Don W
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Everything posted by Don W
Q3. Psalm 133
Don W replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Psalms: Choosing the Path of Righteousness
I like the part where the poet describes the unity of the brethren as -
To communicate the Psalmist
I would if I had children (or young believers in the Lord) to instruct, would tell them (and myself) that, as believers in the Lord, we need to have a consistent lifestyle in what we believe and what we do in our lives as we try to be consistent in trying to live as God demands from His Word, and as in close intimacy with God as we possible can each day of our lives. The topics of right living covered in this Wisdom Psalm include: living in moral integrity in this very immoral world (by being blameless and righteous and in the truth of God
We are reminded of this fact because we often forget and just as the Psalmist did in Psalm 73, we sometimes get envious of all the riches and seemingly prosperity in the world of the unbelievers (wicked); but we needn
I sang the song:
When we recognize that God loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son to die for us to be saved and resurrected into eternally heavenly glory to be with the Lord forever; and then we act upon our beliefs, then this is the basis of our Christian faith, and it should govern from then on everything that we do and say
This psalm teaches us that there are many, innumerous ways to praise the Lord and if we know how to play a musical instrument, we are to do so with praise in our heart-felt playing of it towards the Lord God who made everything for us in order to praise Him for who He is and all that He has done for us as His people of praise. And even if we don
The psalmist is feeling dry, a long ways away from the Lord and His holy temple, spiritual and physical depression, and the harassing and continuous taunts of the unbelieving people around him at this time in his spiritual struggle. He combats his depression by knowing that he will once again be brought back to being close to the Lord; recalling what the Lord did for him and how close the Lord was to him before this time; singing and praying continuously to the Lord God (which is what I use mostly when I
The Psalmist means by his desire to be close and intimate with the Lord in his life at all times. Since our bodies are the
The wonder of creation
When I finished reading and studying Psalm 19, I remembered an older song that I used to sing when I first became a Christian which was written from verse 14: "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and redeemer" and so I sang the song several times through the day but don't know who wrote the melody for the song. I also looked up the scriptural references for Psalm 19 in my church hymnal, and then sang one of my most favorite hymns, "All Creatures of Our God and King" based on Psalm 19:1 (and Psalm 148:13 according to the hymnal). I love singing the Psalms in worship and praise to our glorious living Savior but have gotten out of doing this for some time now (except in church worship services); but I want to get back into developing this as a habit of mine and it is also an excellent way to memorize Scripture. Also, I've been making the Psalms a little more personal to me by praying the words of the Psalm and making them personal by using the pronouns "I" and "me" instead of "you" and other pronouns when the Psalmist was referring to himself in them.
They are related by the common thread of how mankind can know God, in two ways: by seeing His hand in His beautiful and vast creation; and by knowing and hearing Him in His Word, the Holy Bible, God
Lord bless you all! Hi, I'm Don W and I've participated in several of Dr. Wilson's Bible studies over the net--the last one was very excellently done and covered the Book of Hebrews. Psalms, being my most-favorite book of the Bible, should be an excellent study as well. I'm originally from Washington State (near Seattle) but now I'm teaching elementary-age special education students in the East Bay (area east of San Francisco) in California and live in the North Bay area of California (every place around here (the Bay Area) is named after which direction it is from San Francisco so I'm living north of there!). I'm single again after being married for 7 years, am 60 years young, and I'm planning on retiring in a couple of years and going back home to Washington; but the nice thing about these online Bible studies is that I can participate in them no matter where I live so I plan on joining them once I'm up there as I do here. I am Reformed in doctrine and practice, and attend a local Christian Reformed Church in this area. I love reading all of your comments in this Bible Study Forum as well as making my own comments on the Scripture passages. Keep up the faith and the good work you're doing for the glory of the Lord our God, Dr. Wilson!!!!!! Thanks. Don W
Psalm 8 teaches about God that He is majestic, awesome, and mighty in His rule over all of His creation; and that, even though man is almost
Q5. Living to Please God
Don W replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Let Us Love: Workings of Faith (13:1-25)
The actual requests being made of God in this great benediction are that the God of peace, the great Shepherd of us (the sheep) and through the blood of Jesus (shed for the) everlasting covenant, will: make us Christians complete and mature in every good work we do in His will; (He is) working in us believers what is well-pleasing in His sight; and this is all (done) through Jesus Christ, to whom is (and will be) the glory forever and ever. Amen! What a prayer!!!! This is one I need to memorize and use these words of scripture to pray for other Christians and myself, too. We should aim to please Him because He asks us to do so and tells us in His Word how to please Him (2 Corinthians 5:9); and because this is all part of our little sacrifices to God for His great and final sacrifice for us in giving us His Son -
Q4. Sacrifices of Praise and Good Deeds
Don W replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Let Us Love: Workings of Faith (13:1-25)
The kinds of sacrifices or offerings us Christians are called upon to make to our God are: our own lives, to give up ourselves and to put on our new lives in Christ Jesus; to worship and praise God our heavenly Father through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ, and to thank Him for all He is and has done for us; to love, follow and obey Him all the days of our lives; and to praise Him with our mouths and live our lives to honor and glorify Him in this world. The effect of these offerings to God is that they please Him, honor and glorify Him as we live out our days in this dark world; and we let His light shine or reflect off of us to those in the world that we touch their lives and that God will bring them to Him through us. I wrote a song a long time ago about this called -
Q3. Yesterday, Today, Forever
Don W replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Let Us Love: Workings of Faith (13:1-25)
The biblical fact that -
Q2. Greed and Security
Don W replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Let Us Love: Workings of Faith (13:1-25)
A couple of ways we may recognize greed in ourselves are by measuring how much we desire money or some other object with our desire to love, follow and obey God and His Word for us; and another way might be is the desire we have for the thing(s) growing in us as it gradually takes over our lives? These are a few of the signs of greed (or covertness) in our lives, which we need to overcome with the Lord -
Q1. Brotherly Love
Don W replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Let Us Love: Workings of Faith (13:1-25)
Hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners relates to one form of demonstrating brotherly love to other Christians as well as non-Christians so that we might demonstrate the grace of God -
Q5. The Fear of God
Don W replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Let Us Endure: Perseverance of Faith (12:3-29)
Yes, we are to have a serious and feeling of awesomeness for our God in our worship and praise for Him, and as this grows, so does our life of faith grow in the Lord. One of the Proverbs states that -
Q4. Holiness and Salvation
Don W replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Let Us Endure: Perseverance of Faith (12:3-29)
No, salvation only comes from believing, trusting, and accepting the Lord Jesus as our Lord and Savior; but being holy comes afterwards as we seek to thank and please our great God whom has given us so great a salvation. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 describes some of the ways we were sinful before we were saved by the Lord Jesus Christ; but since we have been washed in His blood, sanctified by Him, and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Holy Spirit, we have been made holy before Him. Galatians 5:19-21 shows the same things before we were -
Q2. Discipline and Training
Don W replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Let Us Endure: Perseverance of Faith (12:3-29)
When we look at our struggles and hardships come from our Father