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Everything posted by haar

  1. Q3. Q. What does it mean when you pray "in Jesus' name"? A. It means believing In Jesus and using the power that is in His name and in line with the will of God to ask God for something. Q. Do you use the phrase "in Jesus' name" as you pray? A. I do everyday Q. Why or why not? A. Because I believe in Him and I am given the right to use it and it works for me. Q. How does praying "in Jesus' name" limit what we will pray for? A. It means we pray for only what He will be pleased with which is in line with the will of God. We should not use it to pray for evil or sinful things.
  2. Q2. Q. In what ways does taking Jesus' name on ourselves, or identifying ourselves with him, open us to shame and persecution? A. When people consider His humble origin from an ordinary family, form humble locality- Nazareth and as a carpenter Q. Have you seen examples of this in your own experience? A. No Q. What actions might show that a Christian is ashamed of Jesus? A. When we are ashamed to identify with Him or preach the Gospel Q. What actions might show that a Christian is unashamed of Jesus? A. When we boldly identify and proclame him as Saaviour of the world.
  3. Q1. Q.How is the meaning of Jesus' name linked to his mission? A. The meaning of Jesus is Saviour. His ministry is thus the salvation of his people (and the world at large) from their sin. Q. What is his mission? How did he fulfill this mission? A. His mission as I said is salvation of souls which He did by His sacrificial death on the cross all mankind. I am a privileged beneficiary of this mission because I have received him as my Saviour and Lord in/ of my life.
  4. Q4. (Daniel 11) Q.What does this rehearsal of prophecy and history teach you about the world rulers and geopolitics of our own time? A. Kingdoms kings (rulers) will rise and fall but the kingdom our God and Lord Jesus stands forever. Q. How does the "big picture" inform us about the events of our day? A. Even in our times, rulers will fight (politicking) and nations will invade others for control. All these are happening. Q. Do you believe that God knows and cares about the details of your country's struggles and future? A. Yes I do Q. Are you praying for your country's leaders? A. Yes i am.
  5. Q3. (Daniel 11) Q. What is your general impression of Daniel's vision after reading the prophetic words matched by their historical fulfillment? A. I find the vision so complex and took the grace of God to keep going on. Nevertheless, it is encouraging that the prophesies came to pass as proclaimed. Q. What other Biblical prophecies can you think of that have been fulfilled so precisely? A. The prophesy of Jesus coming to save the world from sin. Q. What does this teach you about God? A. God is faithful and His word will come to pass
  6. Q2. (Daniel 10:12-13) Q. Why wasn't the angel messenger able to bring his message in a timely manner? Who resisted him? A. He was resisted by the Prince of Persia couple with war that was going on. Q.Who helped him? A. He was helped by Angel Michael. Q. What does this teach us about prayer? A. God hears and answers prayers. We should thus pray fervently and continuously for ourselves, others and nations. Q. About spiritual warfare? A. Spiritual and demonic powers exist and they engage us and the nations in battles but our God is more powerful and will win our battles for us . We should submit ourselves to God and the Lord Jesus Christ and resist them by putting on the full armour of God and victory is ours. So help us Lord God
  7. Q1. (Daniel 10: 3, 7-11, 15-17) Q. Daniel is old, but why does the vision affect him so greatly? What is the physical effect on him? What is the mental and spiritual effect on him? A. Daniel was so frightened that he could not eat or drink thus became exhausted and feeble. So feeble was he that he fell asleep Q. Why is spiritual "work" so taxing on us? A. It takes a lot of physical energy in addition to the spiritual drain.
  8. Q4. Why do you think Daniel's visions and prophecies have been an encouragement to Christians throughout the centuries when they are undergoing severe persecution? Because of the lessons learnt particularly the good news that evil may seem to triumph, but our God will overcome at the end. Thus His victory will be our victory. This motivating and cheering conclusion.
  9. Q3. (Daniel 9:24-27) Q. Why do you think there are so many interpretations of Daniel's vision of the Seventy Sevens? A. May be due to the complex nature of the dream. We need to pray more for God to give us His Spirit and power of revelation and discernment. Q. What is your interpretation of the various key parts of the vision? A. I am not sure I have any different from what Pastor Ralph has put forward.
  10. Q2. (Daniel 9:24-27) Q. Why do you think people fight with each other over the interpretation of difficult Bible passages? A. I think it may be due to spiritual arrogance. Q. According to Romans 14:1-5, what should be our attitude towards those who disagree with us on the non-essentials of the faith? A. Accept those who are weak in faith and not argue with them on what is wrong or right.
  11. Q1. (Daniel 9:24) In what ways can we find in Jesus the fulfillment of the six tasks found in verse 24? A. Jesus came to finish the transgress; put an end to sin; atone for wickedness; bring everlasting righteousness; etc
  12. Q4. (Daniel 9:15-19) Q. What was Daniel's essential prayer? A. For urgent fulfilment of God's promise to return the exiled and restore the city of God to its past glory. Q. What are the various grounds of Daniel's appeal? A. God's precedents in the past; His glory associated with the city and people; His righteousness; and His persoanl identification with the people of Israel and it people. Q. How did God answer the prayer (see Daniel 9:20-23)? A. Angel Gabriel was sent to explain God's intended plans for restoration.
  13. Q3. (Daniel 9:5) Q. Since Daniel is such a righteous man in his generation, why does he identify himself with the sins of his people? A. In humility Daniel considers himself not a saint who is righteous thus includes himself among the sinful people of his nation setting an example for us. Q. He didn't commit these sins. How does this compare to how Jesus sought forgiveness for his people? A. He compares with Jesus in the sense that Jesus being God without sin came as a man to carry our sin and thus died in our place that we may have eternal life.
  14. Q2. (Daniel 9:3-4a) Q. What is Daniel's demeanor as he prays? A. He turns to God in earnest expectation and in humilty Q. How does he prepare? Why is this so important in this case? A. He fasted in humility wearing sackcloth and confess his sin. This is important because it prepares us to be aligned properly in tune with God. Q. In what ways might you and I prepare for intercession? A. Fast and confess our sin and come to God in humility.
  15. Q1. (Daniel 9:1-2) Q.What encourages Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland? A. "Because Daniel believes God's promises for a return, he begins to pray in earnest for his people, that God would forgive their sin and enable this restoration to take place. He could have been a fatalist and decide that God will take care of all the details, that God need not be concerned. Instead, he takes it upon himself to pray, to intercede, and to plead with God on the basis of God's character" declares Pastor Ralph. Q. What practice on Daniel's part leads him to pray? A. Daniel has been praying, a practice that his enemies thought they could use to get him into trouble. he also has been studying the scripute and was able to see that the period of captivity will soon come to an end.
  16. Q3. (Daniel 7:18, 22, 27) Q. Three times the angel assures Daniel that "the saints of the Most High" will ultimately receive the kingdom and possess it forever (Daniel 7:18, 22, and 27). In what circumstances is this truth most precious to God's people? A. I think it refers to Jesus second coming to rule with the saints. Q. Though there may have been partial fulfillments, when do you expect the ultimate fulfillment? A. At the second coming of Jesus
  17. Q2. (Daniel 7:13-14) Q. How do these verses describe "one like a son of man"? A. He is dominion, glory and all peoples, nations, languages should serve him. Q. What makes us think he is a divine figure? A. He comes from heaven, He is given authority to judge and will return in his glory. Q. What authority and glory does he receive? A. The glory of his father Q.Why do you think Jesus called himself "the Son of Man"? A. Because that is who he is and also the divine son of God
  18. Q1. (Daniel 7:1-2) Q. What is the relationship of the Ancient of Days (God) to the various beastly nations that rage against each other and against him and his people? A. He is awesome, splendid, and sits on a throne surrounded by ten thousand times ten thousands of attendants and worshippers. He judges and destroys the evil kingdoms. Q. What happens to these beast-nations? A. They are destroyed Q. Why is it sometimes so difficult to believe that God is in charge of the world we live in? A. Sometimes when evil is seen to be triumphing.
  19. Q6. (Daniel 5:22-24) Q. In the New Testament, Jesus doesn't present God as legalistic, but as holy -- "hallowed be thy name." We are to be God-fearers. How do Christians commonly act irreverently in ways that would offend God? A. When they serve God in singing, worship, offering etcetera without honouring/ reverencing Him. Q. How have you changed your ways to conform to God's holiness? A. I try to come before Him knowing that He is holy and I need to worship Him in holiness by humbling myself before Him and confessing any known sin at the beginning of my worship/ prayers
  20. Q5. (Daniel 4:34-35) Q. What does Nebuchadnezzar's confession tell us about God? A. God is eternal, His kingdom is eternal too. He is sovereign and answerable to no one. Q. Have you ever given a public testimony of what you have learned about God through your trials? A. Yes. In my former working place, salaries were not paid for several months but God the great provider never relented in his faithfulness. I told whoever came my path this testimony. Q. What might your testimony sound like? A. A message of hope to the hopeless.
  21. Q4. (Daniel 4:30; 5:18-21) Q. How does pride show itself in Nebuchadnezzar's life? A. Puff up with pride, he attributes the great achievement he recorded and his great power as his own making and not from God who enabled him. Q. In what ways does it show up in your life? A. Whenever we think and act in a way that says "we did it" instead of saying that God enabled us to do it. Q. Pride is tricky. How can pride mask itself with humility? A. In our testimonies to others, we may inevitably claiming the credit for what God has done for us.
  22. Q3. (Daniel 4:27) Q. What must Nebuchadnezzar do to demonstrate that he renounces and repents of his sins? A. He must humble himself, return to the Lord, stop sinning and do what is right. Q. What must you do to demonstrate that you repent of your sins? A. We must do as stated above for the king. Q. For us, what does it mean to be kind to the poor? A. Help the needy with our substance and regard them in their low esteem as children of God. Don't maltreat them. Q. That was certainly within Nebuchadnezzar’s ability to accomplish. Is it within your ability? In what way can God’s decrees be conditional? A. Yes. The need to return to Him in humility and stop doing wrong is sometimes expected by god before He forgives us or grant our requests. Like This Q
  23. Q2. (Daniel 4:23-26) Q. What does it mean to "acknowledge that Heaven rules"? A. It means that the Lord God rules from heaven Q. In what ways is this hard for a king? A. Because he believes that all his achievements were his personal effort and not God's empowerment. Q. In what ways is this hard for us? How do we sometimes deny by our actions that God is in charge of all? A. We sometimes wrongly attribute our achievements to our efforts, power, wisdom etc and do not attribute such achievements to God. But He will not share His glory with us.
  24. Q1. (Daniel 4:10-20) Q. Is Daniel actually afraid to interpret Nebuchadnezzar's dream? Why? A. In a way he is because of the possibility of being killed bringing bad new to a king. Furthermore, is not sure of his fate if the king is banished. Q. Why are we afraid to say the hard things that must be said to help our brothers and sisters? A. usually because of the fear of the bad consequences to us. Q. What can we do about it? A. Pray for boldness and wisdom to say such hard things to our brothers and sisters
  25. Q7. (Daniel 6:21-23) Q. How does Daniel use his experience in the lions' den to testify about God? A. He told the King that his God had sent angels to shut the lions mouth and could not be hurt Q. What might have happened if, in his response to the king, Daniel had focused on the injustice done to him? A. He would have missed the opportunity to testify/ preach about his All powerful God Q. What experience in your life might you use as a testimony of God's mercy to you? A. Several cases of God's interference and deliverance in my life.
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