1. The theme of testimony and witness in the Book of Revelation is important to the church to encourage and strengthen us because the church needs to be encouraged during these last day more so than ever before. Jesus said in this world there will be tribulation but be of good cheer, He has overcome the world. Persecution and suffering is inevitable as a Christian. Revelation speaks of our coming Savior and the defeat of our enemies. We can be encouraged in Jesus’ return and our victory even in death as martyrs. In Acts 1:8, we are commanded to be witnesses and to allow the power of God in us to exhibit the power and ability to change us into a living testimony of who we are in God. God exhibits His divine power, glory and righteousness through our righteous and holy living. By conducting our lives in ways pleasing to God, we give God the glory and bear witness of our love, devotion and faith in Jesus Christ as Lord.
2. Jesus is the “faithful witness” and encourages us because He had a divine purpose. He fulfilled it with perfect obedience and absolute faith in what God called Him to do. Jesus is our model example of how to live a holy, righteous and powerful live in this world. He gave us His Spirit to help us in our weaknesses. If we are led by His Spirit, we can overcome persecution, suffering and sin. Jesus came to give us Truth and Grace to do it. The truth has made us free and God’s grace is sufficient. God as given us all that pertains to life and godliness. Grace gives us that ability to be a witness and to live righteous lives without any condemnation.
3. We are afraid to be clear witnesses in this culture because of fear, rejection and persecution or since many of us are “Christians under construction” so to speak and sin occasionally, we may feel that we are not good witnesses. We don’t want to expose ourselves to criticism and/or judgment by others when we “miss the mark.”