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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Don W

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Everything posted by Don W

  1. First of all, we all have to know that because of our sinfulness (in Theologians
  2. Faith in the Bible is defined as:
  3. As said above, we are created by God to do good works (faith in action) for the glory of God our Savior once the Holy Spirit convicted and saved us through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ; these good works are different from the works that Paul discredits in verse 9 because they come after we are saved and thus are for the purpose of helping to fulfill and to be for God
  4. Any of the words above that Dr. Wilson has used will do when telling someone about being saved. I think that one of the most biblical approaches is to use the term
  5. There are many reasons why it
  6. In the past, we were seated (or a part) in the world and dominated by sin, Satan, and other evil things, but now (since our salvation entirely by His grace) we are seated with Christ in the heavenly realms so now we can be victorious in Christ over all of these things in the world because Christ Jesus was victorious over them all in His death and resurrection, and He has now given us His power through the Holy Spirit to be victorious in Him. This says about God
  7. All non-believers are spiritually dead to God
  8. Because of our lack of faith, we are so many times powerless but it
  9. To inherit that amount of money would indeed affect my life because I would be looking forward to it but not for the same reasons as would non-believers because it
  10. We have everything glorious to look forward to the day of His return when He will finalize His total reign over all of nature and the heavens and the earth as well as to take us to be with Him forever in His glorious presence in heaven. But even before that glorious day, we have the power of the Holy Spirit, His many blessings, the fruit of the Spirit, growth (sanctification) in Him, and many more things to look forward to them in the days ahead before His return and final victory over all things, including death itself. These things should be a major motivation in our present day for us to do everything we can to love and serve Him out of our gratitude for who He is as well as for everything He has done for us. The hope of the average non-believer is different than our hope because even though their hopes are directed towards the near-future as well as ours, it is hope for what the world can give them and not what the Lord Jesus gives; and their hope is not towards the time to come in the future after they have died without any hope of victory over death as the Lord Jesus
  11. The end of the term of the complete fulfillment of God's covenant with us is when we who trust and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ will be in glory with our Lord forever and ever, and, praise the Lord, will be His full payment for His redeeming us from slavery to sin and the world unto Him as our Lord and Savior, and to be present with Him throughout eternity in heavenly glory. The “end of the term” occurs either when the second return of the Lord Jesus Christ occurs or else before that time if we pass this life and the Lord takes us home to be with Him forever. I can hardly wait for this term to end and then I'll be in the glorious residence with my Lord and Savior forever and ever! Amen!
  12. I have been totally redeemed from the slavery of my sins by the price of Christ
  13. Just as was stated, we Christians are holy (separated from the world and the world
  14. We believers are totally in Christ, incorporated in Christ because of His redeeming us from our sins, buying us back from the world to Him by His death on the cross and His resurrection from death and the grave. I fall very short of presently being totally
  15. What it means to me to be
  16. No prayer that God answers is outside the total scope of His will but God can and will change His mind if the prayer (as was Moses
  17. I believe in the predestination of God determining all of our actions determining the outcome of our lives, but add to this the free will God has given us to use for His honor and glory (or otherwise, but in all things they will ultimately be used for His glory in some way or other that we cannot always see or know), and believe also that we must pray for God’s will to be done in our prayers. But I also believe that there is power from the Holy Spirit in our prayers (if they are according to God’s will) to ultimately do the will of the Lord in them, but to bring both of these together is beyond our knowledge of God and His mysterious ways. I think that God will answer our prayers but only according to His will and purpose here in heaven and earth, but many times we don’t know what this is in our lives nor in the lives of others we pray for them so we really don’t know if our prayers change God’s responses or our own responses to His will and purpose for us, but I believe the latter is true because otherwise He wouldn’t be the God who knows everything about us and the world that we live as well as His perfect will in our lives. Our prayers do make a difference because He wills for us to pray, but not in His responses to our prayers but rather to our responses to Him as His will and purpose in our lives. That is why we need to pray “gutsy prayers” to God but know that they will be answered by Him only according to His will for our lives so we must accept His “no” or “maybe” answers as well as His “yes” answers to our prayers because they are according to His will and purpose for us as His children speaking to our heavenly Father. It is hard if not impossible to put the two theological concepts of predestination and free-will together but we do know that they both exist and have been given to us from His Holy Word, the Holy Bible. Those are really non-believing prayers when the person praying them doesn’t think that prayer will make any difference to God nor themselves; but we must believe that our prayers will make a difference in our lives or we may as well stop praying altogether in them. As I read some of the other answers to this question I got to thinking why is praying to do God's will and to accept it in our lives considered being a "whimpy" prayer-thing? It isn't whimpy at all but rather the strongest, most powerful thing we can say and do in our prayers, and is exactly what God told us to do in all of our prayers to Him! I just studied the "disciples' prayer" in Matthew 6 and one of the precepts of this prayer which the Lord Jesus taught us to pray was to pray that "God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven" and there is nothing more powerful then that! And that's exactly what we should be praying in all our prayers, and is exactly what is going to happen in our lives here on earth as well as in heavenly glory! Amen and Amen!
  18. We need to emulate in our own prayers the aspects of praying in intercession for others the Scriptures based on God
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