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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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  1. Q4. (Romans 5:9-10) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present? Reconciliation means that we are right with God. We are no longer seperated by our sin. Reconciliation is nessary because without it we stay seperated from God by our sin. Then we would be unfit to enter into heaven. After we are saved and have accepted his gift of salvation he sends his Holy Spirit to live in our hearts to be our guide and we can draw on his strength and power as we need it to avoid temptation. If we make mistakes he has the power to forgive those as well. He also mediates for us with the Father when we don't know what to pray or what to say he steps in and says if for us. He loves us unconditionaly. He will keep us in his care for all of eternity.
  2. Q3. (Romans 5:6, 8) Why is it so important to embrace the truth that "Christ died for the ungodly" (5:6), that "Christ died for sinners" (5:8)? According to 5:8, did Christ die for us at our best or at our worst? How does this give us assurance against the devil's lies about us being too bad to forgive? God died for us at our worst. It gives us assurance because since he freely gave is life for our salvation before we even accepted his gift. Once we accept his gift Jesus will forgive our sins no matter how bad we think they are, they are no match for God.
  3. Q2. (Romans 5:2-5) According to this passage why should we rejoice in our sufferings and tribulations? One by one, what is the importance to our lives of perseverance, tried character, and hope? We should rejoyce in our suffering and tribulations because it developes endurance and endurance developes strength of character which brings more confidance in our salvation. It teaches us to lean on God and not try to do everything in our own strength. God gives us the strength and guidance of the Holy Ghost which helps us overcome temptation and sin.
  4. Q2. (Romans 5:2-5) According to this passage why should we rejoice in our sufferings and tribulations? One by one, what is the importance to our lives of perseverance, tried character, and hope? We should rejoyce in our suffering and tribulations because it developes endurance and endurance developes strength of character which brings more confidance in our salvation. It teaches us to lean on God and not try to do everything in our own strength. God gives us the strength and guidance of the Holy Ghost which helps us overcome temptation and sin.
  5. For Abraham he trusted God and Obeyed there for by his trust in the Lord he was justified. God forgave his sins because Abraham had faith in God. For us because we accepted Jesus as our savior and we trust Jesus then by his blood we have been justified. The difference between faith and being justified in my mind is. Faith is a trust and a belief in Jesus even though we have not seen Him or tuched Him in a physical since. Justifed is because of our faith in Jesus our sins are forgiven and we are right with God. We are sinless in His eyes.
  6. For Abraham he trusted God and Obeyed there for by his trust in the Lord he was justified. God forgave his sins because Abraham had faith in God. For us because we accepted Jesus as our savior and we trust Jesus then by his blood we have been justified. The difference between faith and being justified in my mind is. Faith is a trust and a belief in Jesus even though we have not seen Him or tuched Him in a physical since. Justifed is because of our faith in Jesus our sins are forgiven and we are right with God. We are sinless in His eyes.
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