What "foreign gods" contaminate our homes, our lives? What would be involved in "throwing them out"? Foot ball/ other sports, money, our jobs/ business, cars, television, etc
  22. Q2. (Joshua 23:11-13) How would you define "holiness"? To be separated totally from anything that tarnishes or pollute s and clink to the Holy Lord God Almighty What makes us holy? The character of the Holy God at work in us which enables us to be holy. How should our holiness affect our lifestyles? Our holiness should cause us to walk in holiness with the Lord and with one other.
  23. Q1. (Joshua 23-24) Why are we tempted to think that we have accomplished so much by our own strength? Because we assume wrongly that our achievements are as a result of our efforts Why are we tempted to do nothing and expect God to do all the work? Ignorance I think. We need to know that God works with/ through us and to accomplish our desires. What is the balance? Pray as if everything depends on God and the work as if everything depends on us Which side of the balance have you been on personally? To a certain extend I have been balanced- praying to God and also working. How about your church? Same as I do
  24. Q4. (Joshua 15:17-19) What do we learn about Acsah's character from this passage? Name some examples of strong women of faith in the Bible. Name some strong women of faith you have known personally. Acsah possessed great faith in God and in her father that was why she went boldly to request for land. Similar example of a women of great faith are the ones in the Bible: the woman with the issue of blood; another one was the Gentile woman who pleaded for the healing of her daughter and persisted even when Jesus told her that children's food was not for the dogs by stating that even the dogs could eat from the crumbs that felled from the table.
  25. Q3. (Joshua 15:15-17; Judges 3:9-11) What can we deduce about Othniel's character from Joshua 15:15-17? Why does Caleb offer his daughter in marriage? How does this narrow the selection of a son-in-law? What is the power behind Othniel's judgeship according to Judges 3:10? Othniel is a courageous young man full of faith in God Caleb did not only offered his daughter in marriage, he offered to a courageous young man to ensure that she was in safe hands. The power behind Othniel judgement was the Spirit of God
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