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Everything posted by Pegi

  1. When He said He was the resurrection and the life, He also said those who believe in me, even though they die like everyone else, will live again. They are given eternal life and believing in me and they will never perish. He will pay the main Role.
  2. When we accept Christ and follow Him and sin no more. Yes, we must deny our sin and be baptized. We died and were buried with Christ.
  3. Ephesians 5:27 - In what sense is the Church "glorious" or "resplendent"? Is Paul talking about the present or when Christ comes? How do you determine this? That he might present her to Himself a glouious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. In these verses, Paul briefly outlines what Jesus has done for the Church. First of all, He loved the church so much, that He was willing to suffer and die for it. His actions not only saved the church, they also sanctified it. In other words, Jesus wanted to develop the church into what it should be, th eholy temple of God.
  4. According to VS 3, who brings unity? Who is to maintain it? What is"bond of peace?", do you think? VS 3 - Is Christian unity to be a prime goal or secondary goal for us? The Holy Spirit brings unity. I am to maintain it. Bond of peace is the unity of the Spirit. Primary goal.
  5. What charateristics or attitudes are necessary for maintaining unity with other Christians according to verse 2?? Which of these do you think is most important? Which is most difficult? Lowliness and gentleness with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond or peace. The most important is bearing with one another in love. Most difficult, lowliness and gentleness with longsuffering.
  6. We should be open to anyone sharing in our congregation.God puts us together into His Holy Temple. I should be open to anyone who might come into my church or congregation. We must show in our outer appearance and actions that the Holy Spirit is evident.
  7. A legion in the Roman sarmy was about six thousand men. When one considers the power of one angel, as seen in the Old Testament, the power of more than 72,000 angels is beyond comprehension. Jesus had all of heaven's power at His disposal, yet He refused to use it. His Father's will was for Him to go to the Cross.
  8. The rod was like Moses land. Holding the rod of God, was a visible sign that Israel's victory was in God's hand. His name sticks out like a banner to others.
  9. If we praise the High and Lofty One we should not have a aproblem with conducting ourselves in a Christ like manner.
  10. They both believeed that He was the God Most High and that He was their Creator and the Creator of Heaven and earth.
  11. We have to be careful when we call Mary, blessed. Yes, she was the Mother of Jesus, however, calling her blessed, I believe, takes away from exalting Jesus, who is to be exalted. Mary was a vessel for Jesus. I believe when we put so much emphasis on Mary, that we can take our eyes off of Jesus, who alone is our Father and our Saviour.
  12. The Holy Spirit will come upon you: This is a direct declaration of Jesus divine conception. The association of the Spirit with power is frequest for Luke. The child's conception means He is uniquely set apart, the Holy One, a phrase which is here not so much a title as a description of Jesus' sinless nature.
  13. She would have a boy child, whose name was to be Jesus. He would be great and called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David. He will reign over the house of Jacob forever. His kingdom will never end.
  14. Mary was young and a virgin and said she had not known a man and could not believe it was so. Zechariah and his wife were both old and too were surprised, though they had lived a long life, both of them.
  15. To walk worthy of the calling with which you were called.
  16. I believe they say the same thing. I receive strength from both Christ and the Holy Spirit.
  17. We can approach Him with freedom and confidence.
  18. I would illustrate with a drowning person and how they are saved and rescued by others. Many times, people die trying to save or rescue someone. This is just like Jesus, he died to save us from our sins and continues to rescue us.
  19. As humans we want so much and cannot believe that grace can be so simple and all we have to do is to accept it. When one has grace, we are full of love and kindness. We are full of Jesus and He pardons us from all sin, so that we can be happy. With grace, we can adore Jesus.
  20. They are dead in the fact that they do not know the Christ as we do. They have nobody nor nothing to turn to in their bad times and in their grief. This does not mean though that we should turn our backs on them, we should live our lives as examples so that they would want to have what we have in Christ. We must try by total example to win them to Jesus Christ. If we get preachy with them, though there are times when we might lay a hint or two, we can lose them forever.
  21. Jesus upon His death, redeemed me from "slavery." The things I did that I no longer do, as a Christian If I had not been redeemed, no doubt I would not be the person I am today and where I am today. My future would have been as a lost person, without redemption. He truly redeemed me in 1984, when He redeemed from alcohol and prescription drugs. That to me was true redemption.
  22. Holy means to be free from sin and consecrated. Blameless means to be without a blemish.
  23. To be in Christ means to me that I must be totally committed to Him and do nothing to make Him upset with me and to live that others will see Christ in me.
  24. I really don't find anything scary about predestination. Comforting: To know that before I was even born that Christ had prepared the way for me to be adopted by Him. Paul brings it up so that we might be prepared.
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