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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Jen Hollenbeck

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Newbie (1/3)



  1. Greetings new friends and fellow children of God! My name is Jen. I love Jesus and the life he has given me! I am involved in a very special ministry for children in emotionally stressful families at my church. I serve as a small group leader to 3 girls in 3rd and 4th grade. This ministry has captured my heart! I had a massive brain hemorrhage while a freshman in college and my left side is paralyzed. I've been working as an accountant for 13 years and my most recent employer has asked me to leave due to my disability. Although my husband and I are a bit fearful of the future, we worship a God of the impossible and are honestly excited to see what the next part of His plan is for us. He always does what is Right and we look forward to what that is for us!! I've determined to use my time off as an opportunity to dig deeper in my faith and am thrilled to be part of this study!! Blessings to all as we embark on this journey together!
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