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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Don W

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Everything posted by Don W

  1. The people of Israel had sinned greatly against their God and had rebelled against Him when they had grumbled and complained against His chosen leader, Moses, and had quickly turned to other gods, a molten calf, to worship it and offer their sacrifices to it instead of to their Lord God. There are a number of attributes to God and one is His loving us with His unending anger, but another one is His anger against sin, disobedience and rebellion against Him. Our God is shown to us through His Word to us to be all, a total of His attributes, and even though we can
  2. We should continually ask for forgiveness, both from the person(s) we
  3. I think that as Americans we have been taught to practice self-reliance and self-pride in our lives, and thus we try to do it all ourselves and to be independent of asking anyone else, including God, to help us. But as Christians in Christ
  4. I think that as Americans we have been taught to practice self-reliance and self-pride in our lives, and thus we try to do it all ourselves and to be independent of asking anyone else, including God, to help us. But as Christians in Christ
  5. When we ask the heavenly Father for His kingdom to come, we are asking for His power, glory and honor to be manifested in us as the body of Christ, His church, as well as the final manifestation of His eternal kingdom when Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, returns to set up His Kingdom and reign over the whole universe. That we do the Father
  6. When we live our lives for Jesus Christ to be our Lord and our Savior and live for Him and to worship and glorify Him, then our lives are lived in order to hallow our Father in heaven
  7. They are all what we need to do as the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin in our lives and that is all a part of the self-examination process. If we leave either part out (either confession or repentance), then we have not obeyed the Lord in doing exactly what He wants us to do, and we may be disciplined (chastised) in that area of our life until we do both confess the sin of disobedience as well as truly repent of it. Then we can claim 1 John 1:9 for the forgiveness of our sins by the Lord, and this confession, repentance, and forgiveness serves to bring spiritual health and character change to us because we know that we are walking and growing in the Lord Jesus closer and closer to Him, and someday soon we will be as He is when we are with Him forever and ever in eternity in heavenly glory! Amen!
  8. We need to let the Holy Spirit do the examination in us and He will convict us of the things we
  9. It seems to me that God has brought judgment to the offending parties at Corinth because they refused to confess their sins and repent of them before they partook of Holy Communion; and as they were being chastised for their behavior, they hardened their hearts against the Lord and still kept on refusing to obey Him and His Word to them. Both sickness and death seem to be rather harsh to us but it
  10. It is considered such a grave sin for many reasons, a couple that are: the Lord wants His body, especially His local body, united before Him especially when they partake of the memorial feast together of the Lord
  11. Haar, I'm not an expert at all on meditating on and picturing Jesus' face but everytime I do--especially in a worship service at church--I feel unexplainable joy and peace in my life, and even sometimes tears come to my eyes when I think about Calvary and all that the Lord did for me. I guess it involves getting your thoughts on the One we are worshiping and praising and off of the troubles and problems of the world that surrounds us, but that's really hard for me to do so one "trick" I use sometimes is to close my eyes as I'm worshiping the Lord and not really worrying about what other people think that are around me. Sometimes I think about the Scriptures about the Lord and about the subject the pastor is teaching us at the time. Meditating on God's Word has been explained as like a cow chewing on grass over and over again so I need to think of some Scripture and go over and over again on what it means and how it applies to my life. A good time for me to do this is when I'm caught in commute traffic and it helps me not to get upset about all those "crazy" drivers out there on the road--all seemingly trying to hit me! If I were better disciplined then I am right now, I would spend much more of my time on meditating on the Scriptures that come to my mind when I think of Jesus and His love for me. A good place to start this meditation is on the Psalms since they were written, I think, from the meditations of the Psalmists, and are written for us to meditate upon them ourselves. Sorry this has become so long but I hope that it helps. I have asked the same question to my pastor and he told me the same thing about meditating on the Scriptures especially on the Psalms or the Gospels--either books will be good to use. I'll be praying for you and maybe you can pray for me that we'll both be more disciplined and timely in this important thing in our Christian lives to see the Lord Jesus' face by worshiping Him and by meditating on the Bible as God's holy Word to us. Don W
  12. When I meditate on seeing the face of my Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, I somehow seem to be able to forget the things of the world and the problems that I am facing, and start to think about the Lord Himself for all that He did for me in the past, what He
  13. To me, the Great Banquet is a fulfillment of everything that the Lord God did for us, His people or children, throughout the history of mankind. He started in history with choosing Abraham and Sarah as the people He would eventually bring out of their family line David and after words, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself to be our Messiah, Savior and Lord whom fulfilled our needs of salvation, forgiveness and peace with God the Father; bringing us to the Lord
  14. Jesus was referring to His own physical body as
  15. When we partake or come to know personally Jesus as our Savior and Lord of our lives, then we are
  16. I believe that we need biblical love for each other as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ which goes beyond Christian denominations and traditions, but this biblical love is also set under the guidelines of the Holy Bible and does not include those who don
  17. It is very serious as spiritual, biblical discipline is lacking in most churches that I have been a part. In fact, I left a church last year because they didn
  18. By helping to achieve unity within the church in order to partake righteously of the Lord
  19. When they drank the Cup of the Covenant, the 12 Apostles were confirming and binding themselves with the Lord Jesus to His New Covenant with them, just as we do the same thing when we, as believers in Christ, partake of the Cup representing His precious blood He shed for us at Calvary. In the ratification of the Old Covenant, it was the nobles (or 70 elders) that the 12 drinking the Cup of the Covenant, and they represented all of the Israelites as believers in the Lord their God. With us as Christian believers, the significance of us drinking the Cup of the Covenant is to confirm our beliefs and to bind us together with the Lord Jesus because of His blood which He shed for us for the forgiveness of our sins as well as for joining us together as a new family
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