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Everything posted by Jeannie

  1. Before Christ was in my life I would attend church and think that was great and I was better than anyone else in my family because they didn't even go to church, so I was a bad person. WHAT A LIE!!! When I said yes to Christ and the Word was opened up to me I saw there was a lot more out there that I was lacking and I can see now that I still carry a plank in my own eye. I have become I full fledge member of a church, I get into the Word everyday and I've met some very special and God fearing friends. I can not go a day without any of this as this is my daily food. I do not look at my family members as less than I, I pray for them daily to hear that know that I heard 7 years ago. I also ask God for strength and discernment when I am around them so I can be able to shine His light.
  2. Before I became a Christian I had no idea what scripture had to say about the life I was living. Since surrendering to the Lord He has opened the words to me and this is what I believe is giving the Spiritual birth by the word of truth. I also have to mention that I would riddle myself with guilt while reading the word from my past experiences and I could relate with the person who mentioned about pulling an eye out. I know that this ugly stuff has to do with Satan. Praise God that He never lets go.
  3. As far as double-mindedness goes, I'll have to say I find myself guilty at times. While I'm going through a trail by first reaction is panic and then I get a reminder in my heart from the Holy Spirit that I have a strength far beyond my understanding to help me through all things.
  4. I promise in verse 5 is that if we ask for wisdom with FAITH and believe that it will be giving to us. Verse 6 mention that if you ask and don't believe, but doubt, you are doubleminded and your prayer is like the surf of the sea and blowing in the wind. As long as I am in this fleshly body I will see trails each day, but I know that the Lord will get me through no matter how small or large the situation. I also know that I have times that the trails seems really hard and it's really hard for me to go before God because of the doubt and worry I am going through. At those times I just pray "God I know your there, but I am very confused and need you just to hold on" Hi Pastor Ralph: Thank you, you are so right when you said that when we look back on our trails we can see the wonders of God.
  5. Trails bring us closer to God when our faith is strong. Sometimes satan tries to put other ideas into your head, like God doesn't really care, but getting on my knees and turning them over to God helps me to fight the doublemindedness. Praise God Always.
  6. People I believe blame God because they can not accept the fact that we are sinners while we are in our fleshly bodies. Temptation does come upon us, but we have a choice to either go with it or listen to God through His Spirit in us to give us strength to pull through our temptations and trials.
  7. Back in late 1997, just before Thanksgiving, my father was diagnosed with lung cancer. I never really talked to God in prayer, but for some reason something drove me to my knees and I cried and asked God to please help my father, to either cure him or not let him suffer long. My father passed away on April 1, 1998. Ever since that time, even though it was sad to lose my earthy father, I found a Heavenly Father in exchange. I never knew the love I could have or feel since my Lord called and I answered. Ever since that day my desire for a closer walk with Christ and the Father has grown stronger and stronger. I been through I lot of trails in my life, between sexual abuse as a young child, physical and emotional abuse and I could not handle the reprocussion of any of it. I was going down the wrong path in my lifestyle. But, everything has changed since I dropped on my knees back in 1997. Praise God
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