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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by haar

  1. Q4. (John 16:5-7; 14:12) What benefit is there to the disciples that Jesus goes away? What promise do we have in John 14:12 concerning the Spirit's power in believers? The disciples will be saved by His death, resurrection and ascension to heaven. The Holy Spirit will be sent to them too. Through the Holy Spirit that would come after Jesus went to heaven, His disciple would do the things he did and even more.
  2. Q3. (John 15:26-27) What does it mean to "testify"? In what way does the Spirit testify about Jesus? Can you testify from personal knowledge about Jesus, or only the apostles who were eyewitnesses? To testify is to tell of what we know from experience ( and the Bible) about Jesus for example- the Gospel, what it is and how it has impacted our lives. The Holy Spirit testifies about Jesus by explaining to what intends to tell us and also reminds us what Jesus did. All Christians are expected to tell others about Jesus especially our own personal encounter with Jesus- how has changed our lives and our experiences with Him (Christ) since we put our faith in Him.
  3. Q2. (John 14:26; 15:26; 16:13a) Why do we believe that the Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force or power, but a Person? What kinds of functions that we attribute to persons does the Holy Spirit do? Why is it so easy to refer to the Spirit as "it" rather than "Him"? Because He does things that humans also fo eg teach, comfort, guide etc and also can be grieved, be present amongst us and many more. It can be easy to refer Him as "ït" because he is not thought to be a person
  4. Q1. (John 15:18-21a) Why are Christians persecuted even if they haven't hurt others? What about a faithful Christian's life threatens non-Christians? Why does Jesus warn his disciples that persecution will come? What happens to our testimony if we give in under mild persecution? What does it say to persecutors when we don't react to their persecution? Do they see us as weak or as strong? Because the good conduct of the Christians exposes their bad one. The Christian is also persecuted because of jealousy. Jesus warned the disciples and also warns now to prepare our minds to be ready to face it when it comes. Our testimony as bold followers of Christ will be eroded if we easily give in under persecution. In this case the world will see us as weak Christians
  5. Q7. (John 15:12-15) What is required to be counted a "friend of Jesus"? What privileges do "friends" enjoy according to verse 15? What happens when we take for granted this privilege? Obedience is required. The Lords tells friends everything about the kingdom, His Kingdom. Their prayers are also answered.
  6. Q6. (John 15:9-11) How are obedience and joy linked? Is obedience an obstacle to a joyful relationship between you and the Lord? Obeying Jesus from our heart leads to Him to love us and and His joy will be in us. Our pyers will also be answered. Not really.
  7. Q5. (John 15:7-8) The fruit from branches connected to a vine is the grape. What is the nature of the fruit that comes from being connected to Jesus? Is it accurate to define fruit as "souls saved"? What is the danger in this definition? The nature of the fruit that comes from being connected to Jesus is living a Christ - like life doing the kind of good works done by Christ. it also means being light and salt of the world. I think bringing souls to Christ or evangelism is also part of being fruitful because it is part of the work of Christ.
  8. Q4. (John 15:4-6) Unbelievers can do many things. So what does Jesus mean when he says, "Apart from me you can do nothing"? What is the value of things done without Christ? What is the final end of things done without Christ? It is only with the help of Jesus we can achieve significant and enduring results in our pursuits. Things done without Christ will be like the chasing of the wind.
  9. Q3. (John 15:4-5) What does it mean "to abide"? What is the doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints? How do these verses support it? What does abiding have to do with "mutual indwelling," of a "personal relationship"? How well are you abiding? "To abide" is to know and continue to cling or hold to Jesus and His word through a personal loving relationship. To continue to persevere and abide in the Lord despite persecution. Abiding involves mutual indwelling. Jesus in the Father and we in Jesus and holy trinity in us. I abide in Jesus but need to now continuously do so all the time and every circumstance.
  10. Q2. (John 15:2b) How are we pruned or cleansed by exposure to and obedience to Jesus' words? According to John 8:31-32, how does obeying Jesus' teaching bring cleansing and freedom from sin? We are cleanse when we hear the word and obey. The word of Jesus is the word of God ant knowing and obeying the truth makes us clean. Obedience to Jesus word keeps us clean from sin.
  11. Q1. (John 15:2) How does judicious pruning benefit a grapevine? What happens to productivity and health when a vine is left unpruned? What does God use to prune our lives? What does God use to prune our congregations? Why do we resist pruning? What can we do so that the eventual pruning isn't as severe? It promotes growth, quality of fruit, and reduces diseases. When a vine is left unpruned, the vine grows wild, bears less fruits and lower quality fruit and hence lower quality of juice. God allows to loose certain things/ worldly opportunities etc in our lives so that we will more productive in our service/ ministry. We resist pruning because it is painful.
  12. Q5. (John 14:30-31a) How does Satan take advantage of our previous sins to control us or make us fearful? In verse 31, how does Jesus stay free from bondage to Satan? How can we free ourselves from bondage to Satan and fear of exposure? He uses our past sin to accuse us before God but Jesus tells him " I have paid totally every sin of my son and friend. Jesus did not commit any sin that satan could hold and accuse Him. We should stay out of sin and totally submit ourselves to the authority and lordship of Jesus Christ and satan will not have nothing to accuse us of.
  13. Q4. (John 14:27) If it doesn't mean cessation of conflict in our everyday lives, what then is the peace that Jesus offers us now? The peace Jesus meant was peace with God through Him. It also means wholeness of body, soul and spirit.
  14. Q3. (John 14:25-26). What do we learn about the Paraclete in verses 25 and 26? Who is he? Why is his teaching/reminding role important to the apostles? The Paraclete will teach and remind us what Jesus taught his disciples. The Paraclete if the Holy Spirit of God sent in the name of Jesus The Paraclete is performing the role of the Lord Jesus in teaching and reminding the disciples and us because the Lord goes to the Father in heaven.
  15. Q2. (John 14:15, 21-25) Q. How is obedience to Jesus linked to loving him? A. Loving Jesus leads us to obey Him. Q. When Jesus emphasizes obedience, what keeps this from being the heavy burden of a new legalism? A. The motive is the main difference. Obedience out of love is relational compare to when we obey for reasons such as fear, attracting some personal recognition or self righteousness. Q.Can we love Jesus and not obey him? If so, how? A. No. When do not obey Jesus, we do not love Him.
  16. Q1. (John 14:15-17) Q. What do you think is the best way to describe the Paraklētos that Jesus sends? A. He is the Holy Spirit of God, a member of thr trinity who stays with us, He is our Helper, Counselor and Comforter. Q. In what sense is the Holy Spirit "another" Paraclete? A. Because He is like Jesus who has been doing that the Holy Spirit will also come and do Q. Who was the initial Paraclete? In what way can the Holy Spirit replace him? A. Jesus was the initial Paraclete. The Holy Spirit will do all Jesus did- lead, counsel, comfort etc
  17. Q5. (John 14:8) Q. What happens after Jesus' "glorification" that enables believers to do greater things than Jesus? A. He asked the Father to send the Holy Spirit to indwel and empower us to the works Jesus did. Q. Is this promise limited to the apostles? A. No. I am qualified for the promise. Praise God. Q. Why are Christians today uncomfortable with this promise? A. They doubt the truth of the word of God but their doubt does not invalidate the promise.
  18. Q4. (John 14:1b, 6-11) Q. In what sense is trusting Jesus the same as trusting God? A. Because Jesus who is the Word is God Q. How accurately does Jesus portray God's actions and words? A. Through His word, the good works He did and the miracles He perfotmed. Q. What does it mean that Jesus and the Father are one (John 10:30)? A. They are one in mind, purpose, plan and fully blended but truly seperate. Hard to understand though. Help us Lord.
  19. Q3. (John 14:6d) Q.Is it intolerant to believe that no one comes to God except through Jesus? A. No. God loved the whole world and sent Jesus His only Son to die for all. By believing in Him and accepting Him as Lord and Saviour, there is salvation. Q. How does Jesus' death and resurrection atone for the sins of the Old Testament saints? A. God made plans for salvation since the beginning of times and this covered the past and future generations. Paul reminded us that God, through nature and connciense made His unwritten code known so that no one has any escuse. Q. Why are some Christians uncomfortable with the statement that "No one comes to the Father but by me"? A. The Christians who are uncomfotable about Jesus being the only way to the Father need to believe the word of God. This is a matter of spiritual facts that does NOT have to make sense. It is a matter of FAITH.
  20. Q2. (John 14:6) Q.In what sense is Jesus the Way to God? A. Through Him only is salvation and hope to be with God after death or by rapture. Q. What does it mean to "follow Jesus"? A. It means to know what He says and to obey. To follow His example. Q. In what sense is Jesus in himself God's Truth? A. Jesus is the Word of God that we know and are set free. He tells the truth and about the truth that leads to heaven. Q. What are the implications of this for us and our world? A. The world and everyone of us need Jesus to lead us with and by the truth to life everlasting with the Father in heaven. Q. In what sense is Jesus God's Life? A. He is the source of life and only through Him can we have life eternal. Q. How does this affect us and those we speak to about him? A. We need to know Him as such and believe in Him for life eternal.
  21. Q1. (John 14:2) Q. What is the "Father's House"? A. Where God dwells. Q.What does verse 2 tell us about what Jesus will do, and what is provided for us? A. He is going to prepare a place for us. His death, resurrection and assenssion into heaven also prepares a way for us to go to heaven. Q. How does that comfort us? A. We know for sure that we have a place to go to after death or at rapture. We also have the assurance that His death, ressurection and assension has made a way for us to heaven where He is with His Father.
  22. Q6. (John 13:35) Q. In what sense is love for one another an indicator to all of our status (or lack of status) as Jesus' disciples? A. A disciple is one who learns from Jesus and follows His example. Jesus loved everyone and commanded us to love oneanother as He had loved us. Thus any one who loves one another is a true disciple of the Lord. Q. Why do we sometimes avoid living in an intimate Christian community in favor of only a large-meeting expression of our faith? A. I am not sure I understand this question well. But I think we avoid living in an intimate Christian community because we cannot cope or tolerate our differences due to absence of true love. Q. Why is it so difficult to love people in an intimate Christian community? A. Because self is still in our centers. Only when we are fully surrendered to the Lord who takes over our centers can we love intimately by His power as He loves. Q. How does your church or group measure up by the indicator of love for one another? A. I think the answer is- BELOW AVERAGE. Q. How do you measure up? A. Very poor. Help me Lord.
  23. Q5. (John 13:34) Q. Why is love exalted to the level of a command? A. Jesus is Love and His love is sacrificial and it is what holds and binds us together. This high standard can only be achieved when to love becomes a command. Q. How does love characterize Jesus' life? A. Jesus lived on earth loving everyone. He loved the whole world so much that He died on the cross to reconcile us to God so that we shall not perish but have everlasting life. Q. In what way does love fulfill the law and the prophets? A. The ten commandments are all about love for God and mankind. All that was and is the Bible centers on love. This explains why Jesus summarised the laws into love for God and man.
  24. Q4. (John 13:27-30) Q. Judas gave into his temptation to greed by stealing from the mission's money bag. How does habitual sin tend to open us to greater influence from Satan in our lives? A. When we sin, Satan gets a foothold for further attack and influence over us. Q.How did Judas eating Jesus' bread illustrate the magnitude of his betrayal? By accepting and eating bread from Jesus, Judas lost the opportunity for repentance and thus went ahead with his greedy plan to betray my Lord for some silver coins.
  25. Q3. (Luke 22:25-27) Q. In the world, Great Men have others serve them and exalt them with great titles. How is the Kingdom of God to be different than that? A. The Lord Jesus Christ set the model of how the Kingdom of God is to be diffrent by serving His disciples. Leaders are to serve those down the ladder. Q. How has Roman Catholic Pope Francis I set an example of humility before his flock? A. He chose to live a life of himilty and simplicity, to serve and to humble himself to the extend of kneeling down and asking for prayers from the congregation. He also refused the luxury enjoyed by his predecessors.
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